CM Punk Gone From WWE - Keep It All Here

Is CM Punk right for leaving WWE?

  • Yes, he saw his friend Bryan taking a backseat to a part timer and decided to leave.

  • No, this wasn't punk's battle to fight and his fans deserve better.

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Yeah, I think the Grammys would be considered an entertainment entity, and every mainstream news organization covered the lead-up, and the post-show reactions.

This is also Super Bowl week with all the hype going on in NYC.

The only place that WWE is the most talked about entertainment entity is on wrestling websites. I'm sorry, TMZ picking up a throwaway story about Mick Foley throwing a brick at his television set after the Rumble isn't really that big of a deal.

This is a fairly good point, what if this story is just a work to draw on attention to WWE? It wouldn't be the first time they've given out information like this in the hopes of attempting to draw the attention. Wasn't there even a report about them trying to start drama on Twitter during weekends where things were slow and there was little news concerning the WWE? And with rumors flying around about WM, it seems also like a perfect time to throw heat on the fire.

The timing of this just seems really convenient, as well. That's of course, if this follows through to be a work, I still think this is for Punk to take the time off needed, but the timing would fit into something WWE could do, obviously they know they can't compete with the Superbowl at the moment, but they can still throw out news to get attention geared towards them, during all the chit-chat of the Superbowl.
going by current reports, Vince wants CM Punk back, and HHH is indifferent either way. Also reports stating Christian is slotted into the EC match as a temporary, and if Vince has somebody more "important", an injury angle for Christian has been set up and ready to go should this happen.
My bet is Vince is holding out for Punk to return after sitting down wioth Punk and sorting out his demands and what he wants, and he returns as a surprise entrant into EC, and possibly even wins the thing. He goes to Wrestlemania 30 as champion, and fights Batista, possibly even puts him over. They could have Batista destroy him and put him on the shelf until July when his contract expires, Punk gets hios main event spot he wants and main event payday, Batista still gets the title and Vince gets his man, with Bryan and HHH still making sense. Randy Orton is the odd man out here, could possibly fight Lesnar if Taker and Sting happens.
He is trying to get into MMA. He has been training with the Gracie family. Although still a white belt, I imagine with bank account and free time now he can achieve alot in several months.

He is done with wrestling.
going by current reports, Vince wants CM Punk back, and HHH is indifferent either way. Also reports stating Christian is slotted into the EC match as a temporary, and if Vince has somebody more "important", an injury angle for Christian has been set up and ready to go should this happen.
My bet is Vince is holding out for Punk to return after sitting down wioth Punk and sorting out his demands and what he wants, and he returns as a surprise entrant into EC, and possibly even wins the thing. He goes to Wrestlemania 30 as champion, and fights Batista, possibly even puts him over. They could have Batista destroy him and put him on the shelf until July when his contract expires, Punk gets hios main event spot he wants and main event payday, Batista still gets the title and Vince gets his man, with Bryan and HHH still making sense. Randy Orton is the odd man out here, could possibly fight Lesnar if Taker and Sting happens.

From these reports on a few sites about HHH feeling disrespected and Vince wanting Punk back.
I think that makes it clear that this isn't a work at all. However, I do believe Punk will return at some point. Just not sure when exactly.
If CM Punk wants to be in the Main Event, then that means DB will have to sit and wait even longer for the title chance, possibly until SummerSlam even, if Punk comes back before WM and gets placed in the ME picture.
lMO, a program with HHH was perfect for Punk at this time for all involved as long as DB was placed into the ME as the Universe is demanding.
Sorry ye another Punk topic. This has not yet been talked about, the elephant in the room with CM Punk.

To quote JR
Punk has not been a happy camper within WWE for quite some time. That point has been made abundantly clear on many occasions. He's tired, he's beat up, and he's not enjoying himself at work.

The big what if behind that?
What if Punk becomes the next Ultimate Warrior, what if Punk becomes the next Brock Lesnar,Y2J, Rock an so on? No I'm not referring to their size, or politics, temper or any of that. Ultimate Warrior while at the peak of his career left the WWE in 1991, we know those reasons. But he came back in 1992 a lesser man that he was, and then left again in 1992, to come back in 1996, a shell of what he once was. Only to leave again in 1996 to never return to WWE TV. Brock Lesnar another talent on the cusp of greatness and in the prime of his life, leaves WWE after Wrestlemania 20, only to return some 8 years later. As a part time wrestler, I could go on.

So that big question is, what if Punk does leave, and doesn't come back for a couple of years? Or maybe never at all, or maybe just comes back as a part time wrestler that we only see in a handful of matches a year.

In most cases when we hear of wrestlers being burned out and not liking the job, it usually leads to them leaving at some point, some usually find green grass on the other side, guys like the Rock, like Y2J, like Brock Lesnar, RVD.

We know Punk will go down as one of the greatest of all time when its all said and done, no matter if he never wins another championship, hes been that good inside the squared circle. But how do you see it all playing out for the career of CM Punk, and the future of WWE. Losing the Rock, Austin, Edge, Undertaker, Lesnar, Y2J, and many other top stars has never been easy for WWE to find its replacements, considering the WWE is like one big chain, once someone fills another wrestlers void, they need someone to fill that wrestlers void and so on. A superstar is needed to fill the main eventers void, while a mid card talent has to fill the superstars void, you get the point. How do you see it all play out. Does he come back, maybe never leaves? Does WWE quickly fill that void, and if so who steps up? Its big shoes to fill.
I think they'll get Punk by promising him the ME at WM 31. It makes more sense that they have him extend his contract so he can accomplish that one last goal he has for himself, and have all year to plan for it, than a whole lot of last minute scrambling to work him in to this Mania's ME, at the expense of the others that have already been planned to be in it. I don't know when they get him back, but I think that's how it will play out in the end.
I personally think CM Punk's spot should eventually go to either Rollins or Ambrose. Both are insanely talented and put on great matches, and this makes even more sense considering the major push that Reigns is undergoing.

Putting one or both of these guys into CM Punk's spot would not only elevate them once the Shield breaks up, it keeps all three high on the card and gets 3 new faces into the main event scene. That would be a huge coup for WWE if they can pull it off during Reigns's push.
I could see Punk moving to a part timer role if they can't get him to resign a new deal. When I think about it being a part timer might be everything he wants/needs. The toll on his body will be significantly less, they can hammer out what he's going to do beforehand so in a way he'll get the creative control he wants, and of course the big salary.

And who knows, maybe after 1 or 2 part time stints either he heals/rests up during his downtime and signs a new full time deal.

As for who takes his spot, well they're probably going to just give it Sheamus but they do have many options sitting in their mid-card.
Yes, punk was not enjoying fighting in WWE, but let me tell you,that I believe Cm punk will be back in Royal Rumble 2015 and will main event Wm31. But there's one confusion and that's ''what if Rock came back for wm31?''. He will main event that wm. And i can say that the truth is hidden in cm punk's chest.
You have to remember that those guys all left for wildly different reasons... They were not all burned out.

Warrior left over money and perceived slights, the letters released show that. Jericho had his rock band that he wanted to focus on, RVD left under a serious cloud due to his drugs bust, as did Jeff Hardy and Brock simply never cared about being a wrestler - his own book admits it was "just a way to make money quickly".

If you had to choose someone this is really like, it's closest to Bret Hart's departure as there seems to be a fundamental difference in how Punk perceives things and how Vince/Trips perceive them, much as with Bret in 97.

Bret was not looking to leave, he wanted what he was promised but Vince wanted him gone - not cos Bret had done wrong, but cos he was becoming an obstacle to what was "best for business"... Bret's values didn't sit with Attitude and he had raised serious and increasing alarm and almost badgering about how he was used. He would only have gotten more and more vocal and at what he was being paid, he was an expensive sore to have festering when Bischoff was desperate to excise it to the benefit of all. So Vince made it impossible for Bret to stay...

This is similar, Punk clearly has a view on his own position and value but is more forceful and confrontational than Bret. He isn't afraid to stand up for himself or others and did so at his last negotiations... however that tactic will only ever work once... from then on you are marked just as Bret was when he played hardball on his last renegotiation for the "20 year deal". Bret was willing to compromise where Punk is likely not. It's entirely possible he has been promised a Mania headline slot and that hasn't materialised and may have trusted on this rather than have it contracted... if he's found out for example it's part of Batista's contract he headlines Mania, then that is going to cause the issue. If he has (and he has) made sacrifces for guys like Ryback who are now likely to be fed to Warrior and they are more interested in signing older names than sorting his own deal that is going to ahem Sting...

There hasn't been a situation like this yet in WWE... There has in WCW with the Radicalz... but the biggest difference is there is no rich suitor now to run to...

If Punk isn't in the WWE then he's in ROH, he and AJ Styles will make a shitload of money there and his being there may well kickstart something... if there is a Ted Turner or Mark Cuban type who wants to set up, Punk is a go to guy as your frontman... but other than that, he's touring Japan occasionally or out of the business completely. I can't see him wanting to be in the business more than 3 years but equally he's not likely to piss away those 3 years... he'll get them done and get out.

Warrior got his return from his walkout less than 6 months later, it bombed and he got fired for the roids... he wasn't a shadow of himself in that time - just didn't make sense without the muscle... Punk after 6 months out, even missing Mania 30 wouldn't "lose" in the same way, he'd gain from being refreshed... even a year could go by and he'd be most likely ok... longer than that and people will forget him... He's not quite big enough to go as long as Shawn or Brock did and get the big return... it'd be more like Jericho or Bulldog's returns...

Personally I think Austin's perspective on it on Arsenio was right, he's a headstrong guy so he'll want something, some concession to come back, he'll probably want the Mania main event for next year contracted and announced in advance much like the Rock... If he then gets his time away it makes sense, they can let the fans miss him and they can hopefully build it to be he vs Bryan by then. but whatever they give him, he'll want it nailed down now... whether Vince is willing to do that is the real elephant in the room.
When you're unhappy with your job, you quit. It's as simple as that. He tried to stay, he did try to voice his opinions back stage, and he's still unhappy. Punk has been wanting to be in the main event of Wrestlemania since Wrestlemania 27. He still hasn't gotten it. And with the exception of 27, it's been due to a part timer coming back and being given the spot. So I understand his frustration. While that sounds selfish of him, I think he's dead on about the poor booking. Old wrestlers are suppose to build new stars. But they're not doing that at all. I'm sad to see him go. He's my favorite. But I don't think he's leaving for the wrong reasons.

Then again, could be a work. But it doesn't feel like one.
lMO, a program with HHH was perfect for Punk at this time for all involved as long as DB was placed into the ME as the Universe is demanding.

Cm punk went from feuding with mediocre guys like miz, del rio, mark henry, (a decent popular DBryan at that time) to A list stars in The rock, undertaker, and brock lesnar in a one year span. Of course hes not gonna be satisfied facing just hhh at mania at this point in his (peak) career.
if cm punk quits then they immediately put some fan favorite wrestlers in his spot. I think antonio inclusion in ec is that type of move. Include sami zyan into main roster.

Nobody care about randy so put the belt to daniel bryan and mainevent wm30 and retain it.

Now only solution to shut the fan chants is DB. They make rollins as a underdog in shield. Which elevates him as a fan favourite. Give ziggler some title match and win midcard title. It will cool the fans.
I think if there was ever a good time for cm punk to strike its now. The wwe network is about to launch which makes this wrestlemania the most important since the first, and the crowd is on the verge of a full on mutiny. The crowd will be very vocal this coming monday and every monday untill he comes back.
Good riddance to bad rubbish. CM Punk has an awful attitude. He's a man-child who isn't happy unless he's being catered to 24/7. He's won every title there is to win, had the longest WWE title reign in 25 years, received his own licensed entrance music from Living Colour, and has been one of the top 3 babyfaces all year during his notable feud with Heyman and Lesnar.

Oh noes Batista is back, well that's the perfect excuse he needs to go on his attention ****e gimmick and pout like the boy who cried wolf.

Stay gone, Punk.
Good riddance to bad rubbish. CM Punk has an awful attitude. He's a man-child who isn't happy unless he's being catered to 24/7. He's won every title there is to win, had the longest WWE title reign in 25 years, received his own licensed entrance music from Living Colour, and has been one of the top 3 babyfaces all year during his notable feud with Heyman and Lesnar.

This is all true. You have to ask, what more does he want?
This is all true. You have to ask, what more does he want?

"The fact that Dwayne is in the main event of WrestleMania and I'm not makes me sick."

That's pretty much what it all comes down to. He's wanted a main event match at WrestleMania. He played second to The Rock/Cena twice. Once while he was WWE Champion, another time when he was facing the Undertaker. This year it's Batista coming along. I don't think it's the issue of Batista, I think what Punk said about Batista is true, he doesn't mind him being back, but you can't help but be frustrated about the fact of being one of the top guys, and never actually being at the main event of the biggest show of the year. Actually closing the show, he wants a moment like people like HHH, Austin, The Rock, Batista, Jericho, Angle, Brock, Edge, Undertaker and Cena had. I don't think that's asking a whole lot when you consider they got it and he never did. Hell, the Miz, even got a chance to headline WrestleMania, The Miz, yes, The Miz, and Punk never got the chance to do that, looking at that, isn't that a little messed up? Wouldn't you be frustrated by just that fact alone? Being one of the top guys in the business and still not being able to headline WrestleMania, yet you see the Miz doing so? I know, if that was the case for me, I'd feel frustrated about that.

Mind you, it doesn't make what he has done right at all, doesn't excuse him either, but I can get where he's coming from. Everyone wants to main event the big show, he would have had two chances to do so if not for Rock/Cena. I honestly don't feel that is asking too much, even if he's added in to a main event, he doesn't have to win, but I think just the fact that he could headline the event itself is what he's aiming for.

And no, I ain't showing any biased towards Punk in the situation, I might be a big Punk fan, but even I am disappointed by the decision as more and more information is coming out. I still can feel for the guy, in that aspect, if you're the WWE Champion at the time, and not able to main event the "Grandest Stage of Them All" like just about every Champion before you, I'd be frustrated as well.

I know everyone right now is looking towards Daniel Bryan, and everyone is right to, because he deserves it, but honestly, I feel Punk deserves the shot to headline WrestleMania at some point as well. He's one of the top guys in the business, he's never had the chance to do it, that's what it really comes down to in my eyes.
Reasons I believe this is a work:
1) Who in there right mind walks on the "Road to Wrestlemania"? Why would you? If the guy wants a wrestlemania moment, and that is his goal, why would he walk two months out? He's not in the main event, I know, neither was Shawn Michaels in 2006, but as they say "anything can happen".

2) "I'm hearing from a reliable source..." Really? Are you? Every reporter on every wrestling site has a "reliable source". WWE KNOWS that there are people who spill the beans, and if they really wanted to stop it, they could. How about this: "If any reporter asks you ANYTHING, you tell them this is 100% legit." If they really wanted to create a monumental storyline like this, you dont think the "sources" would be all for it?

3) When the pipe bomb happened CM Punk was EVERYWHERE. By the next day there were interviews with espn, articles you name it. And now, with just as big of a story, he's been totally silent. No tweets, no interviews, no pod casts with his best friend. Which brings me to...

4) He answered questions, and openly expressed his anger with the company BEFORE he left! Does that make sense? You openly express your displeasure with your company before you walk out... And then say nothing?

This has all the makings of a work to me. Am I onto something, or am I in denial?
Here is a question that is a little bit outside the normal CM Punk talk but since it involves his leaving I'll put it here instead of starting a thread. Don't want any infractions...

It was announced a while back that he (Punk) was suppose to appear on the Comedy Central Snark Game Show "@Midnight" with The Miz on Wed, February 12th.

Now with Punk's departure and considering that his involvement with the show through tweeting their nightly 'hashtag war' titles, will he be replaced by the WWE for that episode? Will the Miz go it alone? Or is Miz dropped now altogether.....
Punk should take this chance and go to Hollywood, appear in some crappy movies, then come back and headline a future WM the way Batista did this year. Like the saying goes, if you can't beat them, join them. Vince wants entertainers, not wrestlers.
Punk has simply never been in a position where it would have been logical for him to main event wm. He is just an immature egotistical little boy in a mans body. There are guys that have had better careers than Punk and never Main evented a Mania, or only main evented once and it was at the end of their careers.

Punk needs to realize that he has only been relevant for two maybe three years and half of that time he has been irrelevant and hasn't done anything great for the WWE. Edge, Jericho, and Foley have all only closed the show once and imo they were all relevant longer than punk, gave us more legendary moments than Punk, and had better careers than Punk. The only WM that you can even argue that Punk should have closed is wm27 but imo Miz was the too heel at the time and it made sense. Even if Batista never signed Punk still wouldn't have been in the main event.
Got to say, I disagree with a lot of this:

Punk has simply never been in a position where it would have been logical for him to main event wm. I have to disagree with that one. Honestly I wouldn't see any issue with Jericho/Punk being the main event at WrestleMania 28, in fact I feel it could have been the perfect time to do so. Punk was still riding the waves of his shoot, and Jericho was pretty much at the top of his game (or as much as he could be at the time). It was before WrestleMania 28, that Punk really took off, so logically, WrestleMania 28 would have been the perfect time to do it. Punk/Undertaker could also have been a perfect time. WWE could have easily booked WrestleMania 28, with Cena winning rather than Rock winning, that was the perfect time to pass the torch over, have it be over and done with rather than leave another years worth of build-up. That could have easily left things open for a possible Cena/Punk main event at WrestleMania 29, with Punk holding onto the title, and Cena winning the Royal Rumble. Of course that would have also meant possibly finding someone to fight against Undertaker. But in the case of WrestleMania 29, it made sense. Punk would have walked in the longest-reigning champion in years, go up against Cena, and adding to the fact that these two had history, would have made the match work even more-so. I honestly, see things working better for Punk at either WM28 or 29, I'd probably say 29 was the best option, what stopped that and Punk's momentum cold around that time was losing the title to Rock who moved onto Cena, leaving Punk left with a pretty shakily booked storyline with the Undertaker.

There are guys that have had better careers than Punk and never Main evented a Mania, or only main evented once and it was at the end of their careers. Honestly, by this kind of logic Miz shouldn't have been anywhere near the main event then. How many people have honestly had better careers than Miz? Think about it? How many of those people were probably wondering why Miz was there to begin with. I won't deny that Miz might have been hot around that time, but main eventing WrestleMania? Even against Cena? That's way off. Around the 2011/2012 period Punk was pretty much hot, he had just about every reason going for him to main event at WrestleMania.

Punk needs to realize that he has only been relevant for two maybe three years and half of that time he has been irrelevant and hasn't done anything great for the WWE. Edge, Jericho, and Foley have all only closed the show once and imo they were all relevant longer than punk, gave us more legendary moments than Punk, and had better careers than Punk. Outside of Cena or Rock, during those two-three years who was more relevant? I mean, obviously, Cena and Rock are going to be the main attractions when they are around, but everyone else, out of everyone else, who was really more relevant than Punk at that time? Outside of Cena and Rock, who made some kind of impact during that time? You could definitely say Brock Lesnar, but keep in mind he was a part-timer, Punk was on just about every week. But outside of that, anyone? Bryan is definitely a possibility, he started to pick up steam around that time as well, of course, he ended up going to the tag-division, but he still held onto it during that time. But outside of that, in that realm of time, who around the main event scene was more relevant than Punk, outside of The Rock and Cena? Being relevant longer doesn't really mean much, unless you have people you're competing with, around that time Punk was competing with two main people, Cena and Rock, yes Bryan and Lesnar both could be argued, but again, neither of them went much of anywhere, Bryan got regulated to the Tag Team Division with Kane, and Lesnar, had a match with Cena, then worked out a feud with HHH sometime later.

And hasn't done anything great for the WWE? His shoot alone put him on the map. The match at MitB with Cena was pretty damn great in general the whole "Summer of Punk", he was on fire, his time after that was going great (until he went against HHH which pretty much killed his momentum), having the longest Championship reign in years, a 5-star match with John Cena and a match with the Undertaker. Honestly, does that sound like a guy that doesn't deserve a main event shot at WrestleMania?

Even if Batista never signed Punk still wouldn't have been in the main event. Debatable. Punk and Bryan both had a shot of going against Orton before Batista came along. With how far Punk made it into the Royal Rumble, it's very possible that either Punk or Bryan could have picked up a Royal Rumble win and went on to headline WrestleMania. Going by the crowd, Bryan could have probably picked up the win and been on his way to the Royal Rumble. And Punk (who was likely to have been involved in the Elimination Chamber, could have actually won it). Probably wishful thinking on my part, but without Batista, I think either of them could have made it to headlining WrestleMana, or even both. Punk is very well at the tail-end of his career. Whether or not his contract expires and he re-signs depends on him. Now could have been another perfect time to have Punk main eventing WrestleMania.
Reasons I believe this is a work:
1) Who in there right mind walks on the "Road to Wrestlemania"? Why would you? If the guy wants a wrestlemania moment, and that is his goal, why would he walk two months out? He's not in the main event, I know, neither was Shawn Michaels in 2006, but as they say "anything can happen".

2) "I'm hearing from a reliable source..." Really? Are you? Every reporter on every wrestling site has a "reliable source". WWE KNOWS that there are people who spill the beans, and if they really wanted to stop it, they could. How about this: "If any reporter asks you ANYTHING, you tell them this is 100% legit." If they really wanted to create a monumental storyline like this, you dont think the "sources" would be all for it?

3) When the pipe bomb happened CM Punk was EVERYWHERE. By the next day there were interviews with espn, articles you name it. And now, with just as big of a story, he's been totally silent. No tweets, no interviews, no pod casts with his best friend. Which brings me to...

4) He answered questions, and openly expressed his anger with the company BEFORE he left! Does that make sense? You openly express your displeasure with your company before you walk out... And then say nothing?

This has all the makings of a work to me. Am I onto something, or am I in denial?

Exactly my thoughts. Will add a bit more fuel to the fire:

5) Batista in the main event at wrestlemania & Punk vs HHH has been pretty much set for a while, why would Punk suddenly be so pissed off that he would leave about something he knew was going to happen all along?

6) The placement of RAW after Elimination Chamber is just too damn much of a coincidence.

7) Cm Punk has a contract until July. No matter how pissed off he possibly could have been, I highly doubt that he would be one to skip out on Wrestlemania 30 and the money that it would come with. Why would he choose the night after Rumble to leave? He could have decided to leave after Wrestlemania.

8) The comments made regarding Punk so far have only been from reporters or very specific people close to WWE, why has no one else commented? Why has no one sandbagged Punk for leaving 30 minutes before a show?
Cm punk went from feuding with mediocre guys like miz, del rio, mark henry, (a decent popular DBryan at that time) to A list stars in The rock, undertaker, and brock lesnar in a one year span. Of course hes not gonna be satisfied facing just hhh at mania at this point in his (peak) career.

I don't see why facing HHH at Wrestlemania is seen as a step down.
After all, Triple H is in the authority role now, and I would guess many fans would love to see CM Punk "punch HHH in his stupid mouth".
As long as CM Punk gets the win at WM, the match should be brilliant.
Now, it is looking unlikely. I just wonder if the WWE will bury CM Punk in front of the fans on RAW(or more appropriately,Attempt to Bury) like they did Stone Cold over a decade ago.

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