Survivor Series 2012 Discussion

If it does happen, would you mind seeing Cena/Ziggler main event?

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A decent card with awful build up. They're missing the point of this PPV. The Survivor Series match is suppossed to mean something. I remember when they had the stipulation where each member of the winning team had the opportunity to run a broadcast of RAW for a night. Each guy booked their dream matches when it was their turn and made for some cool main events. Why couldn't they just tack that concept on? That would've added a reason for the match to happen. The rest of the card is drowning in neglect. I hope the roster is able to make this work. Good luck to them.
The build has been VERY questionable, and it stems from the mess with supposedly Vince and the WWE changing their minds on Punk not defending his title.

Think about this: Foley assembled a team to go against PUNKS team, now Foley's team is going against Zigglers' team that PAUL HEYMAN assembled, and Ziggler and Foley have had little to NO interaction with one another. Easy fix would have been to make someone else captain of team Foley, and have Foley ref the Triple Threat WWE Title match, or be an enforcer.

Cena is focused on Ziggler and Vickie and AJ and has had very little to do with the WWE title except brief staredowns with Punk and Ryback. Zigglers SS match has nothing to do with Cena, and thats who they are rivals.

It is a HUGE mess, so I completely agree.

Show vs Sheamus, the Divas' Title, and the US Title have been built better than the two main events. Hell even the You Tube Preshow of Team CoBro vs 3MB has had a better build
To me, I am in all agreement with the OP and the rest of the people here who have voiced their opinions on the build-up towards Survivor Series. I think this event was starting from scratch from when Cena was injured after NOC. Now, the WWE had 6 weeks to build-up between NOC and HIAC. I honestly think the HIAC match was much better prepared than SS. But anyways, the WWE got lucky with Ryback into the WWE Title Match. But after that? We all knew the WHC was going to be a rematch with Sheamus and Big Show, no surprise there. I think the Team Ziggler vs. Foley threw me off completely because I was thinking DZ would cash in his MITB breifcase, but it may or may not happen but all in all the WWE didn't build this PPV up well at all.
They ruined everything when they changed the main event they should have had the title match at tlc a 3 man ladder match which in that way nobody's reputation would harm if any of them win but this current matches will be a total disaster like last year
The card is a HUGE mess indeed. This is what happens when you don't properly build up every match on the card and make us fans not look forward to see what the payoff match will be like. This is what happens when you throw matches together for Survivor Series. SURVIVOR SERIES. This is supposed to be one of the Big Four (at least I thought) and the card is average at best.

They backed themselves into a corner thinking they were going to get away with Team Punk vs Team Foley, but when they realized how ridiculous that was, they awkwardly and anticlimactically made Cena vs Punk vs Ryback. And now, why is Foley even have a team anymore? At least make Foley the guest referee or something.

I could care less about the Divas title match, team Ziggler vs team Foley, and Truth vs Cesaro (even though that's going to be a good match.) The only reason I care a little about Show vs Sheamus is because their match at Hell in a Cell was pretty damn good and I'm interested in their rematch.

I'm not as interested in Cena/Ryback/Punk as I should be. It's pretty much Punk vs Ryback and Cena is just there to attract more attention. I have not once heard Cena even mention the match at Survivor Series and going after the WWE Championship again. They should've held off on this Cena/AJ nonsense for AFTER Survivor Series. All focus from the night after Hell in a Cell up until last Monday was supposed to be CM Punk defending against Ryback and John Cena. I feel like it's Punk vs Ryback II and oh yeah, Cena's gonna be in there too.

I will be tuning in despite my rant just to see who comes out as WWE and World Champion. I could literally give two fucks about the rest of the card. They have done little to no job building up or putting any effort in the card to make me eagerly anticipate what goes down in the entire 2 1/2 hours of the show.
WWE Survivor Series - November 18, 2012

1. Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara, Justin Gabriel, Tyson Kidd & Brodus Clay vs. The Prime Time Players, Epico & Primo & Tensai in a Survivor Series tag team elimination match - I was hoping we’d get another Survivor Series tag match on the show. The stars of this particular match were the tag teams rather than Tensai & Clay. The match was much better than I was expecting. Truth be told, I wasn’t expecting too much because I figured it’d be lucky to go 10 minutes. There was a lot of good action during the match and it went long enough for everyone to get involved and most did a good job. There were a couple of blown spots from Tensai but, all in all, a good match. Tensai eliminates Clay about the 8.5 minute mark. The honeymoon is definitely over for Clay because Gabriel eliminates Tensai about 2 minutes later after kicking out of a big splash, the same move that Tensai eliminated Clay with. Gabriel comes about and eliminates Tensai at the 10.5 minute mark with a crucifix pin. There was a lot of strong back & forth stuff from the cruiserweight wrestlers involved. It comes down to Kidd vs. Titus with Kidd getting the win after Titus crotches the turnbuckle. Some more action followed up with Kidd getting another elimination via the Sharpshooter on Epico at the 15 minute mark. Mysterio gets the pin on Primo after a few minutes of mixing it up. He blocked a backstabber attempt before trapping Primo’s shoulders on the mat. The end comes for Darren Young, the only heel left, after taking the 619 from Mysterio, followed up by the 450 Splash from Gabriel, followed by the springboard from Kidd and for Rey to Drop the Dime. Young is pinned with Kidd & Gabriel & Mysterio & Sin Cara as the survivors for their team at the 18.5 minute mark. Something of a “feel good” match to start the ppv off with Kidd & Gabriel both having a strong showing. ***

2. Eve Torres vs. Kaitlyn for the WWE Divas Championship - Even though the crowd was dead for this, the women put forth a really good effort. There was some genuine intensity here and some solid storytelling. Eve messed up a bit while climbing the ropes but she also took a lot of hard bumps to help make Kaitlyn look good. Kaitlyn has improved noticeably in the past few months and looked better here than she has for most of that time. The end comes with Kaitlyn being tripped up in the ring apron by Eve. She followed up soon with her neckbreaker finisher for the clean win a bit past the 7 minute mark. A good ppv showing for the Divas in my eyes. Not a classic, but far better than the norm. **

3. Antonio Cesaro vs. R-Truth for the WWE United States Championship -. The build for the match wasn’t very interesting and you had to know how it was going to end. I enjoy Cesaro’s methodical style. He’s about 6’5” and 240 pounds and it’s a style that does seem to fit with his look. All in all, I did enjoy the match because the men put forth a good effort. Cesaro is still in the midst of a slow build and this was another step in the right direction. The action picked up in the second half with Truth getting his wind back and taking it to Cesaro. Cesaro looked strong taking some of Truth’s finishers, including the Lie Detector and a big heel kick for a very close near fall. Cesaro soon mounts back and delivers that killer uppercut he uses. He then puts Truth in the Neutralizer and hits it for the clean win a little past the 7 minute mark. The ending was predictable but it was a solid match. Some probably hated it, some flat out loved it, I’m more in the middle on this due in large part to just not caring about Truth right now. **1/4

AJ Lee Segment - This was a fairly brief segment continuing the angle with AJ & Vickie Guerrero. AJ was getting even, I suppose, by showing how the “evidence” of her & Cena can be faked by showing photoshopped videos of Vickie eating burritos with Ricardo Rodriguez. AJ made a little tongue in cheek sexual reference when she said something to the effect of Vickie was enjoying Ricardo’s burrito. She then showed some more photoshopped footage of Vickie eating with Jim Ross, before showing vids of Vickie dancing with Brodus Clay. They got into it verbally for a bit before Tamina comes in and attacked AJ from behind. She pretty much dismantled AJ for a bit before nailing her with the Superfly Splash. Vickie then laughs over a prone AJ Lee. I liked this segment mostly because it moves things forward nicely. I think we’re done with all the “evidence” about all this stuff and AJ is moving into a physical aspect of this feud with Tamina acting on Vickie’s behalf. Vickie & AJ both did well in their roles and it was nice to see the two women being the center of this thing without Cena or Ziggler hovering around. Thumbs Up

4. Big Show vs. Sheamus for the World Heavyweight Championship - Another strong showing from the two big men as they delivered another intense, physical match. This match probably won’t get as much praise as their previous match did because it was just so much better than everyone believed it to be. Now that they know what to expect, I’m sure some will complain that it was too similar to their first match or that they just weren’t into it. I thought the match was every bit as good as their HIAC match, even the ending. The ending is logical as this match is probably a bridge to a third encounter between them at the TLC show, which will probably close out the feud. Sheamus delivered some major power moves on Show in this match, including putting show up in the Electric Chair that just made Sheamus look like a beast. He put Show in White Noise a bit later for a fucking great near fall. Sheamus gets to his feet after a bit and calls for the Brogue Kick. As he goes for it, Big Show pulls Scott Armstrong in the way, allowing him to eat the move. A WWE doc immediately checks him out with two refs coming out as well. Sheamus is looking concerned as Show spins him around to deliver the KO punch. He then covered Sheamus and one of the other refs counted three. It seemed that Show had scored another win but the third ref stepped up and said that he couldn’t make that call while the original ref was being attended to, so Big Show was disqualified. Sheamus recovers by this time and goes ape shit on Show with a steel chair, including working over his leg. Great intensity here from Sheamus and, to make the crowd happier, Sheamus ultimately delivers a Brogue Kick. ***1/2

5. Team Foley vs. Team Ziggler in a Survivor Series tag team elimination match - I really liked this match as there were some surprises that I didn’t see coming quite frankly. The letdown really was that Sandow & Kane really weren’t in the match long enough to be a factor one way or the other. Kane eliminated Sandow a little past the 3 minute mark before Ziggler eliminated him maybe 45 seconds later. I also dunno why David Otunga was placed in this match as he just doesn’t belong. Shit, might as well have put Ricardo in as Cody’s replacement. Bryan eliminates Otunga about the 7 minute mark with the No Lock. Some good action sequences followed with Bryan & Del Rio then Kofi & Del Rio. Ziggler was working hard throughout this match, including running interference to break up a near fall on Del Rio. Wade Barrett tags in and quickly drops Kofi with the Winds of Change slam before delivering the Bullhammer elbow to eliminate Kofi at the 10 minute mark. There was some fun action afterwards with Orton & Barrett setting up a stalemate situation before Bryan tags in. Some very good stuff from Bryan & Barrett, including Bryan nailing the missle dropkick on Barrett for a nice near fall. Barrett manages to clothesline him over the top before tagging in Del Rio. Del Rio manages to eventually put Bryan in the Cross Armbreaker and forces him to submit at the 13 minute mark. Now it’s down to Orton & Miz vs. Ziggler, Del Rio & Barrett. Miz comes in for the first time during this next bit and looks good. He & Barrett have a nice exchange that ultimately ends up with Miz hitting the SCF for the elimination just after the 16 minute mark. Del Rio eliminates Miz about 90 seconds later with the step up enziguiri. Orton holds his own against the two heels for a bit, thanks in part to an accidental dropkick to Del Rio from Ziggler. Orton pops the RKO on Del Rio for the elimination at the 21 minute mark. Some great stuff from Orton & Ziggler, including a great near fall after Ziggler delivers the Zig Zag. After Orton executes the middle rope DDT, he stalks Ziggler for a bit before heading back into the corner to go for the punt. Some in the crowd didn’t recognize it as it’s been a while since Orton used it. Orton measures Ziggler and goes in with Ziggler suddenly popping up and nailing Orton with a super kick. Ziggler makes the cover and, major surprise, scores the clean pin over Orton about the 24 minute mark. Dolph Ziggler wins and is the sole survivor for his team. I didn’t expect the ending and I thought it was great. Ziggler looked great in this match and WWE needs to capitalize on this. I also really liked that Ziggler & Miz never had any interaction, it makes me want to see their match this Wednesday all the more. ***1/2

6. CM Punk vs. John Cena vs. Ryback for the WWE Championship - Excellent main event that was memorable and very newsworthy. Punk, Cena & Ryback put on a great match that saw all three of them looking strong. With Cena in the mix, Ryback still looked strong but he didn’t look like the mixture of Superman and the Hulk as we’ve seen. He seemed more vulnerable and, for me personally, it works. Cena & Punk carried much of the match and made Ryback seem more human, such as when they suplexed him through the announcers table. Cena & Punk both delivered some great near falls in the ring after nailing each other with their finishers. Late in the match, Ryback delivers Shell Shock to Punk for a killer near fall just before Cena made the save. Ryback soon nails Cena with Shell Shock afterward when three guys in black all run out and begin attacking Ryback. These guys are NXT wrestlers, including Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns. I didn’t see this coming at all and I’m sure the internet is already blowing up over this. The NXT guys powerbomb Ryback through the Spanish announce table. Punk has recovered by this time and covers Cena, getting the pinfall at the 18 minute mark. The announcers sold the shock of these events, including mentioning who these three wrestlers that attacked Ryback are several times, with Punk & Heyman celebrating. ***1/2

Final Thoughts - For me, Survivor Series 2012 was a strong show from top to bottom. There were a few matches that would be deemed slow on the card, like the US & Divas Championship matches, but they were still two solid matches with the wrestlers putting forth a good effort. The other four matches on the card were, to me, all three star+ matches. The opening Survivor Series tag match was unexpected and better than I was expecting. Kidd & Gabriel both looked good tonight. Sheamus vs. Big Show delivered again with a strong, physical outing with an ending that makes sense if WWE wants to keep one more ppv outing from these two. Team Foley vs. Team Ziggler was equally good with Ziggler being the star of this match. I was surprised that Ziggler was the only survivor on his team and that he cleanly beat Randy Orton to win the match. I expected the faces to win. The triple threat main event was a strong match from all three involved. WWE protected Ryback by making him look capable of beating Punk & Cena. It was his finisher that took Cena out. They futher protected him by having Rollins, Ambrose & Reigns interfere & deliver a physical beating. It was a debut that’s going to generate a lot of buzz that made a memorable impact. I can see if some weren’t so hot about the other Survivor Series match, though I thought it was well wrestled and started the night off with some good wrestling. But the three top matches of the show delivered.

Grade: A-
I think the WWE has had a solid string of PPVs and this PPV didn't disappoint.

The first Survivor Series match was solid. Sin Cara continue to impress. Tensai is dead and Clay is really dead.

Kaitlyn is boring. Like, really boring. Eve is good though. I want the AJ-Eve feud to happen soon. Match had effort, but only because Eve is actually good in the ring.

Cesaro (my favorite wrestler right now) is just impressive. His heat continues to grow. His in-ring skills are great. Mic skills are good (he should do more promos in French or Italian or German). His moveset is great. It's old school heel wrestling. We got what we could out of R-Truth, but Cesaro needs to move on to bigger fish.

AJ Lee is hot. Seeing the JR/Vickie photo was funny. Good segment. Seriously though, those idiots in the audience nearly ruined it with their stupid "What?" chants in the beginning. Stone Cold, why did you leave us with that curse?

Seriously, Sheamus-Show is a thousand times better than ADR-Sheamus. I loved the match. Keep this feud going.

Team Ziggler-Team Orton. Solid but I have a few complaints. Look, ADR, he's awful right now. I can't stand watching him. What's worse? It's the Daniel Bryan is so insanely over and ADR is one of the last 4 standing. ADR does not get the same heat. Ricardo is more over at this point. Sandow doing his thing was good though I didn't enjoy their quick eliminations. Kane, basically the same. Kofi will always do well in the ring. Otunga is Otunga. Barrett was good. The Miz face turn has worked. Great job by Miz. Orton was good, but I don't want to see Orton heel turn. Guy is over as a face. Just give him someone better to fued with than ADR. Nice win for Ziggler but the MVP was Daniel Bryan. Guy is great in the ring.

Honest feelings about the main event, I felt Ryback was too much. If it was just Cena-Punk, I would have loved it and that's when the match was better. The match was good, but because Cena and Punk know how to go. When it was Cena-Punk, that's when it's great. I felt Ryback didn't get that much of a reaction until he faced Cena but Cena gets a reaction if he blinks. Punk was great, Cena was great, Heyman is awesome. The whole match, his emotions are terrific. Ryback is out of place. I did think he was going to win the title but then surprise, Rollins, Ambrose, and Reigns come in, make a huge impact with their debut (I literally jumped from my couch when I noticed who they were). CM Punk retaining is great. Ryback is laid out. Who knows where Cena goes from here? I have soured quickly on Ryback.

MVPs of the night: Daniel Bryan, Sin Cara, Antonio Cesaro, CM Punk, Cena, Rollins/Ambrose/Reigns.

Ho-hum reactions: Alberto Del Rio, Tensai, Clay.

And I hated those What? chants. Seriously, HATE THEM.
Very Good PPV indeed.Too bad that the build up to the PPV wasn't half as good as the SS.
Match 1:Sin Cara & Rey Mysterio,International Airstrike and Brodus Clay vs Primo and Epico,PTP and Tensai:
Usually throw away matches are boring and irritating,but this match was beyond so and proved to be great.Cara is indeed improving under Rey but Kidd and Gabriel were the real stars here.Good long match with the faces winning.Grade:A-
Match 2: Divas Championship-Eve vs Kaitlyn:It wasn't a great or even good match.But comparing to the recent downfall of the divison,this was ok.Intesity of the match was noticable.Grade:B-
Match 3:US Title Match-Antonio Cesaro vs R-Truth:Cesaro shows great dominance here.Good solid 7 minute match.But Cesaro needs to drop the Anti-USA gimmick.Because it ain't the 80's and he ain't the Iron Sheik.Grade:B
In ring Segment with AJ Lee and Vickie:This was funny and increased the heat beetween VG and AJ.I can see a possible PPV even 'Mania match beetween the two.Despite not wrestling regularly AJ is the top Diva now and the segment showed so.Grade:B+
Match 4:WHC Title match:Big Show vs Shemaus:Another strong match beetween two beasts.Shemaus looked like a beast hitting the Electric Chair and White Noise.Only Problem that i had was Big Show begging mercy to shemaus.He's a giant,not a pussy.He should act like one.Any ways looks like the third and final(hopefully) round of the battle of the beast would end at TLC.Grade:A-
Match 5:Team Foley vs Team Ziggler:Increadible match.After many years a SS Traditional match with 5-6 top tier talent.Only problem with match i had was that Miz didn't get to elevate his face turn.Anyway the match had some good spots.Otunga looked like he was out of place.Nice ending with Ziggler pinning Orton clean.BTW Orton should NOT turn heel in the near future.He's way too over to be turned.Then again,that was the same case with CM Punk.Grade:A
Main Event:WWE Title-CM Punk(c) vs Ryback vs Cena:Excellent match,match of the night.It did everything it needed to do.CM Punk is still the champ,Ryback credibility is still intact.Remember it was the ShellShock that put Cena out.That just proves how dominant Ryback is.On the other hand we witnessed the impactful and newsworthy debut of Rollins,Ambrose and Reigns.The finish definately gave you a reason to tune in to Raw tonight.Grade:A

Survivor Series 2012 proved out to be another incredible PPV.But only for the poor buildup,the buyrates would be too low.Overall Grade:A-
P.S:JBL's commentary in the first hour and half was terrible but you can bear with it.
JBL's commentary was the best part. I dont see how people can enjoy a segment involving Vickie Guerrero, but dislike JBL...
-Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara, Justin Gabriel, Tyson Kidd & Brodus Clay vs. The Prime Time Players, Epico & Primo & Tensai - I hate that they are putting unannounced matches on a ppv card. I feel like every match on a ppv should be promoted. This isn't an episode of Raw. That being said... It was a fun match to watch perfect as an opener. 2.75/5

-Eve Torres vs. Kaitlyn for the WWE Divas title - Eve's beauty wave is stupid. I give her credit for trying to tell a story during her matches. The match was slighty better than the usual diva trainwreck. Kaitlyn is still awful though, but Eve worked hard. 2/5

-Antonio Cesaro vs. R-Truth for US title - Cesaro has potential, but like others have said that need to ditch anti american angle. It just feels so dated. This has been a very lame feud. This match was nothing special either. 2/5

AJ Vickie Segment- I dont have any interest in this angle so I didn't really pay attention.

-Big Show vs. Sheamus for the World Title- They had another good match even though the ending was kind of lame. Sheamus is the perfect opponent for Big Show. Big Show works best going somewhat back and fourth with guy that can do power spots. Show and Henry last year had a surprisingly good match at Vengeance. Show and Lesnar worked well together back in the day because the crowd would pop with the way Lesnar could throw him around the ring. Big Show matches get very boring when he goes on extended offense. It just sucks the life out of the crowd. It looks like they setying up a chairs match for TLC. 3/5

-Team Foley vs. Team Ziggler in a Survivor Series tag team elimination match - This was a solid match. I did have a couple of issues with it though. Sandow should of never been the first one eliminated. It should of been Otunga considering he was never suppose to be in the match. Kane got eliminated a little too quick. It made the Big Red Monster look very weak. The RKO on del Rio was sick. Del Rio needs to go back to the midcard and work on his character. They need to give Orton some fresh new angles. I thought the ending was very good with Orton and Ziggler. With Dolph finally beating Orton it looks like they are planning on having Dolph cash in his MITB contract at TLC. 3/5

-CM Punk vs. John Cena vs. Ryback for the WWE title- Big fail by the WWE having Ryback introduced last when he got the weakest reaction of the 3. I knew they were going to do something screwy at the end so Punk can retain, but I never expected Ambrose, Rollins, Reigns to attack Ryback. I was very surprised at that. Great Ending! 3/5

I had low expectations going in because they changed the main event and were all over the place with their angles leading up to the ppv, but it was a good ppv. I enjoyed watching it. I love that JBL is back. I like how he brings up non wrestling references and he even did a good job putting over the divas match.
I came away happy with how the 2012 Survivor Series played out. I hope that the fallout from the event will include the continued pushes of both Ziggler and Kidd. They are both at different points and levels within the company, but these two guys came away looking the best from their respective Survivor Series matches.

For Kidd I hope the beginning of that push would see him and Gabriel win the tag titles at WrestleMania. From their as long as the team gets a good pop, they should be given a few months and 2-3 different heel teams to fued with to strengthen their reign. Once the title reign comes to an end, if Kidd still gets a good reaction from the crowd I would hope the second part of his push would begin where he and Gabriel split up and depending on what the company feels he can do better would determine weather he be a face or heel. From that point he could begin to challenge for US or IC gold and if the heat/pop remains he can get a title reign.

For Ziggler its pretty simple. He needs to cash this breifcase in no later than the Rumble and win the World Heavyweight Title. From their he should sucessfully defend the title at WrestleMania.

As unlikely as it would be (because of Rock being around the WWE Title for The Rumble and most likely WrestleMania), how awesome of a storyline would it be if Ziggler cashed in his breifcase at The Rumble and won the World Heavyweight Title, and followed it up by winning the Royal Rumble thus giving him a WWE Title shot at WrestleMania.

This is something we have never seen before, and would give the WWE a great chance at unifying the titles and creating a new one.
I was happy with the way Survivor Series turned out as well. I wanted Punk to retain under any circumstance as I just don't think Ryback is ready yet. I also want to see how long they will carry out Punk's reign. Also happy Ziggler won as I hope it inches him ever so closer to cashing in. I bought HIAC so I didn't get to watch Survivor Series, but these two things alone make me happy with the ppv.
Survivor Series went quite well. The matches that I like are the Sheamus vs Show match and the first elimination match (tyson kidd, rey mysterio and guys...). I wasn't expecting Big Show to out perform his match in HIAC, and I was kinda worried if his chemistry with Sheamus that we saw in HIAC was a one-time thing. But as it turns out, this was a pretty good match on its own. I didn't really like the ending, I would have preferred a clean win. It doesn't matter to me who won as long as it's a good match, but I know... I don't represent the WWE universe. Big Show took a lot of chair shots in this match, kind of difficult to watch.

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