CM Punk Gone From WWE - Keep It All Here

Is CM Punk right for leaving WWE?

  • Yes, he saw his friend Bryan taking a backseat to a part timer and decided to leave.

  • No, this wasn't punk's battle to fight and his fans deserve better.

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Daniel Bryan and CM Punk have nothing to do with each other, other than being friends. You equating everything to Daniel Bryan is delusional. If CM Punk left, it's becase he did what he thought was best for CM Punk and that's the end of the story.

If I had said or implied that Punk's decision had "everything" to do with Bryan you'd be right. But I didn't. Not even close. I know strawman arguments are popular on message boards, but they aren't intellectually honest arguments.

This looks now to be 100% legit (I will be absolutely shocked if it isn't) and the consensus is that there have been several issues that have brought this to a head. The Batista issue is one of them. I don't think Punk gets nearly as upset if it's Bryan or even Reigns that goes over him in the Rumble. But it being an out of wrestling shape Batista clearly bothered him. Sure, he wants to headline WM. No one would say otherwise. But the fact that once more, the company goes with a part-timer instead of a 365 guy bugs the man. And I can't blame him one bit for being miffed at that decision. Then you've got other factors like creative decisions, PPV and the new WWE network money, etc. There's clearly a lot at play here. I think the RR was the straw that broke the camel's back though.
Thread and OP is completely worthless after he called CM Punk past his prime.
What does that make Daniel Bryan? Never had a prime and never will have a prime?
With Punk out for who knows how long, someone is going to have to take his spot. Unfortunately for Cena haters, I'm afraid the WWE will go back to old reliable and start using Cena much more than they have been. I know he's been in the title hunt with Orton, but that seemed to have taken a back seat to what's been going on with Bryan.

Now that Punk is out, will they try to fill the void with someone else? Or will we see even more of Cena going forward?

More Cena does equal more Wyatt. But, again, Cena haters won't be happy seeing Cena a lot more without Punk to take up some of the space.
Agreed. Punk's reaction at MITB 2011 rivaled the chants Daniel Bryan is getting on a weekly basis. Unfortunately, Punk's momentum was derailed. He still remained one of - if not THE - most over guys on roster, but Bryan has clearly surpassed him at this point in terms of sheer noise.

...but here's the thing. One week after the Elimination Chamber, as the WWE is on its way to WrestleMania - and hoping we've forgotten about Punk - Monday Night Raw is in Chicago. I expect that crowd to be deafening with CM Punk chants all night... possibly even at the expense of Daniel Bryan. If Punk's quitting is legit - and I hope it isn't - then I'm guessing the WWE is very nervous right now about having the Chicago crowd hijack a Monday Night Raw in support of a guy no longer on the roster when they're just four weeks from their biggest show of the year.

Yikes rarely can crowds match Chicago level crazy especially when it comes to the Second City Saint himself and what may be viewed as mistreatment to their home town hero. I certainly don't want Punk gone either and I'm shocked by this news, but I'm inclined to wait to see how this plays out. Between the Rumble, a possible Punkless Chicago Raw, and 70000 strong at WM being very vocal this will be an interesting and perhaps bumpy road to WrestleMania.

Will you be there? I just noticed you're from Chicago if so have fun! I'm from Cleveland and skipped this weeks Raw...
It won't be as noticable in the post-Mania months because WWE will introduce some new talents, try out some fresher main event programs and somebody, likey Roman Reigns, will be elevated towards the top of the card.
If this does indeed keep Punk away from WM, work or not, the only way for them to salvage the entire thing if they still intend for Bryan to take Punk's place against HHH--and by that I mean not having WrestleMania XXX be remembered as the one where fans shat all over what is supposedly "the biggest PPV in WWE history"--is to pretend that Bryan is being left off of the card entirely, hyping that and having people step forward to back him being in the title match because he deserves to be there, the people want it and he was screwed out of the Rumble, with HHH finally caving and saying, "If you want in that match, you'll have to get through me." Have Bryan work two matches in order to get the title, and the payoff will be even bigger.

Sure, it's probably even more predictable that way, but the position they are in right now with Bryan is so precarious if they want to make this PPV "memorable" in a positive manner and not for fans booing, walking out or chanting "we want Divas" during the most hyped match on the card, especially if it goes on last.

It's not just another year; it's the year they're going for a new TV deal, the year they're launching the WWE Network, which will mean that people who might not even order the PPV in the first place will see it because they think the network is a good deal, and XXX is a special number by marketing logic. They are the most stubborn company in the world when it comes to giving fans what they want before serving their own agenda, but the backlash here could ultimately be what makes them cave. I don't want Punk to leave--he's my favorite of this era and has been for almost as long as he's been there--but if he genuinely misses WM, it could be even bigger for Bryan. Of course, this is purely hypothetical and WWE isn't that smart, so I'm not holding my breath. Bottom line, though: this might throw the proverbial monkey wrench into the gears, but there are still ways to make it right. Let's just hope they realize that.
Yikes rarely can crowds match Chicago level crazy especially when it comes to the Second City Saint himself and what may be viewed as mistreatment to their home town hero. I certainly don't want Punk gone either and I'm shocked by this news, but I'm inclined to wait to see how this plays out. Between the Rumble, a possible Punkless Chicago Raw, and 70000 strong at WM being very vocal this will be an interesting and perhaps bumpy road to WrestleMania.

Will you be there? I just noticed you're from Chicago if so have fun! I'm from Cleveland and skipped this weeks Raw...

Exactly, the attention will now be on punk when it should be on Bryan. Punk is an attention wh0re, he'll do anything to stay relevant and unfortunately by doing so he's killing his "friend" 's career.

It's really sad.
Exactly, the attention will now be on punk when it should be on Bryan. Punk is an attention wh0re, he'll do anything to stay relevant and unfortunately by doing so he's killing his "friend" 's career.

This is one night in Chicago we were referencing Compadre. Get over it Daniel Bryan is going to stay over regardless of this situation. CM Punk isn't killing anybodies career.
There is nothing that suggests anything like that is going to happen.

These Punk crackpot theories are getting ridiculous.

Make sure you remember that when RAW goes to Chicago and the attention and all the chants will be for punk, and Daniel Bryan will be eating sh!t.

WWE buried Bryan.

Now the fans won't care about Bryan as much as punk.
This is one night in Chicago we were referencing Compadre. Get over it Daniel Bryan is going to stay over regardless of this situation. CM Punk isn't killing anybodies career.

Punk picked the absolute worst time to leave and he left for such a stupid reason.

The thing is the only thing Bryan got going for him is the over support from the crowd, especially when they chant for him in random matches.

Now people will be chanting punk's name in random matches and not Bryan only.

All the focus should be on Bryan, punk got his time, it's now Bryan's time smh.

Punk is a cancer to wrestling. He ruins everything even when he's not there.
Thread and OP is completely worthless after he called CM Punk past his prime.
What does that make Daniel Bryan? Never had a prime and never will have a prime?

WWE can't ignore fans reaction forever.

And now Bryan is getting his name chanted in every arena in random matches.

Nothing will change that unless some guy decides to walk out on the company then people will start chanting this guy's name instead of Bryan's. Oh wait...
It isn't going to affect Bryan, his situation is playing out in front of a TV audience every week, Punk simply wont be mentioned from this point forward so there wont be a trigger for the fans, the one exception being the Raw in Chicago.
Oh Well. So long.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a huge fan (save for his first few years as a face in the WWE.....didn't fit what I knew he had). But let's look at this situation a little closer. As we do, I find it harder and harder to find a good quality in this.
The reports are that he told WWE Chairman, Vince McMahon, that he was "going home" on 01/27/2014, right before a LIVE episode of WWE Monday night Raw.
This come on the heels of a HUGE movement for his friend and fellow competitor Daniel Bryan. The simple breakdown is this: It is either a "work", or it isn't. The only way I see it as acceptable is IF it is.
Word is that he is frustrated that he was not in the picture for the WWE WHC title picture. Boo Hoo. It could be worse, much much worse. Look at the current places on the card for talents that, in my opinion, match or Exceed his in ring talent - Dolph Ziggler, who has been buried horribly, Antonio Cessaro, who (until Tuesday's Smackdown taping) was relegated to the tag team picture, Tyson Kidd, who is televised sporadically. Sure, they don't have the "Mic skills" that Punk has, But neither did Andre the Giant, the initial incarnation of the Rock - Rock Maivia, or Brock Lesnar.
Certain Talents, Punk says "deserve more". I agree with him there.S o why is he drawing attention away from a HUGE fan reaction right now to Daniel Bryan?
Look, if this is a work or if Punk had an Injury or emergency situation, I'll take back everything negative here. But I see it as him being extremely self righteous and unreliable. NOTE: I am NOT a fan of Batista. Not a fan of him winning the rumble, or taking a marquee spot at Mania XXX. It irritates me, as a fan, when guys like Batista and the Rock come in after years of absence and are booked to systematically destroy up and coming talent. There IS a place for them, but NOT at the detriment of the fans. Unlike Batista, at least Rock had something to offer.
Punk had a tremendous run, that I doubt was in any jeopardy of being "taken" from him. He was booked to WIN two MITB matches, Held the WWE Title longer than anyone in over twenty years, Was a Triple Crown winner of the major titles,Had Marquee spots in matches with Cena, Taker, Rock and others. He had a fantastic run in the most recent Rumble and he earned every bit of it. Now, he seems to think he doesn't have to "earn" anymore. He has been noticeably sloppy in the ring over the last couple months. He was, rightfully so, given a Huge new contract in summer of 2011. Problem is, he apparently does not feel like living up to the terms. Bullshit move. If WWE pulled this on him, he would be all over any medium he could find lashing out. He's turned his back on the fans who made him and make no mistake, he was MADE by the fans. Myself included.
In WWE right now, there is a huge movement going on for Daniel Bryan. The fans are hijacking shows and PPV's to voice their collective disapproval of his spot within the company. It's truly an amazing thing to watch and Bryan definitely earned and deserves it and then some.
Punk is not stupid, or unaware. He knows very clearly that by doing what he's doing, he is going to take a punch of thunder out of the Daniel Bryan situation. He knows fans will start the "WE want Punk" chants, some of them doing so INSTEAD of continuing on with the Bryan movement. Is it Jealousy? It's absolutely selfish. Is Punk scared of Bryan leapfrogging him? He should be, because he is a few wrungs above punk on the ladder when it comes to ring work. That is MY biggest problem with this. Forget the FACT that he is leaving during the biggest season of the year. The season when fans WANT to see him on that card. They want him in a deserving match. Forget the fact that he is skipping out on his contract that HE signed. I get that he'd want to draw more attention to himself, but this is not the way. You tarnish your character when you screw your "Friends" over. The very people that, just 2 1/2 short years ago, you were shouting to the world deserved more. If it's not a work, it's going to be hard for myself and fans like me to forget. Especially when he comes back a few years from now and cashes in on another big contract, grabs someone else's mania spot and wrestles for a title after 2 weeks back. Ironic. Make no mistake, Punk knows ALL of this.
I'm not really seeing it. If anything, I think it might even open some doors for Bryan. All we have to go by are the various reports we read on WZ and others. At one point, it was reported that WWE was planning another "Summer of Punk" similar to what we saw in 2011 that would culminate with Punk taking on Batista at SummerSlam for the title.

IF, IF, IF that was where WWE was ultimately going, then it's not out of the realm of possibility that Bryan is substituted into that program instead of Punk. After all, as of right now, it's being alleged that Bryan will now face Triple H at WrestleMania XXX. Bryan going over Triple H at WrestleMania would be a huge step forward when you consider how Triple H screwed him out of the WWE Championship, which I'm thinking will happen at Elimination Chamber. Bryan finally has enough and the match is on. If Bryan goes over Triple H at WrestleMania, I don't see Bryan finishing out 2014 without the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.
This is why I barely come on iwc forums anymore. Look the only. 2 men that would be noticable if they left is cena and bryan. Look I consider myself now a casual fan of wwe, because I catch it when I can and I can tell you punk has not done anything note worthy since he lost the wwe title. Often times I forget he's on the show, so I'm pretty sure he will be missed maybe a week or 2 then he's an afterthought especiallyy to the causual veiwer. Trust me the guy was not that important to raw like he was in 2011 let it go. Bye punk you can take your attitude somewhere else.
If this is a work, I have no idea why Punk would agree to it. He'd end up looking bad in the end because the ratings & buyrates won't move an inch with him gone.
There are about 4 or 5 different threads that, for the most part, are all talking about the same thing: CM Punk quitting WWE, whether it's real or not and what people think about it. So, let's just keep it all in here.
delete after seeing this jack. Just wanted to say thanks for moving my comment over here instead of deleting it that would've been a pain if I had to do that over again. Ps. Cm punk is overated
Am I the only one who doesn't care he left? Stone Cold found out the hard way that the WWF was bigger than him and Punk will do the same, sure a couple people will follow him to TNA or Ring of Honor but the WWE will survive. Punk obviously thinks he's the "best in the world" but the only thing it will do now is make the WWE change the names of everyone they sign so they can't take it with them when they leave.
God this is depressing...

Look guys, there are probably only 3 people who know the score for real, Punk, Trips and Vince... whether it's work or shoot WWE isn't suffering because for the second damn day in a week they are making mainstream media, not just TMZ but real newspapers with what is going on. If Punk has reached his personal limit then paying his salary for 6 months is small change compared to that publicity for them... if he has decided he doesn't want to force down the koolaid any more then he is contractually obliged to keep quiet till July... so there is minimal damage to WWE...

If it's that he's banged up and decided he wants to rest up and decide on his contract or anything inbetween that and a work then WWE IS NOT SCREWING UP IN ANY WAY... they are currently the most talked about entertainment product in the world, more so than Marvel, Star Wars, the Superbowl spots... and why? Cos they didn't put one guy in a match and one guy has "gone home" from a show...

If Phil Brooks is done with WWE, he could have left better, but it won't kill him - they won't hate him cos he has given them a gift to keep this hype going... and notice a pattern forming... 2 weeks ago it was Ryback bitching about being released, then Foley and Bryan's tweets... now Punk.... the entire roster isn't quitting or in the shithouse...

They're building something... Punk may or may not be part of it but whether they chant Bryan's name, Punks or Warriors it's immaterial because it's what people are talking about they are interested in...and EVERYONE is talking about WWE right now, even those who never would... When you have a big launch in a couple of weeks and the biggest event in your history just after you will do ANYTHING for that to be the case... be that sacrifice some talent... or just make everyone think you did!
Thread and OP is completely worthless after he called CM Punk past his prime.
What does that make Daniel Bryan? Never had a prime and never will have a prime?

Where did I say anything of the sort? Don't make stuff up or put words in my mouth. At least make sure you're posting in the right thread. Also, for a "worthless" thread it's sure getting a lot of views and responses.

Neither man is past his prime, and you're a clown for thinking otherwise.
I feel it like its the 90's again, this can have big outcome if punk left and is not coming back then what if more talents decide to do it, and then go to TNA and its all NWO over again
I dunno. It's Punk, so it's hard to tell where Phil Brooks begins and where CM Punk ends, because Punk is the type of guy, who likes to blur the lines between what's real and what's not real. You can look at this from so many different angles.

I'm 50/50 on this being a work. On one hand, the timing of all this is very strange. Were on the road to Wrestlemania, and Punk wants to quit, and pass up the big bay day? Also, you have to consider Punk walking out as a ploy to fuel the The Authority storyline with Kane and Triple H.

Punk is so disgusted with the way things are, he would rather leave, and not put up with the bullshit. Remember, Punk's been lobbying for a match/confrontation with Triple H for months, and there's a chance he believes Kane is beneath him as an opponent. Triple H could lure Punk back to WWE with the promise of a one on one match at Wrestlemania.

But if Punk legit walked out, then I'm surprised. I love the guy, but let's face facts. WWE can't bend over backwards and cater to ALL of CM Punk's demands every time he decides to complain about something. That's not a realistic way of looking at his situation. I can understand the reasons behind Punk's complaints, because Batista's lackluster return is disappointing so far, and he looked terrible in the Rumble (call me crazy, but it looked like he botched that spear on Reigns).

With that said, Punk can't hold WWE hostage for a king's ransom, when he's frustrated with the direction of his character every time. I think we'll know more about this in the coming weeks. If WWE goes out of their way to ignore and acknowledge CM Punk's existence, then I think we can lean towards this being real. But we're on the road to Wrestlemania now, and we live in a time, where vocal smarks, who read the dirt sheets voice their opinions at live shows, so it wouldn't surprise me if we heard a bunch of "CM Punk!" chants on Raw and at Elimination Chamber.
I feel it like its the 90's again, this can have big outcome if punk left and is not coming back then what if more talents decide to do it, and then go to TNA and its all NWO over again

You broke the code! Eventually, on a live Impact the E feed interrupts and Vince is live from WWE HQ bragging out his recent investment venture only to be interrupted by Shane who stepped in and signed the deal before his father. They get a chance to right the terrible wrongs of the Invasion. Sting, Jarret, Hardy, Angle and Styles (has to change his first name as he is the second most recognized AJ in wrestling) start a revolution to bring down the machine. It ends in a Survivor Series War Games match, Bryan/Punk/Richards/Edwards vs. Triple H/HBK/Orton/Batista.
They are basically building the biggest wrestling angle of all time - right at the time where they are negotiating the biggest TV contract they ever have and are radically shifting their business model for the first time in 30 years...

There WILL be blood, some casualties - the loss of PPV pay offs and their "not addressing it" with talent says so... but a month ago to today, WWE is a lot more "must watch", the mainstream are covering it, not as "aha fake wrestler quits or doesn't get into match" but as a serious story... and WWE is about to close bids on it's TV negotiations while being that most talked about thing... even if Phil Brooks was a dick on monday night - if this pushes the deal over the billion mark or even close cos people aren't sure if it is a work or not, Vince is gonna love him to death...

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