WWE TLC 2011 - Triple H vs. Kevin Nash - Sledgehammer Ladder Match

i would have given them the table match and made Orton vs Barrett a ladder match, speaking of slow and psychological, Orton and Barrett would have made great use of the ladder match. Climbing for the Number 1 Contendership?

I would have enjoyed Nash & H in a table match, I cant see Nash climbing the ladder very well, if he hurts himself early on lol.
Eh, I have mixed feelings about this match. While this type of match is a good way to end the feud, with the hammer hanging above the ring and being able to use it on your opponent, they should have just made this a No Holds Barred match, or something to that extent. I know, it's TLC, but I don't think it would have hurt to throw in a Street Fight sort of match in the card. They did it with Money in the Bank 2010 (Steel Cage match), No Way Out 2009 (No Holds Barred match), and a submission match at Hell in a Cell 2010, so why not throw a No Holds Barred match in there even though the PPV is called TLC?

Other than that, I really have no complaints about it. Should be an entertaining match. Definitely not match of the year candidate, and definitely wouldn't be your typical ladder match, but I expect a pretty good brawl in there, with Triple H eventually gaining possession of the sledgehammer, and beating Nash back to TNA (or whatever the hell he decides to do afterwards).
I'm probably one of the bigger Nash/Triple H marks on these here forums, but for fuck's sake, I can even tell this match will be god aweful. Not only do I loathe the shitty stipulation in place but this isn't the type of match Triple H and Kevin Nash should be having. A chairs match, tables match, steel cage, hell in a cell: these are the type of matches I expect to see from these two. A ladder match between two guys who have had multiple injuries and are above the age of 40 just screams disastrous. Triple H needs a win here more than Nash as I believe he'll be around much longer. Triple H will likely defeat Nash and send him packing to get this over with so the WWE can start focusing on something fresher and better. My expectations are low, but I hope I'm suprised with a swerve or two.

Hamler's Prediction - Triple H will defeat Kevin Nash
Not looking forward to this at all.

Nash and Triple H had a shit World Heavyweight Championship match at Judgement Day 2003, and their Hell In Cell match at Bad Blood was awful, easily one of the worst Cell matches ever. History has proven these two don't go well together in the ring, and I do have some low expectations for this one. Nash appears to be in great physical condition, but his banged up knees are no secret, and Big Sexy has been slow in the ring for quite some time. HHH will probably look sharp here, but Nash could show some signs of serious ring rust.

When it comes to this match, I have a "who cares" feeling, but if I had to pick a winner, I would go with HHH. The Game will be more involved with the current storylines in WWE. He will have an important role in the coming months, and he should receive a big storyline for Wrestlemania. Nash really doesn't have anything to gain with a win on Sunday, and he's in that "rare and sporadic appearances" stage of his career, so I don't think he'll have any long term value.

I'll give WWE some credit for keeping this rivalry between the two former best friends fresh. This feud has been going on for a while, but it doesn't feel stale yet. The mic work from HHH has been solid, and Nash has delivered some outstanding promos. Still, I really, really don't want to see this match, and I don't expect anything good here.
Why are they even DOING this match? Trips does not need the win. Nash sure doesn't. He can barely do anything in the ring anymore and they put him in a LADDER match? I hope Trips gets the Sledgehammer within the first five minutes of the match and instantly gives Nash a crimson mask before getting the pinfall victory. I want this over with. This match is a waste of time because nothing relevant can come of it. No new stars will be made. Neither guy will benefit from a victory. Other than Henry/Show it is the match I am in the least interested in on this card. The sooner it ends the better. Trips can move n to better things, while Nash.... I don't care what he does after this. I will give Trips the predicted win. Nothing good could possibly come from Nash winning. Absolutely nothing.

Triple H will defeat Kevin Nash
WWE has ruined this feud. If this match was at Survivor Series or if both Nash & HHH have been at RAWs then I might care about this match but the feud has been ruined. This Nash's first PPV match since returning to WWE so he has to look strong but it's unlikely that he will win since the last time we saw Nash he put HHH "out" for over a month.

I predict HHH winning this match.
Kevin Nash is at an unwatchable point now. That match was horrible and I don't blame HHH. He seemed to be bumping his best.
U know what? I liked it. After a lackluster build I thought the two old warhorses pulled off a hardhitting slobberknocker. Everyone knew going in that it wouldn't be a five star classic and it wasn't. But I found myself enthralled with the storytelling and glued to my set. The crowd was into it and there were even a few WOOO chants for the Figure 4. The crowd seemd entertained as was I. I know there will be a lot of younger wrestling fans among the IWC that will bash this match but at the end of the day if the fans are entertained aren't the wrestlers doing their job. Good work Nash and Triple H. Curious to see where this goes from here but all signs seem to be pointing to the Undertaker/HHH.
That was one of the worst matches I think I have seen in a LONG time.

Nash was dreadful and even somehow botched a fucking pedigree.
Despite the predictable response a few of you will have, I highly enjoyed the match. It was a good back and forth hardcore match with Nash taking some decent bumps. I could care less about DB winning the title, I could care less about Ryder winning, etc. This match was the reason I bought the PPV, and I wasn't disappointed.
Triple H showed us all how good of a worker he is and has been and Kevin Nash showed us how much of an eyesore he is...honestly he was absolutely tragic. How he botched a Pedigree I will not know.
Holy shit that match was worse than I expected it to be. I can't believe the WWE actually gave that 30 mins of PPV time. The only thing that made it worth watching was Nash botching so hard on the pedigree.
I didn´t have any expectation so I wouldnt be dissapointed going into this pay per view but I was pleasently surprised, sure it wasnt match of the year, but it didnt need to be, we got a brawl between HHH and Nash.

yes, it showed how much Nash´s knees are shot by this point but hey, they did what they could and we got to finally see HHH come back to action and pummel Nash, although he clearly botched the pedigree....

i guess now Nash can go back and enjoy that Legends deal and HHH can....concentrate on the Undertaker?
wwe screwed up this m atch. this match should have been set for wrestlemania 28 with both guys with momentum going into it. Nash could have createde his own new group to take on DX (HHH and ichaels (return for the night). this could have drew great figures
Nash botching the pedigree was hilarious. I think when the crowd was asking Triple H for a second pedigree he would have done it had it not been for the first botch. What makes it so bad is it's his best friend's finisher. The same one he's always had too. It's not even a difficult move. Plus he was on the receiving end for crying out loud. It also seemed like Nash forgot to fall the first time HHH hit him with the sledge hammer at the top of the ladder. The match itself was decent though. It would have been a great match had I believed for a second that Nash would win a sledgehammer match against the guy whose signature weapon is a sledgehammer. That plus HHH hadn't gotten back at Nash yet. Plus every match ended in the face winning sans Rhodes and Booker T. And that was just to put Rhodes over. God forbid the WWE have an established veteran win against a young rising star. I understand that they need the win for the push, but it seems the exact opposite of what WCW did. There should be balance. Which is why I liked this match or at least the concept of. Two established vets with equal chances.

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