The Undertaker Returns - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!!!

If it ended up being Taker vs Miz, All my money would be on Miz. He wins dirty, And EVERYONE will hate him. People love to hate the Miz. He would be the heel to now like HHH was in the Attitude era. It would never stop. "I ended the streak! I put the almighty Undertaker in the retirement home!" All of this is 5 years of a relevant miz as one of the top heels.
After seeing their little face-off last night... which was a repeat of their ENTIRE match build-up last year (staring at each other, grunting, hand gestures, and looking at the WrestleMania sign) I have to say, I feel completely meh about this match.

It doesn't peak my interest in the slightest, and to be honest, I think Undertaker just saved Laurinitas' job... which is not cool with me.

Plus, was it just me, or did The Undertaker look really scrawny? I'm pretty convinced his hair was fake too...
Agreed with the hair statement, most definitely looked like extensions. I believe I saw a picture not too long ago of Taker with short hair. Will be interesting to see how they deal with this when he gets back into the ring.
This could go two ways:

One: They don't have HHH vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania. HHH saying no was a real answer as he feels it would get in the way of business and, more importantly, he can't beat the Undertaker. This could be a cool way to set up the match at mania against another opponent, have Taker challenge numerous possible opponents and get turned down each time with each person saying theres no way of winning and that Undertakers Wrestlemania matches are always high risk. The one who finally steps up will come off as braver than all the others.

Two(The way it will happen): Undertaker will keep challenging him and CM Punk will keep calling HHH a coward until he agrees to the match and we get HHH vs Undertaker 2 (really 3).

Exact same thing i was going to say.
The only thing I don't like is in scenario one, the amount of people undertaker can approach is very limited. its okay for almost any heel to be a coward but can you see a rising heel like miz or barret saying "no, I'm too afraid" or "no, since I know I wont win it"? any face being a coward like that would instantly kill their stock as well. the only people he could ask are completely unimportant people, which would make him look dumb and no one would care when they said no.

which is why I see scenario two as the likely way they'll go
But what I think will happen is Taker will be the Heel aligned with Johnny, maybe he brought taker back just to keep his job by distracting HHH.

What!? John Laurinitis won't be involved in anyway in this feud. From what i can gather I can assume this will be Taker trying to get a match with Triple who will rely on what he said about not letting his personal and GM agenda collide. I also don't understand why Undertaker needs to be heel here, he can beat the snot out of an innocent kitten and still get a face reaction.

Anyway, I think that most of this inevitable Wrestlemania feud will revolve around like I said HHH staying true to his word on not letting his personal feelings intertwine with his GM position. Undertaker will demand a rematch after he was kafaybe injured last year and will get his match.

On the bright side I can't wait to see this match. Much like the HBK/Taker series before it I doubt the successor will be as good as the previous match at WM27 (WM17 was the original). However considering how good I found the last match to be I am genuinely excited to see this again, whether Taker retires after this is obviously a mystery but Triple H would be a fitting last rival to fall to the streak.

I am interested to see where this feud goes next, the great ending to Raw last night is accountable for that.
I don't think this will be his last match I think he will retire at WM30 because his retirement would be overshadowed by Rock and Cena this year. I think HHH wil face taker this year saddly but what can you do. next year I think it will be Cena vs Undertaker because it has never happend and that is a huge main event almost as big as Rock vs Cena this year.
Triple H vs Taker 3 seems like it will happen. It should be a good match but I will loathe it if Triple H beats Taker.

I do think it could be Undertaker's last match, what is there to do after 20-0? Nothing.

I was hoping it'd be Undertaker vs Y2J at Mania. I wanted Jericho to win the Royal Rumble. Then instead of using the win to challenge a world champion, he could rant about how he's done it all except for one thing - end the streak. So he'd challenge The Undertaker.
I must say, I didn't see it coming. I was so wrapped up in the somewhat cringey segment that the gong completely caught me off guard.

As chilling as ever Mr Calaway.
I HATE to say it, but it appears to be HHH vs. Taker III. This sucks, especially if this is Taker's LAST WM match. I would want him to face a younger guy (such as Ziggler, Rhodes, Miz, etc.) or a vet he hasn't yet faced at WM (such as Y2J or Cena) instead, provided this is his last Mania.

Dude, if it's Taker last match he get to choose who he wants to face, just like Flair choose HBK and HBK choose Taker. They don't have to put over a younger name, of course it could help the WWE and the new face, but this isn't about putting someone over, it's about a man having his last match and wanting to have the very best he think he can with the guy he believe he can achieve it.

I don't know why people don't want a third match as the match last year was praised by most. I really hope they will do a third match between them.
I thought their match last year was fairly silly and also lacked sense as Triple H showed mercy too much for a guy who told Shawn that he would do what Shawn couldn't because he's ruthless.

At any rate the match will happen, most likely in a HIAC even though it's been made much less important these days, so they may go with a casket match.

Triple H seemed to pat Taker on the arm with a sad look as if to say "Your Mania match is all you have these days", but I doubt anything overly significant will come from that, it will simply be Taker stalking H for the next 5 weeks until he agrees.
what does NOT make sense to me about this storyline and match is....

TAKER has beat him twice at wrestlemania already.


why would taker return just for ANOTHER match with triple h??!!

he has already shown the world that he beat him TWICE already at wrestlemania (despite the fact that WWE won't acknowledge their first match).

it DON'T make logical sense for taker to beg for ANOTHER match with the guy, which is where i see this storyline going. i mean, what else does taker have to prove to triple h?

if anything, triple h should be the one begging for this match. not taker. i know, this creates conflict in the storyline with triple h claiming to put all his 'personal issues aside', which is good, but still, taker beat the guy twice already at mania. nothing more to prove.

i, for one, am TIRED of this feud already. triple h and taker have been done NUMEROUS times and i am through seeing this.

they had a great match last year. match of the year. taker beat him. yes, taker was destroyed by triple h, he needed help out of the ring. but still, taker beat him.

i do NOT want to see this match again. it should be over. no more taker / triple h.

it was great to see taker back and it does look like we are going down that road again. but damn, another taker / triple h match??!!!! UGGGHHHHH
The mechanics of what went down on Raw were excellent. Triple H put his hand on Undertaker's shoulder as if to say "Sorry my friend...I just can't do this anymore", before walking out. You could tell Triple H wanted to accept the challenge - wanted to have another go at WrestleMania - but after just telling John Laurinaitis that he wouldn't let his personal issues get in the way of business, he just couldn't. It was almost sad, in a way... I also liked the segment because it continued the Laurinaitis angle until next week. There wasn't a conclusion, so we still don't know if he has his job or not. That pretty much assure that we'll see both Laurinaitis and Triple H on Raw next week, which is good for the story and will bring in a bit of ratings at the same time. On paper, this was a perfectly crafted way to end Raw...

For whatever reason, I just couldn't get into it as much as I wanted to. Maybe it was that I don't want to see Triple H or Undertaker again at WrestleMania, but I'm not sure that was really it. I think, in the end, it was because Triple H took too long in his delivery to Laurinaitis, and they stretched it out way longer than it needed to be. It wasn't bad, but I just didn't get that feeling of awe that somebody like Triple H would usually inspire in my upon his return. It may also be that the last time we saw him was only a month ago, in a really terrible feud with Kevin Nash that had almost no build, spread across random weeks over the course of 2 months.

Anybody else feel like the segment was lacking a particular shot of adrenaline that you would expect from something like this?
@ the OP clearly you never watched undertaker vs giant gonzalis..... undertaker and triple hhh had a good match last year and sure they could have another one this year. i myself would love to see kane vs undertaker part 3 at WM 28, but that most likely won't happen. Sure jericho vs undertaker would have been good, but its most likely not going to happen. sadly we will have to sit through undertaker vs triple hhh part 3 but you know it will be a great match and i expect to see shawn michaels ref that match. so it could be another great match just gotta wait and see. i just hope that sheamus and barret get matches with undertaker before WM 28, but thats just me.
i think it will be a great match.Undertaker hasnt been wrestling in a year but i´m sure that if you know to wrestle you arent going to forget it in a year.And he has time to wrestle a few matches before Wrestlemania to get in shape.And Triple H the same,he is a great wrestler and i have no doubt that they are going to give there best.
What if it is someone that no one is expecting to face the Undertaker? Someone who has never faced him at wrestlemania and still has at least 1 good match left? I'm talking about Stone Cold!!!
This would get a great buy rate to see Austin and Rock back in action at the same payper view. The hardcore fans would love it, the newer guys will love it, and the people with nostalgia will love it.
Is it me or did Taker look like he had tears in his eyes? And then after Triple H walked away, Taker looked back up at the Mania sign with tears in his eyes then as well.

It just seemed a bit odd to me, but maybe i'm just pulling something from nothing.

I'm hoping Triple H is here to run RAW, and someone new is going to face The Deadman.
I have no interest in seeing Undertaker vs Triple H part 2.Someone else needs to take on The Undertaker at Wrestlemania.There are many people in the WWE would could use the exposure besides Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
IMO, Undertaker probably really wanted the match with Triple H which is why I think he was left staring up at the sign.

The Triple H/Undertaker match WILL happen. It's almost a foregone conclusion that it'll happen. It's a matter of how far Undertaker is going to push Triple H until he has no choice but to accept.

I agree with some people that said HHH's position of Power is sort of a reason why he didn't accept because he just got through telling Johnny Ace that personal feelings shouldn't cloud their judgment. That also explain the pat on the back he gave Taker like "Sorry Old Man, not this year"

This new character is different for The Game. Now that HHH is in a place of power, he can't let his Superstar personality and C.O.O. position clash and he's trying to stay out of the ring as much as he can. I mean look how many insults it took from CM Punk to get HHH in the ring at Night of Champions, look at what Kevin Nash had to do until HHH got back in the ring again. It's to the point where if HHH doesn't want to, have to, or need to, he won't do it.

He HAD to face Punk to make him pay for all those insults, he HAD to face Nash for putting him in the Hospital. He doesn't HAVE to face Undertaker, that is....unless he gives him a reason to.
Triple H may not want to take on the match since he is in a position of power again as Raw GM. I think Undertaker will continue to come out and may even mock him for not getting the job done at WM last year. Triple H will probably eventually resign from his GM job to fight Undertaker one last time at WM 28. I just think this time around it will probably be Taker or Triple H's last match. Something has to be on the line here. I'm not thrilled about Taker vs. Triple H III, but there really isn't anyone else Triple H or Undertaker could feud with at Mania.
Personally I don't want to see a Taker-HHH 3 but I can understand the logic behind it, Triple H was the first man to beat Undertaker up so badly that he needed to be stretchered out of the arena for the first time at 'Mania (Yes I know at WW IX he was stretchered back but he WALKED back out to get revenge on Giant Gonzales) Undertaker will will want his revenge not only to become 20-0 but to beat Triple H so bad that H will need to be stretchered out of the arena
It's almost inevitable that Taker and Triple H will square off at wrestlemania, but if someone should end the streak, or get really close to pull it off should be Dolph Ziggler, it makes a little sence now that he would be out of the title picture, at least for the time being, think about this, at this moment he's telling people that he likes to be a show off, this could be a big step for him, if he does get to beat Taker, this would be monumental for his career, everyone is saying that there's not a top heel, this would be the begining of one, or like some of you pointed out, if it's The Undertaker's last match then it's likely that he chose Triple H, if that's the case then i guess is Taker/Triple H 3..........
do you think this match just got denied and we will see someone fresh face Taker or are they going to build to another fued for HHH?

Oh ok, I’ll need to explain this storyline for you grasshopper.

This is the classic the chase & the catch storyline.

We've got roughly 8 weeks before now and WrestleMania, now Undertaker returning obviously holds some merit and some kind of storyline leading up to HHH accepting the bout because if they only wanted Undertaker to wrestle at Mania they would have held off on his return until after Elimination Chamber.

IF WWE had no plans for the Undertaker/HHH III bout they'd have simply skipped on the Undertakers challenge. WWE did a similar storyline at WM18 with Undertaker going after Ric Flair for weeks and weeks he taunted Flair, going after his family & friends before Flair finally accepted with maybe 2 weeks to go before the big show, look at the bigger picture. An example would be why would Taker do segments and promos with HHH if he's going to face Zack Ryder?
Answer is he wouldn't, it's all part of the storyline to keep it fresh and long lasting.
this was a perfectly executed storyline they just made last night. it was a work of art. triple hhh was gonna fire that good for nothing rat johnny ace, then bam out comes the deadman. they have a stare down which ends with triple hhh walking away to add a twist, but do you honestly believe that triple hhh will actually deny the challenge that the deadman has put out there? if so you must be a nut job. expect to see HBK get involved at some point in the near future, triple hhh will cut a promo next week on the undertaker, johnny ace will get fired, hopefully mic foley/jim duggan get hired on as the raw gm, and undertaker vs triple hhh at WM part 3 will happen, just you watch. and it will be a great match (even though i to would love to see someone fresh take on the deadman).
I was very happy to see Taker return, the guy is such a prescense that you can't not be excited. But then ofcourse there's the fact that he came out to call out HHH, which I was not too excited about. Im really hoping that the pat on the shoulder and the walking away means it won't be H that he faces, but I have a feelin that's just an attempt to swerve the fans, he's probably going to have a great match with Trips but I was really getting excited for Jericho vs Taker and now instead we get Taker vs Triple H for the third time, H is a great opponent and a respectable one but I feel like doin three of them takes away from the streak. Either way I'm glad that we now know he's back for Mania, certainly better than nothing.
Undertaker's return was an excellent moment. I knew he would be back sometime around now, but I had totally forgotten about him during that segment. It was a complete change of tone from what had been happening, as Triple H had just been humiliating Johnny Ace, but that was all cut out the second Undertaker's music hit. It was the cherry on top of an already great episode of Raw, I thought. I've seen the return multiple times now and I can't understate the effectiveness of the timing. "I wish you well in ALL your -- GONG." Most people were so focused on what they were seeing that Undertaker's music garnered a legitimate reaction -- it wasn't an overhyped deal, either.

The end of the segment, with Undertaker left looking at the sign, as Triple H walks away after patting him on the shoulder was absolutely wonderful. It was emotional, it was thought-provoking -- what was Triple H thinking? Was it pity? Self-doubt? So many scenarios to work with, it sets up for a great angle heading into WrestleMania. Triple H and Undertaker have good chemistry and a good backstory after last year, this will be a good way to send 'Taker off, if they choose to. Triple H pushed him to the limit last year, he broke 'Taker -- does 'Taker have it in him to win?

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