WWE Survivor Series 2011 *General Discussion* - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

WWE could have two traditional 4 on 4 matches,

Rhoads Vs Orton
Cody, Sin Cara, Swagger & Ziggler
Randy, Ted Jr, Mason and Sin Cara

You can add Riley to the mix instead of Ted Jr

Christian Vs Sheamus
Christian, Barrett, Clay and Otunga
Sheamus, Air Boom and Bryan

Keeps most of the guys feuding on tv in the mid and these don't need to be long matches but keeps the tradional elimination matches on the card, and 4 on 4 doesn't become a cluster fuck.
These are my matches and predictions that i think should happen at Survivor Series, tell me what you think. :)

Match #1- CM Punk vs Alberto Del Rio (c)- WWE Championship: This match was already teased on RAW and their has been talks of a fued starting between these two. So i think its fair to say this is a given. Prediction- Sadly ADR has to win this one and retain, probably by DQ. This will set up another match at TLC where Punk might win the WWE Title.

Match #2- John Cena+The Rock vs Awesome Truth w/ Mick Foley as the Special Guest Referee (No Disqualification Tornado Tag Team Match): We all know Rock will accept Cena's offer and they will team up at the PPV. I think the best way to make this match is make it No DQ, that will make it so their not limited on what they can do. Prediction- I'm thinking this is a Cena+Rock victory hands-down. BUT, they could change it up on us and have either a Cena heel turn (which i hope doesn't happen) or they could have Rock turn on Cena and cost them the match. And this still wouldn't turn Rock heel so WWE would be fine. Still i choose Cena+Rock.

Match #3- Triple H vs Kevin Nash (Street Fight) This will obviously happen, and the best way would be to make it a Street Fight. Have them fight all over the arena and possibly a little bit outside in their street clothes. Prediction- Triple H will definitely come out on top with a sledgehammer and pedigree to end the match and the possibly the fued.

Match #4- Randy Orton, Sheamus, Air Boom, Daniel Bryan vs Cody Rhodes, Christian, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Wade Barrett- Traditional Survivor Series 5-on-5 Elimination Tag Team Match This is a perfect way to get a elimination tag match at it's own PPV. Have Otunga's team face all their rivals. Prediction- I think this will be a definite Face's victory here, with RKO and Sheamus surviving. They could have Otunga and Mason Ryan replace Barrett/Bryan but i don't think that will happen.

Match #5- D.O.D., Tamina, Rosa Mendes, Maxine vs Kelly Kelly, Eve, Alicia Fox, Kaitlyn, AJ- Divas Traditional Survivor Series 5-on-5 Elimination Tag Team Match Good way to get the divas involved, Heels vs Face's. Prediction- This will be an obvious win for the Heels, with Beth Phoenix as the sole survivor. I just don't see Beth losing after she just won the Divas title.

Match #6- Mark Henry (c) vs Big Show or Kane- World Heavyweight Championship If Henry/Show 2 is to happen, then they would have to make another type of match so that the ''ring implode'' angle doesn't happen again. And i can't think of a match that would work, unless they did a unique Four Corners type match. Nonetheless if Kane is ready to return then i say its Henry vs Kane 1v1, no Big Show included. And another controversial ending would take place making Henry retain again, maybe Show interfering setting up a Monster's Triple Threat Chairs match at TLC. Prediction- I say Kane does not come back till TLC and we have Show/Henry 2. And this time i think Henry wins and retains against Show and moves on to the surprise return of Kane.

That's my matches, i think those 6 could put on a very good 3-hour PPV. I don't think they need anymore matches, and i don't think they would put a 7th up there. But possibilities could be: Sin Cara vs Sin Cara 3, with Azul's Mask on the line vs Negro's Career, The Loser Zack Ryder in some stupid match (maybe the broomstick HHH was referring to on RAW, Ryder would probably lose too.) If Bryan/Barrett are not included in the tag match, then they could have them go 1-on-1 and have Bryan finally win a match. Or possibly drag on another announcer's match, with Cole vs JR. In a Career match.

Thanks Everyone, can't wait to see you replies :)
totally agree with you here man! i think you are spot on! (besides maybe the Foley thing) This will be a great card if it happens! Which im sure will end in a lot of chaos because thats what wwe is going for right now! and completely agree with that! I dont know if im the only one but i am loving the wwe right now! Keep it up vince and mania 27 may actually live up to the mega hype!
I agree with several of your predictions, however, I disagree with the outcome of Rock/Cena vs Awesome Truth, I see Awesome Truth picking up the victory here because something will happen between Rock and Cena, either Cena turning heel which probably won't happen and I would be very surprised if it did or Rock turns his back on Cena. I don't which way they will go with that but either way it somehow wont seem right if we have Rock and Cena both celebrating at the end of SS together, it would look dumb and I dont think the crowd would be into it towards the end. I hope Cena turns heel, I will keep saying it until it happens.
Like everyone else......I agree that your card makes sense!!

But they may or may not put Ryder in the 5 on 5 match, unless he has a singles opponent. ^^Losing to the broom...lol. Good one!

I also can possibly see Mendez & Maxine being replaced by The Bellas!!
The Rock & John Cena vs. The Awesome Truth
- If Rock & Cena win, I expect one of them to attack the other after the match.
If Miz & Truth win, it will be either because of John Cena or The Rock betraying there tag partner.

WWE Championship Match: Alberto Del Rio(c) vs. CM Punk
- I'm expecting Del Rio to either lose by DQ or win with some "help". Which sets up a rematch at TLC.

World Heavyweight Championship, No Holds Barred Match: Mark Henry(c) vs. Big Show
- I think Mark Henry is gonna pick up the victory here. Then have another match at TLC, most likely in a Tables match.

Survivor Series Tag Team Elimination Match: (Team Orton) Randy Orton, Sheamus, Sin Cara, Zack Ryder, and Mason Ryan vs. (Team Rhodes) Cody Rhodes, Christian, Hunico, Dolph Ziggler, and Jack Swagger
- Team Orton. With Orton keeping his swell survivor series record.

In some sort of gimmick match: Triple H vs. Kevin Nash
- Mmmmm.. I'm gonna go with Nash, to keep this feud going.

I don't know what other matches they will have, can't really think of any. Probably a diva's tag team match.
i dont think its a bad card at all, in fact id go so far as to say based on recent developments its possibly the best card possible, henry will win clean i agree. i agree with the del rio/ cm punk match and i like the ending, we have to NEED punk to win the title he deserves, and unfortunately cena and the rock will win, it would do a lot for awesome truth if they on but they wont, probably a rock bottom post match as well
Cena and Rock vs Awesome Truth - I do think Rock and cena will win this match. then after the match have cena attack the rock or vise versa.

Del Rio vs Punk - really want punk to win this title but i think del rio will keep the title via DQ or count out.

Team orton (randy orton , sin cara , air boom , sheamus ) vs team rhodes (cody rhodes , christian , wade barrett , jack swagger and Hunico) I think team orton will win with either orton or sheamus being the last man standing.

Us Title Match Dolph Ziggler vs Zack Ryder - I think this might be ryder's last chance so i say he wins the gold here.

Kevin Nash vs HHH in an unsanctioned match - Nash will win here via powerbomb or with a sledge hammer.

team Beth (Beth Phoenix , Natalya, Brie , nikki , maxine) Team Eve (Eve , Kelly , Kaitlin , Alicia fox , and AJ) winner the faces .
After watching Cole call out JR again last night, I think your going to see a 5 vs 5 match as a Team JR vs Team Cole and the winner gets the Raw announcing Job.

Team Cole-Rhodes, Christian, Barrett, Ziggler, Swagger
Team JR-Seamus, Kofi, Bourne, Ryder and either Santino or Mason Ryan

Knowing that WWE Raw is coming from the UK next week, i was hoping that due to a lot of 'British' stars being built up, they could of worked a 6man Elimination style survivor series match, based on UK stars only as a interest to the audience.

Sheamus, Mason Ryan, (sadly released) Finlay vs Wade Barrett, Drew McIntyre and Blackpools own William Regal,. 6 tough but very talented stars,, now i know this draws away from the original post..

But as a Conspiracy team,, led by Johnny Ace or Vince McMahon,,, Christian, Cody Rhodes, Kevin Nash, David Utanga, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, R-Truth, Miz all have fair point to of been involved,, even Sin Cara Negro could voice a thought, then the obvious 'faces' Cena, CM Punk, HHH, Sheamus, Orton, a lot of potential angles could still go down
Opening Raw Brand Traditional Survivor Series Match

1. Team WOO WOO Kofi Kingston Zack Ryder John Morrison Santino Marella and Mason Ryan vs Team Perfection Dolph Ziggler Jack Swagger Brodus Clay Kevin Nash and David Otunga

I would have Team Perfection Come off strong in the match and gain early advantage would have the last two then Team Woo Woo closes the gap late in match and end with Team Woo Woo gaining the win in end to start night off. Due to Triple h scheduled out for 6 weeks I have him not in Survivor Series Match but have HHH come out and screw Nash causing him to be elliminated.

Smackdown Brand Traditional Survivor Series Match

2. Team Orton Randy Orton Sheamus Daniel Bryan Sin Cara and Ted Dibiase vs Team Rhodes Cody Rhodes Christian Wade Barrett Hunico and Tyson Kidd

Def have Team Rhodes winning there Survivor Series Match I have Randy Orton getting eliminated midway in match to focus on pushing Sheamus up ladder for future towards Wrestlemania. I have the final coming down to Cody Rhodes Christian and Wade Barrett vs Sheamus and Daniel Bryan. Don't know if i have Cody Rhodes win the match or Wade Barrett to continue whose push forward.

3. Natalya and Beth Phoenix vs Alicia Fox Kelly Kelly and Eve. Def have Natalya and Beth dominating this match and winning in the end.

4. The Big Show vs Mark Henry

World Heavyweight Title
I expect the same kind of match from WWE Vengeance between these two somehow there will not be a finish in this match and will lead to WWE putting these two in TLC match at TLC where no pinfalls or submissions are needed and a clear Champion will come out of the match.

5. CM Punk vs Alberto Del Rio

WWE Championship
This will be a great wrestling match with a controversial ending where Punk gets a 3 count Del Rio gets his foot on Rope and they have to restart and Alberto Del Rio Rolls up Punk and wins Title to set them up for TLC again.

6. Team Rock/Cena vs Awesome Truth
Team Rock/Cena Should win but could see heel turn or an altercation between ROCK and CENA which leads to heel turn for Cena. Almost can see the way Macho Man turned on Hulk Hogan in Tag Match before Wrestlemania 5.
after muppetmania monday, getting on track for survivor series must take place tomorrow. we need a more than solid raw. with maybe a shock or two. i member when 'ol vinnie came out and announced something, anything. something is going to happen on monday...
after morrisons clean win over ziggler last night on raw, do you see a potential title shot at survivor series for john? he's had this losing streak which sure doesn't scream push towards a title , but i could see another victory over zig next week and them announcing a match between the two at SS. they defiantly work very well together and it sure didn't seem like they were giving their best spots and action last night, hopefully being held up for the big dance. what do you think does JoMo have a shot at a title shot?
He's off because he was in the doghouse and his contract is up last year this time he was getting wins over Sheamus. I see this mini push as a last chance to keep him in the fold otherwise it's bye bye JoMo and hello Tyler Black! The way I see it they invested t-shirts and DVD's on JoMo they don't want that to be money earned elsewhere. If I were doing the rebelling process with him I would turn the character heel and bring him to Smackdown and give him a noteworthy feud with Orton before giving him the golden push.
Right we've established you watched RAW last night, we also established last night that Ziggler and Ryder have been paired together for the Survivor Series. It was ANNOUNCED after all. So my question to you is; Why would WWE change that match, and drop Ryder to add JoMo to the match????

I wish people would think twice before making pathetic threads that are blatantly stupid.
He's off because he was in the doghouse and his contract is up last year this time he was getting wins over Sheamus. I see this mini push as a last chance to keep him in the fold otherwise it's bye bye JoMo and hello Tyler Black! The way I see it they invested t-shirts and DVD's on JoMo they don't want that to be money earned elsewhere. If I were doing the rebelling process with him I would turn the character heel and bring him to Smackdown and give him a noteworthy feud with Orton before giving him the golden push.

JoMo needs to turn heel to save his career. Bring in some mysterious, dark poetry into his character and allow him to dominate guys in such away we've never seen. I'm not saying give him championships or anything but as a face he's stale, so bring out his poetic side with some darkish ramblings just to stand out and see if he takes off, if he can't release him but at least try and get your (WWE's) moneys worth.
So what are your thoughts on this event overall? Do you think it will live up to the hype? I felt like the WWE was building up for something big to happen, but not I'm questioning if that will. There's still the off chance that Nash could team off with Miz and Truth since I think at a house show he did wrestle with them. But things will break down between Cenad and the Rock, but would that really signify a heel turn for Cena, I don't think so.
I'm gonna go on record and predict that there will be a BIG heel turn at Survivor Series.
My top 3 candidates are John Morrison, CM Punk, & John Cena.

I just can't shake the feeling that the 2011 Survivor Series is going to be a huge PPV.

Maybe I'm wrong, and I'm in for a big disappointment, but man, I think something big is gonna go down and people will be talking about this Survivor Series for a long, long time.
So after last night's RAW, is anyone disappointed that they didn't go with the whole Team Anti-WWE vs Team WWE at the Survivor Series after all?

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