The Undertaker Returns - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!!!

Oh and PLEASE can we stop with the wig comments.

You want a reason why he returned with the wig then I have one answer. STORYLINE!

Has no-one seriously considered HHH will attack Taker and "shave his hair off" in order to humiliate him?
Triple H patting him on the shoulder, to me, said "Sorry, you're not going to Wrestlemania". I think Taker will be off the card this year. WWE is way too invested in Rock/Cena and they can't risk having a flop of a main event like Orton/HHH a few years back after Taker/HBK drained the place. I think Jericho and other things are being brought back to pacify the WWE Universe and Taker's 20-0 try will be put off until next year.

Just a guess...we'll see.
Stop the bitching. I for one am happy to see a rematch. For sure the best option going forward when you take into account who is fueding with who right now. Ive beens aying for a few years now the streak needs to end. Its been way overplayed. And if anyone is going to do it its gonna be HHH. I will be in Miami for the event and personally am stoked for this match! :lmao:
I just really want to know how he is gonna keep that wig on his head while he is wrestling? Wear the hat during the whole match because it was so obvious that the wig was sewn into the hat. Is he gonna pull a hogan and wear a bandana the whole match to keep the wig in place?
I just really want to know how he is gonna keep that wig on his head while he is wrestling? Wear the hat during the whole match because it was so obvious that the wig was sewn into the hat. Is he gonna pull a hogan and wear a bandana the whole match to keep the wig in place?

who knows... Maybe he'll do a split persona. The Dead Man / American Bad Ass... without the motorcycle of course.

I'm sure they'll figure something out that will work... OR they could make him "look old" by having the wig fall off during something and then play the angle that he's old/weak and beatable... *shrugs*
They are going with the "I know i can beat you and i dont want to break your streak and end your career" storyline here, Hunter will reveal that he does not want to beat Taker who almost lost at last WM, they roll footage, and Hunter tells us how Taker has gotten older while Hunter is even better, Taker is enraged and voila, feud begins!

He looked very off to me, that wig was not working well, he looked like some guy dressed up as him rather than the real deal

This is kinda what I was leaning towards, I dont believe Undertaker looked sick at all, it has been over a year since we have seen him on WWE T.V, obviously he is going to look different if it has been since last April that we have seen him, we see the same guys week in and out that is why he looks so out of place. (As a viewer that has not seen him in awhile)

Anyways what I got out of that little segment at the end was kind of interesting after I slept on it. Over the years since the streak started to become one of Wrestlemania's biggest attractions it has always been someone challenging the Undertaker to a match for the streak, this year it seems completely opposite, I believe the pat on the shoulder was a sign of respect and like the above poster mentioned " I know I can beat you after last year and I have to much respect for you now after still beating me to end your streak, move on it's done" kind of thing.

There will be no swerve here with Taker ending up facing Kane, that would not of happened last night if it was a swerve. That's what everyone said when HBK Taker 2 was in the works everyone thought it would be a swerve for HHH and HBK. Not happening.

It is kind of sad when last nights raw was almost as good as the Rumble itself the night before, last night left me wanting more for next week then the crap from Sunday night.
Last night on RAW, The Undertaker came back just in ime to interrupt Triple H from wishing John L. his best (?? Future Endeveours ??).

Here is what I thought.

Triple H said that he will be waiting for The Undertaker to come back and challenge him for the Streak one more time. But the fact that he is the C.O.O. complicates things a little bit.

I believe that Johny L. will use this to his advantage.
He will give Triple H an ultimatum: To stay as C.O.O. and retake control of RAW or resign as C.O.O. so that John L. puts him in a match against the Undertaker at Wrestlemania.

Also, I see Undertaker taking this to the limit in order to force Triple H to resign and face him at Wrestlemania.

This scenario was played again by the WWE ten years ago when Ric Flair was forced to give his 50% of the company ownership back to Mr. McMahon in order to fight The Undertaker at Wrestlemania.

With this angle the WWE can make John L. not to loose his job and add a emotional state in the Triple H-Undertaker match.

What are your thoughts on this possible scenario?
I think that Triple H will face Taker at WM and then after that, he'll take over GM of Raw. After the match, he won't have to face anybody for his own "personal interest"

I was really hoping that they wouldn't face each other again though. I wish Jericho would face Taker, considering this will be HHH vs Taker's 3rd match at WM, and also their 2nd in a row.
Hey everyone this is the first thread I am making so bare with me here.

Last night we saw The Undertaker return and a lot of people were excited. And a lot weren't because his timing obviously meant another Taker/HHH match at WM. Which the majority i believe doesn't even want to see happen again, ESP if this is going to be takers last WM match.

The question i have is this, last night Taker came out and obviously challenged HHH to the match but it seems like HHH denied it with shaking his head, patting him on his shoulder and walking away. Maybe he denied it because of what he literally JUST said to Johnny Ace about letting your personal problems conflict your judgement so maybe he is denying the match so it doesnt get in the way of "business"

do you think this match just got denied and we will see someone fresh face Taker or are they going to build to another fued for HHH?
I still think it is going to be Taker vs HHH after last night. But what I think will happen is Taker will be the Heel aligned with Johnny, maybe he brought taker back just to keep his job by distracting HHH. How long has it been since a heel Taker was around?
I would like to see an angle where Laurinitis gets fired over the next couple of weeks (preferably on the RAW right before Elimination Chamber). Then at the Elimination Chamber PPV, he runs in from the crowd, interferes, costing CM Punk the title and helping Jericho win. Then in the time leading up to WM, have Laurinitis periodically appear as a "fan" of Jericho or in Jericho's corner but not in his GM role or anything. Jericho and Punk will fight at WM and on the first RAW after WM, have Jericho reveal that Stephanie McMahon brought him back to WWE to destroy CM Punk. Stephanie will then come out and re-instate John Laurinitis (revealing that she is the one he has been texting).

This would continue the Jericho-Punk Feud, Keep Johnny L relevant and create a Stephanie vs. Triple H type of angle.
Loved seeing the Undertaker return last night and I think it made perfect sense having him come out and interupt HHH right after him saying he has no personal intrests clouding his judgement to run RAW.

This is how I think it is going to play out, Over the next few weeks Undertaker is going to use this time to get into HHH head and really get under his skin until he snaps and says enough is enough, Taker if you want me you got me. Then like 2 weeks later he will come out and say that HBK is going to come in and be the special guest ref for the match, which will make the odds of the streak staying intact after WM 28 almost impossible. Then the big night comes and we are going to see a great match and HHH is going to have the deadman down and out, then out of nowhere sweet chin music on HHH, and HBK rolls over taker onto HHH for the 1 2 3.

The following night on RAW HHH will come out and call out HBK on his actions and wants to know why he did what he did. Shawn will then come out and explain that he did it was because if he wasn't going to end the streak then no-one will...
I don't know it seemed to me like he was tapping Taker on the shoulder as if to say no... I am probably wrong but I hope I'm not - their match last year was pretty forgettable for me and a repeat of it would hold even less interest
Keep Johnny L relevant and create a Stephanie vs. Triple H type of angle.

When John Laurinaitis was first elevated to Interim Raw GM, I thought it was a strictly temporary move; a way to thrust Triple H to the side for awhile. They needed another authority figure to assume the role, so they made it easy on themselves by picking someone who worked for the company already, eliminating the need to hire someone from outside on a temporary basis. If this is the case, I believe John L. has worked out better than anyone thought he would, giving the company other options they didn't know they had.

I was thinking that Triple H and Undertaker could have their match, with Laurinaitis overseeing the terms, stipulating that if Trips wins, he gets his GM title back and dumps Laurinaitis.....and further calling for 'Taker to retire if he loses, which is what I figured his goal was, anyway. The only problem with that is I can't see Undertaker losing at Wrestlemania under any circumstances.

If that's so, I think Trips loses the match and Laurinaitis stays right where he is, Undertaker does whatever he does......and the next rivalry is between John Laurinaitis and Stephanie McMahon, who steps in for her deposed husband to establish a whole new program for the company.

Whoever thought John Laurinaitis would become such an effective on-air presence? They might have originally intended his role to be of short duration, but I think that's changed. Just watching him parade around the backstage area, glad-handing people he ignored before, has made him more entertaining than I thought he was capable of being.
Na I think they were just teasing another match at WM but HHH denied. I think taker will face a young, fresh face, and just maybe he'll lose. Whoever it is, they'll be able to use that win throughout their whole career. Taker can be 19-1 and his legacy wouldnt be affected at all. Maybe thats the whole point of the streak in the first place....
I don't know it seemed to me like he was tapping Taker on the shoulder as if to say no... I am probably wrong but I hope I'm not - their match last year was pretty forgettable for me and a repeat of it would hold even less interest

I agree - I don't want to see HHH/Taker Part 3. Even if HHH's career is at stake. I just can't see a great alternative to HHH as Takers opponent.
I think what it comes down to is the personal feelings that Trips was talking about. All he wanted was another go at Taker, but now that he's said that he's put his personal feelings aside (and that's why he's better than JL for the job) he has to say no to the match. That will be the build that we see for the next two months with JL being the antagonist in more than one fued. Hunter will keep saying no for a few months to build the suspense (and give Taker time to grow some real hair). I'm personally pretty excited.

Either way I'd be absolutely shocked if we don't get Taker/Trips III at Wrestlemania, and I am definitely not complaining. The last 2 were some of my favorite matches ever.
1) Taker can't go heel in his last match.

2) We DO NOT need another Taker-Preperation H match. LORD PLEASE NO!!!!!!

What would be very cool, is every Raw & Smackdown going forward, have Taker come out the way he did and "challenge" (metophorically) different people the way he did last night, only to have them walk away saying no. Then the week before WM on Raw, have someone who needs a nice big rub like THE MIZ; who accepts.

Miz puts on a great match, Taker keeps the streak, Miz shakes his hand, Miz becomes a face. Taker retires knowing he gave a rub to a guy who is respected and deserved it.

How about that?
I think Taker has to lose the streak. He doesnt need it. Taker could retire tomorrow and still have that legacy in tact. Some young guy needs to be responsible for that L. Im sure its safe to assume that this is Taker's last mania, So why win it when he could put someone over huge? I would be disappointed if Taker faces HHH, Kane, Or another old dude because none of them would benefit from ending the streak. Just for example, Imagine if the Miz ended the streak. He could ride with that for the next 10 years. Not that I think He's the right guy, but its gotta be a young dude who could end the streak and ride with it for at least 10 years. I haven't seen this Ryback dude but hey they could put him over huge if He gets it. I don't know who the best opponent is but I think the best scenario is a young guy ending the streak. Taker will still be the legend that he already is.... Imagine the heat for a heel who prevented taker from going 20-0 and sent him home. Noone would see it coming.
I HATE to say it, but it appears to be HHH vs. Taker III. This sucks, especially if this is Taker's LAST WM match. I would want him to face a younger guy (such as Ziggler, Rhodes, Miz, etc.) or a vet he hasn't yet faced at WM (such as Y2J or Cena) instead, provided this is his last Mania.
This could go two ways:

One: They don't have HHH vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania. HHH saying no was a real answer as he feels it would get in the way of business and, more importantly, he can't beat the Undertaker. This could be a cool way to set up the match at mania against another opponent, have Taker challenge numerous possible opponents and get turned down each time with each person saying theres no way of winning and that Undertakers Wrestlemania matches are always high risk. The one who finally steps up will come off as braver than all the others.

Two(The way it will happen): Undertaker will keep challenging him and CM Punk will keep calling HHH a coward until he agrees to the match and we get HHH vs Undertaker 2 (really 3).

Also I would like to say how disappointed i am that Taker didn't come out to his Johnny Cash theme. I like it better than his classic funeral hym theme.
I wouldnt mind seeing the miz face him. He kkeps saying hell main event WM and this would definitely get him there. I dont see why ppl want to see the streak end tho. I think it should stay intact it would still help the miz because the deadman found him worthy enough to be his WM opponent.
Theirs no one else for Taker to face this year Randy Orton will some how be involved in the World title picture, Sheamus is taken up now, Barrett hasnt got enough momentum to face taker for his 20th streak match, so the only other big name to face him is Triple H,

WWE could reach out to a pass Star but then that would over shadow the MAin Event of Rock/Cena but I think WWE will make it a Gimmick match it will either be Street Fight rules with Shawn Michaels as the Ref, a Hell in The Cell match with HBK as Ref, or the most likelyhood match which will make more sence is a Last Man Standing Match because Taker had to be carried out the ring last year so WWE will use it as the main build up for the match.
1) Taker can't go heel in his last match.

2) We DO NOT need another Taker-Preperation H match. LORD PLEASE NO!!!!!!

What would be very cool, is every Raw & Smackdown going forward, have Taker come out the way he did and "challenge" (metophorically) different people the way he did last night, only to have them walk away saying no. Then the week before WM on Raw, have someone who needs a nice big rub like THE MIZ; who accepts.

Miz puts on a great match, Taker keeps the streak, Miz shakes his hand, Miz becomes a face. Taker retires knowing he gave a rub to a guy who is respected and deserved it.

How about that?

I like this a lot. It should appease everybody involved. The Undertaker gets his undefeated send off, The Miz going face seems like a good idea to me, and I think the fans go apeshit for all of it.

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