All Future Wrestlemania Discussion (Matches, Gimmicks, Angles.... KEEP IT IN HERE!)

Who will Lesnar face at Mania

  • Rock

  • HHH

  • CM Punk

  • Orton

  • Undertaker

  • Cena

  • Other

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If Orton wants to be heel, yes he should turn heel and yes I think he should become World Heavyweight Champion in the process too to build up Orton as the top heel on the blue brand Smackdown, and then you can have yourself a World Title match at Mania with a worthy main event draw with Orton but also have him go up against a promising babyface in the process like maybe Bryan or even Miz since they are turning Miz face or they already have
Note before reading - Yes I know they're hundreds of threads similar to this one and people in the IWC have been calling for a Cena heel turn for years. I also know that business wise, turning Cena heel is not a good idea at the moment but I am writing this more as a way to put people in the moment of Cena's heel turn. I'm not focusing on the aftermath of the turn or any implications that may occur because of it. In fact you guys can take this and turn it into anything you want. So with that said, lets get started.

The stage is WrestleMania 29 at Metlife Stadium. The match is WWE Champion The Rock defending against both CM Punk and John Cena in a Triple Threat Match. (I do realize triple threat matches have been done to death this year but hey what harm will one more do) Anyway, the set up of this match is pretty simple. Rock beats Punk for the title at the Rumble. Later that night Punk enters the rumble and we get a classic "Both men's feet touched at the same time" finish with Cena and Punk. It looks like the refs are going to restart the match like with Batista/Cena but Punk just attacks Cena with a chair from behind and leaves, as he feels that he already won the rumble. They try to settle this with a match that is meant to be their final one on one encounter at Elimination Chamber. Match ends in some sort of draw finish like a double count out. (Smackdown Chamber can go on last just so the PPV doesn't end with a BS finish and yes I know it looks like Vince Russo is booking these matches so far) Ok, so Vince pretty much just says screw it and makes the Triple Threat Match. The match is the main event of course with Brock vs Taker being semi-main in this fantasy world of mine.

The Match
The story of this match is typical for a two face/one heel triple threat. Where the heel lets the faces go at it while he plans his next move. Therefore a lot of the early portion of the match is Punk out of the way while Rock and Cena go at it. So we get Rock/Cena 2 without actually getting it. Punk gets more and more involved as the match goes on and takes control as Rock and Cena wear each other down. Each guy gets their offense in as the match continues but the huge spot that really puts the match into high gear is when rock goes the year 2000 on us and puts Punk and Cena threw the announce table with a double rock bottom. Afterwards we get our false finishes with Punk kicking out of an AA, Punk breaking up an STF on Rock, and Cena kicking out of the GTS. Finish starts with Cena hitting an AA on Rock. Before he can make the cover however, Punk comes in an tries to throw Cena out of the ring like he did at Summerslam. This time Cena turns it around and throws Punk to the floor. Then as Cena turns around to attempt the pin he gets a whole helping of deja vu from last year as Rock kips up and hits the Rock Bottom for the three count.

The Turn
So, The Rock retains the WWE Title in the main event of WrestleMania 29. We get a close up of Cena similar to the year prior. You can see the disappointment in his face as The Rock is once again the better man. Cena rolls out of the ring toward the now destroyed announce table and sits in one of the ringside chairs and that's the last we see of him for the next few mintues. Meanwhile, Rock celebrates with the title belt and does his standard pose on each turnbuckle. When he goes to the last turnbuckle (top right for those who care) Punk re-enters the ring. The jealous former champion stalks The Rock and plans to attack him when he comes down. So were thinking "Rock counters GTS, hits Punk with a People's Elbow" sends the fans home happier than they already were. Or "Cena comes in and stops Punk, stare down with Rock to end the show" But here's what we actually get. The Rock gets down off the turnbuckle, turns around, and gets his head just about taken off by a clothsline from everyone's number one good guy John Cena who had just hopped onto the apron as rock hopped off the turnbuckle. At this point, everyone watching at home, in the arena, and even Punk himself has their jaw dropped to the floor. Michael Cole says something to the effect of "Oh my god, what the hell was that?" even though he knows what he saw. In all this commotion, Cena just stares down at Rock in disgust. He then gets down off the apron a grabs the chair he was sitting on. He gets back in the ring and goes Stone Cold on The Rock with the chair. Just beating the crap outta him as Punk stands in the corner still in shock from what he's seeing. Finally, Cena stops, throws the chair down, and just walks out. No posing, no power trip remake with Punk (at least not yet). He just walks out. And that's how Mania ends and heel Cena begins.

Wow, That was a lot more typing than I thought it would be. But, as an obsessive wrestling fan I couldn't resist. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it an I didn't just do this for nothing. And don't worry, I know this looks bad but I actually do have a social life....I just didn't have one on this particular night.
I like your idea, but Rock isn't the most goodie two-shoes kind of guy. I don't know if he just won't get a pop instead of heat anyway. Cena is so popular that he probably has to beat up AJ and Brodus Clay with the corpse of Rey Mysterio to get the little kiddies to not like him anymore.
It is your dream and it is not terrible. I didn't like the Elimination Chamber finish, nt sure how to fix it...maybe The Sheild comes down then Rock and Team Hell No come down, big brew ha-ha and thats how the PPV goes off.

I would also get the title off The Rock at the end of Mania. So after Cena hits Rock with the chair shots, Ziggler comes down and cashes in the brielcase (follow me, i think they make do this with the briefcase as a swerve, maybe) The next night on Raw Vicki comes out and introduces the new Champ and says that as head of Raw she made a deal that Ziggler could go for any championship that Ziggler chose to.

WWE could either put Ziggler on Smackdown and bring Smackdown's champ to Raw or shortly turn Ziggler face and have Cena/Ziggler feud. You know with a Cena heel turn, he would be champ right away
Whilst I like your idea, and it's only your dream, I don't see anyway that this happens. The WWE just won't budge on any idea of a Cena heel turn. They want him as the top babyface, hence why CM Punk went heel. Although, I would prefer this allot more than a boring, typical rematch between Rock and Cena, I just don't know how WWE would do it.

John Cena vs The Rock two is so predictable mainly because, The Rock has to lose so that he can leave after and head back to set. John Cena cannot lose twice, unless he does turn heel. But if something similar like this were to happen, I'd make damn sure that Ryback was a strong baby face going forward, in order to fill that void.

I would have The Rock win the WWE championship, John Cena win the Elimination Chamber and get a rematch. But I would CM Punk involved, CM Punk wins the Royal Rumble and then gets a rematch. I'm not going to get into all the buildup to wrestlemania, but I would have CM Punk win the match, John Cena blame The Rock for losing and then attack both with a chair several times.

CM Punk would turn face, but this would instantly open up a new program after Wrestlemania 29.
I like your idea. I to have invisioned Cenas heel turn.

Heres a quick version.

Cena knows his legend isnt at the caliber of Stone Colds, Rocks, Triple H's of the world. He is still very angry about losing to The Rock and begs for a rematch. Vince tells him he had his shot at The Rock and he lost. It was a "once in a lifetime" moniker for a reason.

Cena wants to solidify himself as a true WWE legend.

Raw opens with Taker coming to the ring. A vignette hits with all of his victims. Taker says that he has the most glorious streak in all of sports entertainment. Hes protected his yard and dominated his Wrestlemania opponents. There is nothing left for him and he says he will now fade into the night.

Cenas music hits. He sucks up to Taker complimenting him. But says he has never faced him on the grandest stage of them all. Cena tells Taker 1 more Wrestlemania, just one more. John Cena vs. The Undertaker no titles, no stipulations, one on one.

Taker agrees and segment ends.

Wrestlemania 29. Main Event.

After a grueling match it comes down to the finish Cena hits the attitude adgjustment but Taker kicks out. Cena is shocked then angry. Cannot lose to the Undertaker.

Ref gets knocked out so Cena slides out for a chair. Looks at it then pummels Taker with it. Ref stumbles for the count 1-2 kick out.

Cena completely loses it and hooks him for another A.A. nails it on top of the steel chair.


Cena wins, streak over, Cena now has the biggest heel turn ever. Unforgivable.
Per WZ from a house show

After the match, Ryback cut a promo about The Rock, saying that if he smells what The Rock is cooking, he will respond with a "Feed Me More." The crowd was into Ryback, and this got a huge pop.

I wonder if they are testing the waters for a possible Rock vs. Ryback match at WM instead of Cena, etc. I don't think I'd mind it, although the promos between each other will be less than desirable.


Well it's WrestleMania season soon, the WWE sets off from the Royal Rumble and goes on a 3 month long trip to it's esteemed destination, WrestleMania. There is also one stop on the way to WrestleMania, an off-ramp that goes through the Elimination Chamber, the last chance for superstars to be in the main event for WrestleMania. So with Cole and King on the computer looking for directions on Google Maps, who do you think should be in the car? Okay, I'll stop with this analogy for now... What people are going to be involved in WM29? Here are my ideas:

First let's start with...

Ryback vs. The Shield

I think Ryback is going to go with the Shield for a while... I believe that he'll come into the Rumble, eliminate a few people with domination, then the Shield will interrupt, attack Ryback and eliminate him even though they're not in the match.
I can see this happening, it gives Ryback a decent match at 'Mania and these 3 guys have a great place too. I'm not sure how Ryback will deal with the Chamber though, anyone else got any ideas for that?

The Rock vs. John Cena

The match that's once in a lifetime... Again. Well my reaction is simply this: Ugh... I do not want to see this again, the first time was more then enough to see and I was really disappointed in that match, I don't think Rock should have won. I do prefer Rock by a mile, but the guy who hasn't wrestled for years shouldn't be able to beat a guy who's wrestled every week he's been here.
Either way, everything seems to be leading to this direction and I for one do NOT want a round 2.

Wade Barrett vs. Sheamus

Anyone who's seen my comments on here knows that I am high on Barrett and the rivalry he's got going with Sheamus is amazing. When those two get together, magic happens. I also have been hating the fact that their matches are so damn common! It's like having a cake you're saving for WrestleMania and every now and then someone is taking a slice, little by little making the cake looks less and less delicious. This is why I think there should be some sort of gimmick match to make this WrestleMania worthy. I'm feeling tables match or something...

Randy Orton vs. WHC Dolph Ziggler

I can definitely see this happening. Dolph is bound to cash in sooner or later and I think it's gonna be before WrestleMania, maybe before the Chamber... I can see him weaselling a way to win that one, maybe screwing Orton in some way. It would be a good feud and this match would be worth a watch... I also don't want this match to be the f***ing opener again! It's a world championship! It deserves to be treated as such I believe this match should be 3rd from last. 2nd to last being 'Taker and last being the WWE Championship match.

WWEC CM Punk vs. Royal Rumble Winner

Personally, I don't know who I want to win the Rumble. All that I know is that they have to challenge for the WWE Championship this year. They're promised the MAIN EVENT of WrestleMania, not the opening match for crying out loud. And yes, I don't want Rock to win the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble for the same reasons above.

Finally, we come to THE match that every superstar would sacrifice a testicle to get...

Undertaker vs. ???

Again, at this point I have no clue who is going to face Undertaker, all I know is that whomever it is is going to be one lucky guy. 'Taker hasn't got many matches left in him, heck, this could be the last one! Personally I don't wanna see anyone beat the streak, Undertaker deserves to retire with it.


So what do you guys think? What feuds would you like to see blossom as Cole and King are desperately trying to figure out how to put in co-ordinates in Google Maps... Oh yeah, I went there again.
only problem i see in all of this is one person you have seemed to forget and that is Brock Lesnar. I could see Dolph cashing in at Wrestlemania rather than any earlier.
Those are some great matches, but i would like to see some different matches, the Ryback vs the shield can definitly lead up to a bigger match with a Paul Heyman guy, i will get to that in a moment, as for a challenger for the Undertaker's streak should be a star on the rise of a big push, i hope i don't get to see the Rock, but i have a feeling that's inevitable, also Cena, Punk and several others will definitly ahve their feud, but this is what i would like to see:

*The Miz vs Damien Sandow.-
Both of them are big mouths, and can get in people's nerves, what better way to start a feud leading into Wrestlemania between these two to have Sandow apear on Miz TV, Sandow should start saying all the things he usually says, and have the Miz interrupt him, and start exchanging punches and stuff, and get on eachother's nerves, intefiere in eachother's matches, and they can put an end to it at Wrestlemania.....

*Antonio Cesaro vs Jack Swagger.-
This idea has been mentioned quite a few times, what better way to start this rivalry than in the Royal Rumble, have Swagger eliminate Cesaro, then Cesaro gets angry, and somehow gets back in the ring to eliminate Swagger, and both of them fight all the way to the dressing rooms, have security and a lot of people breaking up these two, they go back and fourth until is time for Cesaro to put the US Title on the line at the big event.....

*Ryback vs Brock Lesnar.-
The Shield is the perfect start to this feud, they can go on like this until the Royal Rumble or the next PPV, when Ryback finally put the Shield to rest and thinks that this is over, he starts marching all over the ring and all of a sudden Brock Lesnar apears throug the crowd and dismantle Ryback, Ryback can be " out of action " for some time, and a little before Wrestlemania Brock can do some of his usual ass kicker thing speaches, and all out of nowere Ryback makes his way to the ring and a brawl starts, and they can have a no holds barred match or a match with that caliber, even have the Shield involved in the match, and that way Ryback looks stronger than ever....

*Triple H vs Wade Barret.-
I mentioned this before, but i would like this match as a passing the torch kind of match, because except for the sledge hammer, these two have lot of similarities, for this feud to begin, Triple H can go to the ring and start to talk about how he was the game, thet damn good, etc. and Barret can interrupt him and saying that he's the past, he's a has been, that he has lost it or something, and Trips tries to avoid him, but Barret gets on his nerves and start fighting, and Triple H can say that at Wrestlemania, he's gonna teach him how the cerebral assasin does it......

*CM Punk vs The Undertaker ( special referee, Stone Cold )
CM Punk is allways bragging about being the best in the world, and that he has done everything in this business but one thing, end the Undertaker's streak, and that he deserves that oportunity, and that he even puts the WWE title on the line, and have a match, TITLE vs STREAK, and in the process starts talking some trash against Stone Cold, that he refuses to fight CM Punk or something to get Austin's atention, and as soon as Taker and Punk get ready to sign the contract, glass shatters, and Stone Cold makes his way to the ring and oficialy names himself as the special guest referee, and since the Undertaker can't work a full schedule, the result of the match can be a DQ, a no contest, or CM Punk actually ending the Undertaker's streak, and Stone Cold has no choice but to make the count, The Undertaker has to retire with all the honors, and CM Punk can taunt Austin, and they can do it like Cena/Rock, anounce their match for Wrestlemania 30.......

And of course, we got to have a feud for the Tag Team Titles and other feuds, but those are the ones that come to my head at the moment......
That's a pretty decent card. I had a few different ideas...

WWE Championship
CM Punk vs The Undertaker
To make this work they really need to push CM Punk's current reign as the most important streak in the past 25 years. For this match to work CM Punk should be looked at as the best star in the past 25 years and if he goes over at Royal Rumble against the Rock it would make it look even better. Taker should win the Rumble. This would be better than Rock vs Cena for the title.

World Heavyweight Championship Option 1:
Dolph Ziggler vs Daniel Bryan
It would definitely make up for last year. An IWC treat.

World Heavyweight Championship Option 2:
Dolph Ziggler vs Zack Ryder

World Heavyweight Championship Option 3:
Dolph Ziggler vs Big Show vs Randy Orton vs Sheamus
Makes sense.

John Cena vs The Rock
PPV Buy Rate

Lesnar vs Ryback
Would use Lesnar and Ryback in a productive way. Big Heavyweight clash... Looks great on paper. In the ring however...

The Shield vs ???

The Shield vs The WWE Locker Room...
Sorry lol that was a stupid one.
I definitely don't want the streak to end at this point, I think if it was going to end it should have already done so at this point. I'd rather see Taker stop at 20-0 and forgo seeing him at another WrestleMania than seeing 20-1. I'd love to see him face Lesnar and get the win. Lesnar has done his "I've done everything there is to do in WWE" as a reason to get off television, having beating Taker at WM being the only thing he hasn't done could work storyline wise to get him back on TV. I don't want to see Rock/Cena 2 either. I was cool with it the first time. It was what it was, and I'm in the minority that didn't have a problem with Rock going over but I don't want to see it again. Cena would obviously win the rematch and that would completely take away from what I thought was some unpredictability in their first match.
Hey everyone, after reading some threads and/or comments on Dolph Ziggler and his Money In The Bank Briefcase, a question came to my mind: what would be a good way for Dolph to cash in? A)Should he do it before Wrestlemania and defend it right there? B) Should he do it at Wrestlemania, like anounce it, or wait for the superstars that are fighting for it to end the match, and as the winner is all tired, banged up and composing himself, and Ziggler decides to cash in right there, wins it and have his Wrestlemania moment? Or C)Cash in after Wrestlemania, like the next night on RAW, the WHC (who ever he may be) has to defend the title, and he gets beat up by the challenger, and Dolph decides to cash in and finally gets the WHC title, your thoughts??
With WrestleMania season just around the corner, I started thinking about the Undertaker, and, of course, his undefeated streak. Originally, it was just coincidence that Taker was booked to win his WrestleMania matches, it fit with how the story was being told, but somewhere along the line it became THE story. For the past decade, it has led to some of the most anticipated and some of the best matches of all time; however, my question is not whether it is a draw, because it obviously is.

My question is would a new, manufactured streak work and how would you do it?

Personally, I think a manufactured streak could be done, but it has to be done subtly. I don't think fans would accept Ryback beating Undertaker at WrestleMania 30 and then never losing again, that is too produced and, to use a vintage IWC phrase, would feel 'shoved down our throats'.

I know longterm booking is a pipe dream, but if they sat down and decided, "hey, this is our guy and we're sticking with him", they could allow someone (Dolph comes to mind, Ryback if done right, perhaps Big E Langston) to be booked, consistently, to win in WrestleMania matches; in mid card, main event and tag matches, but never bring it up. People would start to notice at their own pace and, eventually, just like it has with the Undertaker, it would become the story itself.

That's just my two cents, I'd love to hear yours.
I don't know if they're doing it on purpose or if it will even last but The Miz is undefeated at Wrestlemania.

I doubt it's going to last anywhere near the Undertaker's though. Honestly I doubt anyone will ever touch the streak or come close. It's Undertaker's thing and it should stay that way.
The fact that Taker's streak happened to come about by coincidence is one of the key selling points of it. That plus the fact that Taker is very respected and liked by WWE fans. If WWE tried to purposely reproduce Taker's streak for another wrestler, it simply wouldn't work.

When the Four Horsemen came about, it was basically an accident. The Andersons, Blanchard & Flair were all paired together initially at house shows in six or eight man tag matches to main event those shows and they just clicked well. They put them on television as initially having a loose alliance that they'd increase in strength as the group got over. Finally, Arn Anderson himself came up with a name for the group on the fly when he was cutting a promo with them. He didn't sit around and try to think up a name, the bookers at Crockett Promotions didn't sit down and come up with a scenario for Anderson to come up with a name. The bookers themselves didn't come up with the idea or image of the Horsemen. It just came about. It's the same thing with Taker's streak.

Part of the big selling point for the last several years has been someone challenging Taker to end his streak. The fact that Taker is older now and it's widely known that his body is giving out on him actually adds to the suspense of his matches at WM. People wonder how much longer it's going to go on and how much longer Taker himself can go on. As I alluded to earlier, Taker's respect, relevance & popularity among fans is also a key reason why the streak works, probably the key reason. Nobody could possibly predict that Taker's popularity & relevance would still be as high more than 20 years after he debuted with the company. If the fans didn't care so much about Taker in the first place, then the whole concept of his streak and what it's meant over the past 5 years or so especially wouldn't mean anything.

Trying to manufacture another streak like Taker's simply won't work. You know why Goldberg's streak worked in WCW? Because it wasn't planned and everybody knew it. It was one of those things that simply happened and managed to get over. Most of Goldberg's matches certainly weren't anything to brag about, especially since the vast majority of his streak was comprised of him beating jobbers in 2 minute squash matches. But fans were invested all the more because Goldberg had an image that made it work. TNA tried to manufacture a streak for Crimson a while back and, frankly, it flopped. Sure he went undefeated for a long while but nobody really gave a damn. When it ended, with James Storm delivering a super kick after about a 2.5 minute match, nobody cared then either.
Well, considering Rob Van Dam is the only Wrestler undefeated at November to Remember, WrestleMania, and Bound For Glory, I’m going to go with him. Of course the WWE wouldn’t mention Bound For Glory, but they could mention November to Remember and add that stat to his WrestleMania stat, or not. Either way, I believe he is 4 – 0 at WrestleMania. I’m not saying he’s going to get to 20 – 0, but at least there’s a story to use and a starting point. That's if RVD comes back of course.
Ever since the feud with Ziggler I've had this thought in my mind. What if John Cena does indeed win the money in the bank briefcase from Ziggler and since it's the world title briefcase he then cashes it in against the same guy that cost him his money in the bank title shot in the first place big show at TLC or the Rumble (So both him and Rock win their titles the same night) to win the world heavyweight championship. The Rock would then win the WWE championship at the Rumble and John Cena could challenge him to a championship unification match at Wrestlemania 29 where both titles are on the line.

I even made a video simulation of this exact scenario with commentary over it Commentary starts at 2:30

Now personally I don't want to see Cena take the briefcase off Zigler at all lol but this just crossed my mind for some reason as soon as the Aj angle stared and Dolph started getting involved with Cena and maybe there is a slight chance of this happening. Do you guys think this could happen? Would you like a scenario like this or not? Honestly I think it'll most likely be the rock winning the championship and Cena winning an elimination chamber number 1 contendership match to get his shot at the Rock at WM.
I'm not surprised Taker vs Ryback is ruled out. I never thought Taker would want to work with him to be honest.

IMO their are only 4 legit worthy opponents for Taker (Cena, Orton, Punk, Lesnar). I ruled Rock out because he is likely involved in the WWE title match.

Cena vs Undertaker- This is probably the main event of WrestleMania 30. Especially if they bill it as Takers last match. Undertaker retires either undefeated at WM or the face of the company finally ends the streak. That sounds like a big $$$ match to me. I don't think it happens at 29.

Orton vs Undertaker - This match happened already at WM so that is a bit of a negative, but this would be a great way to turn Orton heel. They could say that Orton was inexperienced at WM 21 and now he is ready to end the streak. With Orton turning heel he could do some real evil shit to Taker like he did to HHH a couple of years ago. It could be a great build.

Lesnar vs Undertaker-These guys have some real life issues which always adds to the feud. Brock is a beast and this would be viewed as Taker's toughest challenge. The one issue is Brock quit the company and is involved in a crappy Triple H retirement angle. I don't know how they bring Brock back without it involving Hunter.

Punk vs Undertaker- I still remember that crappy submission match at Breaking Point, but nevertheless Punk is a great worker. The negative to this is Punk lacks the intimidating factor that the other 3 guys have. Seeing Punk and Undertaker face off in the middle of the ring will look strange. Punk would play a little bit of a chicken shit heel. I don't know if I can buy into that type of character could end Taker's WM streak.

If I had to choose I would go with either Lesnar or Orton at 29. I'd probably pick Lesnar especially because I have no interest in seeing Lesnar vs Triple H part 2 at WM.
everybody has been begging for a change to cena's character. I would love to see Cena behind the whole "Shield" group. Think about it.... The shield attacked ryback when it was the triple threat match. Maybe WWE could pull a swerve! hopefully! Then the PPV could be really great if we see Cena taking the briefcase, cashing in on Big Show, and then Coming out to "help" ryback, d-bry, and kane.....only to turn on them! Because its a NO DQ Match! That way the shield does not lose any credibility.... their in need for a leader.... what better role change for a character! WWE...Make it happen.... it will not hurt merc sales... trust me! ps... ryback needs some kind of merc to advertise his feed me more gimmick. like a pac man hat or something for the "kiddies"
It can happen.It adds more intrigue to the match betw
een the two.of course we know the outcome and it's just not how it was back at Wrestlemania 28 since it's the same match.But I don't think It'll happen since it has been reported that WWE wants two world champions for the house shows so if one couldn't defend his title other one can.So no'Idon't think it will happen
It's an interesting idea. I think if Cena and Rock go one on one again at Mania 29 it has to be for something or some special reason. It was built as a once in a lifetime match, last Mania, but I have a feeling Cena will get another chance at The Rock.

I have had the same thoughts going through my mind since the MITB briefcase Ladder match was made for TLC. I hope Cena doesnt win it but I can see it happening and him cashing in on the Big Show. A poetic justice type of angle. Then leading to a Title vs. Title match with The Rock at Mania, with Cena, more than likely winning and possibly unifying the heavyweight titles.

If this is the angle that is going to happen, then what happens to the guy who wins the Royal Rumble. Maybe they could make the Rumble match for the #1co. to The Undertakers Streak. I could see this happening. Maybe Ryback winning the Rumble and challenging the phenom at mania 29. I, personally dont want any of this to happen. At the most have Cena and Rock fight again at Mania in a Career vs. Career match. Have Punk fight Undertaker for the WWE title. Keep Ryback building up by facing Big Show at Mania 29, and give him a big moment.

Thats my thoughts toward a Championship Unification match at Mania 29. Not a fan of the idea but I could see them going with it for sure.
I agree with an earlier poster, what about the Royal Rumble?? Speaking of wich, it can still happen, maybe Cena doesn't win the briefcase, but he can win the Royal Rumble while still having a feud with Ziggler, by then i assume that Ziggler will be WHC, and can have a title match with Cena at the Febuary PPV, and Cena can win the WHC title, and since he's already a champion, and he's the one that won the Royal Rumble, he can say that he still wants the WWE title, and that's where the idea on unifying the titles hits either Vince McMahon or Triple H, and set up the match for Wrestlemania 29, only one thing, why does it has to be the Rock?? it can still be Cena vs CM Punk, i mean, the question still remains, if CM Punk can beat John Cena cleanly, they can say something that it will end with unifying the titles at Wrestlemania, that they will put an end to this Rivalry, or something in that area.......
It's an interesting idea, but I really don't see it playing out. I've never been a fan of the two world titles, but WWE has been able to make it work this far. Plus with Rock and Cena both being world champions it makes it pretty easy for them to set up two main event caliber matches for Wrestle Mania. Cm Punk v Rock and John Cena v Sheamus or Ziggler or both. Or imagine this, Barret wins the rumble and faces Cena for the strap at mania where Cena puts Barret over. I know the IWC creams for Barret so that could work.

Plus I'm almost positive Undertaker is facing Lesnar. All and all with two world titles you can book more and they do have a four hour card to fill, but only time will tell so I guess we just have to tune in and find out.

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