What's The WWE Going To Do With Kevin Nash?

I'm not seeing a Big Show/Kevin Nash feud. As for the rumble staredown between the two - allow me to over analyze for a moment. Nash came out as Diesel - he never had a feud with Big Show(who was The Giant during their WCW feud) as Diesel. Anyway lol...Hopefully there will just be a match between HHH/Nash because personally despite the attacks there is no reason for Nash and Punk to fight.

They are kinda intermixing the characters. C.m. punk has already refered to him as "Big Daddy Cool" anywaays. The Big Show has made references to things he did in WCW also. So we know Show was Giant.
The setup seems to be perfect for a HHH vs Nash feud to commence but the only thing is that I do not want to see it at all. We have already seen this feud in 2003 with the face/ heel roles reversed and it sucked balls even back then. Nash can get the job done on the mic as we saw on Raw this week but inside the ring, he is a different story altogether.

Still I believe that HHH vs Nash is the direction that WWE is going to take with Nash. We have been hearing reports for a long time as to how WWE wants to build up some sympathy for HHH. What better way to build up sympathy than to have his best friend turn on him. I hope they spice it up a bit though by having Nash in a stable or something because a Nash vs HHH one on one match is going to be rather painful to watch.
The thing about Nash is if he is booked right.. he could be a force.

1. Diesel was one of the longest running WWF Champions for years. The guy is bigger and more powerful than 95% of the WWE roster including the all mighty Undertaker. He is also probably smarter than than 100% of the current WWE roster also.

2. The fact that "Kevin Nash" hasn't really had a credible run in the WWE (losing the Diesel name also lost a little bit of mystique for the man) could spur him on to big things this time round.

3. Only having him wrestle Taker schedule style, could very well, make him that force.

4. So if WWE talk up his past and hype is abilities (size, power, brains, experience, cunning, master manipulator, leader, nWo founder, Kliq founder) he could make the WWE some money.

5. If creative put him in programs with Cena and Orton, we could see some big things.

(I do however truly believe that Nash refused to put CM Punk over and therefore the match was nixed... and he was "fired" in a very rushed segment..)
I was hoping when he was fired by Triple H the decision had been made for Nash to never appear in the WWE again, but sadly it was part of this current clusterfuck errr storyline.

Lets be serious, Nash is okay on the mic, this past Monday on Raw he was actually bearable, but the comment about Triple H being a little kid and Nash tricking him with a sledge hammer was super creepy. Nash was absolute trash on the mic when put in the ring with Punk.

But where Nash will really fail, and this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, is in the ring when he actually has a match vs Anyone. Doesn't matter if its Triple H, Cena, Punk, Foley, or some middle carder, Nash will disappoint. No one will be able to carry Nash to a good or decent match.

Will our final pay off for Nash vs Triple H be at WM28, lets hope they put it off for as long as possible. Triple H is set to be off tv for up to 5 weeks as a part of this clusterfuck, lets hope he takes 6 weeks, and doesn't return until Feb. Give a month and a half of build up between the two, have the match at WM28, and then have Nash go away again
Nash was absolute trash on the mic when put in the ring with Punk.
There are so many things wrong here. First, it was his first day back officially in the WWE. It's pretty damn hard when coming from a place where you're allowed to say "shit, ass, bitch, cunt, fuck,"...you get my point, to not being allowed to say such words. Secondly, Punk can make pretty much anyone look like an idiot on the mic. Hell, he made Triple H look stupid at times and Triple H is considered by many to be one of the best guys on the mic currently in the WWE.
But where Nash will really fail, and this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, is in the ring when he actually has a match vs Anyone. Doesn't matter if its Triple H, Cena, Punk, Foley, or some middle carder, Nash will disappoint. No one will be able to carry Nash to a good or decent match.
I call more horse shit. Plenty of others have gotten further with far less. Guys like JBL, Kane, Big Show have all gotten by and flourished really well on a limited moveset like Nash. Wrestling isn't about the moves, rather the story. True, it does somewhat depend on his opponent but you're totally underselling what Nash can do inside the ring.
Will our final pay off for Nash vs Triple H be at WM28, lets hope they put it off for as long as possible. Triple H is set to be off tv for up to 5 weeks as a part of this clusterfuck, lets hope he takes 6 weeks, and doesn't return until Feb. Give a month and a half of build up between the two, have the match at WM28, and then have Nash go away again
There's no way in hell that's what this is all about. Kevin Nash vs. Triple H will probably lead to something else. No need to bad mouth Kevin Nash because the WWE came calling wanting to make him relevant once again.
Nash and Punk on the Mic weeks back was unscripted and they kinda just had to roll with it. As far as his wrestling ability...do a little research on how many knee operations he has had over the years(Including the one that sidelined his basketball career). Now we all see how mobile Undertaker. Now look at Nash and tell me how well you really expect him at 7'0 tall off multiple surgeries to perform at 52 years old.
Nash and Punk on the Mic weeks back was unscripted and they kindas just had to roll with it. As far as his wrestling ability...do a little research on how many knee operations he has had over the years(Including the one that sidelined his basketball career). Now we all see how mobile Undertaker. Now look at Nash and tell me how well you really expect him at 7'0 tall off multiple surgeries to perform at 52 years old.

That's relatively easy to explain. Tell me how anyone is cleared to wrestle at 52 years old if they were in such bad shape? It's idiotic to say you can't get a good match out of Nash anymore. Look at the moves he uses, Sidewalk Slam, Big Boot, Clubs, Clothelines and a Powerbomb. None of which really affect your knees. Nash can stand. He isn't that broken down. You're overrating just how bad of shape Nash really is. The WWE looks out for their talent's well being. If Nash was so broken down like you claim, they wouldn't let him step in a WWE ring.
My statement was actually geared at the poster before you, I was just late submitting. But my point is his last stint in WWE he had two injuries if memory serves me correctly. One of which was going on through his last feud with HHH that has went on unmentioned on-air. Can he stay healthy long enough to make it through the feud? That's my concern and point. How reliable is he at this point in his career?
My statement was actually geared at the poster before you, I was just late submitting. But my point is his last stint in WWE he had two injuries if memory serves me correctly. One of which was going on through his last feud with HHH that has went on unmentioned on-air. Can he stay healthy long enough to make it through the feud? That's my concern and point. How reliable is he at this point in his career?

My bad bro. But still, Nash is in good shape. How reliable is he? Well, how reliable is Triple H? How reliable is Rey Mysterio? How reliable is Mark Henry who been pushed to the moon as of late? What about the fact that Edge was pushed even though he had numerous problems with his neck? Or what about Jeff Hardy who was the WWE's primary push of late 2008 and early 2009 even with his numerous drug problems? I see your point. But if he's cleared, there's no problem. Whether he's reliable or not can be said for any other WWE superstar who's had their fair share of injuries as well as those who are middle aged. I mean he looks great for someone his age:


Nash isn't going to have a five star classic with anyone. But Nash can still kick ass in so many ways. His style isn't about scientific chain wrestling, rather utilizing brawling techniques and kicking ass. I think people expect more for some strange reason.
There are so many things wrong here. First, it was his first day back officially in the WWE. It's pretty damn hard when coming from a place where you're allowed to say "shit, ass, bitch, cunt, fuck,"...you get my point, to not being allowed to say such words. Secondly, Punk can make pretty much anyone look like an idiot on the mic. Hell, he made Triple H look stupid at times and Triple H is considered by many to be one of the best guys on the mic currently in the WWE.

I call more horse shit. Plenty of others have gotten further with far less. Guys like JBL, Kane, Big Show have all gotten by and flourished really well on a limited moveset like Nash. Wrestling isn't about the moves, rather the story. True, it does somewhat depend on his opponent but you're totally underselling what Nash can do inside the ring.

There's no way in hell that's what this is all about. Kevin Nash vs. Triple H will probably lead to something else. No need to bad mouth Kevin Nash because the WWE came calling wanting to make him relevant once again.

Nash has been back in the WWE since Rumble, he's been doing press tour, he's done countless interviews, he's been in prowrestling for 15+ years and he's an "actor" so I don't think him not being able to use those classy words would really ruin his ability to cut a promo.

Triple H is still better than Punk on the mic, there are many superstars in the WWE who are better than Punk on the mic. Punks good, don't get me wrong, but there are others who are better. Many of you are still to Love Drunk with Punk to figure this out, its okay I ain't mad at cha.

JBL was a wrestling god. Kane has had memorable matches with various top tier WWE talents. I agree that Big Show is a complete turd in the ring. Do you think Nash and Triple H will tell a great in ring story? Please tell me you didn't just say that

The WWE wants a lot of things, but when someone cannot connect with the core audience those things should immediately be dropped. Nash is one of those things. Nash vs Triple H is going to lead to something bigger? What other bag of shit will they pull something out of to further this storyline? Hogan? Waltman? Rhode Dog and Billy Gunn? Boy this is gonna be grand

Nash hasn't been worth his price tag since WCW went under, he wasn't good in TNA, and his return in the WWE will be a failure at our expense.
I honestly don't expect a 5 star match either. If anything I'm expecting it to be along the lines of no dq, street fight type of match.
Nash has been back in the WWE since Rumble, he's been doing press tour, he's done countless interviews, he's been in prowrestling for 15+ years and he's an "actor" so I don't think him not being able to use those classy words would really ruin his ability to cut a promo.
Sure it would. As stated by J.J., the promo wasn't scripted. Movies are scripted. It's often hard to come up with your own shit on the spot in front of 15,000 strong while Punk is making fun of you.
Triple H is still better than Punk on the mic, there are many superstars in the WWE who are better than Punk on the mic. Punks good, don't get me wrong, but there are others who are better. Many of you are still to Love Drunk with Punk to figure this out, its okay I ain't mad at cha.
I never said he was good. However, his infamous shoot promo proved he can think on his feet. And without any restraints, he can say pretty much anything to make anyone look dumb.
JBL was a wrestling god.
He's good but a God, why?
Kane has had memorable matches with various top tier WWE talents.
That further proves my point Nash can still have a sucessful match. Perhaps the only move Kane does differently from Nash is his flying clothesline from the top.
I agree that Big Show is a complete turd in the ring. Do you think Nash and Triple H will tell a great in ring story? Please tell me you didn't just say that
Why wouldn't it? The back story is there. Triple H is a good in ring storyteller. Just because you don't like neither one doesn't mean they aren't good and I've yet to read anything you've posted that proves they aren't good.
The WWE wants a lot of things, but when someone cannot connect with the core audience those things should immediately be dropped.
They've been over it time and time again. Nash wanted the spotlight on him again, Triple H said no...there ya go.
Nash is one of those things. Nash vs Triple H is going to lead to something bigger? What other bag of shit will they pull something out of to further this storyline? Hogan? Waltman? Rhode Dog and Billy Gunn? Boy this is gonna be grand
Or Vince wanting his company back?
Nash hasn't been worth his price tag since WCW went under, he wasn't good in TNA, and his return in the WWE will be a failure at our expense.
What makes it a failure? Because you said so? He was over in TNa and brought a big name to their company. Now, in a company with a lot of young guys, there's no harm in bringing Nash back for this feud.
Nash is one of those things. Nash vs Triple H is going to lead to something bigger? What other bag of shit will they pull something out of to further this storyline? Hogan? Waltman? Rhode Dog and Billy Gunn? Boy this is gonna be grand

Nash hasn't been worth his price tag since WCW went under, he wasn't good in TNA, and his return in the WWE will be a failure at our expense.

HHH and Shawn Michaels faced one another at Summerslam several years back. Story of two best friends, friendship turned sour over fame. One saying he helped carry the other. Same story here but replace HBK with Nash. There was nothing for HHH/HBK to gain, apart from showing that HBK still could put on a show. Career wise they had already accomplished much and weren't superstars on the "rise". I like a good storyline filler every now and then. Personally see nothing wrong with it and I'm not a Big fan of Nash nor HHH. I know the obligatory argument from most is; "they should be helping a rising star get over". Sometimes I like to see matches like these.
Anything that gets rid of Nash would make me happy. Like getting beat for the second time by HHH in another hell in a cell match or a loser leaves wwe match against anyone it wouldn't matter as long as Nash loses.
Maybe the Undertaker can put him in a coffin or Mark Henry can take one of his fits of rage out on him. Or Randy Orton can kill off the "legend" of nash for good or something.

I never really found anything he did entertaining to tell the truth. I'd even go as far as saying him being the leader of nwo wolfpac was the reason it didn't work.
He was good as Shawn Micheals back up guy and as one of Hollywood Hogans goons. On his own Nash sucks. If they bring back the nwo somehow with Nash as leader that would just be a total insult to the nwo. The fact they gave him the original nwo music is a joke in my opinion.

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