WWE TLC 2012: Ryback & Team Hell No VS The Shield - Six Man [TLC Match]

LOL @ calling this a tlc match. What exactly is the point of having ladders if you have nothing to climb for? It's just a no dq match.

Ryback's team is going to win. The Shield was created because they didn't want Ryback losing clean. I highly doubt they are going to beat Ryback in an actual match. Also, Ryback going 0-3 in his first big ppv matches doesn't make much sense.
I don't have a problem with this change. Let's face facts, Ryback was going to be screwed out of winning the WWE Championship.....again. He wasn't going to win the title, and the ending for the match would've been painfully predictable.

I expect more carnage and jaw-dropping spots, but picking a winner is kind of tricky. Ryback really can't afford another lose. Being screwed out of the title against Punk is one thing, but losing to three relatively unknown guys could put a huge dent in his momentum. But Bryan and Kane are thrown into the mix, and unlike Ryback, a loss wouldn't hurt them too much.

Ryback needs the win more, but at the same time, I could picture a scenario, where a Shield member pins Bryan or Kane, preserving Ryback's momentum until the Rumble.
I smell a heel turn....something to keep interest....Or maybe we all are overlooking whats going on here....This probably wont even be the main event...since Big Show/Sheamus is the only interesting title match...can't we see Dolph cashing in....since Cena will begin working with rock/punk program here soon they need to do something to steer away from Cena/Dolph, Dolph cashes in wins title, sets up Orton or Sheamus vs. Dolph for the next 6 months

But since this is the 6 man tag thread...Shield Wins...Ryback has no participation in the outcome so he remains "unblemished"
The E has rushed things a bit here. How over are The Shield exactly?? Will losing 3 ppv matches make Ryback look any good?
My idea for Ryback at TLC would've him come out and start his chant and challenge the Shield to an unsacntioned brawl. This could be done in the middle of the ppv, as I would've Cena and Ziggler headline the event. They could've let The Shield beatdown Ryback only to be helped out by Hell No. Then have Ryback destroy one of the members.
This way Shield looks solid. Ryback preserves some credibility, if he has any left now.
This 6-man tag match is stupid. There were numerous other ideas they could've come up with. As someone suggested they could've let The Shield take out Ryback and giving Punk a walkover at TLC and preserve him for the match against Rock.
Or I say how about having Ryback face Paul Heyman at the ppv as he is Punk's manager, have the Shield interfere and end with a similar outcome as I put forth before. Stupdier things have happened
I am sure this match will have a lot of spots, and be quite entertaining. I always thought TLC matches were to end in climbing the ladder, but I guess we need to have that type of match on a ppv named after it. Picking a winner is tough in this one. Ryback really needs a win here, but I think he would have gotten screwed out of the title again anyway if that match happened. Therefore I could see one of The Shield beating on of Team Hell No so Ryback doesn't actually take the loss. I could also see Ryback winning a hard fought match. If I am absolutely forced to pick a winner here, I will say The Shield takes the win and then gets destroyed by Ryback after.
I know wrestling logic rarely makes any sense, but arguments like these have never made any sense to me. They're freakin rookies! Why is it so imperative that they win their first match, against main eventers, when the only way they know how to make an impact is jumping people 3 on 1?

Because The Sheild is brand new. Unlike Ryback, who has demolished everyone put in front of him for much of this year and unlike Team Hell No, the most over tag team WWE has had in a long while & both former World Champions, they have no credibility as wrestlers. They're just three young guys who've jumped people from behind. They've yet to wrestle a single match so having them lose in their first ever match as part of the WWE roster won't establish them as any sort of real threat. Jumping people and beating them down is all well and good but, eventually, the fans want to see what you can do in an actual match on even ground. If they think you can't hold your own, they lose interest.

People were so concerned about how bad Ryback would look losing to Punk and losing his 3rd straight PPV match. How would losing to 3 rookies look? Duh. Ryback loses and I think it does more damage than the other way around. Ryback still has something going for him. If they continue to book him losing every damn match to "protect" everyone else, when do people stop caring?

If Ryback had been beaten by Punk straight up, then I'd probably agree with you. Don't make it sound as though Ryback hasn't been a dominant force against Punk because it's a foolish notion. In order to beat Ryback the first time, a crooked ref was involved. Nobody can win when the the ref is against you, especially if you don't know the ref is against you until after he's already screwed you over. In their second match, Ryback was about to pin John Cena, John friggin' Cena, before The Shield jumped in. Ryback had Cena cold and had him clean. Also, Cena was the one pinned by CM Punk while Ryback, after having gone about 18 minutes against the two top names in WWE, was jumped by three men and had to be put through a table so Punk could win. If Ryback was someone who'd been as over as he's become for most of the year, I could see the argument of people stopping caring with WWE protecting him so much. However, it's only been within the past couple of months that Ryback has started to get over. What people have seen of Ryback in this ppv matches is that he's fully capable of beating John Cena & CM Punk and would have without blatant interference. As long as Ryback is the one that doesn't take the loss in this match against The Shielf, there's going to be no damage done to him. A loss for Team Hell No in this sort of setting won't do any damage to them, they're still immensely over, they're still the tag champs and such a loss could potentially set up Team Hell No into a tag feud with two members of The Shield. So Team Hell No takes a loss that won't hurt them, Ryback is protected by still looking like a beast that can handle anyone in a straight up fight and The Shield gains credibility for a win over the most over team in WWE and, technically, the #1 contender. The only ones hurt from losing this match would be The Shield. Contrary to what some smarks might be saying, Ryback's popularity is in absolutely no danger right now. With each week, it only seems to grow.
This match has nothing at stake.Why wouldn't they drop the title of Punk!He's injured,surpassed Cena.He's cemented his place as a legend.They should make Punk drop the title now.Put it on this match with a stipulation that if Ryback and his team wins,the title is his.If The Sheild wins,the title stays vacated.Why would some buy this match for main event.And why it's a TLC match?Why would some one need a ladder for?This match has made no sense.
I am absolutely loving how the WWE tried to hype this match by saying that it's the first time ever a TLC match can ONLY be decided by pinfall or submission, it's brilliant that's the line that they've come up with to make the audience forget that it's the first time ever a TLC match has had absolutely NOTHING on the line.. the WWE's spin crew really needs to lift their game.

That aside, this match is pretty harsh on everyone involved here, everyone in this match loses if there isn't any outside interference, reasons being explained in previous posts in this thread - no need to beat a dead horse. So I'm predicting a finish which involves an initial run in from Brad Maddox which gets evened out by let's say Randy Orton, and in all the commotion of the crap going on Dean Ambrose sneaks a pin on Daniel Bryan. After that I dunno, probably the faces will pummel the heels and send the crowd home happy or the shield run away, nothing too exciting.
Personally, I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS MATCH!!!!!

I'm so happy this is replacing Ryback vs. Punk (though I do wish Punk was competeing at the PPV). I love that the Shield is getting a great, high profile, match on a PPV as their first WWE sanctioned match. I hope WWE let's Shield Shine & really get to work against Bryan & Kane especially.

I also hope this match get's a good amount of time & is the main event. They are going to steal the show & The Shield & ESPECIALLY DEAN AMBROSE, will prove the future of RAW is here. Besides that I'm just excited to see this!
How can you have a 6-Man TLC Match if there's nothing to grab? Anyway, CM Punk might be faking an injury so that he doesn't have to face Ryback at TLC and keep his historic WWE Title reign last longer. Here's what I think might happen on Raw next week.

CM Punk comes out on a wheelchair and says he cannot compete against Ryback because he's "injured" and announces the 6-Man TLC Match. Vickie Gurrero tells Ryback that if he does anything to Punk while he's injured, then he won't get a WWE Title shot for a long time. Mr. McMahon then sees backstage in a creak of a room that Punk is walking around perfectly. He finds out that Punk's lying, and gives Ryback the title shot at TLC.

But the 6-Man TLC Match won't be cancelled. They have either The Miz or Randy Orton (who both got attacked by The Shield) in the match. Or, make it a 4-On-4 TLC Match with Brad Maddox included, and The Miz and Randy Orton added also. Maybe the card at TLC next week will look like this.


Because The Sheild is brand new. Unlike Ryback, who has demolished everyone put in front of him for much of this year and unlike Team Hell No, the most over tag team WWE has had in a long while & both former World Champions, they have no credibility as wrestlers. They're just three young guys who've jumped people from behind. They've yet to wrestle a single match so having them lose in their first ever match as part of the WWE roster won't establish them as any sort of real threat. Jumping people and beating them down is all well and good but, eventually, the fans want to see what you can do in an actual match on even ground. If they think you can't hold your own, they lose interest.

Then blame booking. This is a lose-lose situation for everyone except Kane and DB.

If Ryback had been beaten by Punk straight up, then I'd probably agree with you. Don't make it sound as though Ryback hasn't been a dominant force against Punk because it's a foolish notion. In order to beat Ryback the first time, a crooked ref was involved. Nobody can win when the the ref is against you, especially if you don't know the ref is against you until after he's already screwed you over. In their second match, Ryback was about to pin John Cena, John friggin' Cena, before The Shield jumped in. Ryback had Cena cold and had him clean. Also, Cena was the one pinned by CM Punk while Ryback, after having gone about 18 minutes against the two top names in WWE, was jumped by three men and had to be put through a table so Punk could win. If Ryback was someone who'd been as over as he's become for most of the year, I could see the argument of people stopping caring with WWE protecting him so much. However, it's only been within the past couple of months that Ryback has started to get over. What people have seen of Ryback in this ppv matches is that he's fully capable of beating John Cena & CM Punk and would have without blatant interference. As long as Ryback is the one that doesn't take the loss in this match against The Shielf, there's going to be no damage done to him. A loss for Team Hell No in this sort of setting won't do any damage to them, they're still immensely over, they're still the tag champs and such a loss could potentially set up Team Hell No into a tag feud with two members of The Shield. So Team Hell No takes a loss that won't hurt them, Ryback is protected by still looking like a beast that can handle anyone in a straight up fight and The Shield gains credibility for a win over the most over team in WWE and, technically, the #1 contender. The only ones hurt from losing this match would be The Shield. Contrary to what some smarks might be saying, Ryback's popularity is in absolutely no danger right now. With each week, it only seems to grow.

Ryback could've, would've, should've... The point is he lost. Yes Ryback has looked dominant. That doesn't change the fact that he's lost every big time match he's been in at a PPV. The Patriots were dominant in '07. How'd that work out for them? At some point he has to go over in a big way. And maybe you're right, with Shield not being very big right now, them winning will help them. It'll still look bad for Ryback even though I guarantee he won't be the one pinned.
i think it could be a great match and team hell no and ryback will win the match to get a revenge on the shield's attacks, and they will win because ryback need to get a huge momentum to upcoming royal rumble PPV, which there he will win the rumble match and he will become the number 1 contender for the wwe/whw title.
and Think of this idea for a good storyline:
maybe the shield and maddox are working for the rock and they want to help punk to stay the champion until the royal rumble so rock will face punk for the wwe title at the PPV.
How do you know any of this? Did it come from a WWE official? If so, of course they are going to say they are high on these guys. They are in a high profile program right now that WWE is going to use to make more money. But when it is over, where do you see them honestly ending up? The main event, mid-card, upper mid-card. Are they going to come in and surpass Del Rio, Show, Barrett, Cesaro, Ziggler, Lesnar, Sandow, Rhodes and whatever other heels have been established longer on Raw? Not to mention any other face that could go heel at any minute.

I just don't see it. If they are so talented why not bring them up sooner as singles competitors? They are probably headed for the tag division and low card. They will probably have to pay some dues, get a mid card title thrown in here and there, work hard, be responsible and wait for their time to ever come. I know the IWC is high on these guys (namely Rollins and Ambrose) but the IWC is wrong all the time.

This angle has created shock and interest but that doesn't necessarily create stars.

Even with 86 hours (estimate) of WWE programming a week I don't see where there is time to develop like you described. Especially as we enter the Road to WM. Remember, if it happens on SD and no one sees it, it never really happened.

I like the hype and excitement some have for The Shield but I think folks need to slow down. The first step toward disappointment is expectation. This is a nice little story but it means nothing.

No, I haven't heard anything DIRECTLY from WWE officials, but there have been tons of reports online that I've read regarding Triple H in particular is high on Rollins and Ambrose. I haven't heard anything specifically about Reigns, but come on, he's related to The Rock, he's got an incredible look -- I mean really incredible -- and he's not shabby in the ring as far as I've seen on NXT. And bear in mind, those reports were months ago, well before The Shield was even a thing, so it's not them putting out official-looking reports just to work the IWC and hype The Shield. You're not wrong to throw some cautionary doubt on this speculation because you're right, there's no foolproof way of knowing for sure until we either see some results or hear something right from a high official's mouth.

I don't think the tag team division would be a bad thing considering Daniel Bryan and Kane are the current WWE Tag Team Champions, a team that's often in main event or upper mid-card matches. The tag division, for now, isn't a low-card thing as it used to be; it actually means quite a bit more exposure. Even though most of Team Hell No's challengers are treated more like under-carders since they'll occasionally job in singles matches and get their matches with Team Hell No during under-card time slots (besides Team Rhodes Scholars), it still does them good to wrestle with a team that frequently appears in main event segments.

You make a good point about whether they'd surpass certain mid-card and upper mid-card heels who are already firmly established and numerous as all hell. Maybe in that case you're right, their stable probably wouldn't fold only for those individuals to make their way into upper mid-card roles. However, even with the Road to WrestleMania on the horizon I don't think the stable will end that quickly. The Nexus lasted for months and if WWE manages to generate a lot of buzz for The Shield (they were getting pretty good reactions on RAW), they might even want them in a match at WrestleMania.

Right now, they're still super early into their run. They haven't even had a match yet, they're just playing the outside antagonistic role, doing run-ins and shit. I think there's plenty of time and plenty more they can do with them before the group's run its course. I mean, it's only been since the seeds for Team Hell No were planted, but they've had quite a bit of development over these three-and-a-half months, even though they've been low-priority to a lot of other angles on television.

Bear in mind, I'm just speculating, not trying to offer anything definitive. You don't have to respond in terms of, "HOLY SHIT, YOU'RE RATIONALE IS FLAWED!" but rather, "Have you considered this?" Mutual argument, bro. As far as disappointment, it's up to the individual how much disappointment he will bear; when details are so vague as they are not, it's not objectively correct to be either optimistic or pessimistic. Just a matter of preference. I prefer to be hyped.
This match needs some serious promo time this week. I have literally no idea who should win because if Shield win then Ryback begins to look weak due to three straight PPV losses but if Ryback and Team Hell No win then Shield look weak.

Obviously if Shield loses then its a knock in their momentum but is it really going to effect them that much?

I really believe that WWE will bring someone else in to help Shield in the match and give them the upper hand so that they win and keep their momentum. This also means that Ryback doesnt actually have to be pinned and it means that the match doesnt actually need to have a finish. Not the ending I would like but it seems like a Creative Teams thinking.

I can see it being Maddox or even someone else from NXT. Is Wyatt back from injury yet? Or even using Big E Langston or Xavier Woods?
So in The Shields promo from Smackdown last week, they said "Bring tables, bring ladders, bring chairs, The Shield brings the sword". Is this possibly them foreshadowing the interference of Brock Lesnar who has a sword/dagger tattooed on his chest?

I think it would make a good transition away from CM Punk and The Shield for Ryback and gives him a good WM opponent.
This match has nothing at stake.Why wouldn't they drop the title of Punk!He's injured,surpassed Cena.He's cemented his place as a legend.They should make Punk drop the title now.Put it on this match with a stipulation that if Ryback and his team wins,the title is his.If The Sheild wins,the title stays vacated.Why would some buy this match for main event.And why it's a TLC match?Why would some one need a ladder for?This match has made no sense.

Because Ryback is no where near the level of The Rock. His merchandise doesn't sell, and he definitely doesn't have the mic skills to keep up. Putting Ryback in such a high profiled feud like that won't help Ryback at all. It'll only make things worse for him and that ultimately will make things terrible for the entire Royal Rumble.

And maybe you should expand your variety a bit or even play a WWE video game. TLC matches don't always have to have a title hanging above the ring. The competitors instead just do pin falls or submissions instead of climbing a ladder.
I always like TLC matches so this should be rather interesting. I'm extremely disappointed that we will not be getting a WWE Championship match at this PPV but this is a decent alternative. The exposure that The Shield gets from participating in this match will be great for them. Team Hell No really should be defending the giant pennies, although putting Ryback into a 3 VS 1 handicap match wouldn't have been a very good idea. This will most likely go on toward the end of the evening, if not last.

I'm thinking that Ryback and Team Hell No will get the win here. The Shield are all new so they can be booked to appear strong but with them still being so new it would not make sense to have them go over the Tag Team Champions and a WWE Championship contender so soon. The feud will likely not be ending anytime soon either. The match itself should be good at the very least as I have yet to find a TLC match that I did not like. I just hope this does not go on last when the World Heavyweight Championship match or even Cena VS Ziggler deserve it more.

Team Hell No & Ryback will defeat The Shield.
I can't see why The Shield wouldn't pull off the win here. This is their first match for most of the WWE audience, and they need to win at TLC to gain some momentum -- otherwise, what sort of a threat do they pose anymore? Ryback's credibility isn't going to take any sort of a massive hit that it hasn't already taken -- and, it's not as if he'll be the guy to take the deciding fall, or what have you. Furthermore, even though I think The Shield is going to get the win, I just can't see then doing it alone. There's going to be some sort of interference or some other sort of shenanigans to level out the playing field -- a fourth man (Lesnar, perhaps? Punk making a quick run-in and distracting Ryback?) wouldn't be completely out of the question.

In the end, I think there's going to be a lot of unhappy fans at the result of this match. People fear that Ryback will fade if he loses at a third straight PPV, while others fear The Shield fading into obscurity with a loss in their debut match. WWE seems to have booked themselves into a corner here, and something's going to give -- and I'm inclined to believe it'll Ryback and Team Hell No taking the loss. Listen, I like Ryback as much as the next guy and I don't think WWE handled him very well when he was at his best, but he'll be fine to be a part of the losing squad, especially if he is incapacitated due to interference or is distracted by Punk and goes after him, only to leave his team to take the loss. There's plenty of ways WWE can avoid making Ryback look weak, so I don't think it'll be the end of the world if he loses to The Shield. After all, if The Shield wins here, we'll have three new up-and-comers getting the win they need to solidify themselves as a real force, which is something the WWE desperately needs.
If the Shield loses, and I'm a fan of the group and a big fan of the three individuals, it really doesn't hurt the momentum AS LONG AS their story continues. Creative has thrown several swerves into the last few ppvs to protect Ryback and Cena so I expect the same type of booking will be used tonight. I'm hoping we get some kind of reveal tonight to end the new year.
It's a little bit dissapointing not see a championship match, also I was really expecting to see CM Punk in a TLC match, he always delivers in match involving ladders...

Anyway, I don't see why The Shield shouldn't win this one, after all it's their first match and they should make an impact. If you take in count how hight the WWE oficials (whoever they might be) are on them, tonight they need to prove something to them and to the us, fans.

Obviously I don't expect a clean victory here, I'm expecting for Rhode Scholars to interfere and screw Team Hell No an eventually Ryback. Should be a fun match to watch and probably an orgasm for all the indy followers (not my case, but I really like Ambrose and Rollins).
Six man tags don't mean anything. Throw in tables, ladders, and chairs stipulation and it means even less. Shield doesn't have to beat anyone. It's not like all three will be hitting the main event scene for a long time. The real story here isn't The Shield. It's not about who they are, what they are about, or what they are going to do next. The real story is whether or not they were working for Punk and Heyman. Once that is answered I expect them to fall down the card and attempt to work themselves back up. Win or lose at TLC is insignificant.

This is a throw away match strictly booked on the fly for entertainment purposes. Hopefully these guys can work out some cool spots and tell a nice brutal story that incorporates the stipulations to their fullest.

In the end, gun to my head I say Reigns pins Bryan leading to a Hell No/Shield program where Shield takes the belts and invokes the Freebird Rule (or is it the Demolition Rule).

Sweet sassy molassy I predicted the finish to a professional wrestling match correctly. Tell my wife and children I've moved to Vegas to become rich.

Fun match. As expected, Shield was a far more cohesive unit. I did struggle with their inability to sell, especially Super Ambrose. If his ability to withstand and recouperate is going to be part of his character than "fine", but it seemed to me Shield were just popping up left and right with a full head of steam while Ryback and Hell No were actually human beings.

Either way, fun entertaining match and I look forward to see where this is going. 49 turnips out 7 HP processors.
Fun match. As expected, Shield was a far more cohesive unit. I did struggle with their inability to sell, especially Super Ambrose. If his ability to withstand and recouperate is going to be part of his character than "fine", but it seemed to me Shield were just popping up left and right with a full head of steam while Ryback and Hell No were actually human beings.

Yes, I just saw the match and I loved it but this drove me crazy. No matter what you do to them they get up in like 10 seconds and always somehow manage to stay together and isolate 1 person while the other 2 remain on the ground for nearly 10 minutes.
Yeah, Ambrose kind of annoyed me during the match. He had that lame cartoonish sell after getting suplexed on a ladder and he was up like 30 seconds later stomping on Ryback.

The ending could of been better. Ryback had enough energy and strength left to climb up a ladder and throw Rollins off it, but couldn't make it back to the ring to save Daniel Bryan...One of the members of the Shield should of came back and whacked him with a chair a couple of times after he threw Rollins off the ladder.

Overall, it was a very good match. I guess they learned from the Nexus mistake where they didn't look as intimidating after SS. I thought they might of had Ryback do something similar to what Cena did.

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