Survivor Series 2013 Discussion

Booking Survivor Series

Big Show /w/ vs. Triple H (If Show wins he get's his job back,If HHH wins the lawsuit is off) (Mr.McMahon Returns)

Team Authority (The Shield,Orton,Kane) vs Team Rebels (Uso's,Big E,Rhodes Family)

Team AJ (AJ,Tamina,Summer Rae,Aksana,Alicia Fox vs Team Total Diva's (Bella's,Natalya,Eva,JoJo)

Wyatts vs Punk,Bryan,Miz

Del Rio vs Cena (World Heavyweight title)

Ryback vs Curtis Axel (face turn) (IC-title)

Team Los Matodores (Fernado,Diego,Santino,Khali,R-truth) vs Team Real Americans(Cesaro,Swagger,Slater,Fandango,Mahal /w/ McinTyre)
I really hope we have a traditional main event that pits a mash up of Shield and Wyatt's comprising the Corporation against a face team with a stipulation that sees the face team get control of the show like back in 2004.

5 on 5 Survivor Series Match:
Roman Reigns/Seth Rollins/Bray Wyatt/Luke Harper/Erick Rowan
CM Punk/Daniel Bryan/Dolph Ziggler/Cody Rhodes/Goldust

World Heavyweight Title Match:
John Cena (c)
Alberto Del Rio

WWE Title Match:
Randy Orton (c)
Big Show

US Title Match:
Dean Ambrose (c)
Big E Langston

1 on 4 Survivor Series Match:
The Miz/Kofi Kingston/R-Truth/Santino Marella

5 on 5 Survivor Series Match:
AJ/Tamina/Summer Rae/Aksana/Alicia Fox
Brie Bella/Nikki Bella/Natalya/Eva Marie/JoJo

IC Title (Pre Show):
Curtis Axel (c)
There is no rumour around this its just an idea I had. I have seen over recent weeks a lot of NXT stars getting praise and I think WWE should put its best 5 NXT faces vs best 5 NXT heels. I think this could be used as a pre show match or to open the card. I think it gives some NXT guys a chance to experience the big stage and big crowd, they can have limited work so less pressure and it provides WWE with a chance to see how they react to and interact with a big crowd. WWE PPV's usually contain too much filler for a PPV (Fandango and Summer Rae vs Khali and Natalya comes to mind). If they have time to spare I think this would be a great option and would provide great variety and gives experience to some of the future stars.

Your thoughts on the idea and if you like it and know much about NXT what the teams could be.
There's some news regarding Survivor Series via reports from As of right now, it's looking like there's going to be a 4 on 4 traditional Survivor Series match, rather than 5 on 5, featuring the Wyatt Family & one yet to be named wrestler vs. Daniel Bryan, CM Punk & two other yet to be named wrestlers. The mutual attacks on Bryan & Punk, according to the report, weren't done as means of burying either wrestler at all, but to ultimately set up this match and to use it to elevate the Wyatt Family.

The site also reports a Fatal Fourway tag team match for the tag titles at the Survivor Series is penciled in. The match consists of the Rhodes Brothers defending against Rollins & Reigns, The Usos & The Real Americans.

Finally, according to the site's report, Cena vs. Del Rio for the WHC will almost certainly take place at Survivor Series. It states that the initial idea was to have the title match on television, but that idea's been nixed.
I'll be disappointed if they opt for a 4-way tag match instead of a traditional Survivor Series match with 4 teams on each side. If it worked on the 2nd Annual Survivor Series, it can work now.

The Sheild, The All Americans, The Wyatt Family & 3MB vs. Los Matadores, Goldus/Cody Rhodes, The Usos & PTP.

Or if they're featuring The Wyatt Family is a larger role, have Rybcak & Axel as part of the heel side.
I am thinking now it will look alot like this

Team Punk/Bryan: DB,Cm Punk,Miz,??? (maybe Big E) vs Wyatts and Kane

John Cena vs ADR in a submission or i quit match

Curtis Axel vs Big E (if he isnt in the above match) or Ryback. If its vs Ryback i dont think they would have to do a face turn for one. You could have them blame each other for what happened to Paul who should stay off air for a bit

Rhodes Family vs Shield vs Real Americans vs Los Matadores for the tag team titles.

Another SS match bringing in a bunch of mid card guys

Randy Orton vs Big Show with HHH at ring side. My guess is it wont be a title match but if Big Show wins he gets his job back but if Orton wins the law suit is dropped.
Judging from the Stephanie/Kane segment, I think Stephanie eyes Kane as the monster who can take down The Big Show.

The Big Show vs Randy Orton as a singles match would be a waste IMO, just as it would be a waste to only go with a 4 on 4 Survivor Series match when you can easily pull off a 5 on 5.

Heels: Kane, Randy Orton, Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, and Erick Rowan
Faces: Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, The Big Show, The Miz, and either Dolph Ziggler or Kofi Kingston
There's so many tag team match-ups possible I hope they give us more than one

1) Team Triple H/Corporation: Randy Orton, Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper & Eric Rowan vs. Team Vince/Rebellion: Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, The Miz & Kofi Kingston

2) Team Shield: Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Antonio Cesaro & Jack Swagger vs. Team Rhodes: Cody Rhodes, Goldust, Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso

3) World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Damien Sandow

4) WWE United States Championship: Dean Ambrose (c) vs Big E Langston

5) Big Show vs Kane (w/Stephanie & Triple H)

WWE Championship match?

Bryan/Punk/Big Show/Miz
Orton/Wyatt's w/ HHH
Team Orton wins = Orton champion
Team Bryan wins = Bryan champion

Bryan's team wins and Punk ends up turning heel attacking Bryan after the match?

I'm a Punk fan so that's what I would like obviously haha, but could this be a possibility?
Reply below with your fantasy cards for survivor series (This is not what you think will happen but what you want to happen)

Pre-Show #1 Contenders Match for WHC
Damien Sandow vs Alberto Del Rio

United States Championship & Intercontinental Championship Unification Match
Drew McIntrye (c) vs Wade Barrett (c)

Diva's Tag Team Championship (To Determine First Winner)
AJ Lee & Paige vs Natalya & Nikki Bella

Steel Cage Match
Bray Wyatt vs Kofi Kingston

WWE Tag Team Championship
The Rhodes Brothers vs The Wyatt Family (c)

Divas Championship
Brie Bella (c) vs Eva Maria

WWE Championship
Randy Orton (c) vs Mark Henry

Extreme Rules Match
CM Punk, Daniel Bryan & Big E Langston vs The Wyatt Family & Ryback

World Heavyweight Championship
John Cena (c) vs Damien Sandow
I think there is enough to be going on for a proper traditional Survivor series match
I would like to see
Randy Orton, Triple H and the Shield vs Kane ,Big Show, Daniel Bryan Golddust and Cody Rhodes
It possibly gives Kane the chance to turn heel and allow team orton to win !
I would love to see wyatt family and kane vs cody and goldust & punk & bryan.
the winning team face's the wwe champion or the world heavyweight champion in a 5 way match at tlc.

IF cody & goldust & punk & bryan wins they face the wwe champion in a 5 way match at tlc for the wwe championship.

and if wyatt family and kane wins they face the world heavyweight champion at tlc in a 5 way match for the world heavyweight championship.
So Show vs Orton has been confirmed and Bertie mentioned a few times last night that he was gonna face Cena at the next PPV, hopefully something changes though and Cena leads a team to give the show a more exciting main event.

Cena, Punk, Bryan, Goldust & Cody vs Del Rio, The Real Americans, Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper would be a great super-team Survivor Series match with some fantastic in ring combos.

Kane and The Shield teaming against 4 faces would be cool but I honestly can't think who they'd be since the angle has now been narrowed down to just The Authority vs The Big Show.

Not much else has really taken shape regarding the mid card titles and I fully expect to see the Total Divas vs Aj and 4 others.
Hoping that next week on RAW, (I know this wont happen but it would be awesome if it did) that CM Punk and Daniel Bryan are getting a beat down from the Wyatt's and Kane and then suddenly, the lights turn off, when they come back on Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio are in the ring kicking ass. CM Punk and Daniel Bryan team up to clothesline Erik Rowan and then Chris Jericho drop kicks Luke Harpour over the top rope as Kane pulls Bray Wyatt to saftey. Imagan how awesome that match would be.

Bray Wyatt, Luke Harpour, Erik Rowan and Kane vs. CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio

With Punk and Bryan all ready in the feud, it makes sense to involve them in the match. Chris Jericho probably wont happen but it's a dream that he would and Mysterio has made a career out of fighting big guys and he seems to be trying to make a comeback to the WWE.
Well for survivor series its pretty much set that its going to be the wyatt family vs Daniel bryan and CM punk. But that makes it a 2v3 match. I was wondering who it was going to be that would join them until punk cut that promo last Monday. He said that he wasn't the only one that had a problem with the wyatts. And then I thought, who could it have been that he was talking about. Could it only be bryan, I doubt it since he never once said bryans name. So I have a feeling that there could be another. Only 1 other wrestler is in the middle of a fued with the wyatt family right now and that is kassius ohno.

What do you guys think? Is it a good idea? Is kassius ohno going to be the third guy on bryan and punks team?
The third man will probably be The Miz. I don't see them debuting an NXT talent on a PPV in such a high profile manner.

The Wyatt Family are still too new, so no way are they going to cross paths with another newbie, because neither of them would be able to afford losing to the other. In the eyes of WWE management, the Wyatts would lose momentum if they lost to a new guy like Kassius, and Kassius would be dead in the water if he lost to the Wyatts. However it's okay for Punk and Bryan to beat them because they're already "established" talents and thus there's "no shame" in it.
The third man will probably be The Miz. I don't see them debuting an NXT talent on a PPV in such a high profile manner.

The Wyatt Family are still too new, so no way are they going to cross paths with another newbie, because neither of them would be able to afford losing to the other. In the eyes of WWE management, the Wyatts would lose momentum if they lost to a new guy like Kassius, and Kassius would be dead in the water if he lost to the Wyatts. However it's okay for Punk and Bryan to beat them because they're already "established" talents and thus there's "no shame" in it.

kassius ohno doesn't have to debut at the ppv. He can debut on raw before the ppv. Remember there are other wrestlers from nxt to debut in main event matches of ppvs. Daniel bryan and the shield.
Quick predictions after watching Raw.

Big Show vs Randy Orton for the WWE Championship

John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship

The Wyatt Family, Curtis Axel & Ryback vs CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, The Miz, Kofi Kingston & Big E Langston

The Shield & Damien Sandow vs The Usos, Dolph Ziggler & R-Truth

AJ Lee, Tamina Snuka, Layla, Aksana & Alicia Fox vs Natalya, The Bellas, Naomi & Eva Marie

Rhodes Dynasty vs The Real Americans for the WWE Tag Team Championships

Survivor Series Kickoff - 3MB & Fandango vs Los Matadores, Santino Marella & The Great Khali

I have a feeling "the devil" that Bray referred to, might turn out to be Paul Heyman, which is why I've put The Heyman Guys with The Wyatt Family. The Miz & Kofi are on the face team as previous victims of The Wyatt Family, and Big E is somewhat in a feud with Axel right now, but hopefully they could use the match to set Biggie up in that rumored feud with Ryback.

I think The Shield will play a part in the WWE Championship match but as for a match of their own, if they do compete in one, I don't see them competing in anything but a filler match especially as they don't seem to have a real feud set for them right now. But they could use the match that I put down to continue building Reigns' split from The Shield. Maybe they could have Ambrose be the sole survivor for his team and the next night on Raw, he brags about being the sole winner, earning him another stare from Reigns. Or Reigns could be the last man eliminated on his team and Ambrose gives him shit over it.

As for the Kickoff, that's just a comedy match with the bull and the leprechaun terrorizing 3MB and Summer Rae.

Two of my Survivor Series matches feature 4 on each team (the fillers) and the other two feature 5 on each team (the important ones). Don't know if the WWE are going for a traditional 8-man Survivor Series match this year or a traditional 10-man Survivor Series match, but why not mix it up this year by having both.
This is just not shaping up to be a ppv that I am going to be interested in. I never bash WWE, but I am finding it hard to get into anything they are doing lately, and I have never had as little interest in buying ppv in my entire life. I always want Survivor Series to be a better ppv, but it just doesn't deliver anymore. I had some interest when The Rock wrestled his first match back, but even that wasn't a great Survivor Series. The two title matches seem pretty predictable, and any ppv with Big Show main eventing is not going to interest me.
This is just not shaping up to be a ppv that I am going to be interested in. I never bash WWE, but I am finding it hard to get into anything they are doing lately, and I have never had as little interest in buying ppv in my entire life. I always want Survivor Series to be a better ppv, but it just doesn't deliver anymore. I had some interest when The Rock wrestled his first match back, but even that wasn't a great Survivor Series. The two title matches seem pretty predictable, and any ppv with Big Show main eventing is not going to interest me.

I agree with this. I'm disappointed because I'm going to Survivor Series, and quite frankly the card isn't as good as I hoped for. I'm sure I'll still have fun, but for one of the "Big Four" PPVs, this card is looking a little weak to me. I'd really rather see Big Show vs. Triple H rather than Big Show vs. Randy Orton headlining the show.
After tonight's Raw, I can see a 12 man tag match with Bryan/Punk/Rhodes Bros/Usos against Wyatts and Shield. If not that, then Bryan/Punk VS Wyatt Family and Rhodes Bros. VS Real Americans VS Usos VS Shield.
The ending to Raw was crazy and awesome.

Though it felt random that Cody and Goldust came out considering they were done with the Shield and Usos who were battling these guys last PPV for their titles.

Do you think the WWE was finally setting up a proper 6 v 6 traditional SS match? I think that would be awesome and actually help PPV buys. Might cover the lacklustre main event.

(Note: The match would be Wyatts/Shield vs The Babyfaces)
I think it could be that or maybe a way to turn the shield face but if this really how the 6-6 match will be I don't like it I think we need some new faces like maybe the ptp or Kofi and big e maybe even dolph all I know is I'm done watching the usos and g&c go up against the shield

Does anyone else have a feeling were going to see the same stuff with big show vs orten like we did with DB a lot of dq count out and stuff
I think the build for Survivor Series has been poor and they are leaving it very late. I don't think anyone is truly excited for this PPV. Orton/Show is unimaginative and Cena/Del Rio is just a generic rematch where we know the winner with no suspense of a MITB cashing in.

It is interesting to see if they go for the 6 v 6 tag match. Usually it is only 5 v 5 which makes me wonder why Bryan is there. The logical pay-off for the past few months is Bryan/Triple H. Maybe HHH doesn't want to wrestle but this should have happened by now, especially considering Survivor Series is meant to be one of the bigger PPV's.

Thus far they haven't brought back any part-timers, as well as no Kane or Sheamus. It really doesn't help make me feel that this will be anything above an average PPV.
A 12-Man match seems likely. And it'd be a good way for WWE to go in my opinion. It should protect everybody worth protecting.

Goldust, Rhodes & The Usos can be the fall guys, Bryan & Punk should end their team as survivors after either The Wyatt's or The Shield abandon the match.

That should then lead to a match between The Wyatt Family & The Shield at TLC which should make all us geeks fluster.

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