All Future Wrestlemania Discussion (Matches, Gimmicks, Angles.... KEEP IT IN HERE!)

Who will Lesnar face at Mania

  • Rock

  • HHH

  • CM Punk

  • Orton

  • Undertaker

  • Cena

  • Other

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Possible, because the WWE loves to ruin their biggest PPV with shit matches like this.

WWE Internet Championship... Are you kidding me, what the hell is this crap? It would make more sense if the ''matches'' for that title were on WWE '12, since it's the INTERNET Championship.
I fail to see the point of that title's existence.
So I just finished watching Z! True Long Island Story and during it, Dolph Ziggler challenged Zack Ryder to a match at Wrestlemania 29 for the Internet Title. Now, I know this is potentially just a joke but then again,vit could actually happen. Basically, the WWE could allow Ryder to bring the Internet Title in as a "Million Dollar Title" type championship snd start defending it through out the year. By the time WM 29 rolls around, Ziggler/Ryder could be big enough stars that people would be willing to watch the ppv based on this alone.

Let me know what you think. Possible?

you didnt get it? they're gonna fight online on Sunday April 7, on WWE 13. Get it? Internet? Online? LOL

Yeah, this idea won't work. If they fought for an actual "legitimate" title (and that match lasts ALOT LONGER than 18 seconds) now you're cooking.Both guys are very talented with or without a title match. But I'd say NO to the internet title. I'm sure Ryder made that title to get more attention before creative started to pay attention to this guy.
Ziggler a big Hype for WM29 erm nope!!
The Wrestlemania Revenge Tour of the UK is coming and Ziggler is booked to face Cena at the main show. Ziggler is just fodder for the top guys. When Supercena whoops his straggly blonde ass he will just be back to standing on the ramp with his goofy sidekick Swagger and the Screechbag who is ruining him. Ryder well erm yeah i won't even comment!
really???? Ziggler will have long surpassed rubbish mid cards feuds with nobodies like Ryder come Mania 29. Barring injury, Id fully expect Ziggler to be defending the World Heavyweight Title at next years Mania. It is clearly on the horizon for him. Once he gets passed Swagger in their impending feud, he will be main eventing through Summer/Fall. Ryder on the other hand...if he survives the release cuts he will be doing very well.
Yeah it would work. People need to quit thinking Dolph is going to be in a top match by this time next year. Rock, Brock, Cena, punk, Bryan, shaemus, taker will headline the show again next year. You may even see a Batista return and if anyone else can breakthrough by then it would be Miz, Barrett or Cody. There is only so much room at the top of a mania card, why not put these two in a match that has been hyped for a year and means something more than sticking them in a 10 man tag? Great idea, hope it happens
My idea for next years wrestlemania with Undertaker. Have a young star go on a streak, similar to Goldberg's streak. Also, for the last couple of matches, have him win barely and have him be exposed (showing his weakness). Have him win the Royal Rumble. Then come February, instead of going after a title, have him call out the Undertaker, telling him it's his streak vs the Deadman's streak. Have Undertaker's promos talk about how hard it is maintaining the streak and tell the star that he's beaten bigger names than him and his name would be another one on his list. Come wrestlemania, good fight, but at the end, Undertaker loses in the similar fashion that HBK and HHH lose(crawling on the ground, using the body to bring himself up, begging his opponent to let him win and the star taunting him with Undertaker's taunt.) That would allow the Undertaker to pass the torch to him. Now, I know many people would say that Taker is done and/or he should retire with the streak. I won't argue with that, seeing that it would be the right way for him to leave the wwe business. But, think of what happens to the person that actually beats Undertaker at wrestlemania. He becomes a major star (major heel). Ratings would skyrocket, and wwe for once, gives us a great storyline to watch for the next couple of weeks as they can build on this with the new star. For me, I'd have Ryback, or Mason Ryan, because I think they are the perfect guys for this situation, Ryback being that he's starting out, and Mason Ryan being that they hardly use him and he could finally get his big moment here. What do you guys think about this, and please don't comment saying that Taker should stay undefeated. Just comment on whether you would set up a storyline like this if Vince told you to come up with a way for Taker to lose at Wrestlemania.
It's been reported little over a week ago that early plans for WM29 have been made. The matches that have been suggested are...

1. Rock vs Brock Lesnar for the WWE title
2. Undertaker vs John Cena
3. CM Punk vs Stone Cold Steve Austin

These are all main event matches with some genuine legends of the industry. So my question is this, which match should headline Wrestlemania 29 and why?

Personally I think it would have to be Undertaker vs John Cena. This is a contest between the face of the current product, and a man who transcends generations. The build up could be epic.

What do you think?
I would love to see any of those matches, but I think Cena/Taker is actually a lose/lose situation. In my opinion, if they end the streak it needs to be like the ultimate passing of the torch to a younger guy. Cena doesn't need to beat the streak to add to his legacy anymore than HHH os Shawn did, and to have Taker beat them but lose to Cena just insults everyone. A lot of fans would be pissed off. And if Taker wins? What really does it add to his rep? Still would like to see this match as a fan, but it's really a logistical nightmare. If Punk can regain his momentum, give him and Austin the top spot.
Can anyone honestly see WWE investing in 3 huge main events like Rock vs Brock, Taker vs Cena and Punk vs Austin? Seems to me 2 at the VERY most and leave Punk vs Austin to Wrestlemania 30 which will be a special Wrestlemania.

I would prefer to see Brock vs Undertaker and Rock vs Cena II if I am honest. Rock vs Brock should be at Summerslam 2012!!!
I just do not believe that Punk vs Austin and Rock vs Lesnar will be on the same card. I mean, Stone Cold was the face of the Attitude Era and no matter how much Rock's stature has risen due to the fact that he is an A-list movie star, Austin will never agree to play second fiddle to a man who played second fiddle to him for most of the Attitude Era. If Austin ever comes back, he is going to do so in the undisputed main event of WrestleMania. Punk vs Austin is a huge match but I just cannot see it main eventing against the likes of Rock/ Brock or Cena/ Undertaker.

Rock/ Brock for the WWE title also does not excite me a ton because of the fact that both guys are part timers. As big as these two guys are, I do not want to see two part timers compete for the biggest prize in the business. Both guys will be better off in a once in a lifetime match sort of setting. I think that Rock will actually win the World title at an earlier stage, drop it to Brock or Cena and then go after Undertaker saying that even in the little while he has spent in the WWE since his return he has done it all except for one thing and that one thing is ending Undertaker's streak.

Finally, I think it will be Cena vs Brock for the World Title and I think that Brock will win this match in a moment similar to the one we had this year. I some how have a bad feeling that the two consecutive losses against big names like Rock and Brock at WM will eventually lead to Cena ending the streak at WrestleMania 30. I hope I am wrong, though.
i can c undertaker coming back for his holy grail, the world heavyweight title. I dont think we will c taker til about a month before the rumble where he declares his intentions for the title. taker will not be in the rumble, but the heavyweight champion will put his title on the line for a shot at breakin the streak. the rumble winner is prolly gonna be either cena, rock, or brock aiming for the wwe title. i can c it being either sheamus (c) vs. taker, cena (c) vs. taker, kane (c) vs taker, barrett (c) vs taker or a far stretch cody rhodes (c) vs taker
I see Cena facing Undertaker, and beating Undertaker at WM 29. I think Cena wins the Rumble, and then says instead of winning a title he wants to end the streak. This will be the way he comes back from the loss to the Rock, by beating Undertaker.
Undertaker personally I think he's done, 20 victories, 20 WrestleMania wins, he has nothing more left to prove as far as I am concerned and after Hell In a Cell I think it truly was the End of an Era, and that Undertaker's career is over but if he does decide to come back for one more match next year at WrestleMania 29, then Undertaker needs to face either Chris Jericho or John Cena
That would allow the Undertaker to pass the torch to him. Now, I know many people would say that Taker is done and/or he should retire with the streak. I won't argue with that, seeing that it would be the right way for him to leave the wwe business. But, think of what happens to the person that actually beats Undertaker at wrestlemania. He becomes a major star (major heel). Ratings would skyrocket, and wwe for once, gives us a great storyline to watch for the next couple of weeks as they can build on this with the new star.
So what happens if this new star takes the Brock Lesnar rout and just leaves? You know, after being handed just about every accolade in the WWE and being pushed to the moon, just quits because he doesn't want to do it anymore. There; you've managed to ruin 20 years of build-up on a character for someone who won't even stay within the WWE. It's not worth it. Even if he does stay, chances are, his star would fade quickly if he cannot keep up his momentum. At that point in his career, he has already accomplished something bigger than the WWE or World Championship belts and accomplished something bigger than any other WWE Superstar in history, what's the point in even continuing? It's just not worth ending the streak on someone who could potentially walk out when his contract expires or someone who won't keep up with the momentum in the coming months. Why risk that?
Whether or not Undertaker's career is over, I, for one will not be complaining either way. I would love to see Taker-Lesnar or even Taker-Cena. One of Undertaker's last matches needs to be against Kane. The history these two men have made together, makes it a little strange if Kane's last match is against anyone else. I doubt the fans will accept anything else either.

We could even see Undertaker enter the Hall Of Fame just BEFORE his last WrestleMania match.

However, if Mark Calloway decides that at 20-0, there is nothing left to accomplish, I will happily let it be. No one can rightfully complain that Taker hasn't achieved everything he can. Multi-time world champion, undefeated at WrestleMania, and numerous other accolades.
I think and hope that for wrestlemania 29, lesnar will go for the streak. Heres how i see it playing out:

The royal rumble comes around, and the undertaker returns at number 27. Everyone is buzzing, the crowd goes crazy, and everyone thinks its takers night. Then out for number 30 is the rock. Now everyone is really confused, and with two big returns, they dont know who will win. Its down to rock, cena, and taker. Out of nowhere, lesnar comes from the crowd, returning from a month long hiatus, and eliminates undertaker. They have a huge buildup, and at elimination chamber, we have a contract singning for the match. Neither of them want to sing it, they just wanna fight. Taker puts lesnar through the table, and boom, the match is golden.

As for wrestlemania 30, i have no doubt in my mind that it will be john cena vs. randy orton. The two biggest stars of their era, battling it out one more time on the grandest stage of them all to determine who is the better man. Neither one plays the heel in this, but they will be beating the hell out of each other for the buildup.
In my own opinion as for cities that should host WrestleManias in the future, from WrestleManias 30 to 40, my list right here is:

WM 29- MetLife Stadium (NY/NJ) (2013) *already determined
WM 30- Cowboys Stadium (Dallas, Texas) (2014)
WM 31- Rogers Center (Toronto, Ontario) (2015)
WM 32- Safeco Field (Seattle, Washington) (2016)
WM 33- Ford Field (Detroit, Michigan) (2017)
WM 34- Allstate Arena (Chicago, Illinois) (2018)
WM 35- Busch Stadium (St. Louis, Missouri) (2019)
WM 36- Gillette Stadium (Foxboro/Boston, MA) (2020)
WM 37- Browns Stadium (Cleveland, Ohio) (2021)
WM 38- BC Place (Vancouver, British Columbia) (2022)
WM 39- Mercedes-Benz Superdome (New Orleans, Louisiana) (2023)
WM 40- Yankee Stadium (New York City, New York) (2024)

And why I would host it in the following cities and in the following stadiums in those years is because it would make for excellent Manias in the future and all these places have the infrastructure, the money, the die-hard fans, so why not
Its only a matter of time till Wwe holds Wrestlemania in the UK. Remember summer slam 1992? There's no reason why this wouldn't work. And make Wrestlemania a truly global event. Especially with all the top British talent around at the mo.
IMO Wembley Stadium would be perfect for a WWE PPV return!
WWE will never host a Mania in the United Kingdom, maybe a SummerSlam but not Mania, and yes I remember SummerSlam 1992 but you also have to take into account for us Canadians and our neighbors the Americans, the time difference for us and not to mention tape delays too
I Personally think that Jacksonville, FL should have one of the Wrestlemania's. On September 29, 2007 they fitted over 85,000 people to watch the Florida St. vs. Alabama Football Game. That attendance would be huge for WWE. And the Jacksonville Area has many facilities that could hold all of the Wrestlemania Activities.
How do you not have Indianapolis in there? We have a world-class facility and hosted arguably the best Super Bowl week ever. Indy represented well for Wrestlemania VIII, so why not have another?
Yes Indy should get a Mania in the future but I really wanted to mention them in my list but the thing is, I was torn between them and Allstate Arena in Chicago
wm 30 cowboys stadium (dallas)
wm 31 lucas oil stadium (indianapolis)
wm 32 edward jones dome (st. louis)
wm 33 ford field (detroit)
wm 34 skydome (toronto)
wm 35 49ers stadium (santa clara) it'll be open in 2014 so why not

other then that i dont where else they should go. vince wants to keep it in the big stadiums which is cool but sucks at the same time because crowds like chicago dont have a big stadium except for where the bears play but that would be cold.
Glad to see Toronto is early on the proposed list.

I would disagree with Cleveland and Foxborough. The temperature at night will fall to mid-30s, way too cold for outdoor wrestling.

If these places have a 50K+ indoor facility, I don't see why not, but any northern venue needs to have a roof. That's why WWE hosted northern WMs in Skydome and Ford Field.
Its only a matter of time till Wwe holds Wrestlemania in the UK. Remember summer slam 1992? There's no reason why this wouldn't work. And make Wrestlemania a truly global event. Especially with all the top British talent around at the mo.
IMO Wembley Stadium would be perfect for a WWE PPV return!

Couldn't agree more, the moment wrestlemania comes to london, i would be first in line to get myself tickets! Wembley arena can hold 90,000 people for a football match, so with the configuration of a wrestlemania, it could easily be the biggest wrestlemania of all time in terms of attendance. The timing would be an issue though, if it started at 7 over here, that would mean a 2 o'clock start on the east coast and 11am on the west, which is quite unreasonable. But to be honest, all over the world, fans tune in every week at ridiculous times of the day to watch the weekly shows and ppv's so the US fans can do it for once!

I dont think the buys would suffer because of it. The decrease in buys because of the time, will be more than compensated by the scale of having such an event, ie. 'the biggest wrestlemania of all time' etc.

It would be Epic!!

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