The Undertaker Returns - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!!!

[Heel] Green Ranger;3690236 said:
The mechanics of what went down on Raw were excellent. Triple H put his hand on Undertaker's shoulder as if to say "Sorry my friend...I just can't do this anymore", before walking out. You could tell Triple H wanted to accept the challenge - wanted to have another go at WrestleMania - but after just telling John Laurinaitis that he wouldn't let his personal issues get in the way of business, he just couldn't. It was almost sad, in a way... I also liked the segment because it continued the Laurinaitis angle until next week. There wasn't a conclusion, so we still don't know if he has his job or not. That pretty much assure that we'll see both Laurinaitis and Triple H on Raw next week, which is good for the story and will bring in a bit of ratings at the same time. On paper, this was a perfectly crafted way to end Raw...

For whatever reason, I just couldn't get into it as much as I wanted to. Maybe it was that I don't want to see Triple H or Undertaker again at WrestleMania, but I'm not sure that was really it. I think, in the end, it was because Triple H took too long in his delivery to Laurinaitis, and they stretched it out way longer than it needed to be. It wasn't bad, but I just didn't get that feeling of awe that somebody like Triple H would usually inspire in my upon his return. It may also be that the last time we saw him was only a month ago, in a really terrible feud with Kevin Nash that had almost no build, spread across random weeks over the course of 2 months.

Anybody else feel like the segment was lacking a particular shot of adrenaline that you would expect from something like this?

Mike I couldn't agree more. I really don't want to see this match and I hope it doesn't come through. I love Taker...LOVE EM, but I don't want to see Taker vs Triple H a third time.

The sad part of about last night was that...well, it was done last year. In almost the same manner. Triple H walked out and challenged Taker. This year Taker walks out and challenges Trips. Neither time a word was said (which is good).

As much as I hate to say it, I think Taker and Jericho would be good. Want to see Jericho/Punk, but this match-up would be better. Taker needs an oppenent that he hasn't faced that could be a threat. Yes, Triple H was that last year. He was better than he was when they first met at WM17.

Jericho could come out and say that he has done everything except 1 thing...face Taker. He knows he doesn't have much time left in the ring, so before he hangs up his boots...he wants a shot at the streak. He wants to prove that he really is the best at what he does, and he wants to show it by ending the streak.
I was laying in bed almost asleep from the boring JL/HHH segment, when I heard the bell toll. Its a repeat from last year, except the conclusion. I do see another match between them at WM 28, and I see it being Undertakers last match unless someone comes back (Lesnar) to do the one thing others couldn't- ending the streak. Also, did anyone else notice that the Undertakers hair looked kind of fake ?
if people remember correctly that triple h said a few months "taker when ur ready, i'll be waiting" so either one i think that triple was just saying ok buddy see ya there, or two they just totally forgot that tripe h had said that a few months ago or he changed his mind.
1/ I don't want to see another match between these two

2/ There is no doubt in mind though that it will happen after that segment

3/ It seems the WWE has for once rembered something from more than 2 months earlier in terms of continuity. eg. Last year Taker vs. HHH came out of nowhere since Taker was taken out by Barrett and the Nexus, and HHH was taken out by Sheamus.

4/ It also seems to me that these two ego maniacs don't beelive there is any one else on the roster worthy for them to fight at Mania...

5/ And of course they get a match even though they haven't really been involved in anything all year ( more than last year I'll give them in terms of HHH), much like the complaints surrounding the Rock.

6/ If Taker has short hair, then it would have been cool to see a closely shaved Taker...

7/ Barrett would have been a perfect guy to go against the streak. He's a big guy, with an intelligent/cunning gimmick, but is a power wrestler. He gets a huge amount of offence, loses, but looks good while doing it. He can challenge Taker saying the Barrett barrage wants Taker to be its next victim at WM.

8/ HHH could be part of the WWE title match some how in terms of special enforcer with Johnny Ace in some other capacity.
I was expecting 'Taker to have the year off and then come back guns a'blazing next WM - This year there are already 3(4 if Punk and Jericho doesn't focus on a title) "main events" with the two title matches, Cena v Rock and now Jericho v Punk.
I had expected them to give him the year off from WM this year in lieu of being able to really give him a send off next year.
Perhaps this is an indication that this is not going to be his last WM? Maybe he still has a few left in him working the schedule he is at the moment?
I think that another HHH match, cementing his role as admin and not a wrestler would be fine, and also entertaining to watch, but I don't think it would be a good enough send off for Undertaker were it to be his last match.
They'll play this out over the next several weeks. HHH can't accept the challenge from the Taker because he comes across as a hyprocrite if he does, and the 'board' doesn't want the guy in charge of RAW taking sides against anyone.

Taker will keep chipping away until HHH finally accepts, and this will be the match... likely Taker's last ever and very possibly HHH's last meaningful match ever.

Unfortunately not the way the streak should end, win or lose... but they also haven't really built anyone who can convincingly end the streak either... so HHH is as good as anyone for the last match.

Hopefully if that's the case, he doesn't win. I've said before that any wrestler should go out on their back, but if ending the streak isn't going to build a new star, then it's better to end it 20-0.

The most unfortunate thing here... is it looks like Johnny Ace isn't going anywhere now, although I guess that's fine for the moment... as long as they actually end his angle by revealing who he's been texting and resolving the entire conspiracy thing they started around him back in the fall.
Not that I want this to happen, but this is what I am seeing,

Everyone remember Shawn calling taker out at the Grammys, being declined,then stating he would put his career on the line,

Well from what we all saw last night, and glimpsing over other posts to make sure I am not the only one thinking it, Triple H just declined Taker last night of that rematch, which I believe Taker is dying to find out if he can go toe to toe with hunter one more time. Taker tells Hunter that he will put his streak and his career on the line, making triple h accept the offer, and set up a match between the two in which is probably going to be Takers last match. I believe that Taker will state he has done it all, and whether he wins or loses he wants this to be his last mania, so he can keep the streak at 20-0 and retire.
Just my try from left field here guys, what is here now is HHH must show us what is more important his ego or his future. He chooses to face Taker he will lose his job if he declines he angers Taker but keeps his job. This scenerio sucks as a whole because you have two superstars on the verge of retirement so how do you make a match people will buy and tune into?

What if HHH keeps saying "No" or just ignores Taker and he has nobody to face at mania? The streak doesn't end now and Taker doesn't get another "notch in his gun" (last yr theme reference) Yeah it most likely wouldn't happen but like said above this is a stacked card as it is. This will give take time to be 100% and blow the cobwebs off for next year and you can build a younger guy up over a year span to give him the momentum needed to challenge Take and appear to be a threat.
I thought it was a great return to cap off what will probably be one of the best episodes of any wrestling television show in 2012. I liked how they didn't try to do an exact copy of their confrontation last year. It's a different twist for The Undertaker to be the one challenging someone to a match as he's usually the one that's being hunted, as it were. Triple H patting Taker on the shoulder and leaving did strike me as a refusal of the challenge and it'll be interesting to see how Taker manages to convince Trips to take him on again.

The fact that it's Taker making the challenge, which could potentially put him in something of a heelish role for this program, already has people wondering if this will be the year that The Streak ends. Just that slight change of formula is enough to get that particular buzz floating about. I have little doubt that it'll be Taker vs. Triple H at this year's WrestleMania and I've no problem seeing them go at it again. Had it not been for Cena vs. Punk at MITB, I've little doubt that Taker vs. Tirple H at WM would have been match of the year.

I just hope Trips doesn't win this match. If the WWE is ever going to end The Streak then, in my view, it should happen to a young star to whom the victory will ultimately mean a MASSIVE deal. Trips is a legend that's been involved in some of the most memorable feuds, moments and matches in WWE history who just happens to have won 13 World Championships along the way. His legacy is already assured and, in my view, The Streak shouldn't be one of them.
I loved it quite frankly and almost a reversal of last year's confrontation. This time it was Undertaker making the Challenge to Triple H. I agree that this will play out over the next few weeks with Taker doing everything he can to get Hunter to agree but keeps getting turned down. Then finally HHH says ok Deadman you want me one more time at Wrestlemania,You GOT IT.
ugh...not this again. We already seen this 3 f'n times already. Give it a rest. I don't see whats so hard about waiting a year and then having Cena/Taker at WM29. It would be the perfect send off for Taker and his streak would be in danger facing a guy like Cena.
I see triple H giving into his ego and facing the undertaker at mania. But in an even bigger story line, I see triple H. losing the Raw GM job to his wife Stephanie. She will come back, team with jericho to make C.M. Punks life a living hell. This Undertaker return to take the game out of the GM picture could be part of ,the End of the world as we know it, plan by Jericho and stephanie. I still think Steph will be the SHE jericho is referring to in his return videos. I think this will lead to a battle over Raw. as Jericho has always said, Raw is Jericho, so the world of raw is going to change by Steph taking over, having Jericho the top guy and beating down on Punks rise to the top. The Game will eventually come back in the picture and help out Punk, ending in a match at Summer slam perhaps. CM Punk with the Game in his corner vs. Jericho with Steph in his corner. The raw GM job could be on the line. I think this would be a pretty decent story line. I could see WWE doing something along these lines.
I honestly hope to see big twists, turns and swerves in this tale, not sure what, but unrealistically i would like HHH to say to Taker he cant get involved in personal fueds, he just wants to get raw on the straight, he would say he would love to go at it again but its at a time in his career were he wants to do whats best for the company and that is to become raw GM,also stating but theres always next year, this would be said in a heart-felt, veteran to veteran kind of way. Taker would simlpy lower his hat to him in respect and proceed to leave the ring, then just before he goes out the ropes we hear kanes laugh repeatedly, with Taker with slight fear in his eyes, then his music hits and he comes to the top of the ramp to say, as the most dominant brother of destruction i am ready to end your streak, third time lucky, and send you to the firey depths of hell(lol), then undertaker would look at HHH, HHH would look at the Mania sign and look at him as if to say "get that son of a bitch and make it 20-0", Taker would look at the Mania sign then turn to Kane with the most evil look hes done and run his thumb along his throat(as he does) then Kane would laugh again and walk away, then Takers music would hit while he looks at the Mania sign. HHH would make soe appearance at WM, guest ref or something just. Then at Mania 29 they will make Taker vs. HHH 3 in a epic style so WM27 isnt as fresh on our minds. THIS IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN unfortunatly, but i would love it too. Anyone agree? or has anyone got any detailed storylines of there own they would like Takers Mania to be?:) ... sometimes WWE CREATIVE makes me :banghead:
ahh.... why oh why? if this is about HHH's clouding his judgement shit, i would rather have stay as GM of RAW than having him face Undertaker for TWO FUCKING YEARS IN A ROW. And thats saying something coz i don't like HHH at all. J.L as GM of RAW would be better, but not this time due to the situation currently happening. PLEASE CREATIVE DON'T MAKE THIS A WM MATCH. Have it somewhere else.
My guess is that Laurinitus will keep his job until Wrestlemania, maybe a little after.

Then maybe a month or two after WM 28 Triple H will take over
It's takers last mania he probably wants to retire with hhh....I don't see the problem with this everyone keeps saying Barrett or ziggler or someone young but look at all the people that leave like Brock lesnar we don't know if these young guys will even be around still do you really wand takers last match to be against someone that may never be a main eventer or even relevant the way I see it is hhh is the only man currently wrestling that is worthy of facing taker in his last match not cena either undertaker was dominating and at his best before cena even showed up so him retiring him doesn't make since to me....get over it taker is retiring with hhh sit back stop complaining and enjoy the last time u will see one of the greatest of all time
I dont see what everyones beef is with another Taker/HHH match! They had a very good match last year! Was it HBK/Taker good? UM NO! Could anything be that good? UM NO! Taker/HHH is a draw and that is what the wwe is going for! That leaves Jericho for Punk (match of the year for sure) Still got the biggest match in history in Rock/Cena! This year is shaping up to be one of the best Manias ever! So stop bitching and enjoy! Make a sandwich during the match if you dont wanna see it!
The holes in WWE logic are almost too much to handle sometimes. Why exactly is Taker coming back to chase Triple H? I believe he was the winner last year. Makes no sense for Taker to be the one trying to convince Trips to fight, should be the other way around.
Well if Johnny Ace didnt get the boot this past monday then my guess is he will keep his job till after WM!! IMO a great move on the E's part Johnny Ace is so annoying but good at what he does obviously siding with the heels!! I like Johnny Ace he has really grown on me as of late!! I didnt want trips to fire him but totally didnt expect the gong to go off. I think some sort of angle is coming in which total creative control will be up for grabs ala when stone cold took on the Mcmahons!! Only in this instance its for the whole pie!! This is going to get interesting and get really good
I dont see what everyones beef is with another Taker/HHH match! They had a very good match last year! Was it HBK/Taker good? UM NO! Could anything be that good? UM NO! Taker/HHH is a draw and that is what the wwe is going for! That leaves Jericho for Punk (match of the year for sure) Still got the biggest match in history in Rock/Cena! This year is shaping up to be one of the best Manias ever! So stop bitching and enjoy! Make a sandwich during the match if you dont wanna see it!

Because it's not even that big of a feud to happen three times at Wrestlemania to begin with?

So in WWE's mind, Taker vs HHH feud is as big and every inch as good as Stone Cold vs The Rock it deserves to be done three times at Wrestlemania....oh dear, I wonder what kind of credibility The Streak gain by defeating someone who slept his way to the top three times at Wrestlemania? Is that like winning the Royal Rumble thrice? Is that like defeating Austin & Rock at the same night?

Mankind vs Taker never even made it to WM despite their massive history with each other. I cannot even recall 5 legendary moments Taker & HHH had together and it's going to have its third spot at Wrestlemania....tsk, tsk, tsk.

Going 20-0 by defeating 17 men and only 17 men, 5 of those are unworthy. Very credible indeed.
See i dont believe this wil be his last mania with him only doing a maina only match contract.
to me he still has some good in him plus there are a few attitude era wrestles that he still can fight to give them there last mania event.
this year i would like to have seen y2j. but kane or even foley at mania would be nice. maybe next year get y2j or even stone cold. then one year cena. and the final match for taker to me would be vince. finally kill the wrestler character of vince.
to me he still has a list
4-stone cold
then he will pass 25 wins at mania
it looks like we as fans of wwe are not getting what we want again.

Please, we join me in taking a stand before it is too late. it worked with zach ryder, it should work again here.

So many of us are against it, i implore you to take a stand and sign my petition against HHH to not wrestler undertaker at mania:
while it is painfully clear that taker/hhh will happen (especially now that jericho attacked punk) - weve only had one confrontation by taker. IMAGINE THIS (which is still a possibility)...

next week taker comes out when kane is speaking and does the same thing. Kane responds the way HHH did.

the following week, to randy orton (anotehr past WM opponent), the same story.
then the big show
then mark henry
then kevin nash

leaving taker opponent-less because no one will face him, when all of a sudden (preferably) jericho comes out for a challenge... or something else entirely happens (i still think multiple young up and comers vs taker is awesome)
haha thatd actually be kinda funny like one post said where taker would actually just start interrupting all his former opponents challenging them to end his streak cause maybe they could play it as this streak that we all love is actually like a curse for taker and theres just something in him that keeps pushing him to win and fight on that one night, but its the one thing thats actually killing the deadman, but they probably wont do that. woohooo bring on H vs T 3
Hey guys, bare with me because this is my first post/thread in a long time, I haven't posted here in about 2 years, partly because of my distaste for the wrestling product the past few years, but now I've recently gotten back into it a bit.

Anyway, onto the point of the thread: Look, we all saw the picture of the Undertaker in which he has shaved his head. For a while I thought it was a fake, just because I could not believe that he would shave his head, or that Vince would allow it, but, then again, it is 'Taker and he can do what he wants.

But after seeing him appear on Raw again for the first time in about a year, it was quite clear that he was wearing a wig under his hat. I mean, that hair looked VERY fake, and I know a few people on here agree with that and also pointed that out... now, assuming that he has shaven his head and that is a wig, here is what I have to assume:

There's no way that he can wrestle like this.

Now, that's not to say that I don't believe that he'll ever wrestle again. Of course he will. But not like he is now, with that wig.

Just think of the logistics of it- how could he wrestle with it on? It's obvious that he can't. Furthermore, think back to the segment last night- he was bathed in purple light almost the entire time in an attempt to help cover it up. Thus, I think something will have to change with his character due to all of this, and maybe HHH's reaction to him (the pat on the back move of pity or dismissal, or whatever you think that was) may be a clue as to what will come in the future for 'Taker. Here are a few possibilities off the top of my head:

-They could have his character change in some way to feature a new hairstyle (maybe even the American Badass, but I doubt it).

-They could put him in mask with prosthetic hair, a la Kane, for some storyline purpose.

-Maybe they even try to work through it, but I just don't see how.

What do you think? I think this whole possibility of him having different hair may have a strong indication on the future of his character and how he will be used (if at all). What do you guys think? Or do you think I'm reading too much into this, and maybe that was his real hair?

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