Call me a ******, or a lil bitch, but...

You didn't do it on purpose. You're a liar.

You can't invent new words, LBK. That's not how the world works. You're a horrible giver of advice. And a liar.

At least you're no longer disputing what banned really means. For that I thank you. But you're still a liar.

You claim that I didn't do it on purpose. Ok, prove it, Major English!!

I never disputed that I was correct in using the term "banned". All I did was explain why I was right.
If you're going to claim that I said something, then surely you can back it up.
Oh, I backed it up long ago. I can't say I'm surprised you've forgotten, I suspect things don't last long in your head.

Also, you just claimed that you quit reading my blog a long time ago, but yesterday you stated that you checked often to see if it was updated.
No I said I KEPT checking, not that I still do. I quit reading long ago.

Reading is fundamental, it's a shame you never learned how to do it.

But I guess you weren't that funny after all. Maybe I was thinking of someone else? I'll give you one more chance, my little puppet. Do both of us a favor and rant. Do something good. Call me names, but make them original, not the same stupid things you've been regurgitating. Go on, give it a shot. Entertain me and I'll consider releasing you.

Up for the challenge, puppet?
Have we come back round to the conspiracy theory segment on the crazy circle again or did I miss it?
Oh, I backed it up long ago. I can't say I'm surprised you've forgotten, I suspect things don't last long in your head.

No I said I KEPT checking, not that I still do. I quit reading long ago.

Reading is fundamental, it's a shame you never learned how to do it.

But I guess you weren't that funny after all. Maybe I was thinking of someone else? I'll give you one more chance, my little puppet. Do both of us a favor and rant. Do something good. Call me names, but make them original, not the same stupid things you've been regurgitating. Go on, give it a shot. Entertain me and I'll consider releasing you.

Up for the challenge, puppet?

There you go lying again. It really is your default coping mechanism, isn't it? So, you're saying that you checked it regularly, but when there was something new, you didn't read it? How did you come to the conclusion that there was nothing new then?
There you go lying again. It really is your default coping mechanism, isn't it? So, you're saying that you checked it regularly, but when there was something new, you didn't read it? How did you come to the conclusion that there was nothing new then?
Why not just cut and paste the IP information that the anonymous admin totally sent you (by e-mail in 42 seconds), and match it up with the IP logs you totally have from Blogspot?
There you go lying again. It really is your default coping mechanism, isn't it? So, you're saying that you checked it regularly, but when there was something new, you didn't read it? How did you come to the conclusion that there was nothing new then?
I guess you weren't amusing after all. Enjoy your stay.
I guess you weren't amusing after all. Enjoy your stay.

However, here I point out that I have been banned from the other forums, and have only this option as a place to post. You, on the other hand, choose to post here as a means of puffing out that pussy power ranger chest of yours.
However, here I point out that I have been banned from the other forums, and have only this option as a place to post. You, on the other hand, choose to post here as a means of puffing out that pussy power ranger chest of yours.

You're not banned, you're restricted. At the rate you're going, you might find out one day the hard way what the true meaning of being a BANNED user is.

The Rule Book said:
D. Pissing off Staff: We will not put up with it. If you are being persistently and intentionally annoying to a Staff member, the Staff member has every right to infract or ban you. Do not be afraid to discuss and debate Staff members; just do not “Troll” a Staff member.

The admins WILL ban you if you piss them off. Oh, and look.... Here is another one. You're breaking this rule daily:

The Rule Book said:
A. Acting Like an Idiot: If the Staff feels you are not contributing to the forums and are simply a nuisance poster they have every right to ban you. These are privately owned forums and it is our judgment as to who can and cannot post here, not yours. Freedom of speech does not apply here at Wrestlezone Forums.

Just sayin'.
However, here I point out that I have been banned from the other forums, and have only this option as a place to post. You, on the other hand, choose to post here as a means of puffing out that pussy power ranger chest of yours.

You choose to post here too. You could just not post at all. There are other forums where you can post freely. Unless you've already been banned from those.
You're not banned, you're restricted. At the rate you're going, you might find out one day the hard way what the true meaning of being a BANNED user is.

The admins WILL ban you if you piss them off. Oh, and look.... Here is another one. You're breaking this rule daily:

Just sayin'.

Hey, ass hat, figure out what the word banned means, and then we can continue this. If I had access to the other forums then I wouldn't be banned. I don't have access to the view the content or post in the other forums, therefore I am banned from them. Are you actually THIS fucking stupid, or are you just being a douchecanoe? Restricted access would mean that I could view them but not post. I can't even view the other forums, therefore I am banned from them.
You choose to post here too. You could just not post at all. There are other forums where you can post freely. Unless you've already been banned from those.

Sure do, and I do post in other places as well. I enjoy the intelligent wrestling conversation seen in other message boards. Here, I laugh at the intellectual ineptitude of the posters and how seriously they take themselves. For all intents and purposes, I get to talk wrestling with intelligent people elsewhere and get to laugh at douchecanoes here. If anyone is interested in posting intelligently here, I'd be happy to discuss, but the accounts here are far more interested in being proven wrong by me, their hero.

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