Kevin Nash to WWE

I think we had another thread for this before, but anyways, it's always interesting talking about big stars! specially if someone is "jumping ship".

Kevin Nash is DONE...

(Hold your horses, citizens of the Wrestlezone. I know some of you will jump and try to slash my throat faster than a Vladimir Koslov squash match, so let me explain) a WRESTLER.

now, it does sounds different, doesn't it?

Kevin Nash won't bring nothing but old tactics and politics to the locker room = if you don't fill his eye, you better be a good friend of Kenny Dykstra, because you wont see action for a long, long time...

This is something that the WWE doesn't need in this moment. With all the fresh faces and storylines happening right now, do you honestly think that Nash would bring something interesting to the table? What are the options? being the mouthpiece of a breakthrough star? Great, another Samoa Joe stunt with a Vince touch. It will fall flat just like Joe's Championship reign.

Being an agent is the only way I see Nash back in the WWE bandwagon. Sure, it would involve the politics and shit, but at least we wont see Nash wasting precious TV time.

So this November, vote NO on (Mc)Nash to WWE, lol.

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