Call me a ******, or a lil bitch, but...

If you were banned from one then you'd be banned from all of them. You lost the ability to post anywhere else due to breaking the rules, which is entirely different. I wouldn't expect you to figure it out anytime soon though, as you still have yet to also figure out we have nothing to do with the main page. Go on though, keep bitching about their articles to your heart's content, the admins will keep Tim Ruling you.

If I were not banned from the other forums, I'd be able to see their content and post in them. How can this be the part of your life that you have the most difficulty understanding?
If I were not banned from the other forums, I'd be able to see their content and post in them. How can this be the part of your life that you have the most difficulty understanding?

Until you learn the definition of the word banned there is no hope for you.


Yes, I'm sure that's the case in your mentally annihilated mind.

This implies he had a brain to begin with. :p
I have come to two possible conclusions about LBK:

1. He's irredeemably stupid, so will never be fit to come back to the main forum, and should just be banned now.
2. He's determined to keep up an idiotic troll act, therefore demonstrating his complete inability to learn from his mistakes. So he will never be fit to come back to the main forum, and should just be banned now.

Whichever way you look at it, LBK's antics have escaped the realms of "funny" and entered "painful". Do the right thing.
Until you learn the definition of the word banned there is no hope for you.

This implies he had a brain to begin with. :p

So, what you're saying is that I can see the content of the other forums and can post in them? Oh, wait, no I can't, and therefore, I am banned from those other forums. You clearly are the one that doesn't understand the meaning of the word "banned".
I have come to two possible conclusions about LBK:

1. He's irredeemably stupid, so will never be fit to come back to the main forum, and should just be banned now.
2. He's determined to keep up an idiotic troll act, therefore demonstrating his complete inability to learn from his mistakes. So he will never be fit to come back to the main forum, and should just be banned now.

Whichever way you look at it, LBK's antics have escaped the realms of "funny" and entered "painful". Do the right thing.

Except that there is a problem with your theory: I have not been wrong, and no one has proven that I am. Sure there are a couple of trolls with accounts that could post in other forums but choose to come here and try to gain self-esteem. Apparently, this has gone on for a long time in here. I, on the other hand, have been banned from the other forums by the power rangers, and post here as a result. The "BooHoo lil bitch crew" try to come off as intelligent, and maybe before I got here, other idiots went for it, but I have proven that their schtick is nothing but a pathetic attempt to make themselves feel better about their pathetic lives.
It looks like you're the only idiot who's not falling for our wretched scheme.

But we'll get you yet.
So, what you're saying is that I can see the content of the other forums and can post in them? Oh, wait, no I can't, and therefore, I am banned from those other forums. You clearly are the one that doesn't understand the meaning of the word "banned".

No, what I'm saying is that banned users cannot post ANYWHERE, including the prison, you fucking idiot.
So, you agree that I am banned from the other forums?

You're confusing the word forums with Sub-Sections. You aren't allowed to post in other Sections. Only in this one. WrestleZone is the forum. Ergo you are not banned, you are restricted to here.

Hope that resolves everything for you.
So, you agree that I am banned from the other forums?

Did you even read my post? You aren't banned from the forum. I'd tell you to simply look up the definition for yourself but knowing you, you'd grab a thesaurus thinking it was a dictionary. And then argue with us about how they are the same thing.
Did you even read my post? You aren't banned from the forum. I'd tell you to simply look up the definition for yourself but knowing you, you'd grab a thesaurus thinking it was a dictionary. And then argue with us about how they are the same thing.

I am not banned from the message board, but am banned from all the forums except this one, kid. You see, your confusion is in the fact that you don't know the difference between the message board and it's different forums. Since I do not have access to view or post content in the other forums, I am, therefore, banned from them. If I was not banned from them, I would be able to see their content and post in them.
You're confusing the word forums with Sub-Sections. You aren't allowed to post in other Sections. Only in this one. WrestleZone is the forum. Ergo you are not banned, you are restricted to here.

Hope that resolves everything for you.

Actually, according to you, WZ and the message board are not associated. It's funny how that story has changed. For the record, WZ is using the wrong terminology. This section of the website is actually a message board with different forums. I have been banned from all forums on the message board except for this one.
You're confusing the word forums with Sub-Sections. You aren't allowed to post in other Sections. Only in this one. WrestleZone is the forum. Ergo you are not banned, you are restricted to here.

Hope that resolves everything for you.

For the record, "Ergo", the Latin word for "therefore", cannot be used to begin a sentence since, by its own definition, it needs a clause before it in the sentence in order for its use to make sense.
For the record, "Ergo", the Latin word for "therefore", cannot be used to begin a sentence since, by its own definition, it needs a clause before it in the sentence in order for its use to make sense.

Someone who doesn't abbreviate "Mister" properly is the last person who should give advice.
When said person does it on purpose with a specific point, which, big surprise, you missed, that person is a good source of advice.

You didn't do it on purpose. You're a liar.

You can't invent new words, LBK. That's not how the world works. You're a horrible giver of advice. And a liar.

At least you're no longer disputing what banned really means. For that I thank you. But you're still a liar.
LBK, rise above the hate. Your tale will inspire many other prisoners to come.

Look at this man:

This man never gave up and is still going to this day. This man in many respects is like you. Keep on running LBK, and you, like the man in my picture, shall go on forever.

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