The Undertaker Returns - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!!!

im thinking someone(his opponent) is just gonna kick his ass in a backstage segment on a RAW and like maybe shave his head and rip his clothes up and just wreck him up as a way to deface taker and show their dominance
Maybe he has been growing his hair for past few months & is wearing the wig until his Wrestlemania match which will give him more time to grow his hair longer.
Maybe he has been growing his hair for past few months & is wearing the wig until his Wrestlemania match which will give him more time to grow his hair longer.

I guess this could be a possibility... I'm just not convinced though that he has had enough time to regrow his hair any more than a pretty close cut, which isn't exactly Deadman-esque.

I mean, if you remember when he was just re-entering his Deadman gimmick, he had medium-length hair and, honestly, it looked kind of silly and out of place. A bit awkward, actually. Once he fully re-grew his hair back to Deadman-length his appearance looked a lot better. And, let's be honest, the Deadman's appearance is a large part of his character.

To address another poster's idea about him getting beat up and shaved bald...... I highly doubt that they would do that to the Undertaker's character. I mean, when I think about it, it actually would be kind of intriguing, and definitely something very different. No one would really expect that to happen. And if someone were to do it, I could see it being a sadistic HHH, maybe returning to a heel persona (at least for a potential Mania match). I just don't think he'd get his head shaved as part of the story though... its a bit below him to be honest.
Or maybe, the WWE will run a storyline where The Undertaker gets so upset that he can't get Triple H to fight him at Wrestlemania, that he's going to pull a Britney Spears and shave all his hair off. Or it could just be possible like the first time he cut his hair short that they just mention that Undertaker decided to cut it. Shocking idea really. He doesn't need the long hair to play the Undertaker, and they don't need to explain why his hair is gone either.
WWE doesn't have the balls to do something that good.
No, I mean they have just been consistently a highly rated show for 20 years, what idiots. I mean, they definately wouldn't shave....the Undertaker's.....head? How is that some sort of amazing edgy idea?

Also, the pics I've seen he isn't "bald" but shorter hair. Not ridiculously short and they were from like August. So that's basically 8 months to grow a few inches.

On top of that, but MAN are you guys behind the time. Ever hear of hair extensions? Kelly Kelly wears them all the time. You weave them in (and you don't really need much hair) and BAM, full head of long hair. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what Kane had. This isn't a big deal. He doesn't need to wear a wig, he doesn't need to have some angle where someone shaves him bald (again, why even do that? That's just weird and it totally changes one of the most recognizeable characters ever, coke isn't going to change their spelling to "Koke" and start using green and yellow colors). It's a pretty horrible idea from both a marketing perspective to have someone shave him and from a storytelling perspective. That sort of cheap pop/shock pop type of storytelling is best reserved for guys who can't get a story over. Taker vs anyone at mania is a story. Don't need to damage a 'brand' for the sake of a cheap/shock pop.

Shit man.

Edit: I'm not going to take credit for the hair extensions thing, I didn't know about his "baldness" and didn't think anything was different, my girlfriend who I watch every episode with IMMEDIATELY said "wow he has hair extensions". she also points out that kelly Kelly and natalya wear them a lot and that Kelly Kelly's bra probably cost 500 dollars to make it look like she even has tits. So I guess the lesson of the day is to diversify our board more so a woman's eye can pick up on the aesthetics us manly folk might not see (Miz's awful spray tan).
There are about a thousand different epoxies you can use to hold a wig to a bald head. Jesus folks, use your brains.

If this counts as spam, sorry, but that is all that needs to be said here.
Undertaker wearing hair extensions during a match though? If Kelly Kelly's extensions fell out during a match, no one would care (if anyone was even watching the match any way). But Undertaker? Can you imagine if HHH had a hand full of hair, tugged, and out came half of his head of hair during Wrestlemania??? I just don't see it dude. I don't think they would risk that happening, nor do I think 'Taker would want it either.

And as for the question of whether or not Taker needs long hair or not... I mean, sure, I guess he doesn't need it... but you can't say that its not part of the mystique or his character. He's head that demonic, jet-black, long head of hair since his Deadman debut. I'd argue that it's one of his key attributes. If he didn't think so, then he wouldn't have regrown his hair out after the American Badass gimmick.

And by the way, in that original picture, he was practically bald. Shorter than a "short" hairstyle.
I think it'd be funny if they didn't have the hair extensions (what it likely is, not a wig) and he comes out with short hair and someone asks about it and he says "well I've been off for a year, I'm the fuckin undertaker, if I walk around in public with long hair people go 'ZOMG THAT'S THE UNDERTAKER' and I have to stop everything I'm doing and sign 5,000 autographs. So, I cut my hair and wore a hat and glasses most places and for the most part, enjoyed my well-deserved time off".

Play the Game, believe it or not, HHH and Undertaker (supposedly) work very light. Like Bret Hart said, if you just straight up kick a guy in the face, there's no art to that, making it LOOK like it hurt really bad, that's art. If Taker has extensions, I really REALLY doubt HHH, who can hook both your arms behind your back and plop down on your head without rearranging your face, would be so clumsy as to pull his hair extensions out. Not only that but it's an easy sell "ZOMG HE PULLED HIS HAIR OUT, I BET THAT HURT".

You guys are pretty ridiculous.
I'm sorry I really am, but the truth won't set you free here.


I have done a fair bit of PhotoShopping, other than general wallpapers, signatures, etc, I've done a fair bit of morphing. Usually, without changing the lighting filters, it can be pretty obvious (unless most colours are solids).

Sometimes tells me that, because the photographer went to so much effort to edit the picture, it's fake. Why would they bother cropping a border and flowing several colours over it? Look at the HUGE contrast in the back of his neck to the neck, chin and frontal face regions.

Also notice how that back of the next is almost exactly the same as the colour of his shirt on the back of his sleeve.

Taker usually wears his hair in a ponytail in public - I've never seem him not, so it would be extremely easy to have the neck tattoo in there as well as having the, for some reason, out of place and grainy wall corner.
I think it'd be funny if they didn't have the hair extensions (what it likely is, not a wig) and he comes out with short hair and someone asks about it and he says "well I've been off for a year, I'm the fuckin undertaker, if I walk around in public with long hair people go 'ZOMG THAT'S THE UNDERTAKER' and I have to stop everything I'm doing and sign 5,000 autographs. So, I cut my hair and wore a hat and glasses most places and for the most part, enjoyed my well-deserved time off".

Play the Game, believe it or not, HHH and Undertaker (supposedly) work very light. Like Bret Hart said, if you just straight up kick a guy in the face, there's no art to that, making it LOOK like it hurt really bad, that's art. If Taker has extensions, I really REALLY doubt HHH, who can hook both your arms behind your back and plop down on your head without rearranging your face, would be so clumsy as to pull his hair extensions out. Not only that but it's an easy sell "ZOMG HE PULLED HIS HAIR OUT, I BET THAT HURT".

You guys are pretty ridiculous.

Look man, you may be right, but you're really missing the point of the thread, no need to bash.

The point of the thread was to speculate about IF his hair is fake, are they gonna have to make an angle around it, and then speculate about that angle. I understand that your opinion is that they're not gonna do anything with it, and that's fine. I'm not vehemently disagreeing. I'm just speculating on some other possibilities, because I think his hair may come into play in some way or another, and I listed in the first post some ways they could go with it.

I personally think it will be addressed or dealt with in some way or another... because they could have just had him come out with shorter hair his first night back... instead he had an awful-looking wig/hair extensions/whatever it was.
I mentioned Monday night that I think they will have Taker do his best to antagonize Hunter into the match. The wig should play into that. Just have it laying around random places Hunter will be. Like he goes into the office and its on his desk. He comes to the ring and it drops from the rafters. He wakes up one night and has the wig on his head.

That would get me to fight Taker anyway
I mentioned Monday night that I think they will have Taker do his best to antagonize Hunter into the match. The wig should play into that. Just have it laying around random places Hunter will be. Like he goes into the office and its on his desk. He comes to the ring and it drops from the rafters. He wakes up one night and has the wig on his head.

That would get me to fight Taker anyway

Mr Wiggo.

"Good God Almighty! As God is my witness, that wig is on a rampage!"
Undertaker's wig will grow a mind of its own and attack everybody, like Snake's did in The Simpsons "Hell Toupee" Treehouse of Horror episode.
IF Mark is bald, the wig was prbably worn to showcase the Undertaker character. He may have shaved his head and WWE didn't give him enough notice to start growing it back, so he has to wear a wig for now.

Taker is not going to be involved in anything psychical untile closer to Mania, so he has plenty of time to grow it out. Im sure its not THAT short.
Heres my theory, Undertaker over the next few weeks will start showing symptoms of illness and the audience and other WWE superstars will see it, hes growing old, hes loosing his hair, his stamina is depleting. This then starts the rumours (Kayfabe) that The Dead Man might actually be dying, this then brings out many superstars who want to be the one to finally defeat taker with his handicap, Taker then accepts the challenge to put his "life/streak" (both are now the same thing) on the line at WM28.

Feel free to agree or disagree with this, im curious as to what you guys think.
I mentioned Monday night that I think they will have Taker do his best to antagonize Hunter into the match. The wig should play into that. Just have it laying around random places Hunter will be. Like he goes into the office and its on his desk. He comes to the ring and it drops from the rafters. He wakes up one night and has the wig on his head.

That would get me to fight Taker anyway

I lol'ed so fucking hard.

Heres my theory, Undertaker over the next few weeks will start showing symptoms of illness and the audience and other WWE superstars will see it, hes growing old, hes loosing his hair, his stamina is depleting. This then starts the rumours (Kayfabe) that The Dead Man might actually be dying, this then brings out many superstars who want to be the one to finally defeat taker with his handicap, Taker then accepts the challenge to put his "life/streak" (both are now the same thing) on the line at WM28.

Feel free to agree or disagree with this, im curious as to what you guys think.

I think this is a great idea. I don't think they could let him loose in this case though, he deserves a better send off.

That being said, I honestly can't think of any wrestler that should break the streak. I know I don't want HHH to do it, he's had enough acclaims in his career. I could see Jericho beating him, just because he's put over so many wrestlers in his career that I think he's earned the biggest accolade in wrestling, but this won't happen.

None of the younger guys that could use the epic push this would give them seems worthy at the moment to be honest. Possibly Brodus Clay, but not with his current gimmick.
In all probability he'll be wearing a wig, he might have the least amount of hair enough to weave a wig through so it won't be torn off. But yeah you could tell Undertaker was wearing a wig, personally I'd rather Undertaker would have returned as maybe an outlaw biker, beard and shaved head. At least his character would of been more human and explain how he was left near beaten at WrestleMania 27.
I think there is a possibility that the WWE might use a bald Undertaker to shock fans. It would sell both how crippling and debilitating Triple H's beatdown was at WM27, as well as showing an ageing & vulnerable Undertaker. People need to believe that there is a chance Taker will be beaten at Wrestlemania.

I can really see Undertaker not taking his hat off until WM28. During his grand entrance as he takes of his hat, his hair could come with it revealing a bald, ageing Undertaker. That would be a huge shock & then cue the commentators talking about how weak he looks and that he is a shell of his former self.
Heres my theory, Undertaker over the next few weeks will start showing symptoms of illness and the audience and other WWE superstars will see it, hes growing old, hes loosing his hair, his stamina is depleting. This then starts the rumours (Kayfabe) that The Dead Man might actually be dying, this then brings out many superstars who want to be the one to finally defeat taker with his handicap, Taker then accepts the challenge to put his "life/streak" (both are now the same thing) on the line at WM28.

Feel free to agree or disagree with this, im curious as to what you guys think.

This is the perfect storyline! It could even allow him to wait a year for his 20th and probably last WrestleMania match at WM30! I still feel really strongly about Taker/WWE should save the match until next year so it doesn't take all the focus of Cena/Rock and then both world title matchs. I think Takers 20th match at WM29 would probably be the worst for everyone as it will make it a mega show, which some will say "Isn't that good?". No it isn't good, I think it is important to build up the best matches on each card. Cena and Rock is clearly going to headline WM29 so you can take focus and build away from that. Then the two world title matches are just as important. They need build and time for them to be actually cared about. Takers 20th match will take away the build from the WH title making Bryan seem as a weak champion.
This storyline, as every WWE storyline is these days, is confusing. I really don't know what they're planning on doing. Trips seems to be second guessing a 3rd rematch, but technically, Trips never finished firing Johnny Ace, so technically, he could still be employed.

As the ultimatum storyline goes, personally, I'm not keen on it. Laurinatis is fantastic, but Trips facing Taker again wouldn't be the most appealing match. Jericho would be nice, but he's just begun his feud with Punk. I don't really know who would be a good fill-in for the Taker match. But regardless of how good the Taker/HHH Pt2 match was, if they could avoid a repeat, it would be great.

But overall, I have a feeling that Ole Johnny Ace is gonna be around for a bit longer... :banghead:
i have been reading some different articles about the undertaker and noticed one saying that the undertaker should do a storyline where he is slowly dying leading into Wrestlemania which will make it easier for him to be defeated. the fact that he is obviously wearing a wig some people are expecting him to reveal that he has actually shaved his head and they will use this to create the dying taker storyline. it would be a good storyline but that does not mean i would like to see it. alot of people could easily get the wrong idea with this kind of storyline and thats why i think its best not to do it. if people think hard enough they will see where i am coming from. if they was to do the storyline though i think it would of been better doing it last year where undertaker looked visibly weak going into his match with hhh. this year he has returned and i dont care what anyone says he looks alot better than last year and its a fact. he looks healthier and has a slightly bigger build than last year where as last year he was injured before he even stepped into the ring with hhh but his pride for the buisness made him compete till the end. this year should be different with taker going out dominant at wrestlemania and not having him potentially losing because 19 years of hard work and injuries to build this streak up would be all a waste if he lost especially so close to 20-0. let me know what ylou guys think holla
has anyone thought hhh patting UT on his back meant sorry you old sack your old and the story continues with undertaker interrupting random people and everyone laughing in his face until someone realizes he is old and beatable so they accept and the person loses badly to undertaker
Wasn't it reported that Undertaker shaved his head? There were even photos released. I was looking at UT's hair on Monday wondering if its fake. Kane has fake hair. Did anybody look at it closely and does anyone else think it is fake? or were the pics fake?
That pic was awhile ago and it looked like he didn't want to have it during his down time, but he may have grown it back after that pic.

Lol, no one can grow hair down to their shoulders in 9 months.

I was wondering if it was a wig myself. I watched RAW in SD, so it wasn't the best picture quality, but I thought his hair looked the same as it always has.

I can't imagine he's going to wrestle in a wig. At least Kane has a mask to keep the hair in place. The Undertaker has had short hair in the past, so it would be no big deal for him to go back to that style. Either way, I don't see why he would go out of his way to hide it.
Yeah I noticed his hair looked a bit weird too but I guess it might just be a new hairdo or something. If its a wig I'm optimistic for an ABA return even tho its nearly impossible :icon_neutral:

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