How do you know any of this? Did it come from a WWE official? If so, of course they are going to say they are high on these guys. They are in a high profile program right now that WWE is going to use to make more money. But when it is over, where do you see them honestly ending up? The main event, mid-card, upper mid-card. Are they going to come in and surpass Del Rio, Show, Barrett, Cesaro, Ziggler, Lesnar, Sandow, Rhodes and whatever other heels have been established longer on Raw? Not to mention any other face that could go heel at any minute.
I just don't see it. If they are so talented why not bring them up sooner as singles competitors? They are probably headed for the tag division and low card. They will probably have to pay some dues, get a mid card title thrown in here and there, work hard, be responsible and wait for their time to ever come. I know the IWC is high on these guys (namely Rollins and Ambrose) but the IWC is wrong all the time.
This angle has created shock and interest but that doesn't necessarily create stars.
Even with 86 hours (estimate) of WWE programming a week I don't see where there is time to develop like you described. Especially as we enter the Road to WM. Remember, if it happens on SD and no one sees it, it never really happened.
I like the hype and excitement some have for The Shield but I think folks need to slow down. The first step toward disappointment is expectation. This is a nice little story but it means nothing.
No, I haven't heard anything DIRECTLY from WWE officials, but there have been tons of reports online that I've read regarding Triple H in particular is high on Rollins and Ambrose. I haven't heard anything specifically about Reigns, but come on, he's related to The Rock, he's got an incredible look -- I mean really incredible -- and he's not shabby in the ring as far as I've seen on NXT. And bear in mind, those reports were months ago, well before The Shield was even a thing, so it's not them putting out official-looking reports just to work the IWC and hype The Shield. You're not wrong to throw some cautionary doubt on this speculation because you're right, there's no foolproof way of knowing for sure until we either see some results or hear something right from a high official's mouth.
I don't think the tag team division would be a bad thing considering Daniel Bryan and Kane are the current WWE Tag Team Champions, a team that's often in main event or upper mid-card matches. The tag division, for now, isn't a low-card thing as it used to be; it actually means quite a bit more exposure. Even though most of Team Hell No's challengers are treated more like under-carders since they'll occasionally job in singles matches and get their matches with Team Hell No during under-card time slots (besides Team Rhodes Scholars), it still does them good to wrestle with a team that frequently appears in main event segments.
You make a good point about whether they'd surpass certain mid-card and upper mid-card heels who are already firmly established and numerous as all hell. Maybe in that case you're right, their stable probably wouldn't fold only for those individuals to make their way into upper mid-card roles. However, even with the Road to WrestleMania on the horizon I don't think the stable will end that quickly. The Nexus lasted for months and if WWE manages to generate a lot of buzz for The Shield (they were getting pretty good reactions on RAW), they might even want them in a match at WrestleMania.
Right now, they're still super early into their run. They haven't even had a match yet, they're just playing the outside antagonistic role, doing run-ins and shit. I think there's plenty of time and plenty more they can do with them before the group's run its course. I mean, it's only been since the seeds for Team Hell No were planted, but they've had quite a bit of development over these three-and-a-half months, even though they've been low-priority to a lot of other angles on television.
Bear in mind, I'm just speculating, not trying to offer anything definitive. You don't have to respond in terms of, "HOLY SHIT, YOU'RE RATIONALE IS FLAWED!" but rather, "Have you considered this?" Mutual argument, bro. As far as disappointment, it's up to the individual how much disappointment he will bear; when details are so vague as they are not, it's not objectively correct to be either optimistic or pessimistic. Just a matter of preference. I prefer to be hyped.