All Future Wrestlemania Discussion (Matches, Gimmicks, Angles.... KEEP IT IN HERE!)

Who will Lesnar face at Mania

  • Rock

  • HHH

  • CM Punk

  • Orton

  • Undertaker

  • Cena

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If ''twice in a lifetime'' does actually happen at WM, as everyone on here seems to think, then Cena going over is almost as certain as the match itself.

Now, John Cena winning isn't a problem in and of itself, the problem is that if Vince was/is so desperate for Rock to put John boy over next year, then why exactly didn't he do it this year? Vince had his golden opportunity to give Cena the rub, first time round, when it mattered, right in the Rock's backyard, and guess what? He passed it up.
If ''twice in a lifetime'' does actually happen at WM, as everyone on here seems to think, then Cena going over is almost as certain as the match itself.

Now, John Cena winning isn't a problem in and of itself, the problem is that if Vince was/is so desperate for Rock to put John boy over next year, then why exactly didn't he do it this year? Vince had his golden opportunity to give Cena the rub, first time round, when it mattered, right in the Rock's backyard, and guess what? He passed it up.

I think Rock won because it was in his hometown and his first singles return match. I think the only reason they are giving Rock the WWE title is to put over Cena. Cena getting another shot at Rock and beating him for the WWE title would be a big moment in his career.

I guess the other possibility is they throw Punk in the match and do a triple threat match.
So I got to thinking, after watching Monday Night RAW and seeing the promo with CM Punk and Mick Foley and of course when Punk kicked Foley at the end of the show, I couldn't help but wonder, is the WWE setting up CM Punk vs Mick Foley for Wrestlemania 29?

When you think about it, it makes sense. Foley is one of the names, if not the main name to be inducted into this years Hall of Fame so having his final match at Mania wouldn't be such a crazy idea. It looks as if Punk will be dropping the title to The Rock at Royal Rumble setting up Rock vs Cena II at WM29 so Punk vs Foley seems to be the next logical choice for a co-main event.

This is just a thought but its also good to hear what you guys think. Let me know how you would book it if at all.
Well first off I think there are too many matches at Mania for CM Punk I'd rather see in place of this.

Also there was talk about Foley doing a match when he first came back around the rumble & Foley expressed interest in working with Dolph Ziggler & The Miz.

Obviously, that never happened.

So while I do like your idea & it makes sense with what just happened on RAW, Mania in NY/NJ, and Foley looking to be inducted into the WWE HOF, between too many other options for Punk & Foley probably not actually going to wrestle a one on one match(let alone a Mania Main Event), I don't see it happening.
Maybe some years ago, this would have been a phenominal idea....but I just dont feel that Foley has a real match left in him, certainley not one that could do justice to a feud with CM Punk.

A fun idea if you could turn back the clock a few years, but not now.
That should be an interesting match/feud only if Foley is still in his same promo cutting form. Punk and Foley can have awesome back to back promos to setup an interesting rivalry which will end in some kind of Hardcore Match at Wrestlemania 29. Punk should win this one, this will be as interesting as other main-events.

I am totally on for this.
Hmmmm, didnt he put them in a 'Street Fight'? Under a Street Fight stipulation they don't have to wrestle like Kurt Angle or Daniel Bryan do they? I hate the IWC's obsession with 'wrestling'. Its 'sports entertainment' my friend. Go watch ROH.

HHH vs Vince is a nice storyline and maybe this could be a 'passing of the corporate torch'. Vince could retire and they can get the fanfare out for him.

My point was not just about Vince McMahon not being to wrestle anymore, but also that rare appearence HHH will be wasted in repeated storylines and a match which will be predicted as terrible.

Really like it's not hard to pick an opponent for HHH at a big PPV like WM 30, it will be Rock, Cena, Punk or Sheamus over Vince easily.
Ya, I was thinking this match would be similar to Foley vs Edge from WM22. It was a hardcore match which can help by not making Foley have to "wrestle" as much and just do some hardcore stuff. I think it will benefit Punk way more to win as he would be defeating Foley in his hometown and on the night after he was inducted into the hall of fame. Almost like a passing of the torch type deal.

Hell, Punk could even turn face after the match by not attacking Foley and turning on Heyman. This could set up Punk vs Lesnar down the road as well.
No, I do not see any value in having the top guy in the company being fed a match with a guy that Punk is going to beat with no shock, and does nothing to elevate Punk further.
I also see CM Punk dropping the title to The Rock at Royal Rumble, but I see Punk vs Rock in a rematch for the belt at Mania 29. Punk wins his Elimination Chamber match in Feb and goes after the WWE Title. I see the actual Rumble winner facing Sheamus or whomever the World Champion is. Back to the thread, the idea in theory is ok, but not for Wrestlemania. Punk retains somehow at Hell in a Cell, hopefully we have Team Punk vs Team Cena at Survivor Series, with a surprise appearance on Team Cena by The Rock. I see Cena possibly winning the Royal Rumble to hedge their bets, so WWE can see what the Unibverse wnat, a rematch with Rock vs Cena or whether Rock vs Punk is what they want.
As intriguing as this idea is, I don't see it happening because Foley isn't in shape and he said he would only do matches again if he could get back in shape. But I really love the idea of the two scruffy bastards that no one ever thought would make it, feuding with each other -- and as somebody else mentioned, the promos these two would cut on each other leading up to their match would be fantastic. If Foley could get back in shape before WM, I'd continue building this by having Foley in Rock's corner at the Royal Rumble since Heyman will be in Punk's, then Punk can blame Foley for his title loss & challenge him to a match, setting up the bout for WM. BTW, I really wish people would stop seeing this as a match that has to benefit or elevate Punk, why can't people just see this as a match where both guys just want to fight and nothing more? Punk doesn't need to benefit from this or be elevated, nor does he even need to win the match.
You could be on to something here. I don't think Mick should fight Punk but maybe have Mick be the corner guy for someone, but build the feud around Foley and Punk. Would be a perfect occasion for Miz to turn face and fight for Foley. If not Miz there are plenty of guys to take the role, R-Truth, Jericho, Zac Ryder, Shaemus, Christian, Cody....but I personally feel they will find a way to get a Punk-Bryan classic at Mania. Let's face it, now is the time for these two to do it on the main stage, hopefully it will befor the Title.
It would be great if they could make this happen but unfortunately I dont see it happening because Mick Foley is in Semi Retirement and Cm Punk will be doing something with the Wwe or World Heavyweight Championship.
Personally I think they are setting up for Ryback Vs Punk for the title at Mania, and this is only based on the crowd reaction over Ryback getting bigger and bigger, he already proved he can easily win the IC title, and if u want to make him the next top star you have him win with streak attached the WWE title on the biggest stage of them all. But I do believe the month or 2 before we See Punk vs. Rock at Rumble we will see Foley vs. Punk to hype survivor series
What if Foley was the special ref for Punk vs Rock at the Rumble? Rock wins and Punk blames Foley so then maybe Punk enters and wins the rumble later on and at Elimination Chamber its Punk vs Foley with Punk destroying Foley setting up Rock vs Punk II at WM 29 now with added drama.
Royal Rumble 2013, The Rock, the Great One, goes one-on-one with the WWE Champion, for the richest prize in the WWE, the WWE Championship. It seems as the perfect moment, the perfect plan. The Rock as the WWE Champion once again. But, things don't look exactly that simple.

By being the WWE Champion, The Rock will have to appear on WWE TV more. You can't have your Champion bring it via satellite. He will have to do house shows. Be featured more outside the WWE. Be with the WWE and do movies at the same time. Travel here, there, be EVERYWHERE. But how?

It's been reported a couple of times on the main page of this site, the The Rock has a really stiff programm between The Rumble and Wrestlemania and even his role at the Grandest Stage of Them is in jeopardy.

And this generates a question: How can The Rock be the WWE Champion when he's not there? With all of that said, I don't think that The Rock will become WWE Champion. And even if he does, he will loose the belt earlier than Wreslemania, even possibly at the night after the Royal Rumble.

What are your thoughts? Do you believe that The Rock will win the WWE Championship and carry it all the way to Wrestlemania?
How do you think the WWE will play it out?
If Rock were to win the WWE Title, I think he'd be booked similar to David Arquette's WCW Title reign. He'll make appearances with the belt at various functions/shows, showing off the belt, bragging about being WWE Champion, etc. Only thing is, I think "Dwayne" would get a pass at getting away with this as he has a wrestling background whereas David Arquette was a D-List celebrity who had ZERO credibility - along with no business even being in - the ring.
He will win it IF Vince says he wins it, and IF he wins it will lose it when Vince says he loses it. And that's the bottom line, if ya smell what I'm cookin'. Plus I don't think The Rock would want to be caught dead or alive with that hideous "belt".

Honestly, (speaking of via satellite), I'd prefer he wins it then via satelittle announces his schedule is too full to defend it and vacates it, only for them to pull what WCW did with the Light-Heavyweight Title in 1992 and claim they'd have a tourny but never do it, and leave the World Heavyweight Title as what it rightfully and logically should be - THE top prize!
I don't think he would HAVE to do house shows if he were to win it. They do have another main event title that can headline the house shows. I do think his minimum commitment would have to be being there live on Raw every Monday night.

I think there's a good chance he will win it. Reason being, a few of Rock's movies are going to be coming out between Rumble and Mania, which means Rock will be on talkshows and media appearances all throughout that time. Vince is probably salivating at the thought of Rock walking on to Leno, Letterman, Conan, Fallon etc. with the WWE championship in his hands. That puts the WWE brand on mainstream t.v. for the world to see. We all know the championship has been on those shows before, but in this situation it would probably be on all of them in a short period of time.

Just depends if Rock would commit to being on Raw live every Monday. That is what I think is most important.
if he isn't able to show up at the very least every other week on raw from the rumble to mania then he should not win the title. and if he isn't going to hold the title till mania then he should not win it then either. the obvious plan is to have him beat punk at the rumble and lose to cena at mania but id really rather not see that. honestly id must rather punk beat the rock at the rumble but that is highly unlikely. if they want the rock to be champ heading into mania then have cena beat punk at survivor series, rock beat cena at the rumble and punk win the rumble. then we can have rock v punk for the title at mania. that would be a 10 times better main event than cena v rock 2.
IF The Rock wins the WWE title, it will be exclusively for Wrestlemania.

He may win it at the Rumble and hold it leading up to Wrestlemania or even hold it a little while after but it will all be for Mania.

Honestly I see no point in The Rock winning the WWE Title, except to have him eventually beat Flair's title reigns but Vinnie has HHH & Cena for that.

Yeah it will be nostalgic & maybe kinda cool seeing the Rock as WWE Champion at Mania but what is the point?!?! All they guys like HHH, Undertaker, etc. have all stopped contending for World Titles & Rocky has hollywood to worry about as well.

I enjoy the Rock & completely understand him returning & having matches. But if he takes the WWE title(especially for any longer than a month or so around Mania) he will REALLY be taking spots from younger guys.

I would like to see the Rock facing off against some of the newer talent for several years to come at Mania. I just don't see the point of him contending for a World Title anymore.

Also what happened to veterans putting over young talent? The Rock is 2-0 since he returned & almost every promo he stands tall by the end. Not to mention he will most likely win at the rumble and/or Mania. I'm sorry but since when was the Rock an even more super super-Cena???? The Rock is awesome & it's cool to see him in the WWE ring but he doesn't need to win everything.
Firstly,the Rock probably won't be able to be at mania.That makes the question,should win the title or not?Answer is simple,NO!Not because he would be "hogging the spotlight".Because he won't be able to defend it.To make the WWE Title match some sort of big,the following needs to happen.Cena wins at HIAC with a no-rematch clause.He beats the rock in Once in a Lifetime-II at the rumble.Punk wins the rumble and wants his title back at mania with a huge build to make it feel like Wrestlemania big.Punk wins it at mania.Then when rock gets free,he comes back again to feud with punk and finally wins the title.It can go the other way around with Punk and Cena switching roles.
I know BFG is getting "some" buzz right now but October is here and that means WWE's major PPV and storylines are on the horizon.After Hell in a Cell is Survivor Series and TLC. Which is usually when the ground work begins for the Rumble and the "Granddaddy" of them all. As of right now who do you have as the Main Event of Mania. As for me I see it being Austin vs Brock or Austin vs Punk.
I've been saying WWE is going to throw a curveball at us since everyone is pretty much expecting the two main events to involve Cena, Rock, Lesnar, and Undertaker. I can't see them passing up Lesnar vs. Taker, even though Lesnar vs. Rock would possibly be a bigger draw. But I like the idea of a triple threat with Punk defending against both Cena and Rock. I really think it could work out. All three would deliver in the build up with A+ promos and I can't see WWE leaving Punk, Cena, or Rock out of the MAIN EVENT (the real main event). Simple solution = triple threat. I say have Punk hold on to the title until then. Have him beat Rock at Royal Rumble (that way we can all see a one-on-one match between them) and maybe have Rock enter the Royal Rumble later that night and win it. Cena wins Elimination Chamber and we suddenly have two number one contenders for Punk. I'm really liking this the more and more I think about it.

Also, what about the possibility Vince jumps on the chance of having Rock & Cena vs. Punk & Lesnar at Elimination Chamber? Sounds like a money maker and a great way to build up Mania even more. Only problem would be Rock and Lesnar's availability and cost. Heyman on Punk/Lesnar's side (obviously) would make it so much better. Possibly someone like Flair on Rock/Cena's side? Just an idea.
IF The Rock wins the WWE title, it will be exclusively for Wrestlemania.

He may win it at the Rumble and hold it leading up to Wrestlemania or even hold it a little while after but it will all be for Mania.

Honestly I see no point in The Rock winning the WWE Title, except to have him eventually beat Flair's title reigns but Vinnie has HHH & Cena for that.

Yeah it will be nostalgic & maybe kinda cool seeing the Rock as WWE Champion at Mania but what is the point?!?! All they guys like HHH, Undertaker, etc. have all stopped contending for World Titles & Rocky has hollywood to worry about as well.

I enjoy the Rock & completely understand him returning & having matches. But if he takes the WWE title(especially for any longer than a month or so around Mania) he will REALLY be taking spots from younger guys.

I would like to see the Rock facing off against some of the newer talent for several years to come at Mania. I just don't see the point of him contending for a World Title anymore.

Also what happened to veterans putting over young talent? The Rock is 2-0 since he returned & almost every promo he stands tall by the end. Not to mention he will most likely win at the rumble and/or Mania. I'm sorry but since when was the Rock an even more super super-Cena???? The Rock is awesome & it's cool to see him in the WWE ring but he doesn't need to win everything.

What the hell are you on about 'taking spots from younger guys'? Look at who Punk has fueded with since he won the gold - Cena, Del Rio, Jericho, Bryan, Cena again.

These were all former Champions! If they had won the gold from Punk would they be taking away spots from younger guys? Apologies but people like Rhodes, Ziggler, Ryder or any other IWC wet dream are simply not ready to take a 'top spot!'. Would you HONESTLY rather watch Dolph Ziggler or Cody Rhodes parade around with the WWE belt on Raw, rather than The Great One?

Rock as Champion = $$$. Thats good for business and thats a fact.
so finally the city of LA approved the construction of the new Farmers Field in the middle of downtown. it is set to be completed late 2016 so i give you a simple question, how long will it take VKM to make his mark in LA again because im sure there will be an attendence record he wants his name all over. So will we see Wrestlemania in LA in 2017?

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