CM Punk Gone From WWE - Keep It All Here

Is CM Punk right for leaving WWE?

  • Yes, he saw his friend Bryan taking a backseat to a part timer and decided to leave.

  • No, this wasn't punk's battle to fight and his fans deserve better.

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Is CM Punk right for leaving WWE? Of course he is, that is his right.
Did he go about it the correct way? No, he didnt. Doing it 30 minutes before a Live raw broadcast was poor form, regardless of his reasons. Surely he coul have spoken with Vince that night at the Rumble or during the day.
As usual, we only know internet specualtion, we dont know Punk personally, we only know what the internet dirt sheets etc report. The common theme of him being sick to death of carrying the company only to see the part timers and friends of HHH come back to take up the top $$$ spots at Wrestlemania. Sure, Punk gives his all for the entire year, only to see a sloppy, washed up borefest win the main event spot in Wrestlemania 30, a spot Punk surely had designs on himself, and no doubt Vince had made certain promises to him about this.
Punk is reported to have felt a match with Triple H at Mania wasnt a MAIN EVENT match for him, and he is probably right, with the WWE title match and Undertakers match being the top 2 matches each year.
The ironic thing is, Punk leaving looks as though it will force WWE to go with Triple H VS Daniel Bryan at Mania now instead of a shitful third match with Sheamus in the past four years. The ideal way for WWE to give the die hard Bryan fans what they want is obviously to have Daniel Bryan beat Triple H clean by pinfall or tap out at Wrestlemania 30, and HHH after the match has to admit on the mic that Bryan is an A GRADE Superstar nowe. Thsi would blow the roof of Wrestlemania 30 and is now a realistic match that can happen if HHH lets his ego rest and goes with what is actually best for business. The other matches in line for Mania arent affected and Sheamus im sure can be moved into a feud with maybe Roman Reigns or another upper mid card guy who Sheamus could elevate.
Long time viewer, first time post. Probably won't be around after Wrestlemania because of WWE current product.

I must say, if this is all true for CM Punk. Good for this guy. The one thing about CM Punk, I truly admire is that he controls his own destiny and his own path. He is ambitious and he always pay off his due to truly earn his spots. He have every rights to do what he need to do. People may said that he is a quitter for not honoring his contracts, but to me it does not matter. If you are truly burnout and going with the motions, he have every rights to take a break or leave wholeheartedly.

I could see people's reason for CM Punk being a big baby for leaving suddenly. However, you must look into his perspective. He had been patient and honor everything in his contracts for past 8 years in WWE. He done everything for them to make this product interesting again. For WWE to truly disrespected CM Punk for not rewarding him the WM Main Event is disgusting especially this may be the last time CM Punk will ever wrestle Wrestlemania.

Right now, I am just numb to even have a thought of CM Punk never appearing in WWE ever again. It just kill me that WWE have a special things going for CM Punk and Daniel Bryan, but decide to follow Triple H's big nose to the toilet. I am sick of this product, but I will wait and see after Wrestlemania to seal my fate for WWE.
I love Wrestlemania time. It always seems to bring out some of the biggest moments, and (in this case) some of the more over-hyped moments. Punk just started this storyline with the "Authority". The angle truly has only been Kane going back and forth, and if you read rumor-mills, it was all meant to lead to Punk and Triple H at Mania. Which might sell, if we hadn't already seen that match back when Punk was still white-hot. Now, Punk has lost a bit of steam and seemingly his job.

Let's overlook for now the fact that this could just be another attempt at a "work" and that it is indeed legit. Punk walked out on the Company. So, what should he get in return? A better spot on the Grand stage of Mania? Hell no. Why? Because he broke a contract he signed due to the fact he was unhappy the position the Company had him going? Last time I checked, a match against Triple H wasn't exactly cheap. It's still likely to have garnered some high profile/Main Event quality spotlight. Yet he walks out, and all because apparently he's upset because Batista was brought back and given the Main Event of Mania.

Uhm, when was the last time any one Main Event truly stole the show? Shawn/Taker comes to mind that I can recall. Since then, nothing comes to mind. So why is it that big of a deal? Because it's Wrestlemania 30? Because Batista hasn't 'earned it'? Sure, those are valid points - ones I agree with. However crying about it, and walking out, isn't the answer to how you change anything except for how people will perceive you.

This isn't a "pipebomb". This isn't a shocking Austin/2003 moment. This is a guy who has been huge in recent years, becoming upset because for the previous year, he hasn't been what he once was two years ago.

I like Punk. I wish he didn't leave. However he was wrong entirely in how he's done this, if it indeed is legit. Before people complain about how I'm going about this - just understand this.. At ANY other job - if you don't like how something is done, you can't just "walk out" and expect to get your way because you feel you're better and deserve it. You go out, bust your ass, and work even harder to show they were wrong and went in the wrong direction. Besides, with the way the fans have been acting over Bryan - my guess is anyone not named Daniel Bryan is going to get booed out of the Superdome come Mania's Main Event. Yet that's also Punk believing the fans wouldn't do that to him, because he thinks he's on Bryan's fan level - he isn't. Right now, no one is.
Calling it now, complete work. Expect Punk to return at the RAW following Elimination Chamber in his home town of Chicago. My booking would be to have him sitting in the crowd watching, (or hidden in the crowd) and to jump in and attack Triple H.

The whole promo on Raw this week between Bryan & The Authority was a curveball, shot to make this work believable. At the end of the night, Bryan got added to the Elimination Chamber like he wanted didn't he?

I think the plans of Bryan vs Sheamus may still happen, but depending on WWEs reaction to the crowds, they may have to come up with another plan, possibly winning the title at Elimination Chamber to face Batista at Wrestlemania. Batista was meant to be a face, but as we can now see him getting booed by the crowd, putting him in a match with Randy Orton would be a mistake as the crowds would begin to cheer Orton just to spite Batista. Not to mention the Yes & Daniel Bryan chants we can expect.
Please go away.

Calling it now, complete work. Expect Punk to return at the RAW following Elimination Chamber in his home town of Chicago. My booking would be to have him sitting in the crowd watching, (or hidden in the crowd) and to jump in and attack Triple H.

The whole promo on Raw this week between Bryan & The Authority was a curveball, shot to make this work believable. At the end of the night, Bryan got added to the Elimination Chamber like he wanted didn't he?

I think the plans of Bryan vs Sheamus may still happen, but depending on WWEs reaction to the crowds, they may have to come up with another plan, possibly winning the title at Elimination Chamber to face Batista at Wrestlemania. Batista was meant to be a face, but as we can now see him getting booed by the crowd, putting him in a match with Randy Orton would be a mistake as the crowds would begin to cheer Orton just to spite Batista. Not to mention the Yes & Daniel Bryan chants we can expect.

You actually believe this? If it isn't leaked within a week will you still believe it? Will you have that much faith WWE can actually keep a secret for that long?

After a week let's see.
Don't we always jump to the "being worked" idea and are more often than not wrong? We are so close to Wrestlemania. Why would they remove their 2nd biggest draw (arguably) from storyline, live TV, and live events?

That makes no sense at all.

Exactly. Everything that happens is all one big "work" in the minds of some. CM Punk can't POSSIBLY be burnt out and disenfranchised.

If this was a work, it's safe to say this "story" would be on WWE's website.
Exactly. Everything that happens is all one big "work" in the minds of some. CM Punk can't POSSIBLY be burnt out and disenfranchised.

If this was a work, it's safe to say this "story" would be on WWE's website.

I can't believe people are still arguing over this. Let us be clear, once and for all, that this is NOT a work! There is DAMNING evidence surrounding this being a completely real situation and, for what it's worth, I think many of Punk's fans, one of which is me, are in an utter and embarrassing state of denial over Punk walking out on the WWE. Just think for a second and you'll realize how little evidence there is to this being a work:

1. The story isn't up on the website.

2. Punk was barely addressed on WWE television, received no screen time, and did not participate in any kind of "sound-off" that he's known for letting fans know that his displeasure with the business/Daniel Bryan/Batista/whatever has led him to LEAVE the company. Why would the WWE opt for this to happen unceremoniously off of television?! It makes NO sense to not have Punk come out and deride the authority in an attempt to garner HEAT for his supposed feud with them.

3. HHH didn't mention Punk's departure in his weekly fireside chats. Cole didn't ask about it, either.

4. A majority of WWE's fans are not scouring the internet every ten minutes to see which diva had a nipple pop out on live television and to find out who was backstage at Main Event. If the WWE wanted to run a major angle with Punk, who is, like it or not, one of their top babyfaces, they would make sure every wrestling fan had an opportunity to watch it unfold instead of throwing internet fans, who they clearly hate, a bone.

Punk is GONE. That doesn't mean he is GONE forever, but he is gone for now and people will have to deal with it.

Sidenote: WM30 is shaping up to be a disaster of epic proportions and I'm looking forward to cracking open a beer and watching this trainwreck play out.
yeah I agree with everything you're saying about this not being work, and even if it is, I feel it just makes Punk look (pun intended) like a punk. From a storyline perspective it would mean he got upset he got screwed in the rumble, and meanwhile Bryan's being getting screwed since SummerSlam and he's still hanging in there. So I dunno I just think if it was a work, it doesn't make punk look good at all.

But on to the real subject at hand about him presumably being upset about his spot on the card.It's weird because I dont know how long ago this was now, maybe earlier 2013 but I was under the assumption and kinda remember hearing alot that WM 30 would be main evented by punk. At the time it just seemed like a foregone conclusion, it seemed like it was either going to be punk vs austin similar to rock vs cena or Punk vs Bryan which would be somewhat akin to WM 20 where the small wrestler benoit finally got his big moment at such a landmark WM. I dunno if that was just early rumors or just fan speculation in early 2013 but maybe that's kind of how punk envisioned it as well or something similar.

Like people have said on here as well though, he hasn't really been too relevant this past year. However I don't really think that's a bad a thing per se and I dont think he was misused either. I mean he had a match with Taker at WM 29 which is an honor, had an awesome match with brock at summerslam and got to fued with his buddy Heyman, which i'm sure he and heyman got to have atleast some input in it and how it went. I mean i'm sure he wasn't complaining about getting to be in a feud with Heyman.

With all that said, sure I would say maybe the past few months he could've been used better,especially leading up to mania, but I don't think having a match with HHH is such a bad thing, a little stale maybe, but you could do alot worse. Either way I'm glad it's looking like it's gonna be HHH vs Bryan, which just makes so much more sense.

Punk being upset about his place on the card, reminds me a little of bret hart on that rivalries dvd with shawn, he was talking about how he was upset how low on the card he was at WM 13 with Austin, and shawn just kinda made him realize that it didn't matter because basically it was an awesome match and stole the show, and bret I remember kinda laughed too and realized that. I think its something Punk shouldn't get some hung up on. I mean his match with Taker at 29 was really the only match I liked from that event and summerslam his match along with Bryans are the only two matches I even remember from that card. Look at WM 19 and WM 25 HBK wasn't in either of the main events for those PPVs yet those are pretty much the two stand out match from those WM's. Look at WM 2000 the TLC match is what's talked about most from that even not the fatal 4 way they had.

Ok I rambled too much now, either way Punk will be back at some point. Just look at who their inducting into the hall of fame this year...
Good. A guy of mediocre wrestling ability, mediocre physical size, mediocre strength, mediocre mic skills should be lucky the WWE has thrown as many bones his way as they have. Punk belongs screaming nonsense into the microphone about caffeine in a dive bar, not in any sort of athletic endeavors.
I can't believe people are still arguing over this. Let us be clear, once and for all, that this is NOT a work! There is DAMNING evidence surrounding this being a completely real situation and, for what it's worth, I think many of Punk's fans, one of which is me, are in an utter and embarrassing state of denial over Punk walking out on the WWE. Just think for a second and you'll realize how little evidence there is to this being a work:

1. The story isn't up on the website.

2. Punk was barely addressed on WWE television, received no screen time, and did not participate in any kind of "sound-off" that he's known for letting fans know that his displeasure with the business/Daniel Bryan/Batista/whatever has led him to LEAVE the company. Why would the WWE opt for this to happen unceremoniously off of television?! It makes NO sense to not have Punk come out and deride the authority in an attempt to garner HEAT for his supposed feud with them.

3. HHH didn't mention Punk's departure in his weekly fireside chats. Cole didn't ask about it, either.

4. A majority of WWE's fans are not scouring the internet every ten minutes to see which diva had a nipple pop out on live television and to find out who was backstage at Main Event. If the WWE wanted to run a major angle with Punk, who is, like it or not, one of their top babyfaces, they would make sure every wrestling fan had an opportunity to watch it unfold instead of throwing internet fans, who they clearly hate, a bone.

Punk is GONE. That doesn't mean he is GONE forever, but he is gone for now and people will have to deal with it.

Sidenote: WM30 is shaping up to be a disaster of epic proportions and I'm looking forward to cracking open a beer and watching this trainwreck play out.

Maybe they're trying to blur the lines on realism and what's scripted since the internet has been a major problem in their development of storylines.

I know predictable storylines have been a major problem with storylines over the past couple of years.
You actually believe this? If it isn't leaked within a week will you still believe it? Will you have that much faith WWE can actually keep a secret for that long?

After a week let's see.

WWE doesn't have to keep a secret. Only Phil and VKM know the truth.
Maybe they're trying to blur the lines on realism and what's scripted since the internet has been a major problem in their development of storylines.

I know predictable storylines have been a major problem with storylines over the past couple of years.

You really believe that?

Have Daniel Bryan win the Royal Rumble would have been the best for business. I highly doubt this is a work because WWE don't even have a creative capacity to create this scenario. Given WWE recent track record, their storyline are simple, but little complex at best. It is more just straightforward answer. I highly doubt WWE was thinking of that way.

CM Punk is really gone and he taking his sweet time off. Let him be.
I think it's a work.

Punk helps out DB from the crowd at some point by hitting HHH, setting up Punk vs HHH at mania.

I'd do DB vs Taker at mania, having DB end the streak, then Cena vs Orton vs Lesnar vs Batista. DB beating whoever wins that the following month.

If it is not a work, Vince needs to sign him fast. Sign him to a 3 1/2 year extension so he could retire at Mania 33 if he wants. Write in his contract that he has 1 guaranteed last match at mania and he can pick whoever he wants (even Cabana) for his WM 33 opponent.
I for one thought punk would resign an main event if not both WM 31 and WM 32...

the only way punk can main event a mania is if he is against either
cena for title
Austin(which I bet is at WM 32 in texas)
Punk's still under contract til June so Vince doesn't have to sign him fast. Vince doesn't do creative control deals often and is certainly not going to give Punk a say in booking Mania 3 years from now. Punk, as good as he is, just isn't worth that. Hell Cena isn't worth that.

WWE is bigger than any wrestler, they don't "need" anyone. They could replace the entire roster over the next 12 months and the company would survive.
I posted this on one of the main page comments, but I'll post it here as well. You guys can criticize freely. :)

There is an article about Vince and Triple H being at odds about CM Punk leaving. If you're a fan of the WWE, this is concerning.

This is all heresay and speculation, as none of us know the details.... but based on the "rumourmill" and based on my own personal judgement and impression of such rumourmill, I'd be concerned with Vince leaving the company to Triple H.

Again, this could all be bullshit, and could be completely wrong, but this is how I view all of this:

Vince obviously loves big guys. We know this. But he is an old school guy at heart, he appreciates a good worker. He obviously prefers big guys but will go out of his way to push a smaller, good worker, if they get over. He has in the past understood to give the fans what they want. The proof is in the pudding. Vince made Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, and CM Punk champions.

Now I may be one of the few who actually enjoy Triple H as an on-air performer. And I generally have over the course of his career. But Since Triple H has been moved into more of a corporate role, taking on talent relations and having more of a say in the booking, we've seen a decrease in quality of the product and questionable booking. The summer of Punk in 2011 was so badly booked it was insane. So is Daniel Bryan's current booking. So was Rock/Cena II. So is Batista being in the 'Mania main event. Additionally, Triple H's own pet projects: Sheamus, Bray Wyatt, Batista, the current Authority storyline, etc are very well protected and pushed hard. Hunter actually has a track record of the opposite of Vince, in that he will discourage pushes for guys like Edge, Jericho, and now Punk and Bryan.

I wasn't actually surprised to read that Vince would want Punk back but HHH wouldn't. When I hear they are at odds, I assume this is the sides they would take. It's because at the end of the day, Vince has proven that he appreciates real talent. While Hunter has seemed to bought into his own cliche of "bigger is always better" and gets stubborn and stuck on it.

If that is the case, and if any of that is actually true... the long term health of the WWE is at stake. Maybe not in that they're threatened to go out of business, because they're a monopoly with no competition. But bye bye quality.

Of course this could be BS. Or maybe just partially true. But this is my impression based on what I've read over the years. And yes, I know there is a very good chance that what I'm basing all of this on, is simply not true.
I posted this on one of the main page comments, but I'll post it here as well. You guys can criticize freely. :)

There is an article about Vince and Triple H being at odds about CM Punk leaving. If you're a fan of the WWE, this is concerning.

This is all heresay and speculation, as none of us know the details.... but based on the "rumourmill" and based on my own personal judgement and impression of such rumourmill, I'd be concerned with Vince leaving the company to Triple H.

Again, this could all be bullshit, and could be completely wrong, but this is how I view all of this:

Vince obviously loves big guys. We know this. But he is an old school guy at heart, he appreciates a good worker. He obviously prefers big guys but will go out of his way to push a smaller, good worker, if they get over. He has in the past understood to give the fans what they want. The proof is in the pudding. Vince made Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, and CM Punk champions.

Now I may be one of the few who actually enjoy Triple H as an on-air performer. And I generally have over the course of his career. But Since Triple H has been moved into more of a corporate role, taking on talent relations and having more of a say in the booking, we've seen a decrease in quality of the product and questionable booking. The summer of Punk in 2011 was so badly booked it was insane. So is Daniel Bryan's current booking. So was Rock/Cena II. So is Batista being in the 'Mania main event. Additionally, Triple H's own pet projects: Sheamus, Bray Wyatt, Batista, the current Authority storyline, etc are very well protected and pushed hard. Hunter actually has a track record of the opposite of Vince, in that he will discourage pushes for guys like Edge, Jericho, and now Punk and Bryan.

I wasn't actually surprised to read that Vince would want Punk back but HHH wouldn't. When I hear they are at odds, I assume this is the sides they would take. It's because at the end of the day, Vince has proven that he appreciates real talent. While Hunter has seemed to bought into his own cliche of "bigger is always better" and gets stubborn and stuck on it.

If that is the case, and if any of that is actually true... the long term health of the WWE is at stake. Maybe not in that they're threatened to go out of business, because they're a monopoly with no competition. But bye bye quality.

Of course this could be BS. Or maybe just partially true. But this is my impression based on what I've read over the years. And yes, I know there is a very good chance that what I'm basing all of this on, is simply not true.
How does hunter push bigger? We don't actually know any of this, but by most accounts, HHH appreciates good workers and was big on Rollins.

Second, summer of Punk wasn't booked improperly, the IWC lives in 1989. Everyone knew it was all a work.

Third, DB isn't improperly booked. If he wins the title, the appeal is over. He's as big an underdog as it gets.

They don't have a monopoly. USA doesn't give a shit that they beat TNA. WWE's competition is everything else you can be entertained by. Why do many of you think only other wrestling companies are WWE's competition? The NFL, Walking Dead, etc is ALL competition to the WWE because they are all substitutes. You think the only competition to MLB is other baseball leagues? No, it's every sport, and really every other entertainment form.

The more that comes out about this Punk stuff, the more it seems like a work. Punk love this kind of shit and HHH seems to too based on his DX stuff. If I'm WWE, I have Punk book ROH shows before and after wrestlemania to really sell it.
@TWJC above ^

If this is all a work, then it's brilliant! And it will be the most creative thing they've done since summer of 2011. And I love it, and I will give Triple H huge credit for it.
Do I think it's a work, no. Do I hope it's a work, YES! YES! YES!

Punk is better as a heel, even he has admitted such.

SO, what better way for him to return, then for him to come back and cost DB the WWE Championship?

After all Bryan has "gone through" battling the Authority, he finally gets to where he wants to be, only to have someone he considers a friend, and someone who can relate to what he has gone through, stab him in the back? Money.

Professional jealousy is the most basic and believable storyline for two guys, and this would work.
@TWJC above ^

If this is all a work, then it's brilliant! And it will be the most creative thing they've done since summer of 2011. And I love it, and I will give Triple H huge credit for it.
Here is what I'd do:

EC comes down to Cena, Orton, and DB. DB has the advantage, HHH is coming down, Punk stops him (or maybe even Cabana). You have to make this look real though, so maybe have him mace HHH legit. Have DB look a bit panicked at first like "o fuck, we need to change the finish now'. Then Orton pins DB with a half assed roll up. Punk is escorted out. Orton cheats to beat Cena.

On Raw DB demands a match, Vince says he hates him but the fans don't, so he'll make him a proposal, an opportunity to end the streak. Many men have won the WWE title, no one has beaten taker, chance at immortality, yada yada yada. So DB vs Taker is set. Cena vs Lesnar vs Orton vs Batista (OVW boys, so it's historically fitting) for the WWE title and the fans aren't pissed that DB isn't in the title match because he's in a more important match and ends the streak. HHH vs Punk in a non sanctioned match.

DB beats whoever won the fatal fourway the next month. Then goes on to beat every obstacle HHH throws in his way. Meanwhile Punk goes on a ridiculous win streak. Eventually HHH offers Punk a title shot at like Survivor Series. Punk accepts, wins, and is eventually corrupted by HHH and turned into a corporate champ.

Reigns wins the Rumble, and beats Punk in the last match of Mania 31.

I hate fantasy booking, but this seems so damn logical to me.
It very likely IS a work... they saw what TNA did with AJ which then seemingly backfired...

Punk could easily go to ROH for a year almost "on loan " unofficially to sell it... much as Vince was propping up ECW back in the day and they let Bryan go off for 6 months despite him always being under contract post Nexus debut night...

Ultimately what has angered Punk isn't himself or Bryan but most likely Ryback, the guy who is their "template" and their creation, looking like (or Punk was told perhaps) being fed to Warrior... THAT would make you mad, that the guy you put over and worked with cos it's what they wanted was now gonna be jobbed to the 50 year old while you get Sheamus or worse... I'd quit..

Like I have said before, either way WWE is the most talked about entertainment product on the planet in the last 5 days since the Rumble, with mainstream coverage all over the world... Cena never got that, Hogan barely did, but Punk and Bryan have managed it... Can WWE "keep a secret"? as long as venues don't fuck it up like Batista and Jericho (we all know he is back soon, cos the advertised it months ahead)... In Punks case they will let him sit and veg out for months... hell they might "officially release" him so he can work indy shots before the return.

It COULD be a work...

it could also be that he is well and truly done with them... but as he's left them such a great parting gift, it's very unlikely that would go both ways... they will have him back, cos if his leaving generates this much ink/data/talk what will his return bring? THAT'S WHEN HE GETS HIS MANIA MAIN EVENT!
The recent debacle over on NXT has me leaning towards this all being a work. Giving Punk the time off and having him comeback March 3rd for Raw which is in Chicago or Payback, which is being hosted in Illinois.

Obviously me just speculating or possibly way off, but they are definitely possibilities, it's enough time for Punk to take time off and rest, and then comeback in a big way, and the best place for Punk to do that (but also the most obvious) is around Chicago.
What if Punk is kinda hurt and he is going home to heal? There are so many possibilities and this looks like a very well done worked shoot to me.

Also, THTRobtaylor, WWE isn't the most talked about entertainment entity. I've heard 0 from any non wrestling fan or any outlet that hasn't covered WWE before.
It's not out of the realm of possibility. Punk has obviously had some injuries nagging at him, and I wouldn't be surprised if he has been working hurt for a while. Plus, you can tell the guy is drained out by just looking at him, compare how he looked in 2011 to how he looks now, he looks drained almost even sick in some cases.
Also, THTRobtaylor, WWE isn't the most talked about entertainment entity. I've heard 0 from any non wrestling fan or any outlet that hasn't covered WWE before.

Yeah, I think the Grammys would be considered an entertainment entity, and every mainstream news organization covered the lead-up, and the post-show reactions.

This is also Super Bowl week with all the hype going on in NYC.

The only place that WWE is the most talked about entertainment entity is on wrestling websites. I'm sorry, TMZ picking up a throwaway story about Mick Foley throwing a brick at his television set after the Rumble isn't really that big of a deal.

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