Overlooked Feud - Kevin Nash vs. Triple H

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Dark Match Winner
Back in 2002 Kevin Nash went out with a quad injury during a tag match with the nWo. He returned the next year to find two of his best friends, Shawn Michaels and Triple H, in the midst of a heated rivalry. He tried to play peacemaker which led to Triple H kicking Nash in the nuts. Kevin Nash wasn't one to stay down and take that so he tried to take out Triple H with his own sledgehammer. All this led to a championhip match at Judgment Day 2003 where Hunter was Jackknived through the announcer's table by Nash after getting disqualified. Then there was their Hell in a Cell match refereed by Mick Foley. Here Hunter won once again. This culminated in an Elimination Chamber inolving HBK, Y2J Goldberg, and Randy Orton where Triple H once again emerged as champion.

So, was this feud just a blemish or did it interest you Summer of 2003?
This fued was not what it could hav been.Triple H vs Nash could have been big but it wasn't.The Chamber at SummerSlam was really just to set up Goldberg vs the Game at Unforgiven for the title and so on.That match was just about GOLDBERG!!!!Nash really did his part well and the game to.I enjoyed there hell in a cell match at BAD BLOOD.Mick as the ref was really cool and how all the refs didn't want to ref it.Their fued was very entertaining to watch bescause you didn't know who Nash was going to side with and all there matches were good to watch.

But no it didn't reach what it could have been.

Thats just me!:disappointed:
I can't have much of a real opinion as I didn't watch any of it as it happened as I did not start watching wrestling until 2004 but from the Judgement Day, Insurrextion (which was also headlined by Nash vs HHH in a street fight) and Summerslam... well essentially the feud from what I could see through the promo's was great. It was built up as you said, Nash returned to see his two mates battling it out, he came in and asked both of them to stop but neither man wanted that, I think HHH gave Nash a choice, your either with me or him. Triple H ultimately chose Nash to be against him. I feel as though it was built well but the problem was their matches sucked. The Judgement Day match wasn't anything and Insurrextion was just a filler PPV. I haven't seen their hell in a cell so i can't comment on that and by time Summerslam came around Nash was feuding with Jericho I think and HHH was feuding with Goldberg. During the chamber Nash was gone before HHH even got in the match (and left the company soon after) too end the feud.

Overall what the feud was built on was quite good .
The matches weren't.
It didn't help that this was HHH's reign of terror going through everything on the Raw roster.
More of an afterthought for me. I wasn't really into this fued at all and I was surprised that it actually got a Cell match out of it. It wasn't a crap feud by any mean, but it wasn't doing much for me either; it more of a break/filler from the awesome HHH/HBK feud and the upcoming HHH/Goldberg feud. The story was better than the actual matches though, which weren't too great.
IMO this was one of the fueds that made 2003 the best year for raw after the brand split every match was very entertaining but i think nash was still deserving enough and mobile enough to of had atleast a one month title run and it would have made the fued much more than it already was. p.s. 2003 = Triple H vs WCW- it went from Stiener to Booker to Nash to Goldberg
I personally thought this feud, in storyline terms, worked amazingly.

It brought back Nash into the WWE with a realistic and dramatic story, a man coming to try and bring his friends together only to be turned on by Triple H, who had let the power go to his head. I remember thinking the DQ finish was a brilliant way to end their match, because I was genuinely frustrated that Nash, who now came across as a big, bad ass mother lover who was going to destroy, couldn't beat The Game.

Obviously from a wrestling stand point, their matches were never going to be five star classics, Nash having dodgy knees and HHH working very slow methodical matches were always going to make them stinkers.

As for the feuds importance on 2003, I thought it was too short to make that much of a difference, it was a great "while your waiting" feud until we got to the Goldberg, but it didn't feel like a throw away, it made sense, something the WWE is lacking at the moment.
Well it was one of the greatest feuds i wouldn't mind seeing again. The problem of why its being overlooked becuz Nash came and left the WWE. It was a great storyline, it went from a 6 man tag to a regular match to a hell in a cell. I was pulling for Nash to win it. After that match HHH evolved. Anytime you beat a man like Nash who once dominated WWF and WCW in a brutal match like HIAC.
If Tripp didn’t have that first quad injury when NWO was trying to lure HHH into the stable it would have been one of the best storylines of the decade... With HHH coming back after the quad he wasn’t the same in the ring and The hell in the cell match was terrible the feud itself was awful and could have been better....but prior to that quad injury Tripp feuding with Nash and the NWO would have been a classic. Maybe they would have gave Scott another shot down the line and then it would be the click.
The storyline like people said was amazing but the matches was not. Would like if NAsh beat HHH in a match to become WWE World Champion and hold the belt for awhile until HHH beat him at another PPV to end the feud. Then have HHH go off and feud with Goldberg for awhile. I also feel that HHH/Booker feud and his feud with Steiner should of lasted for awhile. Booker T and Steiner should of beaten HHH once yo become World Heavyweight Champion.
i remember the Hell in a Cell match with Mick Foley as ref between the 2 and was really entertained.
It was awesome. i saw it on dvd around the same time WZ posted an article with Kevin Nash saying he doesn't get blading. Triple H opened his head up with a hammer from under the ring (or it was the other way around?)
There is a couple of different things that factored into Nash-HHH from 03. The first thing from what i remeber is that I believe HHH/Nash was originally gonna happen either at SummerSlam or right before it. If i remeber right the nWo who were heels were trying to recruit HHH and from what I remeber the storyline was gonna be that HHH would refuse. One of the main angles for Vengence 02 was HHH to have a decision for the nWo. Now Nash got hurt on Raw and that turned into the HHH/HBK angle which lead to HBK's return. ialways wondered that if Nash didnt get hurt if the angle would be HHH has to go through Nash to get to HBK. Now as far as the actual 2003 feud it self goes, I think it was done well espically as the secondary feud on Raw post wrestlemania leading into backlash. There was deep rooted history which was touched on in the promos. Nash for about 2 weeks was trying to play peace make between HHH and HBK basically interjecting himself into any attempt of violence between the 2 of them. As someone stated above, the feud went from promos, to the 6 man to a regular match to the climax of Hell In The Cell. The other angle of this feud was going to be that Nash was originally slated to be the guy trying to take out Goldberg for HHH's bounty which would of put the 2 of them together. I believe Nash got hurt filming the punisher which ended all of that.
I did like this feud, but at the same time I don't think it was anything major. Nash feuding with HHH while him and HBK were at each others throats, made for a good storyline. You had Nash trying to bring peace between the two, and plus there was the Cliq factor. These two never really put on great matches. Their HIAC was better than their match at Judgment Day, but still it wasn't a classic.

Nash and HHH was a very good storyline, but as far as it being an overlooked feud, I don't think it was all that great.
This is a classic case of "What if" booking. Now as much as I love both Kevin Nash and Triple H I felt that this feud was very rushed. I will always love this feud for the simple fact that it is two of my favorites going at it. Alas, I found everything to be quite rushed. Nash comes back after basically no interaction with HHH, sure he was trying to get him to come over to the nWo but nothing can materialize from that after Nash was injured. So what happens when he comes back? They throw him into the middle of HBK and HHH. Logical place. But man, everything seemed so rushed, so fast, and they had a hell in a cell within like their first two months of the feud.

Overlooked, yes, because of bad booking, but decent matches make up for it. Loved this feud, but it definitely had it's flaws.
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