The Undertaker Returns - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!!!

Yes, that was definitely a wig. Now, why does everyone care if he cut his hair or not. His hair doesn't give him mythical powers, it doesn't make him stronger like Samson. It's just hair and in fact, wouldn't the Undertaker look a lot more creepy with a shaved head instead of hair?
I'm glad that I wasn't the only one to notice it.

At first I thought that he must have just dyed it that day, but it was far too full to be his real hair. His hair probably hasn't been that thick in a decade. It was probably a weave off of his real hair.

Honestly, I was embarrassed for him. I always thought that he was lucky to have a gimmick where the older he got, the better his gimmick worked. I don't know why he doesn't just stop dyeing his hair and let it stay natural. Silver hair would look cool, as the dead man. He probably doesn't want people to realize how old he is, considering that he just married Michelle McCool. Lol.

Seriously, though, I wasn't sure if I had seen that right, or not. I'm glad other people noticed it. I maintain that short, gray hair would only make him look more bad ass.
It was definitely a wig. I was surprised big time by it.

I am wondering what he is going to do from here out ... not take the hat off? I was confused why they went with the wig, but they clearly think that he will look fine when it comes time for Mania.
People you gotta realize this guy is pushing 50 i think hes 47 right now!! Hell hes been in the business for what over 20 years im not surprised its a wig!! Hes the undertaker who cares if hes bald as a babys ass. I did notice it and being a fan couldnt care less what he looks like. Im looking forward to his WM match against whomever they decide on who. Yes he looks old as time and i think its a wig but again i dont care
I just don't understand why they felt the need to bring him back with a wig on. I mean he had come out before with shorter hair and no one made a big deal out of it. If he comes out and this wig falls off in a match or some shit like that then people are gonna laugh their asses off. The pic from last year when he had the completely shaved head was only taken what like 8-9 months ago at most, you can't grow hair that long that fast. I know because I am growing out my hair and haven't cut in about 4 months and my hair is no where half the length that Taker had on Monday night.
My question: Would nearly as many people have noticed or commented on the supposed wig had the bald pictures never surfaced? I think not...most wouldn't have glanced twice at his hair. I do agree with the Sam Elliot post; Taker with silvery hair and white eyes would be awesome.
My question: Would nearly as many people have noticed or commented on the supposed wig had the bald pictures never surfaced? I think not...most wouldn't have glanced twice at his hair. I do agree with the Sam Elliot post; Taker with silvery hair and white eyes would be awesome.

Yes even if I had not seen the photo's of bald Taker I would have still realized that he was wearing a wig last night. Thats how obvious it was that he was wearing a wig, it just looked bad.

I will echo the agreement that a silvery hair Taker would be pretty awesome.
OMG ! That was a wig and for the posters saying it wasn't a big deal. I was reader the live twitter feed and there were alot of people talking about it. I was in stitches laughing because I was thinking the same thing. It was so full and curly , like he took it off . I am watching the raw replay on Mun2 and it will be on in a few for another great chuckle.
I finally have something to share that is from the inside...My step sister was working back stage at the event, she is a hair and make up person, she was called in by the WWE for this event especially...

It is not a wig, it is hair extensions, his hair is about 3 inches long, she said he was the nicest guy in the world, and one big bad looking man...
If it is a wig then they can set up a storyline where he gets set on fire and it burns all his hair off. If this is his last WM as some suggest, then what does it matter.
Ummm I am pretty sure that that bald pic was proven to be fake/photoshopped months ago????

It didn't look like a wig to me. I have gone back and looked several times since reading this.
That was the first thing i noticed. I told my Grandma, it looked faked. She agreed. I think they made him wear it just so people would know who he was right away. Even after kanes return, people questioned if it was him. A bald Taker would look very different.
why dont they just use the american bad ass undertaker instaed of the deadman. the deadman is kinda boring now i like the bad ass 1
Guarantee 100% a wig. We both live in Austin and just recently he was bald. Nice guy though. See him at the grocery store buying dog food, frozen fruit bars, and stuff to make queso with.

I bet the bald will be worked into the match buildup as there is no other way for the E to book this. Otherwise it would be an incredibly foolish business decision. Too early to tell but I see it being worked into an angle with Taker doing absolutely anything to get that one last WM match with Trips to prove to himself that last year's win was no fluke and that the steak is legit. With HBK rumored as the special guest ref I see it as another, "If I can't beat you I have no career" type moment.
There called hair extensions people. Kelly Kelly wears them just about everymatch and now so does does taker. Im sure in the last nine months or so he has grown some of the hair back out. But the people who said the bald head was photoshopped. Someone should prolly photoshop your brain out of your head becasue yor are a moron. Everyone is dumber here who read that. I grant you no points and may god have mercy on your soul.
I would agree that It was hair extensions. Taker most likely has grown some of his hair back. Should b 3-4 inches by now. That would also explain why it looked like a wig. Best way to find out is to get him to take off his hat on the next raw. Please Vince...
Yeah I noticed that too. I got a feeling it's a wig because there is no way you can grow your hair to that length in a short amount of time, especially if it is bald (not that I'm implying that those photos of Taker with a bald head were legit). I know this because I'm practically speaking from experience since I have long hair, and I had a buzz cut before that. Anyways back to the topic, if Taker is indeed bald then I guess the wig was just used to get the ppl guessing I suppose. When it comes to Taker, expect a lot of surprises especially at this time of the year.
It's gonna sound strange but I've paid very close attention to Takers hair through the years. I've watched enough to know that he get's it dyed before every PPV. He has an awesome head of hair for a guy. A few years ago when he cut it (i.e the Sara years) I was disappointed and so were other fans. He regrew it when he decided to return as the Deadman. "The Deadman" has long hair and that's just it. I don't want him to be natural but the wig was just awful. I'd love to see how it works out. He can't wrestle in it.
Are you really looking down on us for not knowing what hair extensions are? Do we look like 16 year old girls to you?

Yes he probably does. But anyway yes i agree that a silver haired taker would be badass. I think its hair extensions tho. A wig would probably fall off and itd look alot stranger than it does now. LOL. I vote hair extensions.
Hair Extensions, Wig, w/e its not really a big issue, either way the hair looked like crap. Just for arguements sake though...heres why its obvious it wasn't his natural hair..

Dried long taker hair..

Taker no hat on long hair from top of head to shoulders..

Andddddd.....Taker returns with dried hair wig..

Notice in the final picture, the hairs natural curls, and frizz don't match up to any of the previous hair shown or hair you might be able to find him with on the net?

Come on people, while its not a big issue if its a wig or not, at least don't pretend its neither one or not there at all.
Watching Raw I thought the hair looked fake. The more I thought about it the more I thought about how they could incorporate undertaker with short hair into a story line revolving around how Triple H had destroyed him at WrestleMania and his powers are gone. They could have The Undertaker want another match with Triple H to hopefully bring his powers back. They could build The Undertaker looking weak with seemingly no chance to defeat Triple H. Triple H takes the match to put The Undertaker out of his misery. I doubt they would go in this direction, but I thought it was a good idea, although I don't think they need a storyline to sell this match.
I know someone said something about a storyline burning the hair off already but I was thinking that HHH will say no to Undertaker and after Cena/Kane ends at Elimination Chamber that Kane will then turn his focus on his brother, burning the hair (as fire has always been associated with Kane) leading to an inferno match at 'Mania, where taker wins, but Kane drags them both to hell at the end. Just my theory.
There are about a thousand different epoxies you can use to hold a wig to a bald head. Jesus folks, use your brains.

If this counts as spam, sorry, but that is all that needs to be said here.

You really think that a wig will stay on a bald head while wrestling? What are they going to do? Fucking staple it to his head?

I'm very excited about the build up to his Wrestlemania match. I think this time there will be a decent storyline and build up unlike last year, wether its against HHH or not. Hopefully the baldness will be incorporated into the storyline somehow.
Yes, that was definitely a wig. Now, why does everyone care if he cut his hair or not. His hair doesn't give him mythical powers, it doesn't make him stronger like Samson. It's just hair and in fact, wouldn't the Undertaker look a lot more creepy with a shaved head instead of hair?

Nope he wouldn't. Him gazing at you thru his hair with his cowboy hat on is a heck of a lot more scary than bald Taker. Plus when he whips his head back to do his cut throat sign it just feels right having long hair fly back as his eyes roll back. It is what everyone is used to. Can't mess with success! Name a time the Undertaker wrestled completely bald? I mean his short hair on his "Respect" heel run didn't look horrible BUT for the deadman gimmick he needs long hair. If he returns to the American Badass then awesome keep the hair short and have it the way he used to with the bandana BUT since he came back as the deadman highly unlikely he'd change gimmicks like that.

As far as the hair goes. Some dumb kids actually think it's real. Man if he could grow THAT much hair that fast there is no reason ANY man in America should be bald! He could grow us ALL Undertaker wigs and sell them!
this is random and I apologize but it does involve taker and its been bothering me trying to remember when this happened, but remember when he was the American Badass and this was before he cut his hair short, but what was that PPV where he wore like Leopard Leather pants, does anyone remember that? and know why he did that? I think he was celebrating his decade of destruction at that time.

BTW totally fake hair, be it wig or extensions, I think what added to the odd look of it was that he didnt really have his sideburns either

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