All Future Wrestlemania Discussion (Matches, Gimmicks, Angles.... KEEP IT IN HERE!)

Who will Lesnar face at Mania

  • Rock

  • HHH

  • CM Punk

  • Orton

  • Undertaker

  • Cena

  • Other

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Ever since WrestleMania started moving to stadiums, I've always wondered why Vince had not taken it to the Rose Bowl. I know it's a very old stadium but WWE is very capable of transforming that place just like they did to the Citrus Bowl. Not to mention, WrestleMania at the Rose Bowl can easily break an attendance record. Possibly even surpass the WrestleMania III record.
im sure they could make the rose bowl look amazing! also ive wondered about the LA Coliseum im sure they could hold a Wrestlemania in eith of those stadiums and break attendence records, and you dont have to deal with the weather because it never rains in southern california!
I'm sure Vince could hold WrestleMania anywhere he wants and it would sell. As for LA, by the time the stadium is finished, sufficient time will have passed that he could bring WM back to LA.

Years ago, Vince had planned on holding WrestleMania 7 at the LA Coliseum, but ticket sales were so sluggish he had to move it to the LA Forum under the guise of "security concerns".
WrestleMania 29 Match Card

WWE Championship

The Rock (c) vs Brock Lesnar

How I would set this match-up up in terms of build-up would be that I would have Rock win the WWE Title at the Royal Rumble from Punk, and then Lesnar making another shock return but this time at the Royal Rumble in the Royal Rumble Match where he ends up winning the whole thing, and Lesnar ends up facing Rock at Mania after Rock retains his WWE Championship at Elimination Chamber and you can set it up like the last time Brock and Rock were in the same ring together was at SummerSlam 2002 and how Brock beat Rock that night to become the youngest WWE Champion of all time and how Rock could never beat Brock and he would never be able to, and Rock then of course ends up facing Brock at Mania where he beats him to retain the WWE Championship, but Rock would end up losing the title at Extreme Rules

World Heavyweight Championship (Triple-Threat Match)

Sheamus (c) vs Randy Orton vs Wade Barrett

How I would set up this match would be that I would have Sheamus lose the World Heavyweight Championship to Dolph Ziggler at either Hell In A Cell or at Survivor Series, with Ziggler as champion until the Rumble where he ends up losing the title right back to Sheamus with Sheamus becoming champion once again and Barrett ends up becoming the #1 Contender by winning a battle royal to determine who faces Sheamus at Mania 29 for the World Heavyweight Championship only for Randy Orton to somehow get interjected into this match to make it a Triple-Threat Match

Extreme Rules Match

Dolph Ziggler w/Vickie Guerrero vs Mick Foley

This match would have a similar build-up to Edge/Foley at Mania 22 but slightly different with Foley being the veteran, and Ziggler being the star he is, Foley would put Ziggler over and this contest would be really brutal in the sense that we would get to see great spots and also it would take Ziggler to a level that he has never been before

Sibling Rivalry Explodes

Cody Rhodes vs Goldust

This would be a classic brother vs brother match but on the grandest stage of them all with Cody wanting to prove once and for all that he is the better Rhodes brother while Goldust is nothing more than the family screw-up, an embarrassment to the Rhodes name and then to make this feud even more personal, I would involve The Dream Dusty Rhodes in this feud and we don't know just which son he is going to side with because it looks like he is leaning towards his son Dustin Goldust but in the end he ultimately turns on Dustin and he ends up siding with Cody

WWE Intercontinental Championship (Ladder Match)

The Miz vs Zack Ryder (c)

How I would set up this match would be to determine just who the rightful Intercontinental Champion really is since I would have Miz get injured in the sense that he would have to relinquish the WWE Intercontinental Championship and you have yourself a battle royal to determine just who will become the new WWE Intercontinental Champion with Ryder winning the battle royal for the vacant Intercontinental Championship, only for Miz to return soon after claiming he is the true Intercontinental Champion and that the way he sees it, he never lost that title, that he had to forfeit it because of injury but now that he is back, you can play up the angle of WrestleMania 10 HBK/Razor Ramon similar build-up but with Ryder and Miz

WWE United States Championship

Antonio Cesaro (c) vs Jack Swagger

How I would set this match-up up in terms of build-up would be that Cesaro should be WWE United States Champion and have a lenghty reign until at least WrestleMania 29 but with him claiming how he has beaten every single American that has been placed in front of him and or any European and that he is superior to all Americans and Europeans alike and how no one can beat him, cue Jack Swagger's music and Swagger comes out stepping up to Cesaro signalling his face turn where he ultimately ends up facing Cesaro for the WWE United States Championship

Luchadors Collide

Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara

How I would build up this match in terms of build-up would be that I would have Cara and Rey last as a tag team until like Royal Rumble time and then have them split up and then ultimately end up feuding with each other but out of respect with Cara being the student and Mysterio being the mentor, a classic mentor vs. student match-up but between 2 luchadors, 2 of the best over-all high flyers in the WWE, and 2 of the most popular superstars to ever come out of Mexico

Grudge Match

Alberto Del Rio vs. Chris Jericho

How I would set this one up in terms of build-up would be that Jericho I would have him make his return to WWE but during the Royal Rumble Match where Jericho looks to be one of the favorites to win it all, and Jericho in the match ends up eliminating Del Rio from the Rumble when Del Rio had his eyes on reclaiming his destiny and Jericho took it away from him, Del Rio then comes back into the match and brutally assaults Jericho and then eliminates him from the Rumble attacking him with this being so personal between these 2 men

Grudge Match

Daniel Bryan vs Kane

Build-up should be that Team Hell No should be a tag team until at least Royal Rumble or even Elimination Chamber where their implosion should begin with either Kane turning on Daniel Bryan or Daniel Bryan turning on him, and their team is definitely over with anger management not helping either one of these 2 men and their rivalry ends up becoming personal too

Streak Match (21-0 or 20-1)

Undertaker vs John Cena

Build-up being that since Cena is not in the main event of Mania 29, he figures that since he can't face The Rock and or Brock Lesnar, he then turns his focus on to Undertaker's streak officially making the challenge to the Dead Man and then you have yourself a match and in terms of the promos and all that stuff leading up to it, Cena would be his toughest opponent probably even surpassing that of HHH

Respect Match

CM Punk vs Triple H

How I would set up this match in terms of build-up would be that Punk still feeling like he is being disrespected even more especially since after losing the WWE Championship and his never ending quest for respect, Punk figures the only way he is going to get respect is by facing the COO of this company that being HHH and Punk has always wanted to face HHH because he feels that at NOC 2011 during their last encounter he didn't really earn respect even though he beat HHH, and then you have Paul Heyman figuring into this feud too since Punk is also a Heyman guy much like Lesnar is, the promos and the build-up here would be amazing

Grudge Match

Ryback vs The Big Show

This match would be used to catapult Ryback even more as a superstar with Show putting him over and the build-up being can Ryback beat The Big Show, who would be his toughest opponent to date during this undefeated streak and Big Show knocking out superstars at will to show, no to prove to Ryback that his undefeated streak is coming to an end and that Ryback can't lift the Giant
and how something is being discussed about having CM Punk go over on 'Taker at WM to end the streak

and im like

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo please no

Why waste the greatest of all rubs off of ending the streak on an already established guy in CM Punk

which brings me to this.........if the WWE is really thinking about having the streak end, how about.....


Maybe the WWE makes Ryback THE guy........truly THE next great phenom in WWE. What better way to do that than for him to beat The Undertaker.

Now, in all honesty, id rather have Takers streak intact forever. But if not Ryback, then IMO, someone else should get the benefit from it. Not an established guy
I just read on Wrestlezone that there are plans for The Undertaker to fight Cm Punk at WrestleMania 29 and Cm Punk might defeat The Undertaker as part of his ongoing quest for Respect.
Now I would love to see this happening and would love to see The Streak finally come to an end.

So I have a few questions

1. Do you want to see Cm Punk vs The Undertaker at WrestleMania

2. Will Punk end the streak
Undertaker and Ryback. No. Bad idea.
I would rather see Undertaker and Punk. Something around the storyline of him and respect would go over great. But I do am on the fence. I mean I don’t like the fact we don’t see him until around Mania. But then again he is a draw and his matches don’t disappoint.
Awful idea. Ryback hasn't earned the rub to meet 'Taker at 'Mania. Not when where are so many other superstars like Cena, Punk, Miz, Lesnar, Bryan - who would more than benefit from the run and who have proven to be more reliable. Ryback needs to show he isn't injury prone and isn't a risk in the ring long-term.
Damn, people are definitely overreacting to Ryback right now. Ryback has some promise and he's starting to get over but shit, people are wanting Ryback to have title runs already and now some want him to face Taker and end the streak????

I know that Ryback came out and had Jim Ross' back and saved Vince McMahon but it's time to slow down on the Ryback love just a bit. Let's be completely honest: Ryback has accomplished absolutely nothing so far. It's only been within the last couple of weeks that Ryback has really started to garner strong, positive crowd reaction. Ryback still has a LOT to prove and that can only be done with the passage of time and by having ACTUAL feuds and ACTUAL matches. He hasn't done that yet.

Like IrishCanadian25 pointed out, there are a lot of stars on the roster that have proven themselves to be more reliable in the long run than Ryback thus far. By the time WrestleMania comes around, we could be seeing a huge backlash on Ryback, especially among internet fans as they pretty much hate everybody in WWE that gets a big push.

I do agree that if anyone is going to end Taker's streak, it needs to be someone that can truly benefit from it. Guys like Orton & Cena are too established in my eyes. Guys who can really benefit from ending it would be people like CM Punk, Cody Rhodes, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, etc. These are wrestlers that've spent the last couple of years, some longer, building their reputation. Ryback might very much be a flash in the pan.
I wrote this on another website on August 30th of this year as a possibility for WrestleMania.

CM Punk keeps his title over the next few months, cementing his heel status and talking about wanting respect, etc. Then he goes against The Rock at Royal Rumble. The match is even, back and forth. The end comes as CM Punk goes for the GTS but The Rock reverses into a Rock Bottom. Rock covers but the referee has been knocked down so there's no pinfall. John Cena attacks The Rock, hitting the AA and CM Punk retains his title. That same night, the Deadman returns at the Royal Rumble, winning the Royal Rumble itself. The following night on Raw he makes his choice to face the man who wants 'respect.' If CM Punk wants respect, he'll have the chance to earn it in the Deadman's Playground at WrestleMania.

I think it would be a lot of fun as I think they could have great promos against each other. As far as ending the streak? I don't think anyone should end the streak, personally. But I think that CM Punk would have the greatest chance to do so as The Undertaker probably won't do another title run in his career.
As a CM Punk mark I would love this but as someone who feels The Undertaker needs to preserve his streak, I would not like it. It's not so much about The Undertaker but I do feel the WWE benefits more from the streak than The Undertaker himself. Mark Calloway is bound to retire anyways so whatever happens he will spend the rest of his life comfortable and with a huge fan base.

But if you take away the streak, WWE looses a lot. Imagine the money they could use to milk the streak it could be books, DVD's, interviews with Undertaker or his opponents, you name it. It also gives WWE that sense of historical continuity the company does not really have.

Punk does not need to end the streak to go over. Cuz for one he's already over as a heel as a face it does not matter. You can have Punk feud with Triple H, Sheamus, Big Show, or Austin and it will help him just as much.
Honestly, Ryback and Punk haven't reached the level of legitimate threats to Taker's streak. Punk's status as a superstar continues to rise, but you can't forget about the last two guys, who took Taker to the limit. First, you have Shawn Micahels, a multiple time world champion, a legend, and a Hall Of Famer. Then, there's Triple H, a thirteen time world champion, dominant main eventer, a surefire legend, and when he's ready to hang up the boots for good, Triple H will have a Hall Of Fame spot waiting for him. Plus, this is the same man, who came very close to defeating The Undertaker in three Wrestlemania matches.

I like Ryback. I really do, but challenging Taker for the streak? He's no where near ready. The repackaging has done wonders for his character, but still, he needs more time. And most importantly, you can't put him on the same level, as HBK, HHH, or Edge.

Currently, Cena and Lesnar are the only two guys on WWE's roster, who fit the profile of legitimate threats. Cena's credentials are self-explanatory, and Lesnar is a legit UFC Heavyweight Champion, who recently defeated Triple H via submission in the main event of Summerslam.

EDIT: I guess you have to throw Kane in the mix, mainly because of his connection with Taker as kayfabe brothers.
I wouldn't want Punk to end the streak. If not greats like HHH and HBK then not Punk. He is not a better than any of the greats like HBK, HHH, Taker, Rocky, Austin etc. It would be pretty cool if he was voice of the voiceless but not his current annoying character.

Punk could face Austin and someone else should end the streak, maybe....1gw23hbr48ryh3d8yfhdifuy8df,Y2J

If you read the nickname of the guy at the end of the previous line, it should be him because there gimmicks are pretty cool and fit together for a match, both guys are talented and he deserves it. They could both play mind games on each other and it would be entertaining. He is a legend and his returns have been a fail, he is the one that needs respect and should end it.
I'm not a true Professional Wrestling Mark here, but i am a fan. Wouldn't this play out the best for WWE business wise?

Punk keeps the title through the Royal Rumble.

John Cena enters at #1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30...

I don't know pick a number.

John Cena wins the royal rumble.

The Rock wins the WWE Title over CM Punk at the Rumble.

Wrestlemania 29: Re-match:

John Cena vs. The Rock for the WWE Title.

Cena Wins.

CM Punk gets mad and pouts.

I know im not right but looking at the financial side of things, wouldn't this be the best template for the WWE to gain a few extra bucks? I'm mearly just assuming this, but who knows, maybe WWE decides that Punk lose his title next monday or at TLC, or at Wrestlemania 35!

I was thinking, if cm punk were to hold the title all the way up to wrestlemania and then drop it, what would his opponents be for each ppv, why would he fight them, and who would he drop the belt to at wrestlemania?
Well for the sake of going with the recent reports & the fact that I don't really want Punk to drop the title at all right now, it looks like we might see:
"Streak vs. Title Reign for the WWE Championship: CM Punk(c) vs. The Undertaker" at Wrestlemania 29

And as I have seen some others state, it's likely we could see this happen & see Undertaker take the title off of Punk. Possibly, only to retire the following night.

Now my biggest problem with this is that I don't see Undertaker retiring until Mania 30 (which looks like it might be in his home state). So unless Taker is willing to defend the title (which is HIGHLY unlikely IMO), I wouldn't want to see him as champion unless it was only for a night before he retired or something.

If anything I see Triple H retiring this year. And with all the previous rumors of having
-Undertaker vs. Lesnar
-Cena vs. Rock II
why not add
-"Career vs. Title Reign for the WWE Championship: CM Punk(c) vs. Triple H"

That would be the "triple decker" main event WWE achieved last year at Mania & would be probably even sell more!

In this case I would prefer to see HHH lose & retire that night & have Punk continue his title reign, considering Taker/Brock would probably close the show & HHH wouldn't get his "closing send off" like Michaels anyways. But I could also see HHH wanting one last "glory day" & taking the title only to pull a simular move as stated previously & retire the following night.
So just a random thought really , with ticket sales for wrestlemaina 29 advertising The Rock , Cena and Lesnar. We all have thought that maybe it will be Cena VS Rock 2 , Cena VS Lesnar 2 or even Rock VS Lesnar 2. What if the WWE was to surprise us and make it a Triple Threat for The WWE Title? We know The Rock has a WWE Title shot at RR which he will more then likely win. So it could plan out Rock WWE Champion. Lesnar wins the RR. Challenges Rock and Cena just wants to prove he can beat The Rock. what are your thoughts ? Do u think its a possibility ?
Would like to here your thoughts on the following.

If Punk wins at HIAC i would have him go after Cena (even though he is a heel and the champ).
Have him come out and say something like since Cena couldn’t get the job done and got hurt while trying Cena had to send a “jacked up freak “ after him to try and do what Cena couldn’t do.
Bring up that Cena said the title is more important than life itself in the past. But now its “irrelevant” because Cena knows he can’t beat Punk. Do the whole old school angle of Punk gives Cena a shot but if Cena loses he can’t challenge Punk for the title again.
Go through to Survivor Series and do their thin with Punk coming out on top (cleanly if at all possible but doubt that would happen).
Then we have TLC and the Royal Rumble to think about. Have punk defend in a Ladder match against someone like Rey Mysterio. Win there and build for the feud with the Rock. Have Cena screw Punk. And tell the Rock he “owes him”.
Thats your build up to WM.
Mysterio won't be anywhere near the main event picture for a while. WWE is using him & Sin Cara to keep momentum going in the tag team division so that's where he'll be for a while. There's talk that WWE has it planned to do Mysterio vs. Sin Cara at WrestleMania after their team breaks up, so Mysterio's attention is focused on other things.

As for Punk "going after" Cena, it just doesn't hold up. After all, Punk's reasoning for not accepting Cena's challenges for HIAC, prompting the latest angle that's taken place on Raw the past several weeks, has been because he's frequently bested Cena. Going after him if he gets past Ryback sort of renders everything they've done with Punk over the past several weeks kind of a waste of time.

Cena's injured elbow puts in doubt exactly what WWE will or can do with John Cena for the future. It's true that Cena looks good, he didn't have any sort of bandage or anything on his elbow last night but that doesn't mean that he's still anywhere close to 100%. The WWE might just give Cena some extended time off to make sure that his elbow is completely healed but to also rest up. According to reports, Cena's pretty banged up right now so time off could be what's best. WWE wants Cena healthy for WrestleMania season so he can help deliver another massive payday.

As far as who Punk will face to help take up the rest of the year before moving onto The Rock, I'm sure WWE could probably have Punk continue his feud with Ryback for a while. There was talk of possibly doing a match at TLC featuring Mick Foley against Punk. I haven't read anything else about it in a while, but the idea of Foley & Punk in sort of a TLC grudge match could be fun. Even though everyone knows that Punk will win, that doesn't mean that there still won't be some great promo segments and that they won't deliver a great, physical brawl.

As far as Punk & The Rock goes, apparently, the top idea for Punk right now is to put him in a WWE Championship match at WrestleMania against The Undertaker. That might certainly change but, last I heard, it was said to be the most popular idea. The WWE also said to be wanting Cena vs. Rock II at WM 29 and if WWE goes the route of Punk vs. Taker for WM, all they have to do is to have Cena somehow play a role that costs Rock the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble. After all, at WM 27, The Rock did cost John Cena the WWE Championship by planting him with the Rock Bottom, allowing Miz to get the pin. Cena could sort of return the favor by making sure Rock doesn't get the titme as a bit of payback, thus setting up a simple but always reliable reason for renewing their feud for WM 29.
the way i see it wwe is probably going to have a team cena vs team punk for survivor series with the title not being involved......and then it could lead upto a feud between punk and ryback continuing till tlc.....after which the you have the rock booked in...

just my opinion but maybe wwe has just a little too much going around the title belt too many people involved and too many early fixes that they have to cater for.....what happens from here on is beyond me....i just hope they dont make a mess of things by dropping things in the middle of it
Mysterio won't be anywhere near the main event picture for a while. WWE is using him & Sin Cara to keep momentum going in the tag team division so that's where he'll be for a while. There's talk that WWE has it planned to do Mysterio vs. Sin Cara at WrestleMania after their team breaks up, so Mysterio's attention is focused on other things.

As for Punk "going after" Cena, it just doesn't hold up. After all, Punk's reasoning for not accepting Cena's challenges for HIAC, prompting the latest angle that's taken place on Raw the past several weeks, has been because he's frequently bested Cena. Going after him if he gets past Ryback sort of renders everything they've done with Punk over the past several weeks kind of a waste of time.

Cena's injured elbow puts in doubt exactly what WWE will or can do with John Cena for the future. It's true that Cena looks good, he didn't have any sort of bandage or anything on his elbow last night but that doesn't mean that he's still anywhere close to 100%. The WWE might just give Cena some extended time off to make sure that his elbow is completely healed but to also rest up. According to reports, Cena's pretty banged up right now so time off could be what's best. WWE wants Cena healthy for WrestleMania season so he can help deliver another massive payday.

As far as who Punk will face to help take up the rest of the year before moving onto The Rock, I'm sure WWE could probably have Punk continue his feud with Ryback for a while. There was talk of possibly doing a match at TLC featuring Mick Foley against Punk. I haven't read anything else about it in a while, but the idea of Foley & Punk in sort of a TLC grudge match could be fun. Even though everyone knows that Punk will win, that doesn't mean that there still won't be some great promo segments and that they won't deliver a great, physical brawl.

As far as Punk & The Rock goes, apparently, the top idea for Punk right now is to put him in a WWE Championship match at WrestleMania against The Undertaker. That might certainly change but, last I heard, it was said to be the most popular idea. The WWE also said to be wanting Cena vs. Rock II at WM 29 and if WWE goes the route of Punk vs. Taker for WM, all they have to do is to have Cena somehow play a role that costs Rock the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble. After all, at WM 27, The Rock did cost John Cena the WWE Championship by planting him with the Rock Bottom, allowing Miz to get the pin. Cena could sort of return the favor by making sure Rock doesn't get the titme as a bit of payback, thus setting up a simple but always reliable reason for renewing their feud for WM 29.

How can they have Punk vs. Taker at Mania? Taker can't and won't lose there. Then he has to stay around to defend the belt. I just don"t see it happening. To me it would be better to have Lesner vd. Taker and a three way with Punk, Rock, and Cena.
How can they have Punk vs. Taker at Mania? Taker can't and won't lose there. Then he has to stay around to defend the belt. I just don"t see it happening. To me it would be better to have Lesner vd. Taker and a three way with Punk, Rock, and Cena.

Not saying that they will have that match, it's just alleged to be the top idea floating around WWE creative and officials right now. If the match happens, then it could be an indicator that the streak will be ending and that Undertaker is hanging up his boots once and for all.

When I first read about the possibility of this match, it sort of reminded me a bit of his last match against Triple H in that it was hyped as "the end of an era". If Punk does challenge Taker and does end the streak, then his match against Triple H truly would be "the end of an era" in that it's the last WM match in which Taker wins.

According to what I've read, including an article posted on WZ's main page, WWE might have Undertaker return to the Royal Rumble to compete in the Rumble match as a means of further jacking up the Royal Rumble ppv. Previous reports have suggested that they want to try and make the Royal Rumble next year a big blockbuster show. The idea, allegedly, would be to have Taker win the match and then challenge Punk for the WWE Championship at WM to help generate a bigger buy for the event.

It wouldn't be a huge surprise if Taker has decided it'll be his last match. By next year's WM, Taker will be 48 years old. He's banged up and the wear & tear of a 25+ year career has caught up with him the past several years. Plus, Michelle McCool, Taker's wife, gave birth to the couple's first baby several months back.

Taking everything into consideration, it's not at all out of the realm of possibility.
My WM29 Card.

Rock(c) v Cena v Punk (wwe title)

Have cena win the rumble. Rock beats punk at rumble and punk instates his rematch at mania. Cena wins.

Orton v Lesnar.

Would love to see this fued. Orton wins by cheating, turning heel in the process.

Sheamus(c) v Barrett. (world title)

Really want this fued aswell. Sheamus is champ between wm28-wm29, makes a good story. Irish v English is always gonna be interesting. Dont make this match an opener like it has been for the last 2 years. Could be a big moment for Barrett. Barrett wins. Maybe have Ziggler cash in after and lose to Barrett.

Taker v Ryback.

I dont want taker to go up against a legend. This will give ryback a good rub. Have ryback look strong. Taker wins by dq as ryback gets frustrated because he cant keep taker down for the 3, he uses a chair. keeps the streak alive and keeps ryback from getting pinned or submitted.

Beth v natty (diva title)

The only diva match that i would be interested in seeing.

HHH v Daniel Bryan special ref HBK

D-bri was trained by HBK, use that as part of a storyline. Have D-bri win because he and HBK screw HHH. Leads to HHH v HBK at WM30

Kane(c) v Rhodes scholars v PTP v New Age Outlaws TLC (Tag Titles)

Its time to bring back TLC at mania. Kane is the Tag Team champions. After Kane breaks from Danie,l he goes off on his own and becomes tag champs in handicapped style. Throw in NAO for some nostalga and interest. Have PTP finaly get the titles at the big event.

Del Rio(c) v Miz v Kofi v Ziggler (intercontenental title)

These guys shouldnt be off the card. So throw them together in a match.

Rey v Sin Cara

This could be a very nice opener. Have Cara win in a passing the torch type of feel. Face v Face match, no heel.

What do you guys think of this card?

I would also like to see your card for wm29
From the WZ main site, read the bolded part: reports WWE is talking with Charlie Sheen about possibly being involved in some type of non wrestling role for WrestleMania 29 (not 27 as reported on WZ site).

Sheen of course was rumored to be involved with this past years SummerSlam—but as we exclusively reported on WZ, there were issues finalizing a deal and concern regarding Sheen's reputation.

WWE is attempting again to work with Sheen and possibly have him start appearing on WWE television in a few months to being a build to WrestleMania.

WWE is also wanting to capitalize on the one of the most popular shows on telelvision. "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" on TLC is very popular and has WWE considering working with Alana Thompson, who is known as the Honey Boo Boo child.

I don't quite know what to say.....when I saw a picture of her I thought she was some form of adult midget. What is this going to bring to WM29 (I'm sure some people will find positives in this)?

Very confused. Maybe she is going to end the Undertakers streak.....
Undertaker facing anyone other than Cena would be a mistake. It would be one of the biggest matches in WWE history, and I would argue it would be bigger than Rock v. Cena if built properly. That would leave Rock to face Punk for the title (rematch from Royal Rumble), Brock Lesnar to face Ryback, Dolph Ziggler losing his title to an up and coming face.

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