Rebooking Survivor Series 1998

King Patrick Star

K. O. T. R. 2007 -€“ Team Undisputed
I’m assuming since the Survivor Series is over and we’re headed to the TLC, that MMK isn’t going to continue this series. Since I’ve typed up “Rebooking Survivor Series” up to 2001, I thought I’d continue it. Here goes my version of Survivor Series 1998.

If there must be a tournament for the vacated WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title Belt, then I would change the format of the matches, but still keeping the same end result. The tournament will start with 4 Wildcard Survivor Series Teams drawn randomly, where the winning teams advance to the second round and gets reshuffled. The winning teams of the second round are then broken up into Wildcard Tag Teams and face each other. The winning tag team will then face off in a one on one match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title Belt. I also kept Triple H in the tournament and filled in the byes with a couple of SuperStars who were on the card.

Sunday Night Heat Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team match
The Legion of Doom (Animal and Droz) and the Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff Hardy)
Hardcore Holly, Scorpio, and Too Much (Brian Christopher and Scott Taylor)

Sunday Night Heat Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team match
The New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn and Road Dogg), Gangrel and Val Venis
D'Lo Brown and Mark Henry and the Headbangers (Mosh and Thrasher)

Women’s Championship Title match
WWE Women’s Champion, Jacqueline (with Marc Mero)


First Round

Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team match
The Rock, Ken Shamrock, Kane and Undertaker
Triple H, Goldust, Steve Blackman, Tiger Ali Singh

Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team match
Stone Cold Steve Austin, X-Pac, Al Snow, and Mankind
Big Boss Man, Steven Regal, Jeff Jarrett, and Duane Gill


Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team match
Undertaker, the Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Mankind
Kane, Ken Shamrock, X-Pac, and Al Snow


Tag Team match
The Rock and Mankind
Stone Cold Steve Austin and Undertaker


The Rock

I think this format would have at the very least, kept the Survivor Series concept intact, with 5 traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team matches, with a little twist.
My card:

1.Mankind def. Goldust in a Tournament Quarter Final Match

2.Stone Cold Steve Austin def. Ken Shamrock in a Tournament Quarter Final Match

3.The Rock def. The Big Boss Man in a King Of The Ring Quarter Final Match

4.The Undertaker def. Kane in a Tournament Quarter Final Match

5.The Brood (Gangrel & Edge & Christian) & Scorpio def. The Legion Of Doom & The Hardy Boys in a Four on Four Traditional Survivor Series Tag Team Elimination Match.

Sole Survivors: Gangrel & Edge & Christian.

6.D-Generation X (X Pac & Road Dogg & Billy Gunn) & ?? (Gillberg) def. D’Lo Brown & Mark Henry & Steven Regal & Jeff Jarrett in a Four on Four Traditional Survivor Series Tag Team Elimination Match.

Sole Survivors: X Pac & Road Dogg & Billy Gunn.

7.Val Venis & Steve Blackman & Al Snow & Head def. Hardcore Holly & Too Much & The Headbangers in a Traditional Four on Four Survivor Series Tag Team Elimination Match.

Sole Survivors: Al Snow and Val Venis.

8.Mankind def. Stone Cold Steve Austin in a Tournament Semi Finals Match

9.The Rock def. The Undertaker via a Disqualification in a Tournament Semi Finals Match

10.Sable def. Jacqueline © to win the WWF Women’s Championship

11.Team A (Val Venis & Billy Gunn & X Pac & Edge) def. Team B (Gangrel & Christian & Road Dogg & Al Snow) in an “Ultimate Survivors” Match where the winner\s will get a Future WWF Championship shot.

Ultimate Survivors: Edge and X Pac.

12.The Rock def. Mankind in the Tournament Finals to win the Vacant WWF Championship.

Edge got his title shot the next night on Raw. He lost the match cleanly.

X Pac got his title at Capital Carnage on December and won the match via a DQ but did not win the title.
There isn't anything about this Survivor Series that I would change. The only gripe I see people having with this PPV is the quality of the matches, but the matches on this night didn't matter, the story did. And the story was perfect the way it went down. So many twists & turns and a new star born at the end of the night. Survivor Series 1998 is the greatest PPV for storyline purposes. It's my favourite Survivor Series and my second favourite PPV of all time after Wrestlemania X7. Vince Russo gets a lot of flack, but his writing for this show was pure genius. I didn't see Rock winning the tournament or any of those surprises coming.

I've always had this idea in mind though and I'm not saying anything on this show should've been changed, but if Bossman hadn't faced The Rock in the First Round, then I would've put The Nation in the tournament and had D-Lo Brown face The Rock in the First Round to settle their NOD issue. Rock and D-Lo have never faced each other, even after The Rock split from The Nation. Rock did face Mark Henry at In Your House: Judgment Day and D-Lo helped Mark win the match, but Rock and D-Lo never went one-on-one, which I would like to have seen. To me, Rock and D-Lo looked like they were the closest in the group out of all The Nation members. Rock would've beaten D-Lo easily, but I think they could've put on a good match together too.

As for Mark Henry, I would've put him up against X-Pac in the First Round instead of Steven Regal (who could've debuted on Sunday Night Heat) and had him defeat X-Pac to advance to the Quarter-Finals against Austin (who received a bye into the Semi-Finals due to Regal and Pac going to double countout in their First Round match). I'd have Henry lose to Austin in their Quarter-Finals match, but also weaken him down as Vince McMahon wanted. Bossman took a DQ loss in his First Round match with Austin and injured Austin's ribs with his Nightstick, Henry could've been used in the Quarter-Finals to further injure Austin's ribs and wear him down even more, so he wasn't 100 percent for Mankind in their Semi-Finals match.

Again, I'm not saying I'd change it to that. Bossman against Rock in the First Round made perfect sense, Rock was secretly the handpicked champion and Bossman was secretly helping him advance all the way to Finals. Just an alternative idea, that's all.
This was a decent Survivor Series tbh, it created a new star in the Rock BUT it had way to many matches, I would narrow the tournament down from 16 to 8 and have them all win qualifiying matches to advance to the final rounds of the tournament at SS,I would put more traditional elimination matches in there, my card would be:

1) The Rock Vs Ken Shamrock
Wwf Title Quarterfinals Tournament Match. I would have this as the opener with Rock getting the pin and going to the semi's.

2) The Undertaker Vs Kane
Wwf Title Quarterfinals Tournament Match. This stays the same with Taker going through to the next round.

3) Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs Big Bossman
Wwf Title Quarterfinals Tournament Match. This also stays the same with Bossman being disqualified from the tournament and then beating Austin up afterwards potentially costing him his chances at getting the title back.

4) Mankind Vs Goldust
Wwf Title Quarterfinals Tournament Match. I would have these two go at it, it could be a fun decent match with Mankind getting the win.

5) Al Snow, Holly, Scorpio, Gillberg Vs Jeff Jarrett, William Regal, Tiger Singh & Mero
8 Man Tag Team Elimination Match. I would have Snow and Jarrett Captain respective teams with Jarrett and Singh surviving the match and qualifying to the grand finale.

6) Billy Gunn, Roadd Dogg, X-Pax & Funaki Vs D’Lo Brown,Henry, Godfather & Vega
8 Man Tag Team Elimination Match. I would have this on the card with Bill Gunn and Road Doog surviving the match and moving onto the grand finale.

7) Edge, Christian, Headbangers Vs The Hardy Boyz & Legion of Doom
8 Man Tag Team Elimination Match. Another decent match with Edge and Christian surviving the match.

8) Owen Hart, Acolytes & Funaki Vs Too-Much, Skull & 8Ball
8 Man Tag Team Elimination Match. I would have Hart be the survivor along with Bradshaw and advance to the finals.

9) The Rock Vs The Undertaker
Wwf Title Semi-Finals Match. Stays the same with Rock going through.

10) Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs Mankind
Wwf Title Semi-Finals Match. Stays the same with Mankind going through.

11) Jarrett, Tiger Singh, Hart Bradshaw Vs The NAO and Edge and Christian
Grand Finale Match. I would have Jarrett and Hart survive the match and form a tag team afterwards.

12) The Rock Vs Mankind
Wwf Title Finals Match. This stays the same with Rock getting the win and turning heel.

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