CM Punk Gone From WWE - Keep It All Here

Is CM Punk right for leaving WWE?

  • Yes, he saw his friend Bryan taking a backseat to a part timer and decided to leave.

  • No, this wasn't punk's battle to fight and his fans deserve better.

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I could see it being either one, a work or legit.

First with it being a work the report came out that he told Vince he was going home. Not management, or HHH or Steph, but Vince. It could be a way to get Vince back on TV. Vince sees that the way HHH and Steph are running stuff is making them lose hard working money makers. So he comes back and brings Punk with him to challenge HHH for full control of the company. It also gives Punk time to rest seeing they may not pull the trigger on bringing him back till after EC. It has been said a few times that people in management would like to make Punk then next Stone Cold. Which this seems a lot like Stone Cold walking out back in '02. While Stone Cold wasn't a work, they do use that as a moment in his career and could do the same with Punk. Leak that he was going to lose to Antonio like Stone Cold was booked to job to Brock. It wouldn't be the first time they used something from real life or moments from the past to help come up with a storyline idea.

Now if it is legit he could really be burnt out or injured. Also with it being said he wants to be the top guy, which he knows is not going to happen with Cena there. Also with WWE bring in part timers like The Rock, Batista and Lesnar. Batista getting the title shot and looks like Lesnar is getting the Taker match this year, if not maybe an outside chance of Sting. That leaves little to no room at the top for Punk. Plus they just came off the RR. Where it showed more and more how creative and management is out of touch. It gets not only the fans frustrated but the wrestlers. Some of the heels they push get boos not because they work great at being bad but because people are just tired of it. The same thing over and over. Then they push people as top faces that get booed or little to no reaction from the crowed. It could also have something to do with family or stuff we don't know about.

I hope Punk will be back but only time will tell.
I dont get the hate towards punk. I mean, yeah...if this is sucks coz i really like the guy and what he does in wwe.

But saying that he turn his back on his fans???.. this is a free world (well..most of it). If you are unconfortable on your job guess what? YOU are entitled to walk away. Thats honorable and speaks high on someone's beliefs. There is no contract where you CANT resign...or quit.

If you ask me? Of course i would love to see punk staying, but i cant blame someone who quit his job.
I don't think this is the WWE working us. I think this is Punk working the WWE and the fans. After he dropped the belt he hasn't been nearly as relevant and not as high up on the card as before. He took advantage in the past to leverage the WWE into giving him a long ass title reign and I think he is going to try this again. Punk is an IWC fan favorite. By legitimately walking out he knew he would create tremendous buzz, which judging by the number of threads and news article he has.

People who say that he walked out because of what they are doing with Daniel Bryan is ridiculous. Bryan is the most over person on the roster and is certainly more over than Punk was. He was booked to be over by constantly being held down and screwed in Kayfabe. If Triple H was burying him like so many smarks seem to like to think then why was he constantly put in the main event? Why did all his title match losses have to be dirty then? No, they aren't burying him, they are getting the fans to side with him but without forcing him down our throats. They forced Cena on us and that's why half of the people boo the hell out of him. Daniel Bryan is being pushed the right way. He is being pushed with a story not with non stop wins. If anything I think Punk is angry that he isn't the top guy. He got his push before Bryan did and now Bryan has surpassed him. Back in 2011, if Punk was number 1 in the Rumble, the fans would have been chanting his name during the final few contestants. But this year they are chanting Bryan. It appears as if Bryan will soon be getting a big pay off and CM Punk's ego is too big for him to wanna go after any of the mid card belts. Now that there is only one title Punk knows he won't be the main eventer or top guy. I think if anything, Punk wants to steal the spotlight from Bryan. The fans have continually hijacked the show on behalf of Bryan and I think that Punk is going to try to get the fans to start chanting his name while he is away. Then when he returns he will have a big pop and will be center of attention. He knows this and he knows that WWE will realize that the fans are chanting his name and they will realize the drawing power of his return. He will probably use that to leverage himself into a WM match with Bryan.

And for the people that are saying that this is a work and that the kayfabe reason for punk walking out is because of what the authority is doing to Bryan, then that makes no sense at all. Why would he not stand up and fight. That's what his character is all about.

When it comes down to it, CM Punk is self centered and egotistical. He actually believes that he is the best wrestler in the world. He wants to have what Cena and Bryan have. When everything isn't going his way he tries to weasle his way into some type of leverage deal. He constantly shits on the company. People call him a hard worker, but I don't see it. He pretty much uses the same sequence of moves like anyone else. His elbow drop looks like he fell from the top rope on accident. His knee to the corner looks sloppy. His neckbreaker looks awful about 50% of the time. And don't even get me start on that bullshit kick that he does where he basically just takes his foot and half assedly lobs it into the air somewhere in the generanl vicinity of the head. He just isn't that good in the ring. I've seen him have better matches in the past. It seems as if he is just saying screw the fans because they cheer others over me. He tried to steal Cena's spotlight and position and just couldn't do it. Now he is probably going to try with Bryan.

First off, Cm Punk is the best wrestler in the world. He can have 5 star matches with Cena, that's saying something. More importantly, Punk's reasoning is right. Why does Batista after taking 4 years off deserve to instantly be thrown into the main event at Wrestlemainia? At least when The Rock came back and had it handed to him, you could argue he's a huge star in and out of the ring, where Batistia was just an above-average star, but nothing special. Guys that are there night in, night out deserve to be in the main event of the biggest show of the year. Whether it be Bryan or Punk. I think Punk knows what's best for business, Punk actually did Bryan a favor by leaving as it should be him facing Triple H.

While I'm sure Punk has his own motives, the fact is WWE has misused Punk since he lost the belt. Punk shouldn't be treated as just an upper-mid card guy, which is what he's been used as for the bulk of the past year. The guy has earned a full-time main event spot. You also say they're pushing Bryan the right way, but wouldn't him winning the Rumble have been the perfect way to capitalize on his current popularity? It's a no-brainier to me.
CM Punk was wrong for leaving WWE as it will do nothing to change WWE except one thing and that's people will now be chanting his name over Bryan.

This will mainly affect Bryan negatively. With the lack of support from WWE Officials, Bryan has however the support of the people.

People were acting negatively towards the whole royal rumble ppv, wwe mistreated Bryan so the fans voiced their displeasure and it got many former wrestlers talking about it as well as many media outlets covering it.
This led to the next night on RAW, Bryan having a face off with Triple H which teases a future WM match between the two.

There was a problem, fans voiced their opinions, WWE corrected the problem.

There is a movement, the YES movement going on, that movement will put Bryan over big time however for some reason CM Punk thought it'd be a good idea to stick his nose and ruin that movement.

Now the "cm punk movement" will overshadow / bury Bryan and the yes movement.

All the attention that was on Bryan will now be on punk.

What I really hate is a person who peaked, a person past his prime that pr0stitue themselves for a bit of attention but they can't let go of their glory days.

Punk walking out on WWE is terrible for Daniel Bryan
Moving Bryan into a match with Triple H doesn't change the big problem which is the title match they stupidly seem determined to do. I think they need to get Bryan into the last match of the night regardless of anything else.

Just a random idea here but WWE are clearly going to push Roman Reigns, they have 9 weeks to have him get tired of taking orders from The Authority and end up facing Triple H at Mania.
Listen there's this big thing on this forum where people keep speculating on when and how DBs massive popularity is going to cool down. He's over as fuck and that fact won't be changing anytime soon. If and this is a big if, CM Punk stays off TV for awhile, Daniel Bryan will stay be there live each week and a chorus of We want Bryan, and Yes chants will continue on. The fans are going to chant when Daniel Bryan is in the ring, sometimes it will be when he isn't in the ring. Punk will get some cheers when The Authority is out there, quite frankly not having Punk as an opposing force to the Authority and leaving Daniel Bryan as their sole enemy may enhance his popularity.
Punk is not wrong, quit is an employee right, if you are not confortable with your job, you can always quit. Its part of a work deal.

I dont think punk leaving will affect bryan at all, if anything, it will make him more over, coz now he will the ONLY underdog/rebel/anti-corporation.
Punk has been pushed and upheld as second only to Cena, and justifiably, since Cena is the superior Professional, Sports Entertainer, Wrestler, and overall draw, but acting like Punk hasn't sat at the very tip top for years now based on one solitary worked shoot that set everyone off for like 72 hours is dishonest. Punk is a spoiled brat, and thinks that he doesn't need to work out the way the others do, or that he needs to actually do good in ring work like he used to.

And I'm sure that it's a no-brainer to plenty of smarks that don't understand the industry why Bryan is being booked in this incredible way. Because of WWE booking, Daniel Bryan is becoming insanely hot, hotter than anyone in probably 4 or 5 years. And you smarks are so short sighted, you'd have had him win the Rumble, have no story lines until WM30, and then win clean over Orton or Batista. That's the piss poor booking style that got WWE into trouble.

I would imagine that Punk read this forum, and saw how blatantly stupid the pro-Bryan fans have gotten, and decided it wasn't worth his time to keep putting on shows for you guys that you don't understand.
Really interesting thought actually. I can totally see Punk chants over the next few weeks, especially when HHH is in the ring giving one of his (awesome) antagonistic promos. But the Bryan chants won't be overshadowed by the Punk chants. No way. Bryan will still be there every week, the crowd won't be happy until he appears in any given show. I don't see this derailing the Yes Movement at all.
So The Rock (who was given a title shot kinda unfairly I admit, but he did put in dues years ago and helped ensure there is a WWE today against WCW, obviously Stone Cold gets the credit too) Anyway, The Rock gets legit injured at Wrestlemania and doesn't show up on Raw the next day because he needs to see a doctor and get surgery right away otherwise his movie Hercules loses Millions of dollars from being delayed waiting for The Rock to recover, but everyone jumps down his throat. But CM Punk doesn't show up to Raw and walks away and everyone applauds him.
I don't see Bryan chants going away anytime soon, I think when the situation warrants it, like when Triple H is out or Kane is out they'll chant his name but in every other match they'll continue to chant Daniel Bryan's name.
This is definitely a work. Does anybody remember when we were supposed to have the battle for control of the company? Vince will be back onscreen before Mania with a pissed off CM Punk. This would make the HHH, CM Punk feud be the biggest match at Wrestlemania! HHH's guys are all taking up spots over people that are more deserving. Sheamus would be a big heel to fight Bryan.
CM Punk =/= Daniel Bryan. There is no real connection between the two besides being friends and (former) coworkers.

People need to stop drawing connections between the two. It simply doesn't make sense.
If the rumors are true that Daniel Bryan will now face HHH at Mania then I think it could hurt him. I have been saying for a while that the only satisfactory ending to this is Bryan hoisting the title over his head at the end of Mania to 70,000 people chanting yes. If Punk walking out affects that then I think it will hurt DB. I don't think the crowd will now favor Punk over Bryan, but the fans are not going to be happy unless it is Bryan winning the title at Mania.
Great points but it may be a work. Like what someone said, WWE may want to get this info out there so people could be interested in the situation. Also, they probably want Punk to be fit and well rested for Wrestlemania so they allow him to take the time off that he wanted. Comes back at EC, to cut a promo on the Authority and that's how his Road to Wrestlemania begins.
CM Punk =/= Daniel Bryan. There is no real connection between the two besides being friends and (former) coworkers.

People need to stop drawing connections between the two. It simply doesn't make sense.

Actually it does make sense.

I think people will start chanting cm punk's name in random matches and not Bryan's which totally sucks.

All the attention and focus on Bryan will now be on punk
- When he was in his 434-day run during 2012, his match was the third-most hyped of that Wrestlemania (28) behind Michaels-Taker and Rock-Cena in a non-title match.
- Similarly, Punk-Jericho was mid-card for Extreme Rules.
- Punk v Bryan didn't headline Over The Limit - John Laurinitis v John Cena did.
- At No Way Out, a non-title match between Cena and The Big Show headlined as Punk took on Bryan and Kane in mid-card.
- At Money in The Bank 2012, his title defence vs Bryan was mid-card, though admittedly they got the most time.
- At the following Summerslam the title match was behind HHH-Lesnar in the main event.
- He drew at Night of the Champions against Cena. Some Champion!
- He got a Maddox-assisted win v Ryback at HIAC and was then beaten down after the match.
- He wasn't on TLC owing to legit injury.

Now: I wouldn't gripe if that was me, but they've certainly not put him over as strong a champ SuperCena or HHH: The Business Wrestler or any number of part-timers that come back. I'm probably coming over like a Punk mark here and whilst I do like him he's not a firm favourite. But I can understand why he'd be griping to be perfectly honest. Whether I'd have walked out is another matter and I don't know the full story, but I respect his decision (if it's real).

In most of these cases though, it wasn't "the machine" holding Punk back. The reality is, he's not as a big of a draw as Rock or Cena. He's simply not. I'm not talking about who's "better" I'm talking about who draws more which is all WWE cares about. Michaels-Taker IS a bigger match than CM Punk's. It's not like they're putting Kofi Kingston in the main event over him. We're talking about two ALL TIME legends.

He's unfortunately in an era where he'll always be in John Cena's shadow. If he can't live with that, then maybe he shouldn't be in WWE. Look, I like CM Punk but I think that he needs to respect the "business" aspect of it. No one is questioning his ablities, or at least they shouldn't be. Vince McMahon tries to make the most money possible. Like it or not, these part timers still draw huge numbers, moreso than 99% of the current roster (which is pretty pathetic). The reality is, if thes guys didn't draw they wouldn't be coming back. Punk needs to accept that if he's going to stay.
Actually it does make sense.

I think people will start chanting cm punk's name in random matches and not Bryan's which totally sucks.

All the attention and focus on Bryan will now be on punk

Punk at his biggest point wasn't as over as Daniel Bryan is so there is absolutely no reason to believe the fans will suddenly propel him higher than the most over guy in a decade. Yes Punk will get some heat when the Authority comes out, but in no way shape or form will this cause a reduction in the shit storm that is the Daniel Bryan frenzy. As I said previously this will probably enable it to grow bigger because if Punk is gone, it gives Daniel Bryan center stage to fight the Authority solo going into Wrestlemania. This is all assuming Punk is even gone.
In most of these cases though, it wasn't "the machine" holding Punk back. The reality is, he's not as a big of a draw as Rock or Cena. He's simply not. I'm not talking about who's "better" I'm talking about who draws more which is all WWE cares about. Michaels-Taker IS a bigger match than CM Punk's. It's like they're putting Kofi Kingston in the main event over him. We're talking about two ALL TIME legends.

Can't argue with that at all chief, I'm no Cena hater and the big match should always headline (would query the Cena-Laurinitis match though :rolleyes:). What I was trying to do was draw out a sketch that might show why Punk has been frustrated over a long time rather than over some recent business decisions. He's not a rash or impulsive figure despite his occasional outbursts, in my opinion, and has realised that, after a reign than I'd have thought an impossible length for modern wrestling if you'd have asked me in 2010, that he's still not on Cena or Rock levels and will probably never be. I say there's no shame in walking away and he owes no one anything (well, he technically owes WWE some months on his contract).
Can't argue with that at all chief, I'm no Cena hater and the big match should always headline (would query the Cena-Laurinitis match though :rolleyes:). What I was trying to do was draw out a sketch that might show why Punk has been frustrated over a long time rather than over some recent business decisions. He's not a rash or impulsive figure despite his occasional outbursts, in my opinion, and has realised that, after a reign than I'd have thought an impossible length for modern wrestling if you'd have asked me in 2010, that he's still not on Cena or Rock levels and will probably never be. I say there's no shame in walking away and he owes no one anything (well, he technically owes WWE some months on his contract).

I agree and maybe, just maybe, Punk can't accept the fact that being the "best" wrestler doesn't mean you're in the main event in today's WWE. Today's WWE is about PPV buys and drawing viewers. No one is denying Punk's ability, it's just that CM Punk (and Daniel Bryan too) doesn't appeal to the mainstream audience the way that The Rock, Brock Lesnar, Michaels, Undertaker, Cena, etc. do. It's the casual fans and mainstream audience that account for the "extra" buys and hence more money. By extra I mean people that otherwise wouldn't buy a PPV or even watch wrestling.
If the rumors are true that Daniel Bryan will now face HHH at Mania then I think it could hurt him. I have been saying for a while that the only satisfactory ending to this is Bryan hoisting the title over his head at the end of Mania to 70,000 people chanting yes. If Punk walking out affects that then I think it will hurt DB. I don't think the crowd will now favor Punk over Bryan, but the fans are not going to be happy unless it is Bryan winning the title at Mania.

Judging by the Rumble, they had no intention of putting Bryan in the title match at Mania, and a match against HHH would be a step-up from what they seemingly had planned for him (another WM match vs Sheamus!).
So The Rock (who was given a title shot kinda unfairly I admit, but he did put in dues years ago and helped ensure there is a WWE today against WCW, obviously Stone Cold gets the credit too) Anyway, The Rock gets legit injured at Wrestlemania and doesn't show up on Raw the next day because he needs to see a doctor and get surgery right away otherwise his movie Hercules loses Millions of dollars from being delayed waiting for The Rock to recover, but everyone jumps down his throat. But CM Punk doesn't show up to Raw and walks away and everyone applauds him.

That's because it's cool to hate the big mainstream name and it's cool to like CM Punk or anyone who was a popular indy star. At least The Rock left for a legitimate reason and not just because someone else was more popular than him. If Punk is really not going to return, then what does that say to all of his hardcore fans that spent hard earned money on a WM ticket to see him.

First off, Cm Punk is the best wrestler in the world. He can have 5 star matches with Cena, that's saying something. More importantly, Punk's reasoning is right. Why does Batista after taking 4 years off deserve to instantly be thrown into the main event at Wrestlemainia? At least when The Rock came back and had it handed to him, you could argue he's a huge star in and out of the ring, where Batistia was just an above-average star, but nothing special. Guys that are there night in, night out deserve to be in the main event of the biggest show of the year. Whether it be Bryan or Punk. I think Punk knows what's best for business, Punk actually did Bryan a favor by leaving as it should be him facing Triple H.

While I'm sure Punk has his own motives, the fact is WWE has misused Punk since he lost the belt. Punk shouldn't be treated as just an upper-mid card guy, which is what he's been used as for the bulk of the past year. The guy has earned a full-time main event spot. You also say they're pushing Bryan the right way, but wouldn't him winning the Rumble have been the perfect way to capitalize on his current popularity? It's a no-brainier to me.

1. Him being the best wrestler is an opinion, although even the biggest Punk fan has to admit he is pretty sloppy in the ring.
2. Batista might not be the hugest star but he was a big star and one of the main draws during his time. He's more of a star than most of the full time roster right now exclding Punk, Orton, Bryan, Cena.
3. We don't really know if he left because Batista won the Rumble. But if he did then that isn't the most professional reaction.
4. I don't think Punk did Bryan a favor, because I think somehow Bryan is going to be in the title match at WM and finally get his big moment. I think the night will close with 80,000 people screaming the biggest yes chant in history as the camera panes out and fireworks go off. Of course that's just a guess and honestly I think it should happen because it will go down in history as one of the biggest moments of all time.

Oh and one more thing. People say that he was misused by the WWE after losing the belt. How? By facing The Undertaker at Wrestlemania? By facing Brock Lesnar at Summer Slam? Also if he is so "golden" on the mic, then wouldn't pairing him up in a feud with someone else who is considered to be so "golden" like Paul Heyman be an easy way for him to succeed? But that angle kind of just flopped. Then he is feuding with the main heels of the show. Hell he feuded with both heel factions for a while. He either just can't cut it right now or just doesn't care as much. I don't know.
Actually it does make sense.

I think people will start chanting cm punk's name in random matches and not Bryan's which totally sucks.

All the attention and focus on Bryan will now be on punk

There is nothing that suggests anything like that is going to happen.

These Punk crackpot theories are getting ridiculous.
I agree and maybe, just maybe, Punk can't accept the fact that being the "best" wrestler doesn't mean you're in the main event in today's WWE. Today's WWE is about PPV buys and drawing viewers. No one is denying Punk's ability, it's just that CM Punk (and Daniel Bryan too) doesn't appeal to the mainstream audience the way that The Rock, Brock Lesnar, Michaels, Undertaker, Cena, etc. do. It's the casual fans and mainstream audience that account for the "extra" buys and hence more money. By extra I mean people that otherwise wouldn't buy a PPV or even watch wrestling.

If Punk doesn't draw the mainstream audience, he does now! If he is not gone from the company and brought back by Vince for control of the WWE, don't you think he will bring the change that he has talked about for years?
Punk at his biggest point wasn't as over as Daniel Bryan is so there is absolutely no reason to believe the fans will suddenly propel him higher than the most over guy in a decade. Yes Punk will get some heat when the Authority comes out, but in no way shape or form will this cause a reduction in the shit storm that is the Daniel Bryan frenzy. As I said previously this will probably enable it to grow bigger because if Punk is gone, it gives Daniel Bryan center stage to fight the Authority solo going into Wrestlemania. This is all assuming Punk is even gone.

Agreed. Punk's reaction at MITB 2011 rivaled the chants Daniel Bryan is getting on a weekly basis. Unfortunately, Punk's momentum was derailed. He still remained one of - if not THE - most over guys on roster, but Bryan has clearly surpassed him at this point in terms of sheer noise.

...but here's the thing. One week after the Elimination Chamber, as the WWE is on its way to WrestleMania - and hoping we've forgotten about Punk - Monday Night Raw is in Chicago. I expect that crowd to be deafening with CM Punk chants all night... possibly even at the expense of Daniel Bryan. If Punk's quitting is legit - and I hope it isn't - then I'm guessing the WWE is very nervous right now about having the Chicago crowd hijack a Monday Night Raw in support of a guy no longer on the roster when they're just four weeks from their biggest show of the year.

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