WWE Survivor Series: WWE Championship - CM Punk (c) VS John Cena VS Ryback


I'm not saying Ryback won't have a successful career if he doesn't win the title in 2 weeks which is what you've implied with Sheamus. Sheamus' first reign wasn't great because he was thrown in too early. I just feel Ryback would benefit from a couple of really good feuds and some more development before they chuck the belt on him.

Not so much of a 'cm punk fan' as you say but I just think, with the situation the WWE has set up with the whole Rock vs WWE Champ in advance thing, I think it's best that Cena or Punk goes into RR as WWE Champ.

If the predetermined match with Rocky hadn't been done, than maybe they could've taken a risk with Ryback and have him hold it through to EC
I see Punk retaining here and honestly I think it's for the best. I would hate it if we don't get The Rock vs. Punk at the Royal Rumble.

The problem here is after Survivor Series, who does he face at TLC? This is my problem with the Triple Threat. You will end Punk's feud with Cena but what happens to Ryback? Does he continue to chase the WWE Championship? Does he go against Big Show? And being honest, I have kind of soured on Ryback.

Anyway, I expect a good match and I hope Punk pins Ryback.
CM Punk wins, no question about it.

If you go on The Rock's twitter, it's all towards CM Punk. If he was facing Cena at Royal Rumble he would be making comments towards him, and if he was facing Ryback he would have at least acknowledged him. Also I'm sure The Rock put something in a tweet along the lines of "see you at the Rumble" to Punk, so I think it's definitely Punk V Rock, with Punk's record title reign being a main part of it as it can be seen as "no-one can beat Punk, so it comes down to The Rock". The Rock ends up winning and wrestles Cena at Wrestlemania, and loses.
Listen, Punk will not be, and im gonna steal a quote from tazz, "the champeen" after SS 2012. Cena and ryback both have earned this title match. Remember, Cena was WWE champ at the 2009 survivor sereis and beat both members of DX. Now, lets say punk is the champ. What's next for the wwe and more importantly punk?
Punk will come out on top- that's the only way I can really see this go. If he does drop the belt, it's to Cena- and that's a big IF. Ryback isn't ready to hold the belt just yet, so a "no" to him. It just seems that Punk is going to surpass a one-year reign, so there you have it. Chances are the Ryback feud will continue, so I can see, as the OP suggested, Ryback will SS Cena, only for CM Punk to sneak in his win, and there you go.
Punk will walk out victorious at the end of the night. I see Punk making Cena look good, and Cena making Ryback look good. Cena needs to pick up a little bit of momentum, and Ryback needs to keep his. Then, after a nice and long match, Punk will steal the victory in a clean manner. Thats the only way I see it. Survivor Series will mark one year since Punk won the title. If they want him walking into Rumble as the champion, then they need not to take the belt off him now.

If they want Cena vs. Rock II to take place at the Rumble, why not let Cena win here? That question keeps popping up in my mind, but I don't think it will happen. And as for Ryback, I just don't see him having a chance at the title at this point in time.
No way in hell is Ryback gonna win this match so we can take him off the table right now.

Now it's just a matter of if were getting Cena vs Rock at Rumble or Punk vs Rock at Rumble. The win could go to either of them, In all honesty Cena may need the victory here. I want Cena to win and face Rock at Rumble and put Punk in a tables match against Foley.

I think either way Punk will face Foley at TLC but it's just a matter of if it's for the title or not, Hell Punk could win and face him in a non title match too. I'm gonna go with Punk so he can reach the year mark.
This is the match I am looking forward to the most and our obvious candidate to close the show. Ryback's been doing quite well despite not being undefeated anymore as a character, and the CM Punk VS Cena angle has remained interesting for several months which is not common these days. I tend to get sick of a feud after a couple of PPV events, let alone a semester's worth of shows. The addition of Ryback has made it more interesting but even if it was just Cena and Punk it would still have gotten my attention. I was starting to get tired of it a month ago, although I will admit I would still be paying quite a bit of attention to it with or without Ryback at this point. This HAS to be where it ends though. I can't think of a way that WWE can keep it going on any longer.

Punk will most likely win. He is about to hit the one year mark for his WWE Championship reign. This is a VERY big deal, guys. The last time we had a reign this long with the belt was with Cena roughly 6 years ago. If Punk can hold it past TLC and into the Royal Rumble to face The Rock, it will become even longer than the Cena 2006-2007 reign. Punk needs that kind of momentum to keep climbing up toward that top spot. He'll move on to some other feud for TLC before facing The Rock. Ryback likely goes on to filler feuds that he'll win, and I can see Cena going into filler feuds again for TLC as well. The show closes with CM Punk still the WWE Champion.

CM Punk retains the WWE Championship.

Shameus was absolutely nobody when he won the title from john cena a TCL a few years ago and now look at him he has had a successful career.

I just had another though if Ryback was to win he could keep it until RR where the rock would pin punk so Ryback can escape without a pinfall.

People are to caught up on this whole cm punk and rock thing. This is a tough pill for you cm punk fans to swallow but they are not going to let punk beat rock before the wwe golden boy john cena does. so if its just rock and punk at RR then it's no mystery that the rock is going to win. At least if it ryback punk and the rock then we still know ryback isn't winning but the question becomes who actually pins ryback rock or punk?

The only reason Sheamus got the ECW and then World Heavyweight titles so quick is because he's HHH's training buddy, if it wasn't for that, he would've been an NXT Rookie and would now be jobbing to the likes of Ryback on RAW.
The only reason Sheamus got the ECW and then World Heavyweight titles so quick is because he's HHH's training buddy, if it wasn't for that, he would've been an NXT Rookie and would now be jobbing to the likes of Ryback on RAW.

Do you really believe that? Sure I am not naive enough to not realize politics don't play a big part in who get pushed next, but even with that said I am also smart enough to know that wwe is business first and entertainment last. With that said sure Sheamus might have been giving the opportunity to shine before others that were there before he was but do you honestly think that if sheameus didn't make the wwe profit that he would still be in the position he is now?
Here's my prediction on how the triple threat will end.

Punk is outside the ring at the apron, recovering from an attack of some sort. Ryback nails Cena with his finisher. Ryback makes the cover, Punk comes in before 3 and kicks Ryback in the head. Ryback falls over from it, Punk rolls him out of the ring, then quickly covers Cena. 1... 2... 3.
Do you really believe that? Sure I am not naive enough to not realize politics don't play a big part in who get pushed next, but even with that said I am also smart enough to know that wwe is business first and entertainment last. With that said sure Sheamus might have been giving the opportunity to shine before others that were there before he was but do you honestly think that if sheameus didn't make the wwe profit that he would still be in the position he is now?

Kids like his goofy gimmick, and they LOL when he says "arse", but you can't deny that his friendship with HHH has paid dividends for his career.
While there is an air of a little bit of unpredictability regarding this match, probably not at much as Punk vs. Ryback, I still think think Punk retains. If you consider everything that's coming up in the next several months, I just don't see Punk losing the title.

The WWE has made Punk's streak as WWE Champion a big part of his character. With the one year anniversary of the beginning of his run just a few days away, it'd be a waste to have Punk drop the title tonight. Like I said, being a long running champ has become a significant part of who Punk is at this time.

Ryback has been doing well, probably better overall, now that the whole undefeated thing has gotten out of the way. Still, there's a lot for Ryback to prove. The only way any of the lingering doubts regarding Ryback can be proven one way or the other is with time and it not nearly enough has passed.

The Rock is waiting in the wings at the Royal Rumble for his title shot at the champ. While Ryback vs. Rock would lend an air of unpredictability to it, again, there's just not been nearly enough time for Ryback to develop the sort of presence to put up a believable feud against the Rock. It's only been during the past few months that Ryback has started to get over and putting him up against The Rock will almost certainly cast him in the role of the heel in the eyes of the fans whether WWE wants that to happen or not. They're gonna cheer for Rock and boo Ryback. If WWE wants to keep building Ryback as a powerful babyface presense, booking him into a feud with someone like The Rock would be counterproductive.

Cena could walk out with the title tonight but, again, I don't see it happening. If WWE wants a Cena vs. Rock rematch, it's going to happen at WrestleMania and not the Royal Rumble. RR is WWE's second most bought ppv of the year but WWE is wanting to get that third consecutive 1 million+ ppv buys and Cena vs. Rock II can help deliver it. With all the hype & build regarding their first encounter, having a follow up match happen 1 year later at the same event in which Cena lost the biggest match of his career just has a much better story behind it. Cena vs. Rock II at Royal Rumble 2013 doesn't have the same epic vibe as Cena vs. Rock II at WrestleMania 29.

On top of it all, I think just about everyone is looking forward to CM Punk getting his shot at Rock whether he wins or loses. Punk's been running The Rock into the ground for a while with comments, some of which have probably been laying the groundwork for a match between them, and we haven't seen Rock since CM Punk delivered the GTS on him at Raw 1,000 back in late June. With Punk being such a despicable heel these days and with so many people liking the idea of Punk possibly being put in his place by one of the all time biggest stars in wrestling history, it just sounds too good to ignore. There's a LOT of money to be made from Punk vs. Rock at the Royal Rumble, more I think that Cena vs. Rock II at the event and certainly more than Ryback vs. Rock.
Kids like his goofy gimmick, and they LOL when he says "arse", but you can't deny that his friendship with HHH has paid dividends for his career.

Ok I get it you are not a sheamus fan and yes I realize that because he is friends with HHH that maybe he got his push before he deserved it but don't let that blind you to the fact that the only reason he is still going strong is because he is a money maker. If he wasn't profit then HHH would not put his friendship over business.

Sheamus needs a lot of work but he is getting better.
Ok just to clear it up sheamus only won at tlc because of a botched finish.

But back on point. If Cena wins tonight he should go on and lose to punk at tlc. What a swerve it would be if it was cena stealing the win instead of Punk. I still think Punk will retain though.
This match was very good and the finish was near perfect.Too bad they didn't build up the PPV strongly.The match saw the debut of Roman Reigns,Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose.They took out Ryback in an intense beatdown and helped punk steal the pin on Cena.By the finish none of the face wrestlers looked weak and helped punk retain.Anyways it was a good match and definately deserved a B+ rating.

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