Is CM Punk right for leaving WWE? Of course he is, that is his right.
Did he go about it the correct way? No, he didnt. Doing it 30 minutes before a Live raw broadcast was poor form, regardless of his reasons. Surely he coul have spoken with Vince that night at the Rumble or during the day.
As usual, we only know internet specualtion, we dont know Punk personally, we only know what the internet dirt sheets etc report. The common theme of him being sick to death of carrying the company only to see the part timers and friends of HHH come back to take up the top $$$ spots at Wrestlemania. Sure, Punk gives his all for the entire year, only to see a sloppy, washed up borefest win the main event spot in Wrestlemania 30, a spot Punk surely had designs on himself, and no doubt Vince had made certain promises to him about this.
Punk is reported to have felt a match with Triple H at Mania wasnt a MAIN EVENT match for him, and he is probably right, with the WWE title match and Undertakers match being the top 2 matches each year.
The ironic thing is, Punk leaving looks as though it will force WWE to go with Triple H VS Daniel Bryan at Mania now instead of a shitful third match with Sheamus in the past four years. The ideal way for WWE to give the die hard Bryan fans what they want is obviously to have Daniel Bryan beat Triple H clean by pinfall or tap out at Wrestlemania 30, and HHH after the match has to admit on the mic that Bryan is an A GRADE Superstar nowe. Thsi would blow the roof of Wrestlemania 30 and is now a realistic match that can happen if HHH lets his ego rest and goes with what is actually best for business. The other matches in line for Mania arent affected and Sheamus im sure can be moved into a feud with maybe Roman Reigns or another upper mid card guy who Sheamus could elevate.
Did he go about it the correct way? No, he didnt. Doing it 30 minutes before a Live raw broadcast was poor form, regardless of his reasons. Surely he coul have spoken with Vince that night at the Rumble or during the day.
As usual, we only know internet specualtion, we dont know Punk personally, we only know what the internet dirt sheets etc report. The common theme of him being sick to death of carrying the company only to see the part timers and friends of HHH come back to take up the top $$$ spots at Wrestlemania. Sure, Punk gives his all for the entire year, only to see a sloppy, washed up borefest win the main event spot in Wrestlemania 30, a spot Punk surely had designs on himself, and no doubt Vince had made certain promises to him about this.
Punk is reported to have felt a match with Triple H at Mania wasnt a MAIN EVENT match for him, and he is probably right, with the WWE title match and Undertakers match being the top 2 matches each year.
The ironic thing is, Punk leaving looks as though it will force WWE to go with Triple H VS Daniel Bryan at Mania now instead of a shitful third match with Sheamus in the past four years. The ideal way for WWE to give the die hard Bryan fans what they want is obviously to have Daniel Bryan beat Triple H clean by pinfall or tap out at Wrestlemania 30, and HHH after the match has to admit on the mic that Bryan is an A GRADE Superstar nowe. Thsi would blow the roof of Wrestlemania 30 and is now a realistic match that can happen if HHH lets his ego rest and goes with what is actually best for business. The other matches in line for Mania arent affected and Sheamus im sure can be moved into a feud with maybe Roman Reigns or another upper mid card guy who Sheamus could elevate.