Rebooking Survivor Series 1999

King Patrick Star

K. O. T. R. 2007 -€“ Team Undisputed
I’m assuming since the Survivor Series is over and we’re headed to the TLC, that MMK isn’t going to continue this series. Since I’ve typed up “Rebooking Survivor Series” up to 2001, I thought I’d continue it. Here goes my version of Survivor Series 1999.

Intercontinental Championship Title Fatal Four Way match
Chyna (with Miss Kitty) vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Stasiak

The Godfather, D'Lo Brown, and the Headbangers (Mosh and Thrasher)
The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray Dudley and D-Von Dudley) and the Acolytes (Faarooq and Bradshaw)

Val Venis, Mark Henry, Gangrel, and Steve Blackman
The British Bulldog and the Mean Street Posse (Rodney, Pete Gas, and Joey Abs)

Mae Young, The Fabulous Moolah, Tori, and Debra
Ivory, Luna, Jacqueline, and Terri Runnels

Big Show, the Blue Meanie, and Kai En Tai (Take Michinoku and Funaki)
Big Boss Man, Prince Albert, Mideon, and Viscera

Edge and Christian and the Hardy Boyz (Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy) (with Terri Runnels)
Too Cool (Grand Master Sexay and Scotty 2 Hotty) and the Hollys (Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly)

The Rock, Kane, Mankind, and Al Snow
Triple H, X-Pac, and the New Age Outlaws (Mr. Ass and Road Dogg)

I tried to keep everyone that was on the original card on my version. Instead of three 4-on-4 traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team matches, one 8-Women Tag Team match, one 1-on-4 traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team match, a Tag Team match, three singles matches and a Triple Threat match, I made it six 4-on-4 matches and a Fatal Four Way match for the Intercontinental Championship Title Belt.
Oh god no!!!!
You basically destroyed the whole meaning of this show which was:
1. To build a valuable main eventer world champion in The Big Show.
2. To have a long term payoff storyline with Austin's injury.
3. To have the show succeed without Austin.

And you destroyed all three!
In my eyes this should have been one of the shows that the "Ultimate Survivor" concept should have been used in with the ultimate survivor\s will get a future WWF Title shot.

That's my card:

1.The Kanenates (Kane & Al Snow & Chyna & Mark Henry) def. Team Pac (X Pac & The Mean Street Posse) in a Four on Four Traditional Survivor Series Tag Team Elimination Match.

Sole Survivors: Kane and Al Snow

2.The Big Show def. The Big Boss Man & Prince Albert & Mideon & Viscera in a One on Four Traditional Survivor Series Tag Team Elimination Match.

Sole Survivor: The Big Show

3.Team Jericho (Chris Jericho & The British Bulldog & Edge & Christian) def. Team Mankind (Mankind & Gangrel & The Hardy Boys) in a Four on Four Traditional Survivor Series Tag Team Elimination Match.

Sole Survivors: Chris Jericho and The British Bulldog.

4.Team Venis (Val Venis & Steve Blackman & The Holly Cousins) def. The Destroyers (The Acolytes and The Headbangers) in a Four on Four Traditional Survivor Series Tag Team Elimination Match.

Sole Survivor: Val Venis

5.The Testifiers (The New Age Outlaws & The Dudley Boys) def. The Calgary (D’lo Brown & The Godfather & Too Cool) in a Four on Four Survivor Series Tag Team Elimination Match.

Sole Survivors: The Dudley Boys.

6.Kurt Angle def. Shawn Stasiak.

7.Mae Young & The Fabulous Moolah & Tori & Debra def. Ivori & Luna & Jacqueline & Terri Runnels in an Eight Women Tag Team Match.

8.Team A (The Big Show & The British Bulldog & Al Snow & Bubba Ray Dudley) def. Team B (Chris Jericho & Kane & Val Venis & D-Von Dudley) in a Traditional Four on Four Ultimate Survivors Match where the winner\s will get Future WWF Championship Shot.

Ultimate Survivor: The Big Show

9.?? (The Big Show) def. Triple H © and The Rock in a Triple Threat Match to win the WWF Championship.
You have 3 points I’d like to counter.

1. To build a valuable main eventer world champion in The Big Show.
The Big Show is the youngest World Champion in the history of World Champions, unless you count the ECW World Championship, which I do, but most don’t. My point is, the Big Show was already a valuable Main Eventer / World Champion before he appeared from underneath the ring at St. Valentine’s Day Massacre: In Your house. There was absolutely no need for him take out his own team and then follow it up by winning a 1-on-4, by eliminating 3 SuperStars under 1 minute. He could have still won the match, but there was no need to make his opponents look that bad in the process.

2. To have a long term payoff storyline with Austin's injury
3. To have the show succeed without Austin.
Stone Cold Steve Austin’s storyline injury is still in play in my version of Survivor Series 1999. I did not book Stone Cold Steve Austin in a match in my revision of Survivor Series 1999, and I believe the show would have succeeded, and it could have even done better than it did, had it been done my way. They could have just sold the sledgehammer shot from the Rock, at No Mercy 1999, as an injury. Austin could still get run over by the car during an interview, if need be. The payoff and result would still be the same.

All I did was:
Combined 2 of the singles matches and make it a Fatal Four Way match for the Intercontinental Championship Title
Keep the three traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team matches that were already on the card
Edit the 8-Women Tag Team match into a traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team match, since it’s the Survivor Series
Revert the 1-on-4 traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team match back to a 4-on-4 traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team match
Merge the 3rd singles match, the Tag Team match, and the Triple Threat match into a 4-on-4 traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team match featuring D-Generation X as Heels.

The presentation might be different, but the results stay the same for the most part.
It should have been Big Boss Man being revealed as the person who ran over Stone Cold.

Boss Man ended up getting a WWE Championship shot at the next PPV after Austin was run down (Armageddon 1999), and doing something like this fit perfectly with his straight nasty heel character at the time. He wouldn't need a particularly great reason to do it, other than wanting to take Austin out and take his spot. Yeah, Boss Man was floundering by mid-to-late 2000, but revealing him as the hitman would have been a good way to crank up momentum for him again.
i wouldn't change any of the title matches or X-Pac vs. Kane. i would've debuted Kurt Angle against Stasiak still as well.

i might've changed the the Survivor Series matches and instead of having Too Cool and the Hollys teaming up against E&C and the Hardys, i would've had the Acolytes and the Dudleys vs. Edge/Christian and the Hardys with the winning team then having a match at Armageddon to be the number one contenders for the Tag Team Championships at the Royal Rumble. with the Acolytes and the Dudleys winning it to set up the Acolytes vs. the Outlaws match.

also, if i were WWE, i would've teamed Too Cool (in an attempt to turn them face) with the Godfather and D-lo to face the Headbangers and the Hollys. the rest of the card, i wouldn't really mess with. i liked the main event because it was a way to get the title off Triple H (short term), so he can have a personal feud with McMahon, but not hot shot it to The Rock.....was Big Show the right choice to hold the title, eh, i dont know, but he was good at being the transitional champion.
1) The Nation Of Pimpin: The Godfather, D-Lo Brown, Mark Henry, and Val Venis vs. The Bulldogs: The British Bulldog, The Holly Cousins (Hardcore & Crash), and Steve Blackman

A Nation Of Domination reunion with Val Venis. The "Pimpin" part comes from The Godfather, Val, and Henry's gimmicks with the ladies (I know "Pimpin" doesn't really make sense for Val and Henry since they aren't pimps, but I couldn't think of a better team name, the gimmicks are all related though). D-Lo was a serious character, but he was dressed up in pimp gear for this match. With the exception of Crash, The Bulldog's team consists of serious tough guys. Crash is only there cause he's Hardcore's cousin obviously. Bulldog, Venis & D-Lo would face each other in a Triple Threat match for the European Title the following month at Armageddon and Venis previously had feuds with Blackman and Bulldog.

2) Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Stasiak

Keep it the same.

3) The J.O.B Squad: Al Snow, Gangrel, and The Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher) vs. The Too Mean Posse: Too Cool (Grandmaster Sexay & Scotty 2 Hotty) and The Mean Street Posse (Rodney & Pete Gas) (w/ Joey Abs)

Just a filler match really. And Too Cool had returned before Survivor Series with their new look and new team name, so they had to be featured on the PPV in some capacity. The J.O.B Squad consists of four crazy, goofy, loony gimmicks and The Too Mean Posse consists of two teams that are "cool" and "mean" on the streets, basically they're a bunch of guys who are "hip/thugs/gangsters" in their own hometowns. I could only fit 4 guys on each team, so Joey Abs is sitting this one out and managing The Too Mean Posse. I know Al was kind of a heel and had gotten a victory over The Rock around this time, but he had no business being in a programme with The Rock or getting a win over him. I would've had The Rock N' Sock Connection reunite before Survivor Series aswell or just not break them up at all until it was time for them to part ways for Foley's feud with Triple H and Rock's feud with Big Show.

4) Mae Young, The Fabulous Moolah, Tori, and Debra vs. Ivory, Luna, Jacqueline, and Terri Runnels

There's nothing better to change it too, so I'm just leaving this one alone. It only lasts 2 minutes anyway.

5) WWF Intercontinental Championship
Chyna (c) (w/ Miss Kitty) vs. Chris Jericho

Keep it the same. This card needs a couple of singles matches anyway.

6) The Big Show vs. The Bigger Shows: The Big Boss Man, Prince Albert, Mideon, and Viscera

I'd keep it the same. Show taking out his jobber partners, Blue Meanie and Kaientai, before the match and running through Bossman's entire team alone in 90 seconds. It's not looked back on fondly and The Bossman's feud with Show was bad, but honestly I did like this angle. It made Show look like a threat. I wouldn't have made Big Show the WWF Champion or put him in the title picture just yet though. I'll explain more on that later in my post.

7) Edge & Christian and The Hardy Boyz vs. The Dudley Boyz and The Acolytes

The top 4 tag teams of the WWF in the year 2000. Two high-flying tag teams against two powerhouse tag teams.

8) Team Rock N' Sock: The Rock, Mankind, Kane, and Test vs. D-Generation X: Triple H, X-Pac, and The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Billy Gunn)

Okay, first off, I would have kept the WWF Title on Triple H and had him defend it at Armageddon against Mr. McMahon. With the way they booked the WWF Title when Big Show held it, the belt was better off staying with Triple H. Yeah, Triple H vs. McMahon was a personal feud and didn't need the WWF Title, but Bossman vs. Show was also a personal feud and didn't need the WWF Title. Their WWF Title match at Armageddon didn't feel like it was about the title, it felt like it was about Show's deceased father. At least, with Triple H vs. McMahon, it would've added a bit more to their match with the title on the line as Triple H was the champion of Vince's company, and Vince absolutely hated Triple H's guts and didn't want him as the champion of his company. He tried to and successfully did screw Triple H out of being champion on Smackdown in September when he won the belt from him. With Triple H as champ again, Vince books himself against Triple H in a No Holds Barred match for the title at Armageddon to try and take the belt away from Triple H himself since Rock, Austin and others failed to do so, only Vince ends up failing to win the belt from him too. Actually, the WWF Title was personal for both Triple H and Vince. As I mentioned already, it's Vince's company, he owns the belt and doesn't want his enemy as his champion, and Triple H had spoken in interviews about how much the title meant to him and said he would even take out his own grandmother if it meant being the champion. The WWF Title felt irrelevant when Big Show held it and he was clearly a placeholder champion until Triple H finished up his feud with Vince. The Tag Team Titles and IC Title were more relevant than the WWF Title during Show's reign. You had the two hottest guys in the company, The Rock and Mankind, going after the Tag Team Titles and despite how negatively everyone looks back on the feud now, at least Chyna vs. Jericho was about the IC Title and the IC belt felt like it mattered in the feud. Jericho didn't wanna see a woman holding a man's belt. So, yeah, Triple H should have kept the belt if that's the direction they were gonna go with for the WWF Title and McMahon/Triple H was gonna remain the #1 priority, because Bossman vs. Big Show felt more like the #3 or #4 priority during that time. I'd still put Show in the title picture, but in the Road To Wrestlemania season. Have him beat Bossman and end their feud at Armageddon, then set up Rock/Show's feud and insertion into the WM 16 main event, in the Royal Rumble match.

As far as Austin getting mowed down, that still happens in my fantasy card. But if he's not gonna compete on the PPV, don't schedule Austin vs. Rock vs. Triple H for the card and then write out Austin in the middle of the show. That's what pissed off a lot of fans, they advertised the biggest Triple Threat match of the Attitude Era and then took away it from us with their best alternative being The Big Show. I would advertise Austin, Rock, Mankind, and Kane vs. DX for the PPV, but have Austin run over during the show, that way fans won't be disappointed too much, then have Test replace Austin in the match with the same ending being done, just with Test in Big Show's role and being the sole survivor of the match. That would give Test a huge rub, pinning Triple H to win the match for his team with help from Vince. It sets up Triple H ruining Test & Stephanie's wedding and could lead to a big WWF Title match down the road with Triple H against Test, maybe even for Armageddon instead of Vince. Triple H vs. Vince or Test in a No Holds Barred match for the WWF Title at Armageddon, either sound like a good option to me.

Sorry for the long explaination. My card probably doesn't improve Survivor Series 1999 much, but I think Survivor Series 1999 just may have been a PPV doomed to fail however you book it. They weren't really in a good period during this time.
I really do like some of these re-booked versions of SS 99, I thought it was a decent ppv tbh, back then Survivor Series was all about putting random people together, I would like to give my card for the ppv:

1) Godfather, Brown, Venis & Henry Vs Gangrel, The Headbangers & Joey Abbs
8 Man Survivor Series Elimination Match. Nice opener here, I would have Godfather team with Brown, Venis and Henry because they all have something in common, I would have Joey Abbs as the fourth guy so that I could have the other two members be apart of another match later on, I would have all members of Godfathers team survive the match.

2) Kurt Angle Vs Shawn Stasiak
Singles Match. This stays the same as before with Angle getting the win.

3) Mae Young, Moolah, Tori, & Debra Vs Ivory, Luna, Jacqueline, & Runnels
8 Divas Tag Team Elimination Match. Stays the same, with Mae Youngs team getting the win.

4) Big Show Vs Big Boss Man, Prince Albert, Mideon, & Viscera
4 on 1 Survivor Series Elimination Match. Stays the same except I would have Bossman and his team take out Big Shows partners on Sunday Night Heat and have Show take them all out during the match.

5) Chyna (C) (with Miss Kitty) Vs Chris Jericho
Wwf Intercontinental Title Match. Stays the same, was a decent match.

6) Too-Much & Mean Street Posse Vs The Holly Cousins, Golga & Kurrgan
8 Man Survivor Series Elimination Match. Bit of a random one here but I would have both members of Too-Much survive the match.

7) The Hardy Boyz, Edge & Christian Vs The Dudley Boyz & The Acolytes
8 Man Survivor Series Elimination Match. I would have the Acolytes and Dudley Boyz go against the Hardys and E&C with both members of the Acolytes surviving the match.

8) Kane, Test, Al Snow & Mankind Vs X-Pac, British Bulldog & the NAO
8 Man Survivor Series Elimination Match. I would have these 8 men go against each other with Snow walking out on his team and Kane, Test and Mankind surviving the match.

9) Triple H (C) Vs The Rock Vs The Big Show
Wwf Title Triple Threat Match. This stays the same, I liked it BUT I would have Big Show have a better title reign then what he did before.
1) The Nation Of Pimpin: The Godfather, D-Lo Brown, Mark Henry, and Val Venis vs. The Bulldogs: The British Bulldog, The Holly Cousins (Hardcore & Crash), and Steve Blackman

A Nation Of Domination reunion with Val Venis. The "Pimpin" part comes from The Godfather, Val, and Henry's gimmicks with the ladies (I know "Pimpin" doesn't really make sense for Val and Henry since they aren't pimps, but I couldn't think of a better team name, the gimmicks are all related though). D-Lo was a serious character, but he was dressed up in pimp gear for this match. With the exception of Crash, The Bulldog's team consists of serious tough guys. Crash is only there cause he's Hardcore's cousin obviously. Bulldog, Venis & D-Lo would face each other in a Triple Threat match for the European Title the following month at Armageddon and Venis previously had feuds with Blackman and Bulldog.

2) Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Stasiak

Keep it the same.

3) The J.O.B Squad: Al Snow, Gangrel, and The Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher) vs. The Too Mean Posse: Too Cool (Grandmaster Sexay & Scotty 2 Hotty) and The Mean Street Posse (Rodney & Pete Gas) (w/ Joey Abs)

Just a filler match really. And Too Cool had returned before Survivor Series with their new look and new team name, so they had to be featured on the PPV in some capacity. The J.O.B Squad consists of four crazy, goofy, loony gimmicks and The Too Mean Posse consists of two teams that are "cool" and "mean" on the streets, basically they're a bunch of guys who are "hip/thugs/gangsters" in their own hometowns. I could only fit 4 guys on each team, so Joey Abs is sitting this one out and managing The Too Mean Posse. I know Al was kind of a heel and had gotten a victory over The Rock around this time, but he had no business being in a programme with The Rock or getting a win over him. I would've had The Rock N' Sock Connection reunite before Survivor Series aswell or just not break them up at all until it was time for them to part ways for Foley's feud with Triple H and Rock's feud with Big Show.

4) Mae Young, The Fabulous Moolah, Tori, and Debra vs. Ivory, Luna, Jacqueline, and Terri Runnels

There's nothing better to change it too, so I'm just leaving this one alone. It only lasts 2 minutes anyway.

5) WWF Intercontinental Championship
Chyna (c) (w/ Miss Kitty)
vs. Chris Jericho

Keep it the same. This card needs a couple of singles matches anyway.

6) The Big Show vs. The Bigger Shows: The Big Boss Man, Prince Albert, Mideon, and Viscera

I'd keep it the same. Show taking out his jobber partners, Blue Meanie and Kaientai, before the match and running through Bossman's entire team alone in 90 seconds. It's not looked back on fondly and The Bossman's feud with Show was bad, but honestly I did like this angle. It made Show look like a threat. I wouldn't have made Big Show the WWF Champion or put him in the title picture just yet though. I'll explain more on that later in my post.

7) Edge & Christian and The Hardy Boyz vs. The Dudley Boyz and The Acolytes

The top 4 tag teams of the WWF in the year 2000. Two high-flying tag teams against two powerhouse tag teams.

8) Team Rock N' Sock: The Rock, Mankind, Kane, and Test vs. D-Generation X: Triple H, X-Pac, and The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Billy Gunn)

Okay, first off, I would have kept the WWF Title on Triple H and had him defend it at Armageddon against Mr. McMahon. With the way they booked the WWF Title when Big Show held it, the belt was better off staying with Triple H. Yeah, Triple H vs. McMahon was a personal feud and didn't need the WWF Title, but Bossman vs. Show was also a personal feud and didn't need the WWF Title. Their WWF Title match at Armageddon didn't feel like it was about the title, it felt like it was about Show's deceased father. At least, with Triple H vs. McMahon, it would've added a bit more to their match with the title on the line as Triple H was the champion of Vince's company, and Vince absolutely hated Triple H's guts and didn't want him as the champion of his company. He tried to and successfully did screw Triple H out of being champion on Smackdown in September when he won the belt from him. With Triple H as champ again, Vince books himself against Triple H in a No Holds Barred match for the title at Armageddon to try and take the belt away from Triple H himself since Rock, Austin and others failed to do so, only Vince ends up failing to win the belt from him too. Actually, the WWF Title was personal for both Triple H and Vince. As I mentioned already, it's Vince's company, he owns the belt and doesn't want his enemy as his champion, and Triple H had spoken in interviews about how much the title meant to him and said he would even take out his own grandmother if it meant being the champion. The WWF Title felt irrelevant when Big Show held it and he was clearly a placeholder champion until Triple H finished up his feud with Vince. The Tag Team Titles and IC Title were more relevant than the WWF Title during Show's reign. You had the two hottest guys in the company, The Rock and Mankind, going after the Tag Team Titles and despite how negatively everyone looks back on the feud now, at least Chyna vs. Jericho was about the IC Title and the IC belt felt like it mattered in the feud. Jericho didn't wanna see a woman holding a man's belt. So, yeah, Triple H should have kept the belt if that's the direction they were gonna go with for the WWF Title and McMahon/Triple H was gonna remain the #1 priority, because Bossman vs. Big Show felt more like the #3 or #4 priority during that time. I'd still put Show in the title picture, but in the Road To Wrestlemania season. Have him beat Bossman and end their feud at Armageddon, then set up Rock/Show's feud and insertion into the WM 16 main event, in the Royal Rumble match.

As far as Austin getting mowed down, that still happens in my fantasy card. But if he's not gonna compete on the PPV, don't schedule Austin vs. Rock vs. Triple H for the card and then write out Austin in the middle of the show. That's what pissed off a lot of fans, they advertised the biggest Triple Threat match of the Attitude Era and then took away it from us with their best alternative being The Big Show. I would advertise Austin, Rock, Mankind, and Kane vs. DX for the PPV, but have Austin run over during the show, that way fans won't be disappointed too much, then have Test replace Austin in the match with the same ending being done, just with Test in Big Show's role and being the sole survivor of the match. That would give Test a huge rub, pinning Triple H to win the match for his team with help from Vince. It sets up Triple H ruining Test & Stephanie's wedding and could lead to a big WWF Title match down the road with Triple H against Test, maybe even for Armageddon instead of Vince. Triple H vs. Vince or Test in a No Holds Barred match for the WWF Title at Armageddon, either sound like a good option to me.

Sorry for the long explaination. My card probably doesn't improve Survivor Series 1999 much, but I think Survivor Series 1999 just may have been a PPV doomed to fail however you book it. They weren't really in a good period during this time.

THis was easily the best alternative card I have read thus far. Nitpicking I hate the rock n Sock Connection Survivor Series NAME since originally you would have had Austin on the team as well and no way Austin would play third fiddle to Rock and Mankind. I would have gone with either the People's Team, Or DTA (Dont Trust Anybody), as none of them truly trusted each other much but all had a common enemy, DX.I loved replacing Austin with Test was perfectly acceptable and made sense. I'd even have gone with Test pinning WWF Champion at the tiem Triple H in your alternative universe leading to WWF Title Match then next night on RAW and given it to Test if only for a few weeks holidng the title. Freeing up Triple H to fight vince whiel also adding more fuel to the fire with Tirple H getting back at Test for taking his title by taking his woman. I would proceed in doing the Vince vs Triple H at Armageddon No holds Barred match and have Test defend the WWF Title against X Pac and Kane in a Triple Threat Match where Test would get another big victory looking like a strong champion before his inevitable defeat where I would then reveal Stephanie being in on the entire thing turnign on Test. I would ntoh ave had her turn on Vicne. I would ahve her interfere but I would have made it appear by accident that she hits VInce aiming for Triple H. . So maybe the final RAW of 1999 I would have had Test drop the title back to Tripel h after Stephanie purposely hits Test with the Sledgehammer. Allowing Triple H to feud with Mankind/Cactus Jakc for the ROyal Rumble. Have Test return IN the Royal Rumble and give him the most eliminations and maybe final four. Maybe even doing the same spot where X PAc got eliminated while referees were distracted by NAO trying to attack Kane. Test tossed out X pac but X Pac slides back in slowly X Pac to throw out Test when he is nearly about to eliminate The Rock. Big Show then eliminates X Pac leaving Rock and Show as the final two. And Rock wins. Test could move on to no Way Out gaining another shot at Triple H inside Hell in a Cell. Triple h can still retain the Title but gives Test a big spotlight coming close to winning. WM 2000 Id have just had Triple H vs The Rock for the WWF Title and given The Rock the Title at Mania.

My card was simialr to yours with slight changes. Ill post that shortly.

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