WWE Elimination Chamber: John Cena, Sheamus & Ryback VS The Shield

Oh god did anyone hear that Shield promo on Raw this past week? Better yet, did anyone hear that Dean Ambrose promo from Raw this past week; because face it, he owned that shit. This past week on Raw, The Shield finally gave us a reason to care about them. They gave us a reason for their existence. Even though it’s somewhat similar to what the Nexus had planned for John Cena and the rest of WWE’s heroes, here’s to hoping the Shield doesn’t turn out like them. In the other corner, you have Sheamus, Ryback and John Cena. Has there ever been a more dominant team in WWE’s history. Can anyone honestly see The Shield going over here? While it’s not exactly impossible, their chances of winning against such a power force this close to Wrestlemania are incredibly slim.

But can you imagine the type of momentum The Shield would receive from pinning these three super heroes? It would definitely force them into a league all of their own. It’s not likely, but I’m certainly hoping they do. My only concern is what are they going to do for Wrestlemania? With three hugely over stars in the opposite corner, could we be looking at a permanent disbandment from the Shield? Could this really be a reincarnation of an awesome storyline that went sour because of the ending? I certainly hope not. While some are bored with the concept, this past Monday’s promo gave them a breath of fresh air. I’m interested to see what these three can do as single’s wrestlers but it’s just too damn close to Wrestlemania for the WWE to start pushing anyone of these workers. Still, the safest choice is the dominant team of Ryback, Sheamus and Cena.

Hamler's Prediction -John Cena, Ryback & Sheamus will defeat The Shield.
Without this being held in a chamber, its pretty much like any other Raw main event. And we all know that creative isn't going to let three rookies go over three of the biggest names in the company. Well not clean, anyway. This match could either go one of two ways. Either it goes the predictable outcome and Cena, Sheamus, and Ryback come off looking strong after a long, back and forth match, or the WWE takes a risk and makes somebody interfere so that The Shield can win this. This is a little out there, since The Shield has screwed him over in the past, but maybe Ryback will turn on Cena and Sheamus and finally go renegade heel and join The Shield. Yeah, that is a little out there. I hope that The Shield does somehow win, but none of the three babyfaces in this match can afford to be pinned by any of these new guys, which is the biggest problem about The Shield winning this, since none of the three babyfaces can afford to look bad. With that said, it leaves us with the bland outcome of the babyface team winning clean over Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns so that they can look good heading into Wrestlemania.

My Pick:The Shield wins because of someone interfering (New team member? Maybe Ryback turns on his friends?) and continue to look strong for the next couple of months.

Most Likely Outcome: Team babyface wins and gives all three men momentum going into Wrestlemania since we all know that each of them are going to be playing a pivotal role in it.
Have been waiting years to see a six man tag team elimination chamber match, thought it was finally going to happen but I guess not......silly move by WWE, having this inside the chamber not only makes this card look a hell of a lot stronger but it can also make the Shield look less weak for losing or (if somehow they do pick up they win) makes a win much more believable!
Sadly the faces will probably win this match barring a total shock from upper management, The Shield will lose. They need this win soo much more and with Cena having to face Rock at Mania and Ryback possibly having a match a WrestleMania, they can win then, but Elimination Chamber should go to The Shield. They're a tough group of guys who don't need more members, but they need some wins under their belts and a win against 3 of the biggest faces currently in the WWE would only do wonders.

I still say the good guys win...just knowing WWE.. swerve or not.
Cena/Ryback/Sheamus win this one. I can't see them handing this win over to The Shield because they have had an ass-kicking coming to them for a very long time.

I will say it is refreshing to see them build such a dynamic group, that the moment I hear their music/lights being cut/coming through crowds...I instantly get livid. It's been awhile since they have sparked that kind of investment in my towards characters, so kudos on that accord.

I still can't stand them though.
I still can't shake the feeling that the fact that the match will not take place in the Chamber afterall is a clear sign that creative wants to put The Shield over here.

Look at like this... To win the match in the Elimination Chamber, Shield would have to pin all three babyfaces. That includes not only a clean pin on Cena and Sheamus but also cleanly pinning Ryback as well. I just don't see a way that creative could reconcile that believably. As much as I would've loved to have seen this be a chamber match it would make it nearly impossible to have the Shield go over.

Having a traditional six-man tag match gives The Shield a multitude of different ways to escape with a "clean enough" victory that makes them look strong without the babyfaces coming out looking inferior.

Since the "SuperFaces" seem to have gotten the upperhand in these last couple TV brawls that set up the match, I'm going to say formula holds and the Shield gets their turn to laugh last, for now.

I just really wonder what they have in mind for The Shield at WM if they get this big win on Sunday.
No way that this ends with a Shield Victory. Cena is going to WM next month, and has to look strong. I would love to see this be moved to a chamber match, and think it may happen, but the outcome is clear.
No way that this ends with a Shield Victory. Cena is going to WM next month, and has to look strong. I would love to see this be moved to a chamber match, and think it may happen, but the outcome is clear.

Bingo. No way the WWE makes their next WWE Champion look weak by losing this Sunday. All The Shield is going to get are spots to make them look like they are near the same level as Cena/Sheamus/Ryback. It won't be a squash match, but Team Cena definitely wins.
This match could be very entertaining even without a stipulation added on it, Hopefully Wwe wont have Cena do his usual stuff and ruin all of the momentum that The Shield have right now.
This is another great opportunity for The Shield. Working with three of WWE's top guys when they are still rookies, after having already been in a similar situation at TLC, is one more chance for them to really show off what they can do. I'm looking forward to the match although I may be in the minority here, I will be rooting for the faces. As interesting as The Shield have been so far, all three of the guys they are facing need momentum going into their Wrestlemania angles; especially Cena if he will be having that likely rematch with The Rock. Losing the match will damage the face team far more than it would The Shield if they lost.

The Shield will not be damaged by a loss here and I expect them to be booked strongly despite a probable loss in this match. It goes on toward the end of the night with Cena's team standing victorious. This then can help set up The Shield's angle for Wrestlemania, whatever that will end up being, even though I doubt it will involve any of the three wrestlers they are facing in this match. Should be one of the better matches of the night, probably the best other than the #1 contendership Chamber match and I anticipate the results if this one regardless of who wins.

Cena, Sheamus, & Ryback will defeat The Shield.
Well there is doubt about if this match is going to be inside the chamber or not. Personally I don't care as long as it its a brutal match like The Shield had in TLC. I think it should be a match where the heels look dominant by the fact that they play as a team. Maybe they could knock out cold very quickly Sheamus for example with their triple power bomb...

Anyhow, there's no way that Cena is going to lose the last PPV before Mania, that being said, Ryback, Sheamus and Cena are going to pick up the win after a great battle.
Not a fan of the booking here, The Shield still have an air of mystique about them and while eventually they have to be stopped I'd have thought Mania was the place to have it happen, however if they win here how can WWE book them against a bigger name trio at Mania? Answer is they can't, therefore they have to lose.

You can come up with all the creative ways you can think of too book this but in the end the Superfriends will win with Cena getting the pin, most likely on Rollins.

The uniqueness of making it the first ever tag team chamber match would have helped, even making it a street fight would have benefited match quality, as a basic tag I'm not overly interested.

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