CM Punk Gone From WWE - Keep It All Here

Is CM Punk right for leaving WWE?

  • Yes, he saw his friend Bryan taking a backseat to a part timer and decided to leave.

  • No, this wasn't punk's battle to fight and his fans deserve better.

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It's sad that CM Punk fanboys can't accept the fact that their hero left them and treated them like trash.

I don't believe it is a "work" at all. I think Phil Brooks doesn't give 2 sh!ts about his fans, he only cares about his money. Phil will certainly come back somehow for that big WM paycheck.

Anyway instead of Triple H vs CM Punk, we will now get Daniel Bryan vs Triple H which was the match we all wanted to see

I wouldn't necessarily call HHH v. Bryan the match we were all waiting to see. It's an improvement for Bryan and his fans, sure, but I think the consensus was a desire to see Bryan holding gold at Wrestlemania in a star-creating match as opposed to a feud that will continuously see HHH belittling a true fan-favorite who is more over now than HHH ever was.

Also, if Punk was pissed about money/needed money, why would he leave? Where is he going to make more money than in WWE? Besides, don't you think he's making enough to hold him over until July when he could renegotiate his contract? This can't be about money. It makes ZERO sense.
At this point I'm 99% sure this is not a work. Nothing adds up for that to be the case. That doesn't mean Punk won't be back next week, or by WMXXX. But for right now, all the signs point to this being a legit walk out by him, in large part due to the Batista/Daniel Bryan issue (among other things). He's on record as saying he felt this year should be the year of Daniel Bryan and not Batista, according to a new report on the front page. Sounds very legit to me.

You're delusional. Punk is out for himself. He doesn't gve a flying fuck if it's the year of Daniel Bryan or Batista, he's upset because it isn't the year of Punk.

It's entirely within his rights to feel that way. Most professional wrestlers do. But most professional wrestlers are professional enough to do what's asked of them, even if they don't particularly like it. He isn't. It doesn't paint him in a good light at all.
You're delusional. Punk is out for himself. He doesn't gve a flying fuck if it's the year of Daniel Bryan or Batista, he's upset because it isn't the year of Punk.

What part of "among other things" don't you get? Read the reports and you'll see that Punk has been very, very vocal about not agreeing with part-timers coming in and getting the big WM moments. Sure it's about him. But I also think that Phil is serious about standing up for things he believes in, and a part of this is about the industry pushing down full-timers like he and Bryan for guys like Batista. There's nothing about my analysis that's delusional.
Going on a hunch, here's what I think happens.

1. CM Punk, at some point before WrestleMania, comes back and delivers another "pipebomb" on the Authority, especially HHH.

2. Punk / HHH in some kind of special attraction match (no holds barred, no DQ, Hell in a Cell, or maybe career vs. authority power)

3. HHH beats Punk at WM. HHH gets his ego fed, and Punk gets a well-deserved WM payday, and goes on vacation.
If it is part of the storyline, then they should keep Punk out of the picture complete until WM. Have the Bryan/HHH match be a no DQ match and if Bryan wins he becomes the #1 contender. Have HHH build up the match about how is going to punish Bryan, pick fun of size, etc. During the match have HHH pull out the sledge hammer, chairs, barbed wire (if they would allow that now). Have Bryan do the same so he doesn't seem intimidated and will do whatever it takes to win a shot at the title. When Bryan goes for what looks like the winning pin or submission have the shield and maybe even the wyatts come down to interfere and beat up on Bryan. Once they are all gone and HHH hits the pedigree to end it, punk comes out of nowhere, hits the GTS on HHH and leaves through the crowd. Bryan adds insult to injury and makes HHH tap in Yes lock for the win.
It's unfortunate we lost such a high caliber guy right before the biggest event of the year. It's just another thing to add to this huge fiasco going on. Mania 30 is going to be really really bad. Should I say "epic fail". I have zero faith in the creative team at this point.

I have mixed emotions on this particular issue though. I commend Punk for doing what he feels is right and taking a stand for his beliefs. On the other hand I wish he would've taken his fans into consideration and their desire to see him compete at this Mania. However, maybe by making this sacrifice he feels he will help his fans by making the company consider a change for the better.

I highly doubt this is a work, and honestly don't expect him back simply because that's just the way this Mania season seems to be going...down the toilet. I'd be surprised if he did come back beforehand, but happy. Anything is possible...I'm just hoping for the best.

Between this and the fan reaction, let's hope creative and Vince, HHH, and Steph stop and take a look at everything and scrap their current plans and start re-writing for the better.
Except that Punk nor Bryan draw like Batista. Punk and his smarks can try all day to defend it, but in the end, he's like a petulant child.
Punk's reasoning for walking out is absolutely right. Batista shouldn't have won the Rumble. His criticism of WWE is pushing part-timers is justified. The only part-timer that deserves the schedule, and push he gets is The Undertaker. With the timing it's highly unlikely it's a work. They should give Punk the time off he wants, maybe then he won't feel so burnt out while they're in contract negotiations. That would make him a little more likely to re-sign.
What part of "among other things" don't you get? Read the reports and you'll see that Punk has been very, very vocal about not agreeing with part-timers coming in and getting the big WM moments. Sure it's about him. But I also think that Phil is serious about standing up for things he believes in, and a part of this is about the industry pushing down full-timers like he and Bryan for guys like Batista. There's nothing about my analysis that's delusional.

Daniel Bryan and CM Punk have nothing to do with each other, other than being friends. You equating everything to Daniel Bryan is delusional. If CM Punk left, it's becase he did what he thought was best for CM Punk and that's the end of the story.
If it is a work than i can see another "shoot" promo on the authority. If its not a work, than thats pretty awesome. The reason i say that is because imagine, AJ Styles and CM Punk return to Ring of Honor. How awesome would that be!!!
Daniel Bryan and CM Punk have nothing to do with each other, other than being friends. You equating everything to Daniel Bryan is delusional. If CM Punk left, it's becase he did what he thought was best for CM Punk and that's the end of the story.

Exactly. CM Punk is out for himself. If this is legit, by doing this ploy he wants leverage. It's not like it hasn't happened before with other superstars. He wants this to be CM Punk's year and he'll do anything to get it.

Now, if it’s a work, the one thing people haven’t picked up on the report is the Daniel Bryan aspect. Instead of leaning towards a continued fight against The Authority; CM Punk focuses on Bryan and how he became the “Voice of the Voiceless”. He’s become the number one guy for the masses. Bryan took his spot and Punk is angry about it and angry at the fans because they didn’t support him as much as they did Bryan.

Interesting times in the WWE.
I don't blame Punk, the booking of anyone not called Bray Wyatt or The Shield has been terrible for the best part of 18 months, and Punk has been constantly misused. Plus he's right about the Bryan thing, this whole Batista mess is ridiculous on WWE's part. Oh well, the fan hijack's ahead will at least be entertaining I guess.
So all 48 people could see them fight, unless you want to watch on a potato filmed Youtube? Wanting to go back to RoH is a pathetic reason to walk away from the WWE, so if it's a work, it's as beautiful as Daniel Bryan not being in the Rumble, if it's a shoot, then fuck Punk all the way into obscurity.
I don't think this is the WWE working us. I think this is Punk working the WWE and the fans. After he dropped the belt he hasn't been nearly as relevant and not as high up on the card as before. He took advantage in the past to leverage the WWE into giving him a long ass title reign and I think he is going to try this again. Punk is an IWC fan favorite. By legitimately walking out he knew he would create tremendous buzz, which judging by the number of threads and news article he has.

People who say that he walked out because of what they are doing with Daniel Bryan is ridiculous. Bryan is the most over person on the roster and is certainly more over than Punk was. He was booked to be over by constantly being held down and screwed in Kayfabe. If Triple H was burying him like so many smarks seem to like to think then why was he constantly put in the main event? Why did all his title match losses have to be dirty then? No, they aren't burying him, they are getting the fans to side with him but without forcing him down our throats. They forced Cena on us and that's why half of the people boo the hell out of him. Daniel Bryan is being pushed the right way. He is being pushed with a story not with non stop wins. If anything I think Punk is angry that he isn't the top guy. He got his push before Bryan did and now Bryan has surpassed him. Back in 2011, if Punk was number 1 in the Rumble, the fans would have been chanting his name during the final few contestants. But this year they are chanting Bryan. It appears as if Bryan will soon be getting a big pay off and CM Punk's ego is too big for him to wanna go after any of the mid card belts. Now that there is only one title Punk knows he won't be the main eventer or top guy. I think if anything, Punk wants to steal the spotlight from Bryan. The fans have continually hijacked the show on behalf of Bryan and I think that Punk is going to try to get the fans to start chanting his name while he is away. Then when he returns he will have a big pop and will be center of attention. He knows this and he knows that WWE will realize that the fans are chanting his name and they will realize the drawing power of his return. He will probably use that to leverage himself into a WM match with Bryan.

And for the people that are saying that this is a work and that the kayfabe reason for punk walking out is because of what the authority is doing to Bryan, then that makes no sense at all. Why would he not stand up and fight. That's what his character is all about.

When it comes down to it, CM Punk is self centered and egotistical. He actually believes that he is the best wrestler in the world. He wants to have what Cena and Bryan have. When everything isn't going his way he tries to weasle his way into some type of leverage deal. He constantly shits on the company. People call him a hard worker, but I don't see it. He pretty much uses the same sequence of moves like anyone else. His elbow drop looks like he fell from the top rope on accident. His knee to the corner looks sloppy. His neckbreaker looks awful about 50% of the time. And don't even get me start on that bullshit kick that he does where he basically just takes his foot and half assedly lobs it into the air somewhere in the generanl vicinity of the head. He just isn't that good in the ring. I've seen him have better matches in the past. It seems as if he is just saying screw the fans because they cheer others over me. He tried to steal Cena's spotlight and position and just couldn't do it. Now he is probably going to try with Bryan.
It's a work. Just like Bryan not being in the rumble. Wwe wants this punk info out there to set up another summer of punk angle.
Why does everything need to be blow out of proportion? Why must there always been some grand ulterior motive? The fact is live as a professional wrestler can extremely daunting. Even for those devoted working the independent level it is a very hectic schedule that takes a massive toll on one’s personal wellbeing. When one is performing for the global promotion like the WWE those tolls are magnified tenfold. It is obvious that Punk is at a cross roads right now and has requested some time away from the business to recharge his batteries and decided his own future. He is an independent contractor/employee of the WWE and at any point it is his right to walk away from the options on the table. It is disappointing from a fans standpoint but it is just a fact we have to deal with and should support.

If Punk stays gone or if he comes back it only makes sense, from a WWE creative view, to use this to further current story lines. If he comes back in a few weeks work it in as Punk defying the Authority. If he stays gone let Triple H use it to further his power trip.
Stock in WWE just hit a 52-week high recently, heavily cantilevered by the WWE Network announcement no doubt. As businesspersons they will examine that reality before they place too much in the hands of creative to change direction. Simply put, they have enough stars on the active roster or via part-time routes to carry through the loss of whatever semi-meaningful feud Punk was scheduled to have. Doubtless they're working night and day to bring him back but I doubt Wrestlemania will be greatly affected by his absence in a business sense.
It's sad that CM Punk fanboys can't accept the fact that their hero left them and treated them like trash.

I don't believe it is a "work" at all. I think Phil Brooks doesn't give 2 sh!ts about his fans, he only cares about his money. Phil will certainly come back somehow for that big WM paycheck.

Anyway instead of Triple H vs CM Punk, we will now get Daniel Bryan vs Triple H which was the match we all wanted to see

So, how exactly has he treated me like "trash"?

I started getting back into wrestling on a more regular basis because of Punk, and while ti would suck if he did leave, if I feel anything for him it's sympathy for the position he feels he's in.

Him walking out is not treating me like "trash" in the least. There's only so much people can take before they are done.
Yeah, being champ for a record amount of time, getting matches against future hall of famers week after week, always being involved in important story line after important story line. That poor guy was just so mistreated.
What it means for WM is nothing really. Punk should be facing HHH, end of story. Putting DB in that spot does nothing to resolve the DB situation. Punk should be pissed. Its not Batistas fault either. Who could have known this kind of fall out was coming from the WWE Universe. Fans arent going to be happy unless DB goes into WM as the challenger for the title and walks out the champion. Its as simple as that. And how the WWE makes that scenario happen is basically out of their hands unless they get really creative. And I mean really creative. And Im not talking Batista comes out next week and has a mental breakdown and beats DB down with one of his collectible lunch boxes and gets institutionalized. WWE is on thin ice.

Dare I say its time for Hulk Hogan to make an appearance?
Dare I say its time for Hulk Hogan to make an appearance?

Well yeah, that's going to happen anyways. He's going to hobble his old, overly tan ass down the ramp and cut a ridiculously hackneyed promo and people will will rejoice, but it's not going to do anything to placate fans who don't actually know what they want.

It's no different than when Austin "walked out" . Punk walking out would be breach of contract.

If for some reason this real then I'd like to see TNA sign Punk. Now that Hogan, Sting, and AJ are gone he can pick up a nice check, because that's all Phil cares about. Punk/Angle, Punk/Bully Ray, Punk/Daniels and more importantly Punk/Joe IV.
Yeah, being champ for a record amount of time, getting matches against future hall of famers week after week, always being involved in important story line after important story line. That poor guy was just so mistreated.

- When he was in his 434-day run during 2012, his match was the third-most hyped of that Wrestlemania (28) behind Michaels-Taker and Rock-Cena in a non-title match.
- Similarly, Punk-Jericho was mid-card for Extreme Rules.
- Punk v Bryan didn't headline Over The Limit - John Laurinitis v John Cena did.
- At No Way Out, a non-title match between Cena and The Big Show headlined as Punk took on Bryan and Kane in mid-card.
- At Money in The Bank 2012, his title defence vs Bryan was mid-card, though admittedly they got the most time.
- At the following Summerslam the title match was behind HHH-Lesnar in the main event.
- He drew at Night of the Champions against Cena. Some Champion!
- He got a Maddox-assisted win v Ryback at HIAC and was then beaten down after the match.
- He wasn't on TLC owing to legit injury.

Now: I wouldn't gripe if that was me, but they've certainly not put him over as strong a champ SuperCena or HHH: The Business Wrestler or any number of part-timers that come back. I'm probably coming over like a Punk mark here and whilst I do like him he's not a firm favourite. But I can understand why he'd be griping to be perfectly honest. Whether I'd have walked out is another matter and I don't know the full story, but I respect his decision (if it's real).
A bit of logic would dictate this as a work. I mean his whole point in life seems to be fiscally responsible and set himself up for life before walking away from wrestling, why would he willfully ask for a breach of contract lawsuit that will cost him money?
I don't think this is the WWE working us. I think this is Punk working the WWE and the fans. After he dropped the belt he hasn't been nearly as relevant and not as high up on the card as before. He took advantage in the past to leverage the WWE into giving him a long ass title reign and I think he is going to try this again. Punk is an IWC fan favorite. By legitimately walking out he knew he would create tremendous buzz, which judging by the number of threads and news article he has.

I just don't see how this, if he's working the WWE, would be successful. If anyone is in a position to leverage themselves against the company, right now it's Bryan. Punk simply does not hold the sway he did in 2011. Sure he's over, but with a contract expiring in 5 months, the WWE would not give in to any demands. Bryan is so damn over right now that Punk's leaving wouldn't hardly be a blip on the radar (though yes it's got us talking). We'll have to wait until next Monday to see how the live crowd reacts but like I said, the fans are overwhelmingly concentrating on only one guy right now.

Personally I think it's likely he's working the fans and the WWE's in on it. For one thing, while they removed his future appearances, they still have him advertised for the EC. On top of that I think Punk's smart enough to realize he doesn't hold the sway he used to, though yes maybe his ego's in the way. If it's legit, then he'll definitely lose pay. Why jeopardize that if he really is planning on leaving when his contract expires soon?

If it's a work I'm cool with that but if not, it's an incredibly selfish move. I'm a Punk guy but with five months left on the contract instead of riding it out and having a great sendoff, he's crapping on every member of the locker room and the fans. I don't think the WWE will have any problem letting him take the ball and go home.

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