An Education For You Fucking Savages


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Yes, it's that time of the year: The Annual WrestleZone Tournament is upon us. And with it will surely come a wave of butthurt unlike any we've ever seen before. After all, Rattlesnake is in rare form and Talon's ability to overreact to a perceived slight is seemingly elemental in nature, not unlike the sex drive of Pepé Le Pew. As such, I think it falls on I, Coco (The Monkey), to make sure you kids understand the rules of engagement in what we like to pretend is a civilized internet community.

1) The WrestleZone Tournament Is Meant To Be Fun

If it stops being that, you aren't obligated to participate. Go outside and take a walk. Don't dwell on whatever it is benoitmark498303 or DirtyJose did to ruin it for you.

2) The Results Aren't An Affirmation or Indictment of Your Debating Ability

Yes, some people here are good debaters, and others simply average. Some have no redeeming value whatsoever while others can make logic work for them in spite of limited facts and a rare few combine both logic a seemingly encyclopaedic knowledge of wrestling to bring down a hailstorm of hurt on those who oppose their agenda. That said, there are times when even the most learned and logical among us won't be able to win over the masses. Fact of the matter is that not even Gelgarin would be able to get the 2012 wrestling audience to vote en masse for Nick Bockwinkel (Bockwinkel, NOT Bockwinkle) over Kurt Angle. Don't take it personally. There are some battles you just won't be able to win. At some point, ignorance WILL prevail. That doesn't mean you should stop having fun.

3) Yes, Someone Will Get Butthurt... So What?

Some will avoid the tournament altogether because of the immaturity of others. That said, I still think everyone should come out and participate. You might not have interest in the views of the masses or the butthurt ramblings of the loudest among us. But surely everyone can find someone they'd like to have a fun bit of discourse with during the proceedings. And hopefully that attitude can keep people who are largely non-participants from throwing this event under the bus come end of year award time. Let's make the most of an event that not only brings out the masses, but lights a fire under the best and brightest on the board. Let's make the 2012 WrestleZone Tournament the tournament of the year! And you can put that in your pipe and smoke it, BattleZone nerds!
I have heard a lot about the tournament and I am interested. This is the first year for me. More excited for this then TNA's last BFG.
Why would anyone get butthurt over the results of the Annual Wrestlezone Tournament? You're just debating random wrestlers, who really cares?

Unless, of course, RVD were to win, then I might nave to incite a riot.
You had me until you dissed the BattleZone tournament. Prepare to eat Rey Mysterio's shit, bitch.

You had me until you dissed the BattleZone tournament. Prepare to eat Rey Mysterio's shit, bitch.

How low would you have to crouch...

I hope loads of people get really pissed off and that Will-sized degrading posts get thrown about all over the shop.
Terrible. But when I'm sexing a lady and I need to slow down I try to think about wrestling matches. Unfortunately, thinking about Rey Mysterio matches only speeds things up.

I think that's going to be one of my arguments come debate time.

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