WWE Treatment of Black Wrestlers.....Thank You WWE

When I watch any wrestling event live or on tv, it seems like 99% of the WWE universe is white. Maybe 98.5%
Perhaps having predominantly white faces (no pun intended) is natural to the setting.
Kids look up to people they can relate to, and WWE moves right along with the times. There are many different ethnic groups hired to make lots of money and live out a dream. If you're on the roster, you're a winner. You made it. Now get a huge following and they'll use you to profit.
Arguing about racism in the WWE is just stupid.
Oh, and for those who say that Kofi Kingston is bad on the mic, HE IS NEVER GIVEN A CHANCE TO SPEAK!! Daniel Bryan is on the same level, but he's being elevated. And why?

I'm not going to address most of this other nonsense in this thread, but this is just stupid.

I'll agree that Kofi hasn't been given much of a chance to talk and hell, all of the little that I've heard from him was actually decent. But to say that Daniel Bryan is on the same level is ridiculous. Daniel's not a great public speaker, but he's great at getting the crowd to buy into what he's saying and react accordingly which is the goal in wrestling. The fans like Kofi but they've never connected to him the way they have with Daniel. That's why Daniel was elevated, because he's better at his job.

As for the topic at hand... whatever. I don't think it's the WWE's obligation to give everyone a equal chance to be on top. Their goal is to make money and if they think that black wrestlers wouldn't get over in front of their predominantly white audience, that's their prerogative. I don't blame black fans for being annoyed with it, much like I don't blame white rappers for being irritated that they aren't able to sign a major label deal because most record execs don't think that white rappers appeal to black audiences.

I don't think there's any way to really appease both sides either.
The breakdown tells a lot more than that.

This is March, as you can see with March, one match is a dark match which means not shown on television which he won, one was a tag team match where Big Show picked up the victory, and 2 were disqualifications dedicated to building up Cesaro and Swagger eventual department over building Big E.
By looking at Pins, you'll see Big E has technically only won 2 matches, while losing the other 2. Essentially 2 clean wins that were televisied on television.

So now... tag team and DQ wins don't count? If he doesn't win clean it doesn't count? You're now literally skewing results into your favor to try and support your argument.

As you can see, in April, he has had only one victory on smackdown via pin, and that's against titus o'neil, another black person whose a jobber.


As you can see here, in may, Big E has lost most times.

With 5 matches in May, one of which was losing the title and one of which was a re-match. Your point is losing ground because he's still in important matches.

Now remember, my biggest criticism towards Big E wasn't his losing rate, but the fact that he was barely on smackdown/raw, his role was primarily on superstar and main event, even though the IC tournment and IC contender had more roles on Raw/Smackdown. That's why I said Big E was more a burial process, he wasn't jobbing like all other black wrestlers, but the creative writing behind Big E was grade A horrible.

And the only reason behind this is his skin color is what you're suggesting.

It can't be any other factor than that is what you're saying.
This statement is what I refer to in my claim of incorrect figures, he has had wins on raw/smack down prior to him losing the title. And as far claiming cultural background is shaping the responses that's not exactly a fair assessment. I'm from japan before I moved to Toronto and we are not exactly known for racial acceptance and I have no issue with black people. I think that is something as subjective as claiming people of being racist or racially ignorant is kinda a mixed bag of success without hard evidence.

It's not about racial acceptance, it's about cultural experiences. While you may be from Japan and moved to Toronto, your cultural experiences is that of a Japanese person in Japan and a Japanese person in Toronto. Your cultural experience is not of that of a black person in America, and now I definitely realize these cultural experiences, living as these individuals changes your lifestyle, history, and mentality greatly. So it's completely fair to say cultural experiences shape your viewpoint, as studies have clearly shown this where often white people view things almost completely differently as black people on a slew of topics, especially when it comes to racism where studies show black people think racism is a much bigger problem than white people. You can even clearly see the differences in this thread as those who believe WWE has problems in regards to race are of black descent, and those who disagree are of normally white or other. So I definitely believe cultural contrast makes a huge difference in regards to viewpoints.
So now... tag team and DQ wins don't count? If he doesn't win clean it doesn't count? You're now literally skewing results into your favor to try and support your argument.


With 5 matches in May, one of which was losing the title and one of which was a re-match. Your point is losing ground because he's still in important matches.

And the only reason behind this is his skin color is what you're suggesting.

It can't be any other factor than that is what you're saying.

Not skewered to support my argument. Remember, it's all about creative booking and handling, DQ's and Tag Wins does very little to support the actual character unless it was meant to build a fued or start a tag team. The DQ's in fact was primarily used to build Cesaro and Swagger, not Big E. That's why I said it's all about booking, and big E booking was horrible.

I don't believe there's no other factor that comes to play, but I do believe race is definitely a large portion, as along the same time pretty much all black people started jobbing. It can't be concidence, that every other black wrestler started to job immensely at the exact same time that Big E began to be booked horribly. Especially because he was given good pops, and put on a great match with Jack Swagger before the horrible booking began.
I don't believe there's no other factor that comes to play, but I do believe race is definitely a large portion, as along the same time pretty much all black people started jobbing. It can't be concidence, that every other black wrestler started to job immensely at the exact same time that Big E began to be booked horribly. Especially because he was given good pops, and put on a great match with Jack Swagger before the horrible booking began.

Did you ever think that maybe Big E started to get booked like crap because he kept hurting people? They did the same thing to Ryback.

I'll concede that Big was booked like shit for a while but suggesting that it has to do with race doesn't really work. He isn't very good. He's okay and he has a future but until he becomes safe in the ring, the higher ups aren't going to keep pushing him. Triple H is a stickler about stuff like that.
Did you ever think that maybe Big E started to get booked like crap because he kept hurting people? They did the same thing to Ryback.

I'll concede that Big was booked like shit for a while but suggesting that it has to do with race doesn't really work. He isn't very good. He's okay and he has a future but until he becomes safe in the ring, the higher ups aren't going to keep pushing him. Triple H is a stickler about stuff like that.

The same triple H that busted Roman Reigns mouth open? Lmao, c'mon now, I'm sorry but that's a horrible excuse. Literally 4 people came out with bleeding mouths on this past raw alone.

And we definitely disagree on Big E's level, I definitely believe he's B level in the ring, along with Cesaro, almost at that A level.

But the biggest factor was that Big E's horrible booking concide at the exact same time where all other black wrestlers started to job horribly. So I definitely don't believe it's just concidence seeing as they all crashed at the exact same time.
I am so UPSET that I got into this discussion so late. To be honest I don’t even see how this is an actual discussion. The WWE has ALWAYS been RACIST. I mean truly think about it. Until recently they all were portrayed as Black stereotypes. They were either the slang talking street kid, the African killer who couldn’t speak, the Pimp or a rapper. The funny thing is all we have to do is look at facts though. There has NEVER been a 100% Black Male as WWE Champion in the HISTORY of the League. EVER! Now I know that some of y’all are going to scream the Rock but do not forget 2 points

1: The Rock actually was the E’s version of Eric Young. Remember that Ron Simmons had made history by winning the WCW title and the E followed only AFTER that. I think it was finally realized that Damn we haven’t ever had one and the Rock was so over they just let him have a run.

2: The Rock is half Samoan. To be honest I honestly believe that was the biggest angle. I think they were more enamored with him being a 3rd generation wrestler than his color. I think the Rock was just a Perfect find because he kind of filled all quotas. He was the first Black Champion and then he also was the first 3rd generation one.

Besides that you NEVER see a Black truly representing the E. Remember Booker’s T feud with Triple H? Do you honestly think it was a coincidence some of the racists comments Triple H made. Nope. It was truly how HE FEELS. Do you guys forget the DX parody in BLACK FACE? I mean it is really not subtle. The E has never tried to properly use their Black stars. I guess people are forgetting that Mark Henry had to SUE and Michael Hayes had to get SUSPENDED for racial comments before Henry who truly is the “Strongest Man in the World” received a true legitimate push. Before that he was f*cking trannies and Mae Young. WOW. People can say what they want but history shows that the E NEVER truly pushes BLACK ATHLETES.
This is ridiculous. Someone in WWE might have bigoted views, but the machine as a whole only sees green. If a talent can make money for the company, WWE will attempt to milk it. Race isn't an issue as to why Sheamus, Swagger, Barret, Miz got the 'gamble' pushes over black wrestlers. It was simply a window being open and being available at the right(or wrong?) time when WWE needed to put more bodies into the scene. As for ADR, WWE isn't going to relegate someone they lured with big money to waste.

Big Zeke got pushed over what his talent warranted. R-Truth is always a fixture. Lashley got the dream push but decided to pursue other interests. Kofi has had many memorable moments in his WWE career. He might still be pushed into the main event ala Christian in his later years. Do you really want to push Kofi as a heel in the current climate of the Daniel Bryan dominated main event? Mark Henry has been treated fairly well over the years and he got his run in 2011. Don't forget he had conditioning issues earlier in his careers too.

As mentioned many times, it is simply the talent and the timing and not race that determine who gets pushed or not. For every JTG, there is a Tyson Kidd. If anything, nepotism is a bigger obstacle than racism for some of these balck wrestlers but that's another topic.
I am so UPSET that I got into this discussion so late. To be honest I don’t even see how this is an actual discussion. The WWE has ALWAYS been RACIST. I mean truly think about it. Until recently they all were portrayed as Black stereotypes. They were either the slang talking street kid, the African killer who couldn’t speak, the Pimp or a rapper. The funny thing is all we have to do is look at facts though. There has NEVER been a 100% Black Male as WWE Champion in the HISTORY of the League. EVER! Now I know that some of y’all are going to scream the Rock but do not forget 2 points

1: The Rock actually was the E’s version of Eric Young. Remember that Ron Simmons had made history by winning the WCW title and the E followed only AFTER that. I think it was finally realized that Damn we haven’t ever had one and the Rock was so over they just let him have a run.

2: The Rock is half Samoan. To be honest I honestly believe that was the biggest angle. I think they were more enamored with him being a 3rd generation wrestler than his color. I think the Rock was just a Perfect find because he kind of filled all quotas. He was the first Black Champion and then he also was the first 3rd generation one.

Besides that you NEVER see a Black truly representing the E. Remember Booker’s T feud with Triple H? Do you honestly think it was a coincidence some of the racists comments Triple H made. Nope. It was truly how HE FEELS. Do you guys forget the DX parody in BLACK FACE? I mean it is really not subtle. The E has never tried to properly use their Black stars. I guess people are forgetting that Mark Henry had to SUE and Michael Hayes had to get SUSPENDED for racial comments before Henry who truly is the “Strongest Man in the World” received a true legitimate push. Before that he was f*cking trannies and Mae Young. WOW. People can say what they want but history shows that the E NEVER truly pushes BLACK ATHLETES.

Lol, Good Luck trying to get your point across. Like I mention earlier in this thread, it's been an eye opening experience, but the cultural differences that's seen by most of the posters here is going to cause a lot of friction in regards to post like these. I think the cultural differences are just too grand for people to relate to each other in regard to experiences like these. But I wish you luck.
Otunga's portrayal on WWE is clearly not a stereotype.

Yes cultural differences play a role in this conversation. The friction is between those that are objective and those are clearly brought up with this viewpoint that the colour of our skin is the ONLY reason things don't go perfectly. Many others have pointed out why certain black wrestlers were not pushed/held back that is totally unrelated to the colour of their skin. You just refuse to accept this notion.
Well of course not. Honestly it is because other races do not understand. I love the E but I have always noticed that Black athletes do not get pushed properly. You guys talk about mic skills well none of y'all believe Mark had any until his "retirement speech". I had been saying throughout the Miz's HORRIBLE TITLE run that his promos sucked and Henry deserved the push. EVERYONE ON HERE SCREAMED I WAS CRAZY. The funny thing is when he got the opportunity to prove himself. Mark excelled. I still don't understand braking up the PTPs if you were only going to have Titus job EVERY match since then. The only person I remember him beating is his former partner. Everybody else pins him cleanly in under 5 minutes. When have you ever seen a black wrestlers used as the cocky suit wearing pretty boy like Flair, Jericho or the Miz? We are always the thug or African. You say Kofi has mediocre promos? Maybe because he was Jamaican at the beginning of his run. Which makes since because he is African and well Jamaica and Africa are the same place right? I mean they both have black people.


Men lie. Women lie. Numbers don't. The E was established in 1952 and there has NEVER been 1 TRUE BLACK CHAMPION.

That is a fact

Otunga's character lasted about 3 minutes too didn't it.

Where is he? Where has he been? The OP has made a slight mistake in speaking of the current stars alone. I am asking why there has NEVER been ONE BLACK star who the E felt was talented enough to transcend the basic stereotypes and receive the highest award? The Miz got a shot. Cena honestly stole R Truths whole gimmick. Why didn't Truth get even a chance? You honestly are saying that not ONE BLACK ATHLETE had enough charisma and promo ability to garner ONE RUN in 62 years.

C'mon Son!!!
Otunga's portrayal on WWE is clearly not a stereotype.

Yes cultural differences play a role in this conversation. The friction is between those that are objective and those are clearly brought up with this viewpoint that the colour of our skin is the ONLY reason things don't go perfectly. Many others have pointed out why certain black wrestlers were not pushed/held back that is totally unrelated to the colour of their skin. You just refuse to accept this notion.

Lmao, Classic Example of what I'm talking about, of course those that are viewing things objectively are white people who believe it can't be race related, and those that believe are race related are somehow illogical, irrational even though they provide information that confirms their belief. LOL, how about no, the only notion here is that cultural contrast prevents different cultures from being able to understand others experience, it has absolutely nothing to do with looking at these objectively and to paint an entire side/demographic as non-objective is ridiculous.
Angels, you need to let it go. If your eyes have been opened to the fact that the cultural rift is too wide to be bridged in this forum then there's no reason to keep egging this on and giving everyone who agrees with you a "good luck convincing these folks" type statement. I was fine with your OP and can still very much see where you were coming from there. There's nothing wrong with voicing your frustration with WWE on a wrestling forum, and even if nobody else in the world understands, if it bothers you how fellow blacks are presented in wrestling that's completely your prerogative. There's no need and nothing to be gained from fighting the same fight with a revolving door of people who don't agree with you, though. You're not going to get people to understand the African-American experience by using wrestling statistics and counting title reigns. Just friendly advice-- let it go.
Lmao, Classic Example of what I'm talking about, of course those that are viewing things objectively are white people who believe it can't be race related, and those that believe are race related are somehow illogical, irrational even though they provide information that confirms their belief. LOL, how about no, the only notion here is that cultural contrast prevents different cultures from being able to understand others experience, it has absolutely nothing to do with looking at these objectively and to paint an entire side/demographic as non-objective is ridiculous.

Here you goes on to prove your racist tendency. You are assuming I am white just because I disagree with your view point on race relations. Although I am not white, I do belong in the majority ethnicity in the country I live in. I will admit that I might have a different viewpoint if I were to belong to the minority here. But to project your bigoted viewpoint into how WWE pushes their wrestlers is simply ridiculous.
Oh and unless I am mistaken up until the Rock got a run. I don't recall a minority even getting a Mid card run. I am serious. I don't even believe African Americans even held a secondary belt until the mid 90s. So once again in 40 years not one athlete had the it factor huh? Oh and coincidentally the ROCK had enough to be both the First IC and WWE champion huh?


The truth is in front of you in black and WHITE!!!!
Truly black champion The Rock doesn't count because what Samoans are white?? That actually sounds more racist than anything else I have heard here "oh his heritage doesn't count because he's not a pure blood". Let's ignore his African American father was one of the first African American Tag Team Champions in the WWE as well.
OMG R-Truth the former US champion is always getting squashed these days unlike former US Champion Zack Ryder?
OMG former Tag Team Champion Kofi Kingston is always getting squashed so far this year is the first year and we aren't even 5 months in that Kofi hasn't held a title since his main roster debut in 2008
Oh and unless I am mistaken up until the Rock got a run. I don't recall a minority even getting a Mid card run. I am serious. I don't even believe African Americans even held a secondary belt until the mid 90s. So once again in 40 years not one athlete had the it factor huh? Oh and coincidentally the ROCK had enough to be both the First IC and WWE champion huh?


The truth is in front of you in black and WHITE!!!!

Pedro Morales was like the second or third guy to be IC Champion. He was WWF champ years before that. Tito Santana held the IC belt not long after Morales.

The omission of facts, reason, and open-mindedness disappoint me about this discussion more than anything. There's a good discussion to be had here, but few taking part are equipped to have it.
Here you goes on to prove your racist tendency. You are assuming I am white just because I disagree with your view point on race relations. Although I am not white, I do belong in the majority ethnicity in the country I live in. I will admit that I might have a different viewpoint if I were to belong to the minority here. But to project your bigoted viewpoint into how WWE pushes their wrestlers is simply ridiculous.

How about we learn the meaning of the word before we use it, instead of trying to apply it for shock value which you're clearly doing here, seeing as the term racist means hatred or the institutionlize power against a certain group, your statement clearly falls false. Besides, I have already explained it as even belonging to a minority group does not mean we share the same views. A japanese person from Toronto would not have the same experience as a black person from America, and vice versa. In any case, it's clearly evident you don't understand so I'm going to stop.
Pardon me but I do know my history. Pedro Morales was champion but he is Puerto Rican. Tito Santana was Mexican. You forgot Don Muraco who also was a person of color.

I was talking SPECIFICALLY of people of AFRICAN AMERICAN descent. That is what my whole argument was.

They are not. So how does that make me misinformed?
No I am not saying that because the Rock is mixed it TOTALLY diminishes his reigns. It doesn't but that is like the Asian community rejoicing every time Tiger wins a golf tournament. It just doesn't feel as complete. I love and respect the Rock. He truly is one of my all time favorites. I believe he is one of the All time Best but I would love to see a TRUE AFRICAN AMERICAN win the belt. Would Sheamus be recognized as much if he was the first half Irish half Mexican champion. No he is the first IRISH champ and I sure that makes a difference
The fact that the Rock is the only black WWE champion speaks volumes. Mark Henry's swerve last June was so perfect and that got him a token match vs Cena.Kofi is in his 6th year on the main roster and has provided highlight reel moments in several royal rumbles and HE PINNED RANDY ORTON CLEAN WHEN ORTON WAS WORLD CHAMP. He deserves a shot. Big E is a great personality and an incredible athlete. Same with Xavier Woods. Given the right pushes those two can make noise in the WWE and get to the top quick like Sheamus did when his first fucking title was the WWE title.
Oh and unless I am mistaken up until the Rock got a run. I don't recall a minority even getting a Mid card run. I am serious. I don't even believe African Americans even held a secondary belt until the mid 90s. So once again in 40 years not one athlete had the it factor huh? Oh and coincidentally the ROCK had enough to be both the First IC and WWE champion huh?


The truth is in front of you in black and WHITE!!!!

You are mistaken.

Ahmed won it before Rocky did.

He defeated Goldust at the '96 King of the Ring.

And... 40 years?

The Intercontinental Title debuted in '79.

96 - 79 = 17 years.

Also, Marc Mero won it before Rocky as well.

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