Call me a ******, or a lil bitch, but...

Sure do, and I do post in other places as well. I enjoy the intelligent wrestling conversation seen in other message boards. Here, I laugh at the intellectual ineptitude of the posters and how seriously they take themselves. For all intents and purposes, I get to talk wrestling with intelligent people elsewhere and get to laugh at douchecanoes here. If anyone is interested in posting intelligently here, I'd be happy to discuss, but the accounts here are far more interested in being proven wrong by me, their hero.

Why don't you try to start some intelligent wrestling conversation? All you do here is complain about reports on the main page. No one wants to talk about that. You put zero effort into any real discussion. Right now all you are is random prisoner #432. You're just like everyone else. People come here to mock you and you play right into their hands. It's happened over and over again and always goes the same way. If you want real discussion start a thread not related to the main page. Otherwise continue with your lame little troll games which you are probably more interested in anyway.
If he doesn't know how to abbreviate Mr., then I highly doubt any of you are going to get through to him that banned means actually getting banned.

He's the kind of guy that will still stay in the boat while it continues to sink because he believes it will float.
I've not once seen LBK post a wrestling topic. Writers and Batista's sexual preference do not count.
I've not once seen LBK post a wrestling topic. Writers and Batista's sexual preference do not count.

You mean that wrestling topics discussed by "writers" on what is supposed to be a wrestling site aren't considered a "wrestling topic"? Ok, now I agree that they don't have much in terms of the ability to discuss wrestling intelligently, but they are topics discussed on a wrestling site.
If he doesn't know how to abbreviate Mr., then I highly doubt any of you are going to get through to him that banned means actually getting banned.

He's the kind of guy that will still stay in the boat while it continues to sink because he believes it will float.

I realize that you're as dumb as a bag of hammers, but the reality is that I omitted the period after the abbreviation on purpose because to use it correctly would have been the correct use of "Mr." which is a term used for respect. I have no respect for you, therefore to make fun of you I used "Mr", no period, so that you don't get confused and think I respect you. Clearly subtle thing confuse you, even though I have explained it for you.
Why don't you try to start some intelligent wrestling conversation? All you do here is complain about reports on the main page. No one wants to talk about that. You put zero effort into any real discussion. Right now all you are is random prisoner #432. You're just like everyone else. People come here to mock you and you play right into their hands. It's happened over and over again and always goes the same way. If you want real discussion start a thread not related to the main page. Otherwise continue with your lame little troll games which you are probably more interested in anyway.

Oh, I have. I realize that no one here wants to talk about anything intelligent. I start threads and as a means of hiding from the truth, the power rangers close them. To claim that the main page isn't influencing the message board shows how fucking stupid the idiots here truly are. People claim to come here to "mock me" but the reality is that they can't do it, because I prove them wrong when they try. I mock them, laugh at them, and then prove them wrong again. As stated, I get intelligent wrestling discussion on other message boards, and I make fun of ignorant ass hats here.
:lmao: In LBK's world, Mr is a proper way of insulting someone.

Lying gets you nowhere in Prison. And neither does talking about boring as fuck writers.
Is that like Beakman's World, but where you wear an ass for a hat & all the experiments fail due to faulty straws?

Last time I mentioned straws, he started going on about stoves.

Apparently in his world soup is served on stoves, too.
Oh, I have. I realize that no one here wants to talk about anything intelligent. I start threads and as a means of hiding from the truth, the power rangers close them. To claim that the main page isn't influencing the message board shows how fucking stupid the idiots here truly are. People claim to come here to "mock me" but the reality is that they can't do it, because I prove them wrong when they try. I mock them, laugh at them, and then prove them wrong again. As stated, I get intelligent wrestling discussion on other message boards, and I make fun of ignorant ass hats here.

So your idea of intelligent wrestling discussion is simply pointing out when somebody reported something that turned out to be wrong. Yawn. You laugh at others, others laugh at you, everyone feels superior. I don't see how you prove anyone wrong in threads where people just exchange petty insults. Obviously you're having your fun so I'm not going to rain on your parade. Carry on. You don't need to respond. I'm done.
From what I understand, Tim Rule is when a person keeps posting threads that don't mean anything or are crap. Or a thread is so terrible that it contributes nothing to the forums... those can be 'Tim Ruled', named after a former poster named Tim who did this a lot. A whole lot.

Wasn't he a mod at one time?
So your idea of intelligent wrestling discussion is simply pointing out when somebody reported something that turned out to be wrong. Yawn. You laugh at others, others laugh at you, everyone feels superior. I don't see how you prove anyone wrong in threads where people just exchange petty insults. Obviously you're having your fun so I'm not going to rain on your parade. Carry on. You don't need to respond. I'm done.

This from the power ranger who closes threads that present factual wrestling information......on a WRESTLING site. Clearly, WZ is happy to be a fourth rate site with eighth rate power rangers working its message board.

The problem with your moronic response, power ranger, is that you claim others laugh at me, which doesn't bother me, because the reality is, with every attempt to prove me wrong, the collective accounts of the " BooHoo lil bitch crew" look like even bigger idiots. I get to laugh.
:lmao: In LBK's world, Mr is a proper way of insulting someone.

Lying gets you nowhere in Prison. And neither does talking about boring as fuck writers.

Then why do you lie so much if you know it gets you nowhere, lil bitch? What I said was that the name I called you had the period omitted on purpose because I wouldn't want you to be mistaking it as a sign of respect when it was to make fun of you.
From what I understand, Tim Rule is when a person keeps posting threads that don't mean anything or are crap. Or a thread is so terrible that it contributes nothing to the forums... those can be 'Tim Ruled', named after a former poster named Tim who did this a lot. A whole lot.

Wasn't he a mod at one time?

You're thinking of TM.
Last time I mentioned straws, he started going on about stoves.

Apparently in his world soup is served on stoves, too.

No, soup is cooked on a stove. You claimed that a straw would never melt in soup. In reality, when cooking soup on a stove, if you were to put a plastic straw in it, that straw would melt in the soup. What do you think would happen to it?

While you're at it, how's making "paper out of money" going?
No, soup is cooked on a stove. You claimed that a straw would never melt in soup. In reality, when cooking soup on a stove, if you were to put a plastic straw in it, that straw would melt in the soup. What do you think would happen to it?

You don't sip soup from the stove, you dumbass. There's something called "cooling". I suggest you look it up, Mr.

While you're at it, how's making "paper out of money" going?


And your money isn't made of paper? Ok, lil bitch.

Swimmingly, liar.
Then why do you lie so much if you know it gets you nowhere, lil bitch? What I said was that the name I called you had the period omitted on purpose because I wouldn't want you to be mistaking it as a sign of respect when it was to make fun of you.

In no way is excluding a fucking period to abbreviate "Mr." a sign of disrespect you cunt. You can't make shit up as you go along. I know you'll never admit to fucking up, but seriously if that's your excuse you truly are unoriginal.

Take my challenge. Give me a link to any site on the internet that says omitting the period from Mr. is a sign of disrespect. I'll be waiting.
You don't sip soup from the stove, you dumbass. There's something called "cooling". I suggest you look it up, Mr.

That clearly proves that he has a hot plate near his bed growing up. One day his stupid ass tried to make soup, stirring it with a McDonalds straw because no clean spoons were around since mommy had died. So he was forced to eat right from the can. So ever since then he has a reason for all the straw melting hatred he carries.
You don't sip soup from the stove, you dumbass. There's something called "cooling". I suggest you look it up, Mr.


Swimmingly, liar.

What you said was that a straw would NEVER melt in soup. If you put a plastic straw in soup as it is cooking, the straw will melt in the soup. Are you claiming it won't? I am simply using what you said to show that you are again wrong.
What you said was that a straw would NEVER melt in soup.

Did I even state that this hypothetical soup was hot? There's something called Gazpacho.

Spider: 1 LBK: 0

If you put a plastic straw in soup as it is cooking, the straw will melt in the soup.Are you claiming it won't?

Nobody sips soup from a straw while the shit is still cooking. Nowhere did I ever imply the soup was still in the process of cooking.

Spider: 2 LBK: 0

I am simply using what you said to show that you are again wrong.

You are simple, but you didn't prove I was wrong in any way.

Spider: 3 LBK:0

Would you like to play the Bonus Round, Mr. Bitch?
In no way is excluding a fucking period to abbreviate "Mr." a sign of disrespect you cunt. You can't make shit up as you go along. I know you'll never admit to fucking up, but seriously if that's your excuse you truly are unoriginal.

Take my challenge. Give me a link to any site on the internet that says omitting the period from Mr. is a sign of disrespect. I'll be waiting.

Using the term "Mr." correctly is a sign of respect. I chose to use it incorrectly for you so that you wouldn't get the impression that I respect you. I know it's subtle, and you are an idiot, so I never really did expect you to understand. You are getting yourself pretty worked up about being an idiot, though. By now, you'd think you'd be used to it.

I know you'll be waiting, because you have nothing better to do. So, for fun: you want somewhere that you can read where a person choosing to omit a period from the term "Mr." on purpose is used to avoid having the reader think they are being respected? Well, I just said it here, again, and numerous other times in this thread. There you go, lil bitch, and you don't even have to click a link. It was a choice I made so that you would not feel that I respect you. I know that hurts your fragile feelings, but you'll have to deal with that.
Did I even state that this hypothetical soup was hot? There's something called Gazpacho.

Spider: 1 LBK: 0

Nobody sips soup from a straw while the shit is still cooking. Nowhere did I ever imply the soup was still in the process of cooking.

Spider: 2 LBK: 0

You are simple, but you didn't prove I was wrong in any way.

Spider: 3 LBK:0

Would you like to play the Bonus Round, Mr. Bitch?

You said that soup would NEVER melt in soup. I told you how it would melt in soup. You were, therefore, wrong. I'm sure there are a multitude of situations where it would not melt in the soup, but you claimed a straw would NEVER melt in soup. All it took was one situation where it would to prove you wrong, and that's what I gave you.

You never said anything about when the soup would be eaten. You said that a straw would NEVER melt in soup. You were proven wrong. If you have a different scenario you'd now like to present to save face, then you can do so, but the reality is that you said that a plastic straw would NEVER melt in soup, and you were proven wrong.
Using the term "Mr." correctly is a sign of respect. I chose to use it incorrectly for you so that you wouldn't get the impression that I respect you. I know it's subtle, and you are an idiot, so I never really did expect you to understand. You are getting yourself pretty worked up about being an idiot, though. By now, you'd think you'd be used to it.

So you make shit up and think that passes as intelligence. And you wonder why nobody takes you seriously.

I know you'll be waiting, because you have nothing better to do.

Anyone who has to start thread after thread about their man-crush Paglino has no room to be telling others they have nothing better to do.

So, for fun: you want somewhere that you can read where a person choosing to omit a period from the term "Mr." on purpose is used to avoid having the reader think they are being respected? Well, I just said it here, again, and numerous other times in this thread. There you go, lil bitch, and you don't even have to click a link. It was a choice I made so that you would not feel that I respect you. I know that hurts your fragile feelings, but you'll have to deal with that.

You can't reinvent meanings to words, Mr. Liar. That's not how the world works. Just because you fucked up basic abbreviations does not give you the power to rape my beloved English language.

Grow up and learn to concede. After being bombarded with people sending you links from fucking dictionaries, surely you realize by not backing up your false statements you sound delusional, right? Concede. Your mom would want it that way.
You said that soup would NEVER melt in soup. I told you how it would melt in soup. You were, therefore, wrong.

You do realize just saying I'm wrong doesn't make me wrong, right?

And you have yet to prove you're right. You need evidence for such things.

I'm sure there are a multitude of situations where it would not melt in the soup, but you claimed a straw would NEVER melt in soup. All it took was one situation where it would to prove you wrong, and that's what I gave you.

You forgot the cooling phase. Granted you don't know what that means, so I'll give you a step-by-step guide in bullet form, not to be confused with your shitty dash form:

  • Start with an empty pot and some oil.
  • Get broth.
  • Add any other necessary ingredients to said pot.
  • Season it.
  • Blend it.
  • Let it cool for human consumption.
  • Serve.
  • Use straw if neccesary.

There. Are you any wiser now?

You never said anything about when the soup would be eaten. You said that a straw would NEVER melt in soup.

Who the fuck would stick a straw in soup and not want to use said straw? Jesus Christ you are being stupid.

You were proven wrong.

Saying it over and over again won't make it true, as hard as it is for you to believe.

If you have a different scenario you'd now like to present to save face, then you can do so, but the reality is that you said that a plastic straw would NEVER melt in soup, and you were proven wrong.

You only proved that you've never fixed soup before. And that you're an easy target for ridicule, Mr.

At least you've learned to let go of your paper money belief. Progress has been made.

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