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Who will Lesnar face at Mania

  • Rock

  • HHH

  • CM Punk

  • Orton

  • Undertaker

  • Cena

  • Other

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If this were "the" plan...

I'd have the person winning the rumble challenge Taker for the streak... ideally it would be Punk, who claims he's done it all better save that... but, the flaw in that obviously is he drops the belt that night to the Rock.

Anyway... I do like the idea, however, it is unlikely.
Well, considering Rob Van Dam is the only Wrestler undefeated at November to Remember, WrestleMania, and Bound For Glory, I’m going to go with him. Of course the WWE wouldn’t mention Bound For Glory, but they could mention November to Remember and add that stat to his WrestleMania stat, or not. Either way, I believe he is 4 – 0 at WrestleMania. I’m not saying he’s going to get to 20 – 0, but at least there’s a story to use and a starting point. That's if RVD comes back of course.

Definitely this. The other day I was wondering about why TNA haven't turned this streak into a storyline for Bound For Glory annually. If they started promoting his streak and worked towards making it more stronger & credible every year to the point where it became a second attraction for the event along with the World Title match, then TNA could make more money off of BFG than what they already get from the PPV now. I'm not sure if WWE would ever do it though, they might not want RVD to look equal to Taker at WM's or for his streak to possibly end up overshadowing Taker's one day.
Definitely this. The other day I was wondering about why TNA haven't turned this streak into a storyline for Bound For Glory annually. If they started promoting his streak and worked towards making it more stronger & credible every year to the point where it became a second attraction for the event along with the World Title match, then TNA could make more money off of BFG than what they already get from the PPV now. I'm not sure if WWE would ever do it though, they might not want RVD to look equal to Taker at WM's or for his streak to possibly end up overshadowing Taker's one day.

Am I missing something? I just did a quick look through so its possible i'm wrong but I see RVD being 3-0 at BFG, according to an earlier poster he's 4-0 at WrestleMania. Even if TNA were to include his WM stats we get 7-0. I think that could be seen as a cheap attempt at copying The Undertaker's streak. I love RVD but I don't think they really mentioned Taker's winning streak until he'd won 12 or 13 already. Randy Orton is the first time I remember it being played up.
If Rock and Cena is schedueled for Mania XXIX, than I would hope each man goes into the match with the strap and we get a title unification bout. With last years once in a lifetime tagline, if there going to go back on it than this match needs something big, and I couldn't think of anything bigger than a title unification bout. Now this presents some challenges as Rock would have the WWE title via beating Punk at the Rumble and Cena would get the WHC by winning the briefcase and cashing it in. So where does this leave the Rumble winner? I could envision something along the lines of Vince creating the title unification bout and giving the Rumble winner a briefcase of sorts allowing them to get their title shot at any time. This way Rock could win at Mania, and drop the title shortly after and return to Hollywood.

If Rock/Cena were to be the main event again than I could see a triple main event that would also include Punk v Taker, and Ryback v Lesnar. After Punk drops the title he can talk about his streak and how great he is and since his streak came to an end he wants to end a streak. And with Lesnar and Ryback its pretty simple. If Lesnar doesn't resign than you can give Ryback a huge win at Mania. If he does resign than you can do a few things with this match.

1) Ryback can still go over but it continues the fued.
2) Lesnar wins which forces Ryback to re evaluate his position as he would be coming off of failed world title shots and now a Mania loss. This would put Ryback back in the midcard and allow him to come back up more naturally.
3) Some sort of dq or no contest that keeps the fued going.
Am I missing something? I just did a quick look through so its possible i'm wrong but I see RVD being 3-0 at BFG, according to an earlier poster he's 4-0 at WrestleMania. Even if TNA were to include his WM stats we get 7-0. I think that could be seen as a cheap attempt at copying The Undertaker's streak. I love RVD but I don't think they really mentioned Taker's winning streak until he'd won 12 or 13 already. Randy Orton is the first time I remember it being played up.

It wouldn't be a copy of Taker's streak because RVD's streak isn't about the number of wins he gets on the big PPV, it's about him being undefeated at WM, BFG & N2R. Just keep him winning at BFG's and mention his streak on the big 3 PPV's, forget numbers. Even if RVD's streak were gonna be about numbers, if they were to include his November 2 Remember stats, which they should since N2R is part of the big 3 PPV's that he's undefeated at, his streak would come up to 10-0 and it was at 10-0 where I believe they first acknowledged Taker's winning streak as Taker raised up all 10 of his fingers after he defeated Ric Flair at Wrestlemania X8.
With rumours that the two will work together circulating, how would you use them?

I'd like to see the two mento a wrestler on opposite sides of the ring , which could allow some fun mic work. And maybe a couple pf fun little exchanges the match itself.

Obviously Bret could only do so much, but he could certainly do enough to make things work!
If they will be working against each other, then i'd see Dolph Ziggler w/ Shawn Michaels vs _________ w/ Bret Hart

I just ca't think of who Bret would manage. Maybe Tyson Kidd? Miz? Jericho return? Cesaro?

I see Ziggler being a face by then, which would make perfect sense to have HBK manage him due to the comparisons. but I couldn't imagine them working Bret as a heel either.

Kinda tricky to book against each other since both are faces, and in no way would be booed even if booked as a heel.
Where are you even seeing this? And I think that's a terrible idea. They need to build new talent and stop focusing on people who can't go anymore
Now i got to thinking. Wwe has reported of either Undertaker vs. Cmpunk, Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar, Undertaker vs. John Cena. What about Undertaker vs. The Rock? Come on now I wouldnt mind this. This is a great idea to really consider. Now this is why i think this would be the best choice. undertaker has beaten Cmpunk before. Been there watched that. The undertaker vs. Brock lesnar is my second choice of the best idea. No problem if it was. Undertaker vs. John Cena will not and i repeat will not work because Cena isnt that choice since he lost to rock at wrestlemania. Ryback vs. Undertaker wont be a good choice because Ryback isnt over 100% yet. Undertaker vs. the rock would be the best way to have Undertaker win or lose. same with Undertaker vs. Brock.

Now, What is the best mat for Mania?
Is Rock vs. Undertaker the best match or Brock vs. Undertaker?
Or is it another challenger i said or nnot said.
I say Punk, I don't think Punk should go over him though.
I can see Undertaker winning but not in the typical Tombstone finish, something that that would see Punk able to get up and look on at Taker while he celebrates, then have Taker raise Punks hand to show he respects him. Great way to keep the streak alive and to get Punk respect from everybody. (Angle wise)
Either Taker vs Punk or Taker vs Lesnar. We're already destined to either get Rock vs Cena 2 or Rock vs Punk 2 at Wrestlemania.

There's scenarios to put into play here. If Punk retains the title against Rock at the Rumble then Taker vs Punk is on for Mania. If Rock beats Punk then its either Rock-Cena (with Cena winning RR) or Rock-Punk (with Punk using it as his rematch). If it is the latter then it is Rock-Punk and Taker-Lesnar for Mania and you have 2 stars who are big outside of the WWE in two high profile matches and that equals more advertising with Rock going onto the talk shows with the WWE title and talking about Mania. Then Lesnar being talked about on ESPN and anything where MMA is discussed.

Ideally I would like Taker-Lesnar, the buildup has been there for about 2 years now and with Lesnar's style and Taker's style it would be a very physical match and would be a real crowd pleaser.
The 2 I would love to see Taker face at 29 is Rock and CM Punk. Rock and Taker rarely crossed paths years ago due to different angles. Would love to see them do battle in a big profile match. With CM Punk, it would be a great bout for both guys, and could get the respect that CM Punk has been "demanding"
No reason at all to have Punk fight him at WM, before you guys start throwing his name in there like those 2 up . I posted this in the comments a few days ago.

Thats like Punk fighting Orton again, he's never gonna win. He's never beaten him or Triple H so why would they make Punk fight Taker at WM when the two people he has never beat couldn't beat the Undertaker? Your just watching them fight just to see how taker beats up Punk and wins. If they do have him win then its just total bs.

I say Punk, I don't think Punk should go over him though.
I can see Undertaker winning but not in the typical Tombstone finish, something that that would see Punk able to get up and look on at Taker while he celebrates, then have Taker raise Punks hand to show he respects him. Great way to keep the streak alive and to get Punk respect from everybody. (Angle wise)
Why would he raise Punks hand? He hasn't done it for anyone that I know of, not for HHH HBK or Orton. Last time I checked Punk hasn't beat any of them. The way I see It in your view, if Punk vs Taker happened it would to teach respect or w/e shit WWE is pushing.

And like Rich Isler said, Punk and Taker feuded over title before and it was boring as shit. Idk why their match lasted so long during HIAC.

Reffering back to the comments I agree with Paul Lambert Jr, and the OP. It should be The Rock. Here's why in his exact words.
Paul Lambert Jr said:
Isler I belive the best opponent for Undertaker at this years Mania would be The Rock here are my reasons:
1: Rock may not be undefeated at Mania but he has beaten Hogan, Austin, Cena 3 faces of the company and being the face of the company himself.
2: When it comes to do or die matches Rock is undefeated.
3: Rich Isler did you know that it was Undertaker, Bret Hart, Owen Hart (RIP), JR and Pat Paterson that trained Rocky, so there could be a student vs teacher match.
4: Rock is the nephrew of Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka Taker first win at Wrestlemania, Rock chance to close the streak full circle.
5: Rich Isler I recommend you go on Youtube and Type in Rock vs Undertaker Wrestlemania 29 promo, a fanmade promo that is fantastic.
6: Rock deserves a shot at the streak because of what he has done for the WWE.
Anyone else agrees?
My first thought would be to say Lesnar.

However, I pose a suggestion of Triple Threat, Lesnar vs Cena vs Undertaker.

Lesnar already has an issue with Cena (wants a rematch from extreme rules) and Cena has done everything except beat the deadman.

I would play it out that at TLC Dolph beats Cena and retains the contract, Cena then wins the rumble in January and Rock beats Punk. Cena comes out next night on RAW and tells The Rock that he has had his chance at the great one and he respects that it once in a lifetime. Cena drops the opportunity to take on Rocky for a shot at the streak. Brocks music hits, Lesnar cuts a promo about how much of an idiot Cena is for passing up the opportunity to get a rematch with The Rock. Brock then takes Cena out telling him he wants HIS rematch. Over the next few weeks it goes back and forth.

Two weeks on Undertaker accepts Cena's challenge, Brock obviously unhappy because he wants his rematch with Cena gets angry and takes out Undertaker. Cena comes to the rescue and Brock backs off, grabs the mic and tells him he can have his rematch at Elimination Chamber.

Match at the Chamber goes on and toward the end of the match Brock goes to pin Cena, lights go out, Taker appears and Brock goes at him only to have the lights go out, Cena gets the quick roll up and pins Brock again.

By this point Brock is pissed and demands a match with Taker, Taker already taken at Mania tells Brock no. Brock demands again and Taker finally says yes. This leads to the Triple threat at mania and it also leave it open for the rematch with Punk vs Rock for the title.

Just for the sake of it Dolph pins CM Punk just after he retains the title, proving he is "The Show Off" by beating "the best in the world" on "the grandest stage of them all"
Ideally I would like Taker-Lesnar, the buildup has been there for about 2 years now and with Lesnar's style and Taker's style it would be a very physical match and would be a real crowd pleaser.

No I wouldnt pay to see Lesnar spend 30 mins shoulder ramming Takers gut in the corner then the next 20 mins going for a Komora. Its like watching a noob playing street fighter doing HADOKEN!! over and over.

It's that time of year.

The Undertaker recently reached out to WWE and notified them that he wants to compete at WrestleMania 29. He told officials that he is currently training for a return, and he reportedly pitched an opponent for the big PPV.

While it is unknown who The Undertaker has requested to work with at the event, it's being said that Ryback and Triple H are not amongst the names.

So apparently undertaker confirmed that he wants to compete at wrestlemania,and that he even gave us a list of opponents he wants and doesn't want to face.

Now, the only question that remains is who will "The Phenom" face at "The Grandaddy of Them All"? Well, I gotta say im happy that we won't be witnessing another Taker-Triple H match. I am also happy to see that Ryback is not on the short list. Don't get me wrong, Ryback has a ton of potential, but is he big enough of a name to challenge "The Streak"? Right now,no.

In the end, I can only speculate a handful of people that 'Taker would have pitched. Those people are The Rock, John Cena, CM Punk, Sting and maybe Brock Lesnar. Personally, I can't imagine him picking any other stars for such a grand stage. However, stranger things have happened in the WWE, so I guess anyone is possible.

Who do you think undertaker will face? Do you think the streak will end? Thoughts and opinions and such..;)
This is a good question, I don't think it will be so much as the Undertaker "picking" his opponent on Tv as much as his opponent picking him this year. I think CM Punk will pick him because a perfect way to gain respect with everyone is to break the streak. I am not sure if the streak will break however but this is WWE.

Lesnar vs Undertaker-These guys have some real life issues which always adds to the feud. Brock is a beast and this would be viewed as Taker's toughest challenge. The one issue is Brock quit the company and is involved in a crappy Triple H retirement angle. I don't know how they bring Brock back without it involving Hunter.

I think its pretty easy. If i remember right the reason Lesnar quit the company (storyline obviously) was because after beating Trips and becoming the "king of kings" he had done everything in the WWE. Its Lesnar, he could just come out, destroy something or someone and say the only thing he hasnt done is beat Taker at Wrestlemania, he could even tout how many times he beat Taker 10 years ago etc. etc.
According to a report I read a few minutes ago, it looks as though the plans for the World Heavyweight Championship revolve around Sheamus vs. Randy Orton with Randy Orton as the heel.

So, if that's true, then it looks as though either Orton or Sheamus will capture the title in the near future. I'm thinking Sheamus will regain the title at TLC.
Not that Orton vs. Sheamus again wouldn't be interesting, but I hope they do Orton vs. Sheamus vs. Ziggler in a Triple Threat for the WHC at Wrestlemania instead, and they could still have Orton go into that as a heel if they want. Actually I'm hoping for two Triple Threat matches at Mania, both for the WWE Title and the World Title. For the WWE Title, Punk vs. Cena vs. Rock, and for the World Title, Orton vs. Sheamus vs. Ziggler. If WWE wants Ziggler to be a strong, credible World Champion, then they should have him go into Wrestlemania as champion, go over two huge names like Sheamus & Orton in the same match and walk out as the champion, it would do wonders for Ziggler. Plus I can't really think of any other 3 guys better for a Triple Threat match for the WHC Title than Orton, Sheamus & Ziggler. Orton & Sheamus have had their fantastic battles in 2010, trading wins with each other, and Ziggler has spent the majority of the second-half of 2012 battling Sheamus & Orton, trading wins with the both of them, this Triple Threat would determine who's the better man and the very best of Smackdown, and I assume Sheamus will win at TLC and Ziggler will cash-in on him and beat him for the title, leading to a rematch at Royal Rumble which Ziggler will win, adding more on to the history between all 3 men. A Triple Threat match between three of SD's current best wrestlers would be new for their history and I think it would be a lot more fun to watch, I could see Sheamus, Orton & Ziggler putting on one hell of a Triple Threat match at Mania since they've had so many awesome one-on-one matches with each other.
With Rock likely to win the WWE title at the Royal Rumble. I doubt they switch any other titles that night. That would be extremely stupid. If they want Sheamus as champ he will likely win at TLC. Or if they want Orton going into WM as champ it would likely happen at the Elimination Chamber.

WM is all about angles. Orton doing a heel turn going into WM would be great. It will be nice to see the world title in a more high profile feud again at WM. It hasn't happened since Jericho vs Edge at 26.

I’m interested to see what Triple H does. He pretty much gets to do whatever he wants. I think the majority of fans rather see Taker vs Brock. I really hope he doesn't want to wrestle Brock again. I highly doubt he moves on though..

If Punk is not wrestling in the WWE title match... I wouldn’t mind seeing Punk vs Triple H. He is a perfect opponent for Punk. They had a brief half ass feud last year, but if they do it right it could be really good.

If Punk is in the title match I would love to see Triple H face an up and comer. I thought HHH facing an unknown like Sheamus at WM 26 was a breath of fresh air. If they can build up Barrett a little bit, Triple H facing someone like Barrett could be interesting. Obviously Triple H would win, but just working with him could be a huge rub for Barrett, who really needs it to be honest. I doubt this happens though. Recently, HHH seems only interested working with friends (Nash, Sheamus) or just jumping into whatever hot angle they have going like Takers WM streak, Lesnar returning or the Punk/Cena feud.
Since it's now basically a guarantee to happen which way do you guys think it will go?

It is a virtual certainty that if Punk is to win that it won't be clean. However, if Rock were to win we run into the issue of what will happen at EC and the fact that WWE is worried about house show attendence when there is no WWE title match to advertise. Also we wouldn't be having our champion in action each Monday between RR and WM.

I think that the match will end with Brock Lesnar interfering and aiding Punk in retaining his title. He is a "Paul Heyman guy" and they need to start building him for WM also so it makes sense. This would set up Lesnar/Rock at WM.

If the above scenario plays out that leaves us with the question of who will face Punk (assuming he doesn't drop the title at EC) for the title. The option I would most care to see would be Daniel Bryan win the Rumble or have some screwy finish to where he and Ziggler both "win" and have a triple threat with those 3. Ziggler could also hold his MiTB contract and be in both title matches this way. It could be a huge build with everyone knowing that at the end of the night it would be possible for Ziggler to hold both titles and potentially unify them. Of course that wouldn't happen and what would need to go down would be for Ziggler to lose both matches (which would both be classics i'm sure) but look brilliant in each of them and continue chasing after WM.

The last thing of importance would be The Streak. Who faces The Undertaker? It has been reported that he doesn't want HHH or Ryback and if both of the above situations play out that would leave John Cena to face The Undertaker to try to solidify himself as the best ever by doing the 1 think no one else has ever been able to do.

I'm proposing Punk over Rock via Brock Lesnar interference at RR.
Brock/Rock at WM
Punk/Bryan/Ziggler for the WWE title
Ziggler/??? for the WHC
Taker/Cena in the Main Event with the Streak on the line

The Ziggler stuff is a little out there so I could see if that didn't happen but I really think Punk defends the WWE title vs the RR winner, Brock/Rock, and Cena/Taker all happen.

The only other scenario I could see is Punk/Cena with a stipulation that if Punk wins Cena can never challenge him for the title again. This will put the pressure on Cena and have the added drama of knowing if he loses that he will have to play the waiting game until Punk loses before he could ever have a chance again. While it would be obvious for Cena to win it would also be interesting if he were to lose and afterwards kept trying and trying to cost Punk the title so he could get a shot against the new champion. The problem with this is that it doesn't leave a strong enough contender for The Undertaker at WM.

I have got to wondering about the whole situation & rumors thar I have heard & it got me wondering could we be in store for a Rock vs John Cena 2 @ WrestleMania 29?

Now before I break down my thought process keep in mind I am sick of both of them. Don't get me wrong they are both great as far as the mic & crowd reaction & I hate to admit it but their match last year was really good.

I have heard rumors more then once this year that WWE is planning on remerging the titles & making 1 Main Event title again.

John Cena vs Dolph Ziggler Money in the Bank on the line SmackDown's Money in the Bank

Rock vs Punk for the WWE Title @ Royal Rumble

I can already see VKM wanting to repeat last years main event with a kick (we all know he likes to recycle)

Have John Cena win & successfully cash in Money in the Bank & the Rock win the WWE Title @ the Rumble then have the Rumble winner pull a twist the winner of the Rumble get a garuntted WrestleMainia Main Event match they choose what Title they want Have they say they want the streak!

Cena challenges for rematch Rock accept Rock/Cena 2 Title vs Title.

AM I the only one wondering if they have this planned in some way
Ryback Vs Taker? Ugh, no way, cos IMO Rysuck doesn't deserve to shine Taker's shoes much less beat him at a Wrestlemania.

I still think Taker should eventually retire with the streak intact, or if he does pass the torch, anyone other than Cena, CM Suck or Ryback, in an ideal WWE Universe I'd have them do a gimmick where no Americans or Canadians beat him, but an Englishman, ie Wade Barrett, challenges and almost does what HHH tried and failed, twice, to do.
With Cena being put in a spot to win the briefcase I'd love to see Cena win, Dolph win the Rumble, Shemus or Orton take the title off Show, and then creatively make a 3 way with Dolph Cena and another major star.

This frees up Big Show for a match with Ryback since we know E wants to do a moment spot.

Brock vs. Taker makes sense considering Brock already took out the participants of the last four Taker matches.

Punk v Rok deserves more than it will get heading into Rumble and we know Punk wants to MAIN EVENT the big show.

That's a big card and we also have tag matches and mid-card titles. I'd love to see the Shield go after tag gold. Imagine a Cessaro/Rollins match for the US if Ambrose/Reigns go for tag. Great match up possibilities all around.

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