
Anyone else think it's insane that he knows the right way to use the word "respite" but he has no clue what a metaphor is?
Anyone else think it's insane that he knows the right way to use the word "respite" but he has no clue what a metaphor is?

A metaphor and cliché are two different things, moron. Are you now claiming that what you said about "fingers in ears" is a metaphor, when you claimed it was a cliché before? In reality, it is neither. It is a simple expression, and not actually a figure of speech at all. You see, a cliché is often an overused expression used in an atypical situation. A metaphor is a comparison of two things that are not alike without the use of the words "like" or "as". Your comment about "fingers in ears" is neither of those things. So, what will you claim it is next, lil bitch?
No, that seems to make sense.

And clearly, you're as stupid as that other account, lil bitch, because, what he said is fundamentally incorrect, but you wouldn't know that, because you're an idiot, lil bitch. Of course, I don't expect much from you seeing as your modelling gig on the billboard for pro choice and the fact that you're the poster child for FAS, are clear indications of you lack of intelligence.
A metaphor and cliché are two different things, moron.

Sometimes. Not always:

Language Arts said:
A cliché is an expression that has been used so often that it has become trite and sometimes boring.

"Putting your fingers in your ears" is an overused saying when dealing with people who won't listen to reason e.g. you. Therefore it is both a metaphor and a cliché.

But of course, you will argue this without any kind of proof I am wrong, like usual.

Are you now claiming that what you said about "fingers in ears" is a metaphor, when you claimed it was a cliché before? In reality, it is neither.

No, it's both. I've given you a quote. Now here's the link:

It is a simple expression, and not actually a figure of speech at all.


The Free Dictionary said:
figure of speech
n. pl. figures of speech
An expression that uses language in a nonliteral way, such as a metaphor or synecdoche, or in a structured or unusual way, such as anaphora or chiasmus, or that employs sounds, such as alliteration or assonance, to achieve a rhetorical effect.

But please go on and give us an example of an expression that's not a figure of speech. Surely you are smarter than a dictionary.

You see, a cliché is often an overused expression used in an atypical situation.

There you go. Often. Not Always like you're trying to redefine it.

A metaphor is a comparison of two things that are not alike without the use of the words "like" or "as".

No, that's what a simile is:

Webster's Dictionary said:

grammar : a phrase that uses the words like or as to describe someone or something by comparing it with someone or something else that is similar

Metaphor is:

an object, activity, or idea that is used as a symbol of something else

Since you're not putting your fingers in your ears, but acting like you are, voila.

Your comment about "fingers in ears" is neither of those things. So, what will you claim it is next, lil bitch?

Proof you don't know how to crack open a dictionary, or even use Google.

Correcting you has lost its fun. There's absolutely no way you can come back at me and appear wiser. You will gain nothing from this experience and continue your lil bitch catchphrase even though you've been shown up too many times for it to even matter anymore.

Somebody PM me if this cum stain says something original. I'm disregarding any lil bitch replies he gives. When I have to show him proper dictionary definitions, then it's time to call it a game.

I pray you marry an infertile bitch, lil bitch.
Sometimes. Not always:

"Putting your fingers in your ears" is an overused saying when dealing with people who won't listen to reason e.g. you. Therefore it is both a metaphor and a cliché.

But of course, you will argue this without any kind of proof I am wrong, like usual.

No, it's both. I've given you a quote. Now here's the link:


But please go on and give us an example of an expression that's not a figure of speech. Surely you are smarter than a dictionary.

There you go. Often. Not Always like you're trying to redefine it.

No, that's what a simile is:

Metaphor is:

Since you're not putting your fingers in your ears, but acting like you are, voila.

Proof you don't know how to crack open a dictionary, or even use Google.

Correcting you has lost its fun. There's absolutely no way you can come back at me and appear wiser. You will gain nothing from this experience and continue your lil bitch catchphrase even though you've been shown up too many times for it to even matter anymore.

Somebody PM me if this cum stain says something original. I'm disregarding any lil bitch replies he gives. When I have to show him proper dictionary definitions, then it's time to call it a game.

I pray you marry an infertile bitch, lil bitch.

Geez, with ignorance like this, you'll end up as the smartest kid in second grade when they move you back again. I love how you change what you say and the way you say it to try and prove a point because this is what is most important to you in life. Now, go cry to your respite worker and say that the work he/she/it has done for you is idiocy. Actually, I bet you're actually only hanging out with a service animal which is still smarter than you, since an actual person would have bitch slapped the taste out of your mouth for being this stupid, lil bitch.
Anyone else think it's insane that he knows the right way to use the word "respite" but he has no clue what a metaphor is?

It's like this kid I went to grade school with.
When we had to read out loud in groups he was stumble over words that were three or four letters long but if Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis came up he'd breeze right through that shit.

Fucking irritated the hell out of us that were stuck with him as a reading partner.
And clearly, you're as stupid as that other account, lil bitch, because, what he said is fundamentally incorrect, but you wouldn't know that, because you're an idiot, lil bitch. Of course, I don't expect much from you seeing as your modelling gig on the billboard for pro choice and the fact that you're the poster child for FAS, are clear indications of you lack of intelligence.
Geez, with ignorance like this, you'll end up as the smartest kid in second grade when they move you back again. I love how you change what you say and the way you say it to try and prove a point because this is what is most important to you in life.
You wouldn't laugh if you came across someone kicking Rob Schnieder in the teeth in a dark alley somewhere?

If it helps, I wouldn't kick Buster Keaton in the teeth. I love Buster Keaton.

What were we talking about?
Well, it's also important how you structure the joke. It's funny when it's Rob Schnieder, because fuck that guy. Also, solid reference!

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