

Rayne's right. This is too easy. You're like a choir boy compared to me. A choir boy, Pudd.

Lil bitch is the one whose opinion of his mother is that she has an echo cunt. As for her landing strip resembling Batista's eye brows, some people can pull it off. I was simply giving a reference point, not saying it was negative. You, on the other hand, seem to feel it is. That is a reflection of your beliefs, not anything I have said.
Lil bitch is the one whose opinion of his mother is that she has an echo cunt. As for her landing strip resembling Batista's eye brows, some people can pull it off. I was simply giving a reference point, not saying it was negative. You, on the other hand, seem to feel it is. That is a reflection of your beliefs, not anything I have said.
Do you know what the word psychopath means, because when the doctor and police call you one, it will be used in an important place, lil bitch?
Lil bitch is the one whose opinion of his mother is that she has an echo cunt. As for her landing strip resembling Batista's eye brows, some people can pull it off. I was simply giving a reference point, not saying it was negative. You, on the other hand, seem to feel it is. That is a reflection of your beliefs, not anything I have said.

You said he looked gay and resembled Rayne's mother's cunt. If that's not saying it was negative, I don't know what the fuck is.

I bet you're the kind of person that goes around in blackface and doesn't know why the mob is coming after him.
You said he looked gay and resembled Rayne's mother's cunt. If that's not saying it was negative, I don't know what the fuck is.
Sparky never implies something unless he explicitly states it.

I'll leave you folks to marinate over that one for a while.
Unlike you, family night in the 2.0 household doesn't involve sitting around a wrestling forum. If these are the best comments you have, then just give up on life.

Your family is still embarassed by your existence. Your mother wishes she aborted you every minute of every day.
Your family is still embarassed by your existence. Your mother wishes she aborted you every minute of every day.

It's funny that you simply, for all intents and purposes, copy my joke/insult about lil bitch's mother using him as a model on a pro choice billboard when he was a baby, only you are far less clever.
Bear "The Hitman" Hug;4739225 said:
This thread has taken a turn for the even worse. Well done, Elmer.

Hey, lil bitch, I started a thread regarding wrestling. "Others" have made it about me because I seem to be very important to "them".
You said he looked gay and resembled Rayne's mother's cunt. If that's not saying it was negative, I don't know what the fuck is.

I bet you're the kind of person that goes around in blackface and doesn't know why the mob is coming after him.

I used the correct term "homosexual" and yes, said his eye brows looked like the landing strip on lil bitch's mom's echo cunt. Now, you assume that is negative, because clearly you either are homophobic, you have "mommy issues" or both. For the record, it is lil bitch's opinion that his mother has an echo cunt, and a landing strip isn't a bad thing. Clearly, your interpretation is that these are negatives which is a reflection of you, not me.
First, I'd like to point out that I notice that I went away for a couple of days and all of a sudden, lil bitch goes silent. The impact I have on your life is, well, odd.

We actually thought you gave up this charade & have been busy posting in other places we are allowed. So please continue with the same tired ass insults.

You know that Austin getting 'hit by a car' was about as real as any car crashes in movies, and a wrestling angle right? You also know that what Benoit did was inexcusable and that only a potential psychopath such as yourself can't see the difference, right?

Actually car crashes in movies are much more violent & explosive most of the time. Plus they are usually enacted by stuntmen- not by a Bionic Redneck & a chubby Samoan in a skirt.

& it has been proven Benoit was set up, but Vince runs the universe so the truth will never come out. I guess we should blame the main page for not getting that story right either, huh. It is up to you to show the world the wrestling truth. Help us Fudd, you are our only hope.
I used the correct term "homosexual" and yes, said his eye brows looked like the landing strip on lil bitch's mom's echo cunt. Now, you assume that is negative, because clearly you either are homophobic, you have "mommy issues" or both.

Clearly that's what it means. You have cracked the code there, lil bitch kid.

For the record, it is lil bitch's opinion that his mother has an echo cunt, and a landing strip isn't a bad thing. Clearly, your interpretation is that these are negatives which is a reflection of you, not me.

Why would you talk shit about your own mom, lil bitch kid?
We actually thought you gave up this charade & have been busy posting in other places we are allowed. So please continue with the same tired ass insults.

Actually car crashes in movies are much more violent & explosive most of the time. Plus they are usually enacted by stuntmen- not by a Bionic Redneck & a chubby Samoan in a skirt.

& it has been proven Benoit was set up, but Vince runs the universe so the truth will never come out. I guess we should blame the main page for not getting that story right either, huh. It is up to you to show the world the wrestling truth. Help us Fudd, you are our only hope.

I know it's been said before, but you are literally too stupid for words....
Clearly that's what it means. You have cracked the code there, lil bitch kid.

Why would you talk shit about your own mom, lil bitch kid?

Ok, I'm sure that in your narrow lil bitch mind that made some sense, and some other moron account will come to your rescue, but you make no sense at all, lil bitch.
Ok, I'm sure that in your narrow lil bitch mind that made some sense, and some other moron account will come to your rescue, but you make no sense at all, lil bitch.

You got me lil bitch kid. I don't make any senses but you make them all. You're much more smarter than that Elmer Pudd guy, lil bitch kid. SO witty. SO SO witty. You never have to recycle insults lil bitch kid. You're the best lil bitch kid there ever was.
Take the time to read some things to boost your vocabulary & come up with new ideas. Try reading something more your speed at first like the Carrot Top biography or Highlights. Try out your new jokes with a copy of Mad Libs & if your grandfather stops blowing you long enough to laugh- then come back here and share the joke with the rest of us.

Until then please stop recycling others comments & repeating your lame insults- "lil bitch & echo cunt" really were not that funny in the first place.
Take the time to read some things to boost your vocabulary & come up with new ideas. Try reading something more your speed at first like the Carrot Top biography or Highlights. Try out your new jokes with a copy of Mad Libs & if your grandfather stops blowing you long enough to laugh- then come back here and share the joke with the rest of us.

Until then please stop recycling others comments & repeating your lame insults- "lil bitch & echo cunt" really were not that funny in the first place.

Well, lil bitch, if I were trying to entertain you, I'd use things that you could comprehend, like stick men and pictures. Since I couldn't care less if you find me funny, lil bitch, I guess I'll continue as I am.
How would stick men help our comprehension/entertainment?

Psychopaths don't care about what others think about them (as you just said you don't care if people find you funny). Yet I'm a psychopath because I believe Chris Benoit being the driver to save Orton is funnier than Rikishi. Do some research first ya wee galla.

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