POSSIBLE: WWE Survivor Series 2011 - Triple H. vs. Kevin Nash


Gone but never forgotten.
Once again, this match has not be officially announced as of yet but considering the build last night on Raw, I can't imagine it NOT happening at Survivor Series.

I was especially surprised at the amount of brutality and violence that the WWE used on their broadcast of Raw last night. I can't remember the last time we've seen Triple H injured and incapacitated to the extent that Nash caused last night. Considering that there has been no formal announcement to end the PG era, this angle really pushes the envelope... and I LOVE it.

It's way overdue in the WWE to use personal hate, (supposed) real feelings and over-the-top violence to build up a feud. I think they're hitting a home run with this one. Although Nash and Triple H haven't ever been able to provide us with a "barn-burner" of a match between the two of them, I think they might be due. These two friends seem determined to have at least ONE classic match with each other and this might be the one.

Be on the lookout for a stipulation to hit this match prior to Survivor Series. I can't see how the match can exist without one.

Discuss the match here.
I was hoping more for the survivor series elimination style match for triple h and kevin nash, but I guess this could be entertaining if it's played out right.
HHH and Nash will most likely be added to the Awesome Truth vs. Cena/Rock tag match, eventually turning that into a 5 on 5 Traditional Survivor Series Match. HHH has only wrestled 3 matches in the calendar year and just look at Nash move the last couple of times hes been on television. A singles match with just these two would be terrible. I could see them going the route of making it a No Holds Barred match so it's more of a fight but I think the intrigue of putting them in the 5 on 5 match is too good not to. HHH can still go but is still rusty and by putting he and Nash in the Traditional Survivor Series match, neither one will have to work as much or carry the match. I think that's the route we'll see this go.
While I have no problems with the match being one on one, with the PPV being Survivor Series and all I would much prefer that the match be integrated with the Cena/Rock vs Awesome Truth match so we can possibly get a traditional Survivor Series match. However, like I said, I have no problems with a straight up one on one match. The build has been, in my opinion, really good which makes me look forward to the match even more. However, does this mean the angle between Punk and Nash is over? Not to jump the gun or anything but I did enjoy what they had going on during the summer.
Its great that this feud is happening again, but with Nash's ring rust and the beating from Monday night, they're defiantly setting up a no DQ match vs HHH at the survivor series. Nash could barely walk a few weeks ago, he's not gonna be able to run the ropes.

It seems like there is a Nash, Miz, Truth stable going on, run from behind the scenes by Johnny Ace with Vince pulling the strings... but with four weeks til the PPV they have a lot to set up to make that happen. Id love to see them pull the trigger on a traditional match with this obvious stable vs HHH the Rock and Cena, but they have the ability now to have the no DQ match as a backup plan. We really don't expect Hunter to come out, sledgehammer in hand, and demand that match?
I really liked the brutality of Nash's assault on HHH last night as well. It's a great build for a feud, and I'm looking forward to seeing Nash step in the ring again at Survivor Series. I just wonder how well he's gonna be able to perform, though. He wasn't cleared after a physical earlier this summer, so that leaves me with doubts. Plus, the last few times I saw him wrestle in TNA, which were few and far-between, he looked lazy and lacked the intensity of Diesel and nWo Kevin Nash of old. I'd rather see Nash and HHH be part of a traditional elimination tag as well. Regardless, I have high hopes for Survivor Series!
If they keep this as a singles match, I'd like to see it with a gimmick like a street fight or an "I Quit" match.

A Hell in A Cell Match would have been ideal but I think both these guys are too old for that. Plus they just had the HIAC PPV.
I am sure this would be no holds barred like the undertaker and triple h, so they can have some leeway with the match. I still am curious to see how Nash will hold his own in the match as he's looked bad just performing the powerbomb. But maybe with the emotion built up between the two, something good can happen. If not, it will be a match to be made fun of, so either way, fans win.
If they don't turn it into a 5 on 5 traditional Survivor Series match, then I have an idea for a singles match between Nash and the Game. They could go one on one, and have Shawn Michaels be the special guest referee. HBK has been good friends with both, and we could see which guy he has the most loyalty with, with him being the ref. and what he says goes. I could see him refereeing the match, being impartial, letting the two guys kick the crap out of each other. Then after a Nash jack-knife, the Game kicks out, and Nash goes ballistic and knocks HBK out of the ring. This would tick off HBK, and he could get back in the ring to supper-kick Nash as the Game holds Nash in place, only for nash to move at the last second and shawn end up Kicking Triple H. and Knocking him out. Nash would go for the pinfall and HBK would, reluctantly, count to three. Sort of like back at Summer Slam 1997, when shawn was special guest ref. for Bret Hart and Undertaker, and accidentally hit Undertaker with the chair instead of Bret leading to Bret winning the match by pinfall. I see WWE rehashing old story angles lately, like Big Show and Mark Henry imploding the ring with a superplex, just like Brock and Big Show did back in 2003 on Smackdown, which they mentioned recently was the #1. moment in Smackdown history, if I'm not mistaken. It was cool to see Henry and Big Show collapse the ring, but it's been done and they`ll never top the original.IMO. I could see after the Nash, Game match at Survivor Series, Triple H. doing the pedigree on Shawn, leaving him face down on the mat, and the Game possibly turning heel. It could possibly lead to a one on one match between HBK and Triple H. at Wrestlemania, if Michaels is willing to wrestle again.
Posted up on WWE.COM
"Dr. Chris Amann has provided WWE.com with an injury update on Triple H.

The WWE COO has suffered a fractured vertebrae from the two sledgehammer attacks he received from Kevin Nash on Raw SuperShow. Amann told WWE.com that The Game will be out of action for at least six weeks due to the injuries he sustained. The diagnosis was made at the Austin, Texas, medical facility that Triple H was rushed to after the attacks.

Stay tuned to WWE.com for updates on Triple H's condition"
That darn Kevin Nash, and how did he get into the arena??? Someone has to behind that right?? Maybe Nash and Triple have a sledgehammer on a pole match. HA!
It'll be DX in a Survivor match... They sign Road Dogg to an "agent" deal a few days back... Tell me X-Pac and Gunn aint far behind... Damn, I can even see Chyna coming back for the night...

It'd be worth doing for the pop just for the Outlaw's intro one more time, especially as Shawn had no part of the DX stable with them... I can see him heeling at the end and going with Nash... Shawn vs Trips at WM...

So I'd go with Trips, Waltman, Dogg, Gunn and Punk with Shawn as Manager vs Nash, Barrett, Otunga, McIntyre and Christian (he's done with Sheamus)... would be a good balanced match, Otunga and McIntyre are the fodder for the vets, if any can still go they get a run out with Christian and Barret gets some cred for beating "legends" like Dogg/Gunn/Xpac... let Wade beat all 3 to build him up... Have it go down to Nash and Barrett v Trips and Punk... Shawn either turns or saves the day and hands the torch to Punk...
While I have no problems with the match being one on one, with the PPV being Survivor Series and all I would much prefer that the match be integrated with the Cena/Rock vs Awesome Truth match so we can possibly get a traditional Survivor Series match. However, like I said, I have no problems with a straight up one on one match. The build has been, in my opinion, really good which makes me look forward to the match even more. However, does this mean the angle between Punk and Nash is over? Not to jump the gun or anything but I did enjoy what they had going on during the summer.

I agree with this - I really think that joining what are effectively two parts of the same feud together is much better than treating them spearately. I'd really rather this than the so much more generic thing such as "Christian + other heels versus Sheamus + other faces". This'll make more space on the card too, for things like midcard title matches.
It'll be DX in a Survivor match... They sign Road Dogg to an "agent" deal a few days back... Tell me X-Pac and Gunn aint far behind... Damn, I can even see Chyna coming back for the night...

It'd be worth doing for the pop just for the Outlaw's intro one more time, especially as Shawn had no part of the DX stable with them... I can see him heeling at the end and going with Nash... Shawn vs Trips at WM...

So I'd go with Trips, Waltman, Dogg, Gunn and Punk with Shawn as Manager vs Nash, Barrett, Otunga, McIntyre and Christian (he's done with Sheamus)... would be a good balanced match, Otunga and McIntyre are the fodder for the vets, if any can still go they get a run out with Christian and Barret gets some cred for beating "legends" like Dogg/Gunn/Xpac... let Wade beat all 3 to build him up... Have it go down to Nash and Barrett v Trips and Punk... Shawn either turns or saves the day and hands the torch to Punk...

I honestly can't see any of this happening. I am all right with just Nash and Triple H in the match. I don't think there needs to be that much outside involvement. Definitely don't see Chyna ever back in the ring. I don't even care to see the Outlaws anymore. they had their time, and it was enjoyable, but does the WWE need to really bring back them? There's plenty of talent there right now that could be involved if the WWE wanted that to happen.
Not to be argumentative but Shawn Michaels was involved with the NAO in early 1998 and they were supposed to wrestle together at No Way Out but Shawn was hurt (by official counts) and did not participate. I don't believe they were ever an official part of D-X while Shawn was still with the group though.

eh, I think it's unnecessary, and while either member of the NAO are in far better ring shape than Nash, it seems like a little much. What are they really adding to this? Do we need another DX vs DX type match? Frankly we don't need another HHH vs Nash match especially in 2011, but what can you do. I think James will make a good agent and I'd like to see the NAO make a rumble appearance but we're a bit far off from that and I doubt it will come to fruition.
I am sure this would be a singles match given the build on Raw. But now WWE.com is stating the Game will be out of action for 6 weeks, which would put him post Survivor Series and more in line with the TLC PPV. Granted, I still believe this will DEFINITELY happen at Survivor Series, I see HHH returning early saying "damn what the doctor's say, I am not a WWE Superstar, I am the COO... I don't need to be medically cleared to compete and if I'm going to be laying up in a hospital bed, then I'm taking Kevin Nash with me!"

Of course, I think it has to be No Holds Barred, but even then, not sure much can be done to save this one. Kevin Nash was terrible in the ring at the end of his last stint in 2003. I remember seeing Chris Jericho try so desperately hard to make him look good on an episode of Raw that I felt Nash was stationary in the ring while Jericho bounced himself around all over the place.

This is 8 years later and while Kevin still looks like an intense force, fact is HHH can defeat him just by moving around him. HHH wasn't Chris Jericho 8 years ago and given that he hasn't wrestled much this year, don't have high hopes for this. I'd expect it to be boring and slow paced and to be physical. The one thing I can say is HHH is great at telling a story in the ring and as slow and boring as this may be, they are going to sell the brutality (even though it's hard to do given the current format).
This match needs to be a gimmick in no way shape or form can this match be just a normal match. for some reason I can see it being a non-sanctioned match like HHH and HBK at Summerslam 2002 with the whole betrayal and emotion
i would say i was all for this match (if nash wasnt a walking skeleton), a few problems, nash cant take bumps, triple hhh is injury prone, its a stupid idea, someone will most likely get hurt by the end of the match. yes watching this overrated stuff has been sweet! im loving it (no pun intended). on the other hand, triple hhh vs kevin nash would be better then kevin nash vs cm punk (cause lets face it, punk is awesome!!! but he is considerably smaller then nash, and since he would be carrrying nash threw the match it would be rather concerning). id be for this match if it was 10 years ago when both men were a little younger. so in shorter words this match is a bad idea and im concerned for both mens health specially since triple hhh suffered neck/spine injuries on raw.
I'm nervous about Kevin Nash wrestling a match. The last time I saw him work was in TNA and toward the end it was a lot of tag matches with his partner pulling the weight. That's got me concerned about how well he can actually wrestle. At the same time, he has been touring the indy circuit here and there, so at least he's in practice. His health isn't so bad he can't take a bump either which is a good thing, though I think he won't be bumping a lot. HHH can still go, as has been evidenced by his matches this year, all of which have been pretty well worked, though with the exception of HHH vs Taker he has had some support, and the Taker match had both of them going all out. A singles match sans outside shenanigans has a lot of potential not to be so pretty. I think a No DQ stipulation so they can spend a lot of time outside the ring beating each other up will help a lot. It also makes great sense given the apparent hatred between the two, and Nash's actions recently.

I still don't know if this is exactly the match they'll go with - I could see Team HHH vs Team Nash being the traditional tag this year. Ziggler, Swagger, Rhodes...Otunga? Clay? For Nash. HHH's team, Air Boom, Ryan, Orton, Ryder, some combination of that. Alternatively all those people might be involved in their own tag match and this will stand on its own. Not sure.

If it is a singles match, I expect HHH to go over. I don't see Nash as at all long term, so putting HHH over and moving on seems logical. They might try to take this out to the end of the year, though, so perhaps they'll have a rematch at TLC. They could set up the rematch with either one winning. Nash might make a little more sense if he won an underhanded victory.
Once again, this match has not be officially announced as of yet but considering the build last night on Raw, I can't imagine it NOT happening at Survivor Series.

I was especially surprised at the amount of brutality and violence that the WWE used on their broadcast of Raw last night. I can't remember the last time we've seen Triple H injured and incapacitated to the extent that Nash caused last night. Considering that there has been no formal announcement to end the PG era, this angle really pushes the envelope... and I LOVE it.

It's way overdue in the WWE to use personal hate, (supposed) real feelings and over-the-top violence to build up a feud. I think they're hitting a home run with this one. Although Nash and Triple H haven't ever been able to provide us with a "barn-burner" of a match between the two of them, I think they might be due. These two friends seem determined to have at least ONE classic match with each other and this might be the one.

Be on the lookout for a stipulation to hit this match prior to Survivor Series. I can't see how the match can exist without one.

Discuss the match here.

You got ahead of yourself and it aint happening. I think the thread now needs deleting. We should never jump to conclusions.

Following Kevin Nash's attack on Triple H from 2 weeks ago, WWE announced Triple H had sustained a "serious concussion" and a cracked vertebrae. The cracked vertabrae diagnoses was given because WWE has a new company policy where they will not be using the term "broken neck" for storyline injuries.

WWE said Triple H will be out past Survivor Series, so it's possible his match with Kevin Nash will take place at TLC in December.
Pretty sure this match is not happening but in case it does.... I will include it in my predictions just for fun. If it does happen, it will likely suck unless there is some type of stipulation. No DQ would help quite a bit. Weapons could be involved and Nash will end up looking better despite him not being able to do much in the ring anymore. Trips would have to carry the match and I see Nash sneaking in a win so the feud can continue into TLC which would see another stipulation where weapons can improve their rematch. Laurinaitis might get involved somehow too. Nothing to look forward to here. If this match happens I'll go take a walk to the gas station down the street to buy some candy. By the time I get back it will be over. Nash wins because Trips winning would likely end the feud, I see it ending around TLC rather than now.

Kevin Nash will defeat Triple H
It's possible that WWE could spring this as a surprise addition to the card. At the same time, however, I think it's more likely they'll wait for the TLC ppv before putting this match out there.

Kevin Nash's ability inside the ring is questionable. From what I understand, hasn't he had a combined total of about 30 surgeries to his knees over the course of his career? It definitely shows as you can tell it's sometimes hard for him to even get in and out of the ring without noticably wincing and/or limping. A no DQ match like a tables match or something to that degree at TLC would provide a cover up for Nash & his in-ring shortcomings as so much of the action could revolve around just beating the crap out of your opponent.

Nash's match at Night of Champions with Punk was scrapped due to something discovered at a physical Nash underwent. I've never read what it was that was found, so I'm thinking that Nash's time in the ring is definitely going to be something that WWE chooses carefully. Yes, Nash looks great and looks like he's been hittin' the gym hard. That's all well and good but he's still a man well into his 50s and has gone through the wear and tear of a 20+ year pro wrestling career that's obviously taken its toll. I've never been a huge fan of Nash inside the ring, but I'd hate to see him get hurt. Fun's fun and many of us talk a lot of crap on here sometimes, me included, but I don't need to see someone with legitimately questionable physical limits getting hurt to get my jollies.

So if WWE can put Nash in there once in a while and have him put on a decent match without boring us all to death or getting hurt, I'm all for it.
I dont see this match happening. Although the card is still small enough that it could fit a bonus match with ease, this isn't the kind of match you throw on the card as just a bonus match. It's a big deal, as it would be Nash' first match since returning to the WWE, and only HHH's third singles match of the year. It would be a nice bonus for those who bought the PPV, but it likely would have assured even more buys as Nash' return match against HHH. So I can't see this going down.

If it were, Nash would need to win. First, its his first match back. No enhancement matches on Raw were done, and with HHH supposed to be out due to a neck injury for a while longer, I don't see how HHH could win this match if it were to happen tonight. HHH would fight the valiant, wounded babyface fight, but he'ld lose in the end to the bigger, healthier Nash.

LSN's prediction: Nash would defeat HHH by pinfall.

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