The Undertaker Returns - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!!!

i for one am happy to see undertaker back i just hope and pray he DOES NOT face triple h for a 3rd time! dont get me wrong i enjoyed their match last year hell it was probably the best match on the card but im sick of it i would LOVE to see wade barrett vs undertaker i was hoping sheamus would face him but clearly that wont happen and to the person who thinks hes sick....i highley doubt it why would they have him on tv if that was the case? :shrug:
Taker vs. HHH II does not really excite me but between this or another match with Kane, I guess I would go for Taker vs. HHH. But it has to be different, I would say a Last Man Standing Match or a 3 Stages of Hell type bout could be a great final match for the Undertaker. Esp a Last Man Standing since it can be used as a stipulation because even if HHH lost at WM27 he was the Last Man Standing.
I'm hoping it's not HHH vs Taker at WM, but you never know the WWE always finds away to get HHH on the WM card.
WWE has been surprising people alot lately and i love it... Think about it couple of people on here had taker returning after EC time myself included!! No way did anyone predict tonight he return!! Taker coming down the ring and Trips looking at him WTF are you doing here?? Even more surprising is having trips tap taker on his shoulder as to say thanks but no thanks!! When was the last time someone turned down an undertaker challenge? I am loving all of this and the ending of this weeks raw had that WTH moment and WWE hasnt had that in awhile. Now what for undertaker Kane Barrett or no one?? What if that less than 1 percent no one challenges taker or they all say no thanks!! I think it will be Wade Barrett that takes on Taker
If you didn't like HHH/Taker II last year, you don't like pro-wrestling. The buildup to the match was good, the match itself was a candidate for match of the year and the cliff-hanger conclusion on RAW afterwards was great. It SET UP a Taker/HHH III. Remember HHH said on raw if Taker ever comes back he'll be there waiting.

Granted, I'd rather see Taker/Kane or Taker/Mankind (if Mankind could get in shape for one last brutal match), but this should be a good slobberknocker.
Alright, that return caught me off guard. I never thought that The Undertaker will show up tonight. It was great and chilling as ever. It only makes sense that he returns for Triple H after what happened on their match last wrestlemania. I seriously believe that they are planning to do a Undertaker vs. Triple H for the third time.

So do I want to see it? I have to say NO. But if I were to choose between Kane and Triple H, I'll go for Triple H. Kane-Undertaker has been used over and over again and I don't think it is a good idea to explore that storyline again. I can live with Triple H-Undertaker but if there are other choices like Brock Lesnar I would much prefer it.
This has a lot of parallels to the Ric Flair / Undertaker WrestleMania match. Ten years ago, Flair returned as the acting part-owner of the WWF and refused 'Taker's challenge, citing his responsibility as the "owner" of the company.

'Taker was a heel back then. I don't see him taking on the same heel role this time, so it will be interesting to see how he coerces Triple H into wrestling him at the big event this year.

Regardless, I really enjoyed how the WWE played this one off tonight. After drawing out John Laurinaitis's flaw of letting his personal decisions cloud his judgment ... and then claiming that his personal issues were all settled, out comes the Undertaker to remind everyone that Triple H does in fact have unfinished business in the ring. Now we get to see Triple H "struggle" with his role as the man in charge against his natural instinct to fight.

To all those bashing last year's 'Mania match between 'Taker and Triple H, I agree to an extent. It obviously wasn't 'Taker's best WrestleMania match, and I certainly didn't believe it to be one of the best matches of the year (much less, the best) --- but, the match was far from The Undertaker's worst match at WrestleMania. Matches against Jake Roberts, Jimmy Snuka, Giant Gonzalez King Kong Bundy, The Bossman and Mark Henry come to mind - and course, who can forget his handicap match with Big Show and A-Train.
I'm excited for Taker to be back, hopefully if he's going to have a 3rd match with someone it will be Kane in a Wig vs Wig match.

THANK YOU!!! so I wasn't the only one who thought that Takers "hair" seemed a little... not quite natural, if you will. at least Kane's "hair" looks like his real hair did.

As for Taker/Triple H "II" (or Taker/Triple H III for those of us with a memory that goes back farther than 5 or 6 years) I think that having a third match in any series it should be a situation where each man has a win over the other and they are having a rubber match to decide who the better man is. I personally loved their first two Mania matches (and I still feel to this day that WM X-Seven is one of the top two Mania's of all time) but I really don't want to see it again, and don't really see the point. What is the point? If Triple H wins, which I doubt, then he just beat an old man who needs a full year to rest between matches, plus the Undertaker has already beat him twice at Mania so he still isn't "even", and if Taker wins than so what? he beat someone who he has already beaten not just once before, but TWICE!!! I'm sure that they will probably do something like put one, or both, of their careers on the line, but even that won't make me care all that much.
I can live with Triple H-Undertaker but if there are other choices like Brock Lesnar I would much prefer it.

Brock Lesnar is NOT an option. From a story line point of view, it works. People would love to see it. From a financial point of view, it's an awful idea.

Almost every person that has commented on the subject of Lesnar agrees that Lesnar will more than likely come back for a limited run down the line. The run might be something along the lines of what The Rock is doing currently.

If that's the case - and you have ONE chance to really use Lesnar - why would you do that this year? The Rock's return is the big draw this year. The Rock will maximize the buy rate for the event. Brock Lesnar's involvement won't add many more - if any - extra buys. Booking him at WrestleMania this year would be a serious waste to the money-making potential of a Lesnar return.
If they really want to throw a wrench, why not do 2 out of 3. Taker vs HHH first, Taker vs Kane second and, if needed, Taker vs whoever beat him third. If people want to get pissy and claim that there is nothing "new" do this.
haha glad I wasn't the only one who thought something weird was goin on with his hair, maybe it was a wig and theyre gonna make it part of the feud where like hhh destorys him and trys to deface him and cuts his "hair" off too ? haha I dunno, but anywho from how HHH reacted with the pat on the shoulder it kinda seems like he isnt up to the challenge anymore and they may play up some angle with him not wanting to do it, and kinda just being in denial about it all, and maybe he can sign or bring in some new opponent for taker?
Undertaker's hair was just swept to the side.

How can you people not notice the difference between his hair always being combed back, but now it's combed to the side (as well as it regularly falling back)?
Undertaker's hair was just swept to the side.

How can you people not notice the difference between his hair always being combed back, but now it's combed to the side (as well as it regularly falling back)?

Um. Trust me, it had nothing to do with how his hair was combed. People thought it was a wig because his hair appeared to have a weird texture to it. It wasn't wet but it was shining. It had - almost - a plastic quality to it.

I'd bet money that it was a wig.
Wow, the flat out ignorance in this post is just amusing. The Taker/HHH match from last years WM was not only match of the night. It was a serious contender for match of the year. So let me ask you, how can so many of us be wrong and you be the only one that's right? For you to say it sucked means you know nothing of wrestling and/or storytelling.

As far as Taker is concerned I marked out like a little bitch when I heard that gong. In no way, shape, or form did I expect him to show up tonight. Of course, I thought it was very odd that the overrun was as long as it was, but I thought they were going to announce a new "shocking" GM. Anyways, super pumped that he's finally back, and now onto a feud that should be just as good as last year.

Actually, I as well didn't enjoy that match at WM27 and for second match in a row at WM? :zzzz: and :banghead:. Its also just a big :2up: from HHH if his massive ego decides that he wants the shot at WM. Let's see something fresh from creative.

Now back to his return. Am I the only one who wanted him to return as Big Evil/Biker gimmick? Please let your feelings be known!!!
Actually, I as well didn't enjoy that match at WM27 and for second match in a row at WM? :zzzz: and :banghead:. Its also just a big :2up: from HHH if his massive ego decides that he wants the shot at WM. Let's see something fresh from creative.

Now back to his return. Am I the only one who wanted him to return as Big Evil/Biker gimmick? Please let your feelings be known!!!

That's fine. You are entitled to your opinion and if you didn't like the match then that's fine. But to say it's one of the worst Taker has had is not an opinion it is a fallacy. Too many people liked that match from last year to make what DJ Kyo said about the match a fact. Especially the way he presented his case about it.
Would it really be worth wasting such a big match at a WrestleMania like this? By this I mean there is already a big match that is going to sell the house anyways in John Cena and The Rock. Having Taker go for his 20th win with a match like Cena and Rock headling Mania is taking away how amazing the moment is.

WWE should just wait till WM30 and have Taker face Jericho/Cena. It's not only refreshing but gives a big match at WM30 instead of having 2 matches on the same card. Takers 20th win will draw megaly and thats why it should wait until next year. Jericho being one of the companies best and also one of the best of all time could is the perfect choice for Taker. Jericho can be a massive heel whenever he wants to be, and his ego is a perfect reason to take on Taker and try and stop his streak. Could be an all time classic.

Having Taker take on Cena for his 20th win would make just as much sense. People have been wanting this since Cena became a main event player and is the companies face. You wouldn't even need to turn Cena heel here. Cena taking on the most challenging thing to ever hit the WWE is just enough reason to have Cena take him on. I don't really need to go to anymore detail.

So WWE, please save Takers match until next year!
Undertaker's hair was just swept to the side.

How can you people not notice the difference between his hair always being combed back, but now it's combed to the side (as well as it regularly falling back)?

im just going to say flat out his hair is fake. No doubt in my mind. He had shaved his head what 8 months ago? At the latest. If you think his hair is real then I feel very very sorry for you

As for the total utter douche that is saying Taker vs HHH 2 was slow, boring and had no chemistry...Go watch TNA. Clearly you are just trying to trash the WWE product. Taker vs HHH 2 was GREAT for 2 guys at the end of their careers. Get over it.

Taker vs. Triple H was last year's 2nd best match. The best match was Cena vs. CM Punk at Money in the Bank. Though I am biased given that I live near Chicago and heard that the crowd one of the hottest of all time (yeah, I know I should have gone, but had to settle watching at a bar that STILL felt like I was there)

WWE has done a remarkable job of actually making a lot of people think that the streak could be broken, and they could probably actually recapture that by having Triple H face Taker for the 3rd time. The alluding to Triple H being the one who should 'put him down', the suspicion that Triple H refuses to 'job,' (though he HAS lost some high profile matches at Wrestlemania), and finally the one crazier idea I've heard that would have Shawn Michaels guest ref which would create all kinds of suspicion in one direction or another.

HOWEVER, Y2J, Cena, CM Punk, Mankind, The Rock, Lesnar, and fill in your favorite 'superstar' in the blank creates all kinds of scenarios that would a) be fresh and b) avoid the silliness of having taker wrestle the same opponent THREE times at WM which Kane or Triple H would produce

This whole thing reminds me of WM 25 which could have been Triple H v. Edge and Cena v. Orton which would have been way better than watching the lousy build up to Orton/HHH, and an overall lacking card (not including Taker/HBK, which was simply fabulous)

I also hope Taker isn't sick, but it is kinda weird that he's down to working about four days a year

Sidenote: I'd like to propose that the phrase 'marking out' or any of its variations be retired....yes, we know it makes some of you feel like you're in with the in crowd or whatever you want to call it, but it's just seriously getting old.
I honestly think that this Wrestlemania will be takers last match because think about it why would taker wait till wrestlemania 30? taker made a challenge to Triple H and was denied but its been said that taker will retire after a wrestlemania match and number 20 will be the one. the problem is who will face him?
If not Triple H, then who? They're clearly setting up Y2J/Punk. Cena has Rock. Orton will be thrown into MITB or a match for the WHC. There isn't another legitimate threat to him. I mean someone we would watch and honestly believe could beat Taker. I don't care how "bad" the match was last year, that was the closest he's come to losing. Of course they're going to make the match again.
I almost feel like this entire thread should be deleted, simply because of how stupid the first poster is. HHH vs. Taker last year was "bad"? What freakin world do you live in??? It was easily...EASILY the best match of the night, not even close. With Rhodes vs. Rey, and Punk vs. Orton being a distant second, and third.

However that being said, I have no interest whatsoever in a rematch at wrestlemania this year. It has nothing to do with either guy, their wrestling, or their matches. I just simply dont wanna see the same damn match again. Especially knowing Triple H will not win. I was SO HAPPY to see that Triple H may not wanna face him this year. However I would still like to see H at mania in a match. I have no idea who could face taker other than Kane....which again....still doesnt do much for me, seeing as how many times those two have faced off as well. Although it wouldnt be as bad as HHH, and it would be a fitting last oponent for Taker, They need something special...something that puts a little doubt in your mind.

To be honest I wish they didnt shove Cena/rock together so fast. Id rather see Cena/taker, triple h/rock, jericho/cm punk/daniel bryan
Personally I was hoping to see HHH vs. Laurinaitis, Jericho vs. Punk for WM 28 so I guess the only other logical choice for WM 28 would be Kane vs. Undertaker. I'm not too sure where they're going with this yet. I jumped out of my seat when UT appeared and I remember the aftermath on Raw last year. I suppose HHH may be able to hire Lesnar in his place but I don't know how his condition will hold up in a wrestling ring.

As for UT looking sick, I don't think so. He has lost close to 40 pounds since debuting in the WWF/E and he's pushing 50. He's still in good shape for his age save for his in ring injuries and I expect an epic battle to finish off his career (or so I presume to be the end of his career).
Undertaker vs Triple H

Sick & Tired...!!! Thats my feeling...

This is gonna be the 3rd time these two are going to fight...and I've no interest in watching triple h lose again...

Undertaker record is awesome...but by repeating his opponents again and again makes his streak less meaningful...Every year they should find new opponents for him...thats the fun...

I would rather watch undertaker vs Road dogg or undertaker vs ricardo rodriguez rather than triple h...
Taker doesn't have many more WM matches left. I really dont want to see him vs Triple H for the third time.
i was wondering if the inclusion of shawn michaels in the match, maybe as ref, would be an option? the possibility of taker/hhh alone seems to be having mixed reactions, so would hbk's involvement be a positive or negative?

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