Call me a ******, or a lil bitch, but...

Who were you again? Like, what was your original name?

You know that answer, lil bitch. You, after all, are the pussy power ranger that decided to "show his power" by changing my name, editing and deleting my posts and being a general douchecanoe.
You know that answer, lil bitch. You, after all, are the pussy power ranger that decided to "show his power" by changing my name, editing and deleting my posts and being a general douchecanoe.

I don't remember and am too lazy to go through your profile. I deal with idiots all the time, I'm just trying to remember which one you were.
I don't remember and am too lazy to go through your profile. I deal with idiots all the time, I'm just trying to remember which one you were.

You deal with idiots all the time? I guess that old saying "birds of a feather flock together" rings true there, you know, since you're an idiot and all. I, on the other hand, know that you're a complete ass hat douchecanoe who gets his tiny lil bitch rocks off by puffing out his chest (never quite able to get it past his fat belly) to show the tiny little bit of power afforded him by a useless tit that runs this website. Keep setting the bar low and you'll never disappoint yourself.
You deal with idiots all the time?
Yes, idiots like you who fall way below the average intelligence.

But I went ahead and looked at your profile and I remember you now. You're the one who claimed to have hacked the forum. And weren't you the one who had that blog you never wrote on? I kept checking that thing, you have no idea how hilarious the rantings of an idiot like you can be.

You should rant more. It makes me giggle. Go ahead little boy, dance like a puppet. Rant on and call people a lil bitch or a kid or something. I could use some entertainment for a few hours tomorrow.

No, seriously, rant away. I really do enjoy the laugh.
Yes, idiots like you who fall way below the average intelligence.

But I went ahead and looked at your profile and I remember you now. You're the one who claimed to have hacked the forum. And weren't you the one who had that blog you never wrote on? I kept checking that thing, you have no idea how hilarious the rantings of an idiot like you can be.

You should rant more. It makes me giggle. Go ahead little boy, dance like a puppet. Rant on and call people a lil bitch or a kid or something. I could use some entertainment for a few hours tomorrow.

No, seriously, rant away. I really do enjoy the laugh.

So, I see you haven't given up on being a liar. That is what I would expect from an idiot like you. Please, entertain us, and show me where I said that I "hacked" the forum. Right, you won't be able to, because you're so full of shit that you don't know your ass from a can of gravy. Go ahead though and keeping proving how starved you are for attention, lil bitch.
So, I see you haven't given up on being a liar. That is what I would expect from an idiot like you. Please, entertain us, and show me where I said that I "hacked" the forum. Right, you won't be able to, because you're so full of shit that you don't know your ass from a can of gravy. Go ahead though and keeping proving how starved you are for attention, lil bitch.
So, I see you haven't given up on being a liar. That is what I would expect from an idiot like you. Please, entertain us, and show me where I said that I "hacked" the forum. Right, you won't be able to, because you're so full of shit that you don't know your ass from a can of gravy. Go ahead though and keeping proving how starved you are for attention, lil bitch.
That's not bad, but you can do better. C'mon, let's have a full blown rant already. You've been in Prison for a little while. You're a dumbass. You can rant better than that. For Christ's sake, you even said you hacked the forum in earlier rants, at least come close to that.
That's not bad, but you can do better. C'mon, let's have a full blown rant already. You've been in Prison for a little while. You're a dumbass. You can rant better than that. For Christ's sake, you even said you hacked the forum in earlier rants, at least come close to that.

Again, Liefox696, why not go ahead and show where I said I "hacked" the forum? And, what, pre tell, makes YOU think that you can call anyone a dumbass? You're a pathetic, little, volunteer power ranger who gets his tiny lil bitch rocks off by puffing out his little chest (never quite getting it past his fat belly) and showing he can change intelligent posts and people's chosen names into things that a kindergarten class would understand, but still not find funny.
Again, Liefox696, why not go ahead and show where I said I "hacked" the forum?
I'm pretty certain you claimed it on your blog. I don't know, I quit reading it a long time ago.

And, what, pre tell, makes YOU think that you can call anyone a dumbass? You're a pathetic, little, volunteer power ranger who gets his tiny lil bitch rocks off by puffing out his little chest (never quite getting it past his fat belly) and showing he can change intelligent posts and people's chosen names into things that a kindergarten class would understand, but still not find funny.
Strange...I thought you used to be funnier than this. Surely you can do better than regurgitating the same things over and over.

C'mon puppet, dance harder for me.
I'm pretty certain you claimed it on your blog. I don't know, I quit reading it a long time ago.

Strange...I thought you used to be funnier than this. Surely you can do better than regurgitating the same things over and over.

C'mon puppet, dance harder for me.

If you're going to claim that I said something, then surely you can back it up. Oh, wait, you lie most of the time, so I shouldn't expect you to be able to back up what you say. Also, you just claimed that you quit reading my blog a long time ago, but yesterday you stated that you checked often to see if it was updated. I would think a seasoned liar, such as you, would be able to keep his stories straight, literally, from one day to the next, but I guess you actually are that fucking stupid, aren't you?
You lack the perceptional skills to be making such judgements, as you've demonstrated kindly in your various threads.

I see you're trying to out that "word a day" calendar to good use, but the problem is that, while words may be used correctly, contextually, your response makes you look even more like an idiot, which, to be clear, I wouldn't have thought possible.
I see you're trying to out that "word a day" calendar to good use, but the problem is that, while words may be used correctly, contextually, your response makes you look even more like an idiot, which, to be clear, I wouldn't have thought possible.

This coming from the guy who still hasn't figured out what the word banned means.
Is it just me who thinks the "Prisoner" avi looks like the guy is hanging himself?

Because that's what should probably be the end result here.
I see you're trying to out that "word a day" calendar to good use, but the problem is that, while words may be used correctly, contextually, your response makes you look even more like an idiot, which, to be clear, I wouldn't have thought possible.

You're still proving that your perception skills are awful.
Are you claiming that I have not been banned from the other forums of this message board? If that's the case, then surely I should have access to them.

If you were banned from one then you'd be banned from all of them. You lost the ability to post anywhere else due to breaking the rules, which is entirely different. I wouldn't expect you to figure it out anytime soon though, as you still have yet to also figure out we have nothing to do with the main page. Go on though, keep bitching about their articles to your heart's content, the admins will keep Tim Ruling you.
OHHHH BURN! He told you by comparing your intelligence to a child.

We haven't seen that comeback ever.

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