Kevin Nash?

Nexus leader would be too obvious i think, since he was a leader on nWo. WOuldn't be suprised though. Seems they are heading towards an semi implosion of Nexus much like nWo did when the woflpac split off.

So more likely than Nash being the big honcho, Nash and Sting could take Otunga and a few others under there wing and revamp the wolfpac.

Personally i can't stand Kevin Nash since he went back to WCW. he was best as Diesel and the Big Sexy in WWF. I don't see how he's a super legend, he's done nothing other than be involved in a major faction and have a few good matches, and be totally self absorbed at the cost of progress, if it wasn't for that he'd have faded into obscurity as just another big man.

his mic work is horrible and mind numbing, Wade Barrett isn't great on the mic, but he's a far better mouth piece and should stay sole leader and hasn't done any mindless shoots as yet.

Original question
Do i want to see him back, err just for a brief run i'd have no problem with
Do i think he'd be an assett. NO
Do you think he's returning to WWE. yes, for the HOF and thats it. maybe to endorse Nexus
1. Do you belive Kevin Nash could be a great assest to the WWE?
From what I've read, he is very very intelligent and can book a show, plus his knowledge of wrestling is an assett.
If you ever seen the episode of TNA impact that him and Booker T done commentary on, nash was really good on commentary, he could easily replace whoever is commentating on Smackdown with Matt Striker.

2. Do you want Kevin Nash back?
As an off-screen worker, e.g writer or even as mentioned on commentary.

3. What would you do with his return if it were to happen?
I would make him be a guest host of Raw or hell even make him the Raw GM. I don't think it would be a bad idea, might even shake things up a bit.
I'd like to see Kevin Nash in the WWE, but the question we must all ask ourselves is this: does the WWE want to see Kevin Nash back in the WWE. We've all seen what terrible fate awaits anyone who comes back after jumping ship. They spend their careers languishing in obscurity. We've seen this happen with Christian and Jeff Hardy. Both of them are venerable ring veterans and so is Nash. So should we believe that Nash would receive any better treatment if he should return from abroad?

If he decided to come back (doubtful), I'd love to see him come out to the ring on RAW, no word ever said, and proceed to Jack Knife Michael Cole onto an exposed turnbuckle. Then, he should vise Cole's neck in a steel chair and stomp on it until Cole loses consciousness, and then leave him lying for the paramedics to scoop up. Finally, Nash would take Cole's place as the King's commentary partner for RAW. The ovation would be THUNDEROUS. In all seriousness, I do believe Nash would make an AMAZING commentator alongside Jerry Lawler.

Also, I'd like to see him get a Hall of Fame nod.

As someone said earlier, please God don't ever let Nash become a booker again. I love Nash to death, but lets face it, if history has taught us anything it's that he doesn't make a very good booker.
I don't think Nash returning to WWE would be a big deal. Sure he would probably get that "Holy shit! it's Kevin Nash!" pop during his first appearance, but I think all of the excitement would die down after a while. Nash probably wouldn't wrestle at all or that much, and the only significant role I could see him playing would be the Raw Mystery GM. But again, I think all of the excitement and mystique would go away pretty quickly. His last return to WWE wasn't good at all, and I don't think things would improve now.
I don't think Nash returning to WWE would be a big deal. Sure he would probably get that "Holy shit! it's Kevin Nash!" pop during his first appearance, but I think all of the excitement would die down after a while. Nash probably wouldn't wrestle at all or that much, and the only significant role I could see him playing would be the Raw Mystery GM. But again, I think all of the excitement and mystique would go away pretty quickly. His last return to WWE wasn't good at all, and I don't think things would improve now.

I think that last sentance would be a reason alone for him to make a comeback, just to atone for the lackluster run he did both as nWo and as himself solo.

Its depending on how he can be used, he is a definite value on the mic and could be a physical manager of the right stable or tag team. For him to wrestle I would suggest sporadically and probably do it against other older wrestlers those who can still "go" like reflame old feuds and such.

I think it be slick to make him the mysterous GM. And when he reveals himself equate his final days on TNA tv connected to his GM responsiblities.
If Nash wants to be a manager or hell the mystery GM, than I'm totally cool with that. If he wanted to come in and wrestle again, I'd have to do a double take to make sure I'm not watching a Just For Men advertisement. Kevin's knees are fucking shot, his mobility is that of a snail and while I respect nearly everything he's done for the business (aside from booking the finger poke of doom) he's well passed his expiry date.
I think that last sentance would be a reason alone for him to make a comeback, just to atone for the lackluster run he did both as nWo and as himself solo.

You really think Nash coming back NOW would give him a better chance at another WWE run? Like I said earlier, sure he would probably get a nice pop during his first appearance, but I'm sure the Nash mystique would die down pretty quickly. He's not as big as some of WWE's other past guys, and he wouldn't be able to do that much. Nash might wrestle a few matches here and there, but I'm sure the quality of all of them would be poor. As far as sparking old feuds go, HBK is retired and the matches he had with Triple H during his World Title run were terrible. Both men have had their fare share of injuries, and a lot of time has passed since their feud years ago, so I'm sure the matches wouldn't be worth remembering. Also, the manager role in WWE is pretty dead, so I don't think he would be able to manage anyone.

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