Thank you WWE

It's all cute and all but ... thank you WWE? For what? How about you thank the people who raised a fuss? Thank you WWE - my ass.

Thank them for what exactly? For being pressured by their fanbase to follow what THEY care about? For having fans tirelessly cheer for a guy despite WWE trying to bury him in many ways and kill off his momentum?

WWE didn't do this out of mercy, they did it out of fear. You shouldn't be thanking them, you should be blaming them for even having to get to the point where fans have to bitch to get what they want. It's not even a big thing people want, just push the little guy with the beard. That's all.

Fuck the WWE for forcing people to get to this stage. I'm not giving them any credit for anything. The rise of Daniel Bryan wasn't their idea, it was ours. We wanted him, they didn't. We thought he was good, they didn't.

WWE didn't do us a favor by doing this. They did what they should do - follow our fandom to a certain extent and give us what we want in cases when we DEFINITELY want it.

Hope they do the right thing, give the guy the belt and get it over with. Thanking them? Nope. Thank the fans, not the corporate schmucks.

When BioWare massacred the Mass Effect 3 game's ending and later on added a DLC with a tweaked one to fit our desires, did anyone thank them? Hell no. We were semi-satisfied, but we still new they fucked up big time. That's why they had to cover their asses. It's the same situation with the WWE. And no, it wasn't the plan all along. WWE hasn't been this clever since the 90's, there's no reason to think they are now. They're not.

They fucked up. People made it clear they want Bryan. They're doing damage control right now. They're still to blame, no credit given. Just another example of fans showing their influence. Sure, WWE could've said no and it's likely nothing would've happened, but they said yes (no pun intended) and they cracked. Fans 1, WWE 0.

Just sucks that we basically have to riot to get good wrestling nowadays. That's WWE for ya.

This is pure BS...Did you hear Stephanie's promo a couple of weeks ago? because she was 100% correct. DB is a wwe creation. They allow him to chant YES, they allow him to wrestle, they allow him tv time. DB won MITB without the help of the fans, he won the world title without the help of he fans, he beat Cena at Summerslam without the help of the fans, and he was headed to a match at WM with HHH regardless of this so called fan help.

This yes movement crap didnt even start until DB was booked as an underdog chasing the title, which means the fan reaction was a product of a wwe storyline. The wwe made the fans react this way. The WWE could have easily had Punk vs Cena at summerslam and this whole thing would have never happened. Making DB a star was OBVIOUSLY the point of this storyline but some fans are delusional and think that the wwe purposely sabotages their own wrestlers lmao.

WWE 1, Fans-did what they were supposed to do
I really want to thank the WWE for not screwing this up.

They granted Daniel Bryan the right amount of hype with his two title wins, and drew enough legit heat on HHH to make this a viable plan for Wrestlemania.

It's a thousand times better for Daniel Bryan to be the guy who walks into Wrestlemania with a chance to take the belt. His character is more memorable than most other underdogs because to my knowledge his saga has been a series of downs where he's managed to overcome through his own ring finesse and through the fans' unwavering support.

The only thing I wish they did differently was to have Daniel Bryan compete in the Royal Rumble. Knowing what I know now, I'd be glad if he entered and didn't win. Apart from that, everything they've done for him has been spot on. Bravo.
DB beating trips and then winning the belt is just far too obvious. WWE is giving the fans what they want (presumably DB in the main event), so WWE will have to get something they want: Orton retaining.

There's no way DB loses to Trips. If that happens, fans will hijack the main event and WWE won't risk that, so DB will win that match. However, I don't think he'll win the belt in the main event. I think Trips, Kane, Stephanie will interfere, costing him the belt. Then they can say "you had your chance and you failed." I think Orton retains the title and then DB goes on to win the belt in his home state of Washington at Extreme Rules. That is what is best for business.

Extreme Rules is in New Jersey not Washington. Mania is supposed to the big payoff for all the story lines. I see the authority trying to screw Bryan but they'll finally fail.
Bryan is ridiculously over and this makes perfect sense. I have been on the opinion that Daniel Bryan would win the Title at Wrestlemania for months but I have recently had my doubts.

The shocking reaction to Batista and Punk leaving are two major events. There is no way they could predict either unless the Punk thing is a work. If these two things don't happen then who knows where Bryan is. Maybe it would have been as simple as Batista being in the Rumble as a surprise entrant and thing would have been different.

Bryan's popularity means he has to win the WWE Title. He has been booked immensely well for his entire WWE career. Right from day 1 he has been given good matches/feuds and storylines where he could impress and this should the validation of all that.
I'm not to excited about this decision. I don't think it was truly needed and I don't want to see anybody wrestle twice at mania. HHH vs DB was the match that I was looking forward to the must and now the outcome has pretty much been given to us. DB vs Orton vs Batista will be a BAD match with a hot crowd...nothing more nothing less. I really don't understand why so many people want to see this triple threat. Imo, DB's big title win won't matter and be that great if the match is shit, and there is like a 90% chance that the match will be shit. I would rather have had him have a one on one match with either Orton or Batista at the next ppv instead of this. WWE gave into their fans and will regret it. This will be a great example of why WWE should ignore its fans sometimes. Prepare for a terrible triple threat match, with a worn out crowd that is sick of chanting yes. This is not hate for DB, he's one of my favorites...i just don't agree with this booking.

I have to say I agree with this, except for being a fan of Bryan. I used to be, then his act just got stale and boring, and if it weren't for the "yes" chants, I guarantee he would be jobbing to NXT guys right about now. Maybe Batista vs. Orton wouldn't have mattered much either, but whoever said it's been done to death...uh...hate to break it to you, but the last match Orton and Batista had one-on-one was about 6 years ago. If it weren't for Bryan hijacking Raw, that little troll wouldn't have even been considered for Wrestlemania, and rightfully so. All the stuff he's done, and he gets rewarded? Jeez, at least when Austin did stuff to Mcmahon, Vince at least tried to get him arrested or get him fired. What has Triple H done? Not even so much as a suspension. Grow a set, Hunter. Make sure Bryan's career ends at 'Mania. And one other thing, why is it only Daniel Bryan who gets something if he wins?
I will thank the 'E' when the confetti falls on Bryan as he raises the straps high into the air amidst a roaring ocean of 'YES!' chants at the end of 'Mania XXX and goes on to have a legitimate lengthy reign as the champion...and not before.

I can certainly appreciate what is being done, especially after I carried the flag and yelled as loud as anyone that there was no way in hell that the horse-tripe that passes for Creative staff in that company was going to allow Bryan to have his moment at the Big One (and yes, as any good man would do, I admit that I was wrong).

I can appreciate it, and it certainly is a nice gesture - especially given that the 'E' was forced into it after all the garbage they had originally planned for the Big One was turned on its ear (by accident AND design) - but I will show no real breadth of magnanimity until the 'E' actually follows through on this.

As a huge fan of Daniel Bryan, I am grateful, but I'm still vigilant to the end - and I won't forget how the 'E' has screwed fans over countless times leading up to this after making it seem as though Bryan's big moment was at hand so many times before.

In the end, as Zeven Zion said earlier in what is probably the best post on this thread, the true gratitude goes back to the fanbase for stepping up and reminding that company that, in this industry, WE are the measuring stick of whether or not what the company puts on in front of us is good, not the scumbags behind the curtain.
I agree that the triple threat will be terrible... But I think the wwe will milk this DB vs authority angle to the max (sort of like Vince/Austin). The next couple of raws will see hhh Orton and Batista unite to go against DB. I'm sure the main event will turn out to be a handicap no DQ match with Orton and Batista ganging up on DB. There'll be a surprise run in by someone that will help turn the tide for DB, maybe it's the shield, Cena, or even Vince himself. That will help alleviate the shit fest put out by Orton and Batista, both who can't really wrestle.

I was with you till you said Orton can't wrestle.

I know you all want to hate Orton so much and to pretend he's just a talentless product of the system. Oh how it must stick in your craw that Orton is absolutely one of the greatest in-ring performers of his generation.
I hope you're all happy.

So, what's your next task. To boo and hijack Raw up until Extreme Rules, and force the WWE's hand in that as well.

So the Universe are booking PPVs now? No longer can WWE go with their own plans, they need to consult their fanbase on every booking decision, just in case they book something the fans don't like.

Amazing how people who invest no money into WWE (since a lot of you illegally stream PPVs, and admit to it),and who aren't responsible if it all goes wrong or loses money, and sit on their ass in front of a computer are suddenly qualified to change Wrestlemania main events.

How has the power trip been? Do you like now being in control of WWE, and making Vince and Triple H your bitches?

So, what main event are you all going to push Bryan into next? How long are you going to demand Bryan hold the title, before you chuck your toys again? I mean, I have never seen such petulant behaviour from three-year-olds that I have seen from the WWE Universe in the last three months.

I think because the WWE bent over for you, you should reward them by buying Wrestlemania XXX, buying the WWE Network and doing other things to thank them for letting you have your way with their booking.

It takes fantasy booking to a new level. Maybe it is time for some more "empty arena" matches, where you don't hear idiots spoil everything.

BTW, if you are going to reply to this post, you may have to do it quick, since mods here remove posts which criticize their boy Daniel Bryan. So much for freedom of speech.
I hope you're all happy.

So, what's your next task. To boo and hijack Raw up until Extreme Rules, and force the WWE's hand in that as well.
I'm happy about it.

So the Universe are booking PPVs now? No longer can WWE go with their own plans, they need to consult their fanbase on every booking decision, just in case they book something the fans don't like.
Yeah, I must've missed the point where the WWE universe broke into Titan towers and threatened the WWE and trips and vince at gunpoint making them make this match.

Amazing how people who invest no money into WWE (since a lot of you illegally stream PPVs, and admit to it),and who aren't responsible if it all goes wrong or loses money, and sit on their ass in front of a computer are suddenly qualified to change Wrestlemania main events.
No actually it's the live crowds that have changed their minds, more than anything, and they pay for their tickets to event, it isn't people behind computers, it's people who pay for their seats at events so your point isn't even valid.

How has the power trip been? Do you like now being in control of WWE, and making Vince and Triple H your bitches?
I think this is exactly how trips and vince planned it for the most part so if anything I'm their bitch and I don't mind that.

So, what main event are you all going to push Bryan into next? How long are you going to demand Bryan hold the title, before you chuck your toys again? I mean, I have never seen such petulant behaviour from three-year-olds that I have seen from the WWE Universe in the last three months.
Again I didn't know we were holding them at gunpoint and making them do this stuff.

I think because the WWE bent over for you, you should reward them by buying Wrestlemania XXX, buying the WWE Network and doing other things to thank them for letting you have your way with their booking.
Already have, already have, and already have. But thanks for the advince.

It takes fantasy booking to a new level. Maybe it is time for some more "empty arena" matches, where you don't hear idiots spoil everything.

BTW, if you are going to reply to this post, you may have to do it quick, since mods here remove posts which criticize their boy Daniel Bryan. So much for freedom of speech.

Yeah empty arenas doesn't sound good, and no they don't care maybe they're just not keen on being called out by posters?
I hope you're all happy.

So, what's your next task. To boo and hijack Raw up until Extreme Rules, and force the WWE's hand in that as well.

So the Universe are booking PPVs now? No longer can WWE go with their own plans, they need to consult their fanbase on every booking decision, just in case they book something the fans don't like.

Amazing how people who invest no money into WWE (since a lot of you illegally stream PPVs, and admit to it),and who aren't responsible if it all goes wrong or loses money, and sit on their ass in front of a computer are suddenly qualified to change Wrestlemania main events.

How has the power trip been? Do you like now being in control of WWE, and making Vince and Triple H your bitches?

So, what main event are you all going to push Bryan into next? How long are you going to demand Bryan hold the title, before you chuck your toys again? I mean, I have never seen such petulant behaviour from three-year-olds that I have seen from the WWE Universe in the last three months.

I think because the WWE bent over for you, you should reward them by buying Wrestlemania XXX, buying the WWE Network and doing other things to thank them for letting you have your way with their booking.

It takes fantasy booking to a new level. Maybe it is time for some more "empty arena" matches, where you don't hear idiots spoil everything.

BTW, if you are going to reply to this post, you may have to do it quick, since mods here remove posts which criticize their boy Daniel Bryan. So much for freedom of speech.

Yes, How DARE the WWE listen to their PAYING audience. This isn't about the IWC. This about the LIVE CROWD at every venue they are at. Why don't you get that?

And Daniel Bryan has been booked at or near the top of the card for 6 months now, so it's not a huge leap that he be in the WWE title match at WM. It's not like they're taking a mid-card guy who is getting pops in "smark-cities" and putting him in the main event at WM without rhyme or reason.

This storyline has been building up to this for MONTHS. This is what the WWE WANTS. They aren't doing it to satisfy a small percentage of the audience, they are doing it because it is what makes sense.
Yes, How DARE the WWE listen to their PAYING audience. This isn't about the IWC. This about the LIVE CROWD at every venue they are at. Why don't you get that?

And Daniel Bryan has been booked at or near the top of the card for 6 months now, so it's not a huge leap that he be in the WWE title match at WM. It's not like they're taking a mid-card guy who is getting pops in "smark-cities" and putting him in the main event at WM without rhyme or reason.

This storyline has been building up to this for MONTHS. This is what the WWE WANTS. They aren't doing it to satisfy a small percentage of the audience, they are doing it because it is what makes sense.

Well a lot of the live audience just follow a herd mentality, and if one boos, whole sections do it.

It is just IWC going to shows with their mates and making themselves the stars. They aren't cheering high spots or great matches, they are booing anyone who has paid their dues for many years (Cena, Orton, Triple H) and cheer indy fanboys. They hum Fandango's (a heel) theme throughout a show, when he isn't in the damn ring. It is just attention seeking.

If live crowds meant anything, then ECW would still be in business. The ECW crowds were the loudest and most passionate. And where are ECW now? That's right, dead. Because ECW catered to their audience, and not the mainstream, and didn't bring in new people.

Besides this "we pay our money, so we are owed" argument is crap. You CHOOSE to spend your money to see a show. No one puts a gun to your head. So you pay to be entertained. If you are not entertained, don't keep paying. But the WWE needs to do what keeps WWE in business, not just cater to your wrestling wet dreams.

If WWE went under, you would just move onto something else. Vince has more to lose than you do, so he must do what keeps him in business, and then you benefit from that.

Catering to fans totally didn't save ECW, and it won't save WWE if they give the crowds too much power.
If live crowds meant anything, then ECW would still be in business. The ECW crowds were the loudest and most passionate. And where are ECW now? That's right, dead. Because ECW catered to their audience, and not the mainstream, and didn't bring in new people.

ECW went under because Paul got too big for his britches, and because the talent drain to the big two was too much to overcome. It wasn't because they "catered to their audience and not the mainstream".

The reason why they got to the level they DID is precisely BECAUSE they didn't cater to the mainstream. WCW and WWF had the mainstream under lock and key. ECW was the alternative product.

If ECW tried to be "mainstream" with the presentation of their product, they would have been just another throw-away INDY promotion. They wouldn't have brought in any new people. New people would turn that on and say "I can see bigger, better guys on a bigger stage (WCW or WWF), I'm not interested in these low level wannabes". But because ECW offered something different, thereby catering to a specific audience, it was successful for a period of time.
I like Daniel Bryan. I want to see Daniel Bryan be WWE WHC, but I want to see him chase it just as much. This ride since SummerSlam between Bryan and the Authority I have enjoyed. The repetitive beat downs to Bryan has gotten somewhat stale, but so has Bryan ending Raw with Yes chants. The fact is Bryan has been WWE champion twice since mania for a total of 1 day. I want to see a whole bunch more things happen within WWE but WWE is going to do what they think is best for business.

Im a fan of the unexpected. I don't want to know whats going to happen. I hate that I come on here and look for rumors. But then I realize that's what it is exactly, a rumor. I might have known Batista was going to win the Rumble, but it wasn't a for sure thing until it happened. I may know the match is going to happen, but what is going to happen up to, during, and after the match is still a mystery to me. Anyway to get back on track, I DONT WANT TO SEE DANIEL BRYAN WIN TWICE AND LEAVE WRESTLEMANIA AS WWE WHC. If it happens I will enjoy every minute of it, but I would rather something else happen because I feel like someone screwing over Bryan would be a bigger deal than if he left with the belt. I can enjoy what WWE does regardless if I agree with it or not. My favorite characters in movies die all the time and I don't claim the movie to be crap because I don't like that so and so died.

I feel like HHH vs Bryan is going to be a great match. I don't like the added stipulation that Bryan gets added to the WWE WHC match if he beats him. I get that WWE thinks HHH winning is inevitable because hes HHH and Bryan is the underdog. I get that the payoff for HHH winning is the fact that he can rest another day with Bryan not being WWE WHC. I get that we're supposed to buy into Bryan being weakened and have less of a chance in the title match IF he beats HHH. What I don't get is why WWE is ok with this. That's why I think something will happen to either deny Bryan victory with HHH or for sure in the triple threat match. Im gonna bank on the latter more simply because not many want to see Orton vs Batista.

Here is what I see happeing, and Im saying this because I have been watching wrestling for about 30 years now. Bryan beats HHH, goes on to fight in the main event. Just as it looks like Bryan is about to win, Cm Punks music hits, he walks down that aisle and takes out Bryan with the go to sleep. Batista covers Bryan.

I love this idea in fact what I had was DB winning but Punk comes out in the end to knock the pure crap out of him lol

CM Punk! The perfect explanation for all of this. If this is indeed a work then this will happen. Not another single person on the roster can cost Bryan the WWE WHC and make more of an impact than if CM Punk were to do it. It sets up CM Punk vs. Bryan for WrestleMania XXXI, if that's what is wanted to come of it. CM Punk coming out to derail the Yes Movement would be nuts. Ive previously stated im a fan of the unexpected and this, to me, is exactly that. I feel like people think since Punk did not show up in Chicago that his return is unlikely. Since Punk left I haven't thought for one second he would be making a return anytime soon. People are still too hot on him walking out where his return wouldn't matter as much since it has only been a month and a half. Mania still seems early for a Punk return but with Bryan vying for the WWE WHC, fans are going to be too into that to think about Punk.

People keep saying WrestleMania always ends with the fans getting to go home happy. Who cares. Lets end on some controversy. I feel like people would be less likely to bitch about a non-clean finish to the match IF Punk were to interfere, simply because people love Punk.

IDK whats gonna happen, but I am jacked up for WrestleMania for the first time during this road to WrestleMania thanks to the 3/10/14 Raw. Not just because they hijacked the hijack, every promo segment was gold yesterday.

Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk
The YES! Movement vs. The Best AND The World
Meh. People were dumb to expect them to give Bryan the title at EC or something. If he wasn't going to win the Rumble, a slow, slow burn until the weeks before Mania was the second best thing.

Me, personally I still believe they royally fucked up by not having him turn face from the Wyatts with them being the last four and Bryan turning against Bray to win it. But if they were not going to do that, then they did the second best thing.

And while I highly doubt that this was "the plan all along", since Bryan vs. HHH is something that would not have happened if Punk was here, the way they managed to handle the D Bryan situation has made him hotter than ever . . . and in the meantime, squeezed out some very cool in-ring segments (out of guy who isn't exactly Austin/Flair/Rock on the mic) like the Chicago HHH segment and the #OccupyRaw segment. Very commendable.

Although I do wonder what would have happened if Punk stayed and was taking the HHH match. Where would that have left Bryan?
Well a lot of the live audience just follow a herd mentality, and if one boos, whole sections do it.

It is just IWC going to shows with their mates and making themselves the stars. They aren't cheering high spots or great matches, they are booing anyone who has paid their dues for many years (Cena, Orton, Triple H) and cheer indy fanboys. They hum Fandango's (a heel) theme throughout a show, when he isn't in the damn ring. It is just attention seeking.

If live crowds meant anything, then ECW would still be in business. The ECW crowds were the loudest and most passionate. And where are ECW now? That's right, dead. Because ECW catered to their audience, and not the mainstream, and didn't bring in new people.

Besides this "we pay our money, so we are owed" argument is crap. You CHOOSE to spend your money to see a show. No one puts a gun to your head. So you pay to be entertained. If you are not entertained, don't keep paying. But the WWE needs to do what keeps WWE in business, not just cater to your wrestling wet dreams.

If WWE went under, you would just move onto something else. Vince has more to lose than you do, so he must do what keeps him in business, and then you benefit from that.

Catering to fans totally didn't save ECW, and it won't save WWE if they give the crowds too much power.
Crowd reactions MAKE or BREAK wrestling matches. See hogan vs rock at wrestle mania 18. I love your whole "we don't know what we want to see argument." Really it's hilarious to me that you honestly believe fans should just sit back and accept whatever is put out there. The UFC (for the most part) listens to it's fans and gives the fans the fights they are willing to pay for. People aren't even demanding for the whole show to be booked the way they want, they want Bryan in the title match because he is the OVERWHELMING most popular superstar on the roster right now. Not batista, not cena, not anybody else. THATS ONE FUCKING GUY THAT WE WANT TO SUCCEED!

ECW grew and grew and grew every year and it was some brutal, violent, and vulgar television and certainly not everyone's cup of tea. ECW catered to a fan base that would do anything for that company. ECW grew out of an indy company with basically no budget and was mishandled by Heyman who was late on paying guys on several different occasions.

The whole point of being a wrestler is to "get over" with the fans and if a guy is getting the loudest response, then guess what….. HE IS OVER. It's the basic fuckin concept of wrestling. If the people are paying and popping for a certain individual then WWE will, well sometimes, listen to that because they are a fucking business that wants to give the consumer what they want. If the majority want fucking Orton then they'll get Orton.
this is pretty sad

WWE Fans: "we want Batista..batista is the next Champion"
Batista comes Back
WWE Fans: "Boooooooooooo..Bootista..Goat Face is Da Man"

WWE Fans: "CM PUNK sucks he's the Champion for toooo long..why he have the title for soo long...i hope he lose ...he don't deserve any respect..why he keep asking for respect ?"
WWE Fans: "whaaaaaaaaa....CM PUNK is the best in the world..bring him Back, WWE"

WWE Fans: "DB is the Man make him champion ...YESYESYESYESYES"
and now on youtubde
WWE Fans: "DB win too many matches ...he sucks now"

WWE fans should feel bad and deserve to feel bad

i never liked both CM Punk or DB and i don't find any thing they do is amazing at all
in fact they bore to me to tears every time i see them talk
always been a fan for Batista,Orton,HHH,Undertaker,Brock,Goldberg,Ric Flair,SM,EDGE,Jeff Hardy,Kane,Stone Cold,the Rock etc
whatever they turn heel or face i always stay a fan for them and don't turn my back on them or love them just because the script say they are evil or good

WWE Fans show that they are the biggest hypocrites ever
hope Batista win the title or orton keep but i hope they beat the crap out of DB if he join them in the title match

by the way for ppl who keep say batista get tired real fast since his back
you were right in his RR and ADR matches ...and it's ok since he was away for 4 years
but after tose two matches batista got much better since he keep play in both Raw and smackdown
his matches with Ziggler and DB were pretty great and his tag team match with orton , batista was dominate
Extreme Rules is in New Jersey not Washington. Mania is supposed to the big payoff for all the story lines. I see the authority trying to screw Bryan but they'll finally fail.

My bad, I thought it was in Washington. Hmmm, that changes things then. I still think DB winning the belt at WM is just far too obvious, unless they think that ending with the whole arena doing the YES Chant is better than "surprising" us.....
You know Triple H want to save his face that's why.

Triple H wanna tell the world: "Hey, look I can put people over"

Triple H just wanna save his face and put Daniel Bryan over.
Sometimes predictability isn't an awful thing. Bryan will definately go over HHH. He has to. So what? Movies are predictable. It's about the destination.

Orton vs Bryan vs Batista will likely be an Attitude Era style main event. Lots of reff bumps, lots of shenanigans. Hot crowd, more of an "angle match" than a pure wrestling match.
You know Triple H want to save his face that's why.

Triple H wanna tell the world: "Hey, look I can put people over"

Triple H just wanna save his face and put Daniel Bryan over.
Or he's such a good heel in this situation because that's what many people (like you) legitimately think without actually knowing HHH.
I DONT WANT TO SEE DANIEL BRYAN WIN TWICE AND LEAVE WRESTLEMANIA AS WWE WHC. If it happens I will enjoy every minute of it, but I would rather something else happen because I feel like someone screwing over Bryan would be a bigger deal than if he left with the belt.

Ok, then what would make for a better ending/outcome than that? Wrestlemania is the stage for blowoffs. It is time for this chapter of DB's career to end...the chapter of the chase...and for the next one to begin...the chapter of championship reign. Why is that so wrong? It's time they really gave him the ball and let him run with it for a few months. If he fails, then he fails...and it'll be on him. I don't think he'll fail, though. He has plenty of mic skills/experience to carry the belt for a while and keep the fans interested...and of course we know he can carry pretty much anyone to a 4+ star match.

Orton should move on and do something with someone else. He doesn't need the belt anymore, and the Universe doesn't want to see Batista with the belt. He should jump into a feud with Lesnar if he ever wants to be a productive babyface again, like he was slated to be upon his return.

Basically, if Bryan wins the WHC at Mania, all is well...and you can look forward to an awesome RAW the next night, where something new will finally happen regarding the Title. They could have the next challenger present themselves, or that could even be another week or two down the road. Either way, Bryan is going to be a fighting (not whining) champion and the fans are going to love it and continue to buy into the product. If Orton wins, the Authority wins, and we go back to the same boring B.S. we've been experiencing for the past 7 months. That's not what's "best for business". Getting stale won't help sales. If Batista wins, well, then all I can say is "good luck with that plotline, WWE, you're gonna need it". Sure the heel status will be off the charts, and Bryan can go on chasing the Title...but again, we've seen plenty enough of that...and there are other things Batista can do with himself in order to remain on the card.

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