WWE Survivor Series: Team Foley VS Team Ziggler

The fact this is set the night after HIAC I just can't help but think a twist will be thrown in. It so far is very underwhelming and far too obvious that this is a glorified Ryback squash match. Lesnar can be thrown in to even the odds and make Ryback look even stronger. Plus throwing in The Rock makes sense with his match against Punk (we assume) at the Rumble and his past with Foley.

For the rest of the card you have:

Cena, AJ and Vicki in a storyline, throw in Ziggler and there could be a mixed tag match to decide the GM.

U.S. championship

Divas title

WHC - Show vs Sheamus (maybe a triple threat with Wade?)

and then a possible no 1 contender match for the tag team titles.

Thats 6 matches...the likes of 3MB, Brodus, Zack, Santino etc could make up another 5v5 match too if needed.

Basically with 2 more Raws til Survivor Series I'm sure there'll be a few swerves.

P.S. Foley vs Punk at TLC in a non-title tables match?
When it was announced at the start of raw that there would be a team Foley vs team Punk at Surviver Series, I started to get excited about what the final line up would be for both teams. Then the time came for Both men to let the whole world know just who they had selected for their respective team's and while the line up could have been a lot worse, It could have been a damb sight better as well. Instead of having people like Lesner or HHH return to take part in th match, we have ended up with guys like the Miz and Kofi Kingston. Don't get me wrong I do like both these guys, I just think If WWE really want to improve the ratings then they could have made the effort to put together two dream teams so to speak to go to wars with each other instead of just throwing togther wrestlers who just so happen to be feuding with each other at the time and for me this is how the Main Event and the rest of the card should have looked.

TEAM FOLEY. Foley, Ryback, HHH, Sheamus, Orton
TEAM PUNK. Punk, Lesner, Big Show, Barrett, Del Rio

Dolph Ziggler/w Vicky Guerrero VS John Cena/w AJ lee
If Ziggler wins Vicky becomes GM and If Cena wins AJ becomes GM

Kofi Kingston VS The Miz

Team Hell No VS The Prime Time Playerz VS The Rhodes Scholars VS Mysterio/Sin Cara

Cesaro VS R-Truth/w Little Jimmy

TEAM 3 MAN BAND - 3 Man Band, Tensai, JTG
TEAM COBRA - Santino, Ryder, Clay, Kidd, Gabriel
My dream ending is the end is Punk left v Orton and Ryback and just when Ryback has Punk beat again Orton turns on him and RKOs him and FINALLY turns heel.

In all honesty, this idea isn't far fetched. Allegedly, according to a report I read a few weeks back, the WWE does ultimately intend to turn Randy Orton heel. Orton himself is said to have been begging to go heel for a while and, in all honesty, it's where Orton shines the most. He's just flat out better as a heel in my opinion. Everything about him from his attitude to his mannerisms to his body language suggests a heel character.

WWE's reason for keeping him face for so long, allegedly, is that he has been seen as the top draw on SD!. I like Orton but, personally, I think WWE is overestimating him just a bit. WWE has seen the increase in the audience size on SD! since Randy Orton has been out of the WHC picture. The show's audience grew to where it often did in excess of 3 million viewers while Mark Henry & Daniel Bryan were the WHC. It's gone down some during Sheamus' run but still usually draws in the very high upper 2 million range, while Orton's last WHC run resulted in some lackluster ratings for the show.

While I don't think this scenario will happen, it could be a lot of fun. Orton turning on Ryback and causing him to lose at Survivor Series could be a means of giving Ryback a big time feud against a big time player. With Big Show as the WHC and an obvious heel, I don't see Orton in the title hunt anytime soon. Ryback needs a significant feud to help cement in and Orton is a great choice for that.
I have floor seats for this PPV, so I'm trying to be optimistic. I like having an elimination tag as the main event again, and I hope there's at least one more included in the card. I really like the versatility that comes with an elimination tag.

That said, as far as the main event goes, I wouldn't be surprised to see Cena replace one of the members of Team Foley if he's ring-ready by then. Not having Cena in the main event for two PPVs in a row seems very un-WWEish, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

I also wish Foley wasn't involved. I just want him to go away and stay away, as I'm tired of looking at his man-boobs, which are also making some of the Divas jealous.
In all honesty, this idea isn't far fetched. Allegedly, according to a report I read a few weeks back, the WWE does ultimately intend to turn Randy Orton heel. Orton himself is said to have been begging to go heel for a while and, in all honesty, it's where Orton shines the most. He's just flat out better as a heel in my opinion. Everything about him from his attitude to his mannerisms to his body language suggests a heel character.

WWE's reason for keeping him face for so long, allegedly, is that he has been seen as the top draw on SD!. I like Orton but, personally, I think WWE is overestimating him just a bit. WWE has seen the increase in the audience size on SD! since Randy Orton has been out of the WHC picture. The show's audience grew to where it often did in excess of 3 million viewers while Mark Henry & Daniel Bryan were the WHC. It's gone down some during Sheamus' run but still usually draws in the very high upper 2 million range, while Orton's last WHC run resulted in some lackluster ratings for the show.

While I don't think this scenario will happen, it could be a lot of fun. Orton turning on Ryback and causing him to lose at Survivor Series could be a means of giving Ryback a big time feud against a big time player. With Big Show as the WHC and an obvious heel, I don't see Orton in the title hunt anytime soon. Ryback needs a significant feud to help cement in and Orton is a great choice for that.

The only bad thing is Orton probably having to feud w/ Ryback. Ugh. The guy is awful and no matter how good Orton is,I doubt he(or anyone for that matter),can get a good match out of him.
Ryback must be the sole survivor if WWE intends on maintaining his momentum, especially so since he's now lost his 'undefeated' prefix.

But there are numerous other possibilities for new feuds or storylines, such as Jack-Hammer's Orton turn idea, the inevitable falling out of Team Hell No, a renewed rivalry between Punk and Orton, or - my favourite - Ryback confronting Show and subsequently challenging for the WHC.

Either way, Punk keeps his title for another month.
They could have Ryback and Randy as the final 2 guys. I'm pretty sure there have been times when he wasn't sole survivor. Hell, I'm pretty sure he's lost a SS Match. What streak are you talking about?

He hasn't always been the sole survivor and he hasn't always won but the times he's lost he's been the last member of his team to go.

I think so at least. It's been a while since I've checked it.
Why do I get the feeling we get a Foley swerve here? I keep getting the thought of Ryback being the last man for his team and going through everyone to get Punk then once it finally looks like its time for Ryback to win SMACK!!! Foley takes him out with a chair thus joining Heyman and Punk. This could set up a match at TLC between Foley and Ryback which I think is the perfect push for Ryback into the elites of WWE simply because Foley is a legend and before ppl were clamoring about Dolph being a great bumper the greatest bumper/seller in the biz was Mick Foley. Imagine Foley taking a meathook clothesline then a shellshock thru a table... EPIC!!
I have floor seats for this PPV, so I'm trying to be optimistic. I like having an elimination tag as the main event again, and I hope there's at least one more included in the card. I really like the versatility that comes with an elimination tag.

That said, as far as the main event goes, I wouldn't be surprised to see Cena replace one of the members of Team Foley if he's ring-ready by then. Not having Cena in the main event for two PPVs in a row seems very un-WWEish, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

I also wish Foley wasn't involved. I just want him to go away and stay away, as I'm tired of looking at his man-boobs, which are also making some of the Divas jealous.

I'm glad that I simply purchased balcony seats.

The main problem with this is that the roster is really thin, and you thin out the card even more by mashing all of these guys into a Survivor Tag Match. I wouldn't be surprised if they made Show/Sheamus into some kind of gimmick match in order to occupy more time/heat up the crowd more. The Indy crowd is generally pretty underwhelming, so getting them into it will be really crucial.

I, for one, want to see Foley compete. Without him competing, I'm not really sure what benefit there is to having him involved. Sure, it provides a mouthpiece for Ryback and I get that...but I really felt disappointed when Foley said he wasn't competing. It's Survivor Series, and while they haven't treated it as a supercard in the way that Mania and Summerslam usually are big events, this just feels very...Judgment Day 2004. It just doesn't have a big match feel.
Survivor Series just loses importance year after year and this is no different. The last great elimination match was in 2003 because of who was involved (Bischoff and Austin) and the buildup. I wish they would have just had HIAC three weeks after NOC just so we would have six weeks for Survivor Series. I liked how one week you know a couple of the guys competing, and a couple more the next week, and so on. Of course with three weeks, we were going to get them all at once.

I do agree with Ricky's point about most of the main guys being in this one match. There's going to be Sheamus/Show II and most likely a Diva's title match but what else. Cena vs. Ziggler is a possibility as well as a Cesaro title match and a obsolete tag team match.

I am sort of disappointed that Foley isn't wrestling. He could have just stayed on the apron and then make the hot tag. I don't think Foley would have had to do a lot of bumping and stuff like that. Also, the match would be better if something was on the line since Punk isn't defending his title. Maybe if Ryback's team wins, Ryback gets a title shot at TLC. I don't see Team Punk winning this and I long for the days where the teams had actual cool names like the Hulkamaniacs, Visionaries, etc.
Survivor Series just loses importance year after year and this is no different. The last great elimination match was in 2003 because of who was involved (Bischoff and Austin) and the buildup. I wish they would have just had HIAC three weeks after NOC just so we would have six weeks for Survivor Series. I liked how one week you know a couple of the guys competing, and a couple more the next week, and so on. Of course with three weeks, we were going to get them all at once.

I do agree with Ricky's point about most of the main guys being in this one match. There's going to be Sheamus/Show II and most likely a Diva's title match but what else. Cena vs. Ziggler is a possibility as well as a Cesaro title match and a obsolete tag team match.

I am sort of disappointed that Foley isn't wrestling. He could have just stayed on the apron and then make the hot tag. I don't think Foley would have had to do a lot of bumping and stuff like that. Also, the match would be better if something was on the line since Punk isn't defending his title. Maybe if Ryback's team wins, Ryback gets a title shot at TLC. I don't see Team Punk winning this and I long for the days where the teams had actual cool names like the Hulkamaniacs, Visionaries, etc.

Well, that's the thing with the PG Era, isn't it? I'm not one to witch-hunt on PG Era stuff that is more than likely booked in order to attract kids, but what else can this be other than dumbed-down, lazy booking? I mean, it just feels SO LAZY. Like, no one really sat down and thought up a good storyline. "Ah, hell. Let's put these guys together and these guys together...that should be good enough. Oh, and then lets have them all fight in singles matches on Raw in the next few weeks. Bam...we should be good to go." I'm tired of good enough...because it's NOT good enough. I want you to make me want to watch, Vince. I ALWAYS wanted to watch on a weekly basis during the Attitude Era...and it wasn't because of puppies, The Godfather, or any of the other trash-TV stuff that was being thrown into the mix. It was because there were swerves and things to keep me interested from week to week.

I could really not watch TV over the next two weeks and not miss anything leading up to Survivor Series. What a waste.
Well, that's the thing with the PG Era, isn't it? I'm not one to witch-hunt on PG Era stuff that is more than likely booked in order to attract kids, but what else can this be other than dumbed-down, lazy booking? I mean, it just feels SO LAZY. Like, no one really sat down and thought up a good storyline. "Ah, hell. Let's put these guys together and these guys together...that should be good enough. Oh, and then lets have them all fight in singles matches on Raw in the next few weeks. Bam...we should be good to go." I'm tired of good enough...because it's NOT good enough. I want you to make me want to watch, Vince. I ALWAYS wanted to watch on a weekly basis during the Attitude Era...and it wasn't because of puppies, The Godfather, or any of the other trash-TV stuff that was being thrown into the mix. It was because there were swerves and things to keep me interested from week to week.

I could really not watch TV over the next two weeks and not miss anything leading up to Survivor Series. What a waste.

That's true. People want to bash the days when we had single-branded PPV's because of the quality of matches we got. I understand that but at least the matches that we wanted to see got enough buildup. Take Kofi vs. Miz for example. I thought it would have much better if Kofi would have won the title at Hell in a Cell instead of Main Event just for the sake of having a Wednesday show mean more when it doesn't mean that much in the first place. You have two guys fight on Smackdown and then those same two guys fight on Raw and it doesn't make a lot of sense. I just hate the fact that a guy like Barrett can get a win over Orton on Smackdown and then lose to him three days later on Raw. That is why nobody ever gets pushed. Orton is a made man. Nobody is going to think he's any weaker. He put over Henry twice in PPV's last year and he didn't lose any steam. When I saw that Gabriel was going up against Alberto, I felt sick because I knew what was going to happen.

Nowadays, the teams are just composed of guys who are feuding with each other. Let's look at Team Bischoff vs. Team Austin in 2003.

Team Bischoff: Steiner, Henry, Christian, Jericho, Orton
Team Austin: RVD, Dudley Boyz, HBK, Booker T

You really didn't have any of those guys feuding with each other leading up to the event. Orton and HBK had a match at Unforgiven as well as RVD, Jericho, and Christian but that was about it. Guys joined Team Bischoff because they felt Austin was abusing his power and vice versa.

Well, at least we probably won't see a Diva's elimination match.
What does this match...Raw of late as a whole...what does it all say about the state of professional wrestling in the United States? Are we dealing with something more than just horrible people working in writing for WWE? Or does this shine light on the broader state of professional wrestling...starting from Indies to ROH to TNA all the way to WWE?
I just think it mostly has to do with the writing. TNA uses their main guys very, very well and even some of the lower card guys. In the WWE, Cena is about two or three levels above guys like Punk, Orton, and Sheamus. Then, you have everyone else. The WWE has a very deep roster full of talented wrestlers who could pay huge dividends in the future if they just give them a chance to get over and not to have them lose every other match.
I fully ecpect that Ryback dominates in this one. Title is not on the line and CM Punk wouldn't lose too much credibility(and the title)if he loses in this one. It would probably go down to that Ryback is a sole survivor in his team and on the other side you would have 3 other members(for the sake of argument lets say Del Rio, Rhodes and Punk). Then Ryback destroys Rhodes, then Del Rio and Punk at the end. He looks monsterous and goes to TLC when he loses to Punk in TLC match when Punk gets him through the table and retains, which sets up for Punk vs Rock on RR.
Eh, the heel team feels kind of dull. With the exception of Punk, I honestly can't think of anyone, who has any sort of momentum right now. Del Rio just finished up a feud, where he consistently lost to Sheamus, Barrett's return hasn't taken off yet, Miz just dropped the IC title to Kofi, and Ziggler continues to tease a MITB cash-in.

Although, I like the idea of Foley playing the role of an honorary captain. Mick can still cut a damn good promo, and he can be the voice for Ryback during the build.

Team Foley obviously needs the win here, and Ryback has to score the deciding pinfall. The screwjob finish at HIAC helped maintain his momentum, but still, Ryback can't afford to cool off now. Too much work and careful planning will go to waste, if he doesn't come out of this match looking strong. I could picture a scenario, where it comes down to Punk and Ryback as the final two members from each team, allowing Ryback to score the pinfall over a petrified Punk, setting up a rematch at TLC.
i'm ok with it. But really right now it seems like a Raw main event with all the HIAC feuds just put together into a tag-match. It needs some stipulation, heel turn, surprise return or anything to make me care about it.
I was highly disappointed with the teams here. Nothing new is being revealed and it squashes all of the current feuds on the account of building Ryback up in my opinion.

If I had the opportunity to book this hot mess, I would have continued on with the Punk vs. Sheamus angle, have Sheamus lose at Hell in a Cell by count out or DQ, have Colt Cabana do the screwjob on Ryback as a cameraman instead of the referee, and then set up a Champion vs. Champion team for SS with Punk coming out gloating about WINNING his match prompting Sheamus to make the challenge.

THEN, instead of revealing everybody all at once, why not do a countdown when Punk introduces Big Show as his first guy, and then Sheamus introduces Ryback as his (just to get the title feuds out of the way). The following week, Punk introduces to Sheamus Mr. Money in the Bank as his next partner (ties to a feud with Sheamus), and then Sheamus introduces John Cena as his next partner and the man Punk will defend his title against the following week on Raw (and then have Sheamus wrestle Dolph for the title as well). The next week on Raw, Sheamus goes over Dolph in a decent length match, and then Cena gets screwed over by Colt Cabana, who is Punk's forth partner and continue to beat down Cena. Sheamus then hits the ring with Randy Orton and clears it to announce Orton as his fourth partner. The "go home" show would have Punk and Heyman revealing their final partner as Brock Lesnar, only to have the lights flicker and reveal Undertaker as Sheamus' final partner. The match could end with Orton and Ryback against Punk (Brock and Taker double countout, and other elmination combos) and have Orton rolled up by Punk, and then screw over Ryback (as mentioned in previous posts) to bring Orton back into being Heel and getting Ryback into a feud with him so he's out of the title picture, leaving CM Punk and Dwayne to do their thing. I think it would gel very nicely together that way.

If it were up to me, the final card would look like this:

Team Punk vs. Team Sheamus

IC Title Match - Kofi vs. Miz in a gimmick match of some sort(they've had some killer matches lately)

Divas Title Match - Eve (with Vickie at ringside) vs. AJ

US Title Match - Cesaro vs. Truth

Tag Title Match - Team Hell No vs. Rhodes Scholars vs. Mysterio and Sin Cara vs. PTP

Classic SS Match - Zack Ryder, Santino, Christian, Gabriel, and Kidd against 3MB, Tensai, and Wade. This could even be on the youTube pre-show, but at least gets some more faces on the show.
I recently mentioned this topic on another thread, but it does seem to fit better here.

I love the Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Matches. I love the Team Punk vs. Team Foley match. I do however would have went with different Teams.

My dream choice:
The Reality – CM Punk, Big Show, Kofi Kingston (Heel turn), Antonio Cesaro, and Daniel Bryan
The Attitude – Mick Foley, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Undertaker and Kane

I know, it’s all too much to ask for. Let’s see. I want Kofi to turn Heel. I want the Tag Team Champions on opposite sides (See Jeri-Show), and I want 4 inactive Legends in a match against the current Champions of the WWE. I did say Dream choice, didn’t I??

My reality choice:
The Heyman Guys – CM Punk, The Miz, Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow and (Big Show and / or Antonio Cesaro)
The Faces Foley – Ryback, Kofi Kingston, Kane, Daniel Bryan and (Sheamus and / or Justin Gabriel)

I understand why Alberto Del Rio and Randy Orton were included in the match, but I think the World Title picture or United States Title picture should have been included instead (or both, with a 12 Man Tag Match instead, since it’s the showcase of Champions / Main Event Match).

With that being said, the other matches on my card would be…

McMahonism – Triple H, John Cena, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, and Sin Cara
The Pain – Brock Lesnar, Alberto Del Rio, Wade Barrett, and the Prime Time Players (Darren Young and Titus O’Neil)

The Peeps – Christian, R-Truth (his partner, Kofi Kingston, already has a match), Tyson Kidd (his partner, Justin Gabriel, already has a match), Zack Ryder, Santino Marella
The Show-Offs – Dolph Ziggler, Michael McGillicutty, and The 3 Man Band (Heath Slater, Drew McIntyre, and Jinder Mahal)

The Funk – Brodus Clay, JTG, Ted DiBiase, and The Usos (Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso),
The Cool – Carlito (I’d love to see him return, plus neither David Otunga or Tensai just don't fit with this team...or any other team for that matter), Primo, Epico, Hunico and Camacho

What do you think of this card?? I think 4 Survivor Series Style matches are good enough to fill 3 hours. Maybe add a Divas Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Match.

The Chicks – A. J. Lee, Layla, Kaitlyn, Naomi, and Cameron w/Lita (Surprise Manager)
The Ladies – Eve, Natalya, Rosa Mendes, Alicia Fox and Aksana w/ Vicki Guerrero

Pre Show Dark Match, Loser Leaves WWE – David Otunga vs. Tensai

And there you have it.

I think it was actually a great idea to keep John Cena out of this match, and as you can see by my card, I would have liked to have kept Randy Orton out as well. I’m one of those fans who prefer to keep the major focus on the Champions at the Main Event. With Cena and Orton out of the match, and in another Main Event match, this does just that. Of course, I’d close the show with Team Punk vs. Team Foley.
Eh, the heel team feels kind of dull. With the exception of Punk, I honestly can't think of anyone, who has any sort of momentum right now. Del Rio just finished up a feud, where he consistently lost to Sheamus, Barrett's return hasn't taken off yet, Miz just dropped the IC title to Kofi, and Ziggler continues to tease a MITB cash-in.

Although, I like the idea of Foley playing the role of an honorary captain. Mick can still cut a damn good promo, and he can be the voice for Ryback during the build.

Team Foley obviously needs the win here, and Ryback has to score the deciding pinfall. The screwjob finish at HIAC helped maintain his momentum, but still, Ryback can't afford to cool off now. Too much work and careful planning will go to waste, if he doesn't come out of this match looking strong. I could picture a scenario, where it comes down to Punk and Ryback as the final two members from each team, allowing Ryback to score the pinfall over a petrified Punk, setting up a rematch at TLC.

I agree with most of what you are saying here, but the big issue is at the end, where you expect the Ryback/Punk feud to continue to TLC. The Rock has a title match at the Royal Rumble, and there's no way that it'll be Ryback facing him instead of Punk. Add in the fact that there is no way that Ryback can lose to Punk again or win the title and lose it back without harming his credibility.

My prediction is that it comes down to Ryback and Punk with one of the heels, my guess would be ADR or Miz, coming back to cost Ryback the match, probably via count out. Ryback gets a new feud and Punk can finish things with Cena at TLC to prepare for Rocky at the Rumble.
I don't see the Punk/Ryback feud continuing past Survivor Series. The more I think on it, however, the more I think that Ryback will ultimately be screwed and cost the match.

Punk is someone that doesn't need to lose momentum in the next couple of months because of his match with The Rock in January at the Royal Rumble. It's a big money match and WWE is expecting it to pay off. In all honesty, it's a bigger deal than Ryback is at this point and it should be.

Ryback can still be cost this match in a way that doesn't hurt his credibility. One poster suggested that this would be a good opportunity to turn Randy Orton heel. If Orton & Ryback are the last two members on their team, then I do think Orton turning on Ryback is a real possibility. It'd give Punk another sleazy win over Ryback without costing Ryback anything. It then gives a reason for the feud between Punk & Ryback to end and to start something up between Ryback & Randy Orton. Ryback needs a solidified feud going forward and Orton would be a great choice for it.
Cena is doing that god awful angle with Vickie and AJ. It looks like he is going to wrestle a singles match with Dolph or they do a mix tag team with AJ and Vickie.

Punk's team should of been called "Team Heyman" or "Heyman Guys" instead. Its a little weird calling it Team Punk vs Team Foley, Mick isn't wrestling in the match.

Punk's team looks a little weak compared to the other team, but I'm looking forward to this.. It should be fun to watch. I'm glad that the actual main event at Survior Series is an elimination match. Its been a while since that happened.
Ryback will dominate... he probably pin Punk to end the match.
This is the best way for him to look strong by pinning the champion, and getting his revenge for HIAC. And Punk keeps his title, and they both move on.

Punk will move on to Cena at the December PPV to culminate that feud. Hopefully they finally let Punk go over Cena clean... so he looks strong going in to Royal Rumble vs The Rock.

draw vs Cena
screwjob vs Ryback
pin by Ryback
cheat vs Cena

Doesn't give him a whole lot of credibility. A clean, decisive win over Cena will be great... and won't hurt Cena at all.
Everyone (myself included) keeps talking about Punk vs Rock at the Royal Rumble... likely with the Rock winning and going on to lose the title to Cena and WrestleMania. This is the obvious booking.

What if they reversed it?

Cena wins the title from punk at the December PPV.
Rock/Cena II happens at Royal Rumble instead of WrestleMania.
Rock beats Cena for the title (would Cena do the job twice?).
Rock 'C' vs. CM Punk headlining WrestleMania 29, with Punk going over.

Don't know if Rock/CM Punk is any worse of a draw than Rock/Cena II... same main event as the previous year, only with the title?

Has the WWE ever done the same main event as WrestleMania two years in a row? I guess Yokozuna/Bret Hart.

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