**MERGED** Kevin Nash to WWE

I don't know why Vince signed Nash due to the fact Nash is 50 something. I mean come on, TNA is growing everyday and to tell you the truth I kinda saw Nash somewhere down the line in the TNA storyline.
its probably like what bret hart did

short term like 4 months or so frm wat i thnk

besides most of the old wrestlers who went to tna or other companies always agree on the fact tht vince treats his old wrestlers well.. pays for rehab is willing to give them perks and stuff.. except hogan i thnk

and besides hogan doesnt deserve it either... the guy just wont quit even when his body and the rest of the world is screaming for it
Awesome. Nash is what WWE needs right now to mix things up. The youth movement is alright but WWE is lacking in legit stars right now. I would love to see Nash and Big Show team up and feud with The Corre.
I'm a Kevin Nash fan, but I think his comment about being in an arena with people as a direct shot at TNA is lame. TNA kept his career going. Yes I marked out for Diesel, but the Silver Fox in the MEM would've been sweet. Random no Nash and no Booker T tonight. I'm not sold on "THEY" being Fortune yet. I think Angle, Crimson, Steiner, Sting & Morgan are the new MEM, "THEY". Very cool of Fortune to turn on Immortal, though I'm digging that. Congrats Nash, but no need to be a douche going back to WWE.
I'm a Kevin Nash fan, but I think his comment about being in an arena with people as a direct shot at TNA is lame. TNA kept his career going. Yes I marked out for Diesel, but the Silver Fox in the MEM would've been sweet. Random no Nash and no Booker T tonight. I'm not sold on "THEY" being Fortune yet. I think Angle, Crimson, Steiner, Sting & Morgan are the new MEM, "THEY". Very cool of Fortune to turn on Immortal, though I'm digging that. Congrats Nash, but no need to be a douche going back to WWE.

Nash does have the right to take shots at TNA. He was one of their first big names. He was there full time before Sting, Angle, Christian, and all the other guys they brought in. While he was there he put over half the locker room. He said in the radio interview that TNA basically told him they didn't need him and he didn't have anything to offer anymore. They low balled the hell out of him and offered him less money than he had ever made. He said they didn't think he was a draw, or needed, anymore because they had "rock stars" like Jeff Hardy and RVD. They only wanted to resign him when they thought up the new MEM angle, and they still offered him, and I quote, "less money than I will make off social security checks when I'm 65".

On to the contract. In the interview he clearly says that he signed a legends deal. He would be used in video games and toys, and serve as an ambassador for WWE if they asked him. He also said that he will probably have one more in ring run, but he certainly won't be working a full time schedule.
I'm a Kevin Nash fan, but I think his comment about being in an arena with people as a direct shot at TNA is lame. TNA kept his career going. Yes I marked out for Diesel, but the Silver Fox in the MEM would've been sweet. Random no Nash and no Booker T tonight. I'm not sold on "THEY" being Fortune yet. I think Angle, Crimson, Steiner, Sting & Morgan are the new MEM, "THEY". Very cool of Fortune to turn on Immortal, though I'm digging that. Congrats Nash, but no need to be a douche going back to WWE.

They is Furtune, Styles, Beer Money, Kazarian and soon to be Daniels and Samoa Joe. The TNA originals are taking back their compnay
He said that it's for a Legends contract. Basically this mean licensing so he'll appear on DVDs (probably the Best Of Nitro DVD), sell action figures, t-shirts, and stuff like that. What I can see happening though, is Nash being inducted into the Hall Of Fame with Shawn. If not, I can see Nash inducting Shawn.
Nash does have the right to take shots at TNA. He was one of their first big names. He was there full time before Sting, Angle, Christian, and all the other guys they brought in. While he was there he put over half the locker room. He said in the radio interview that TNA basically told him they didn't need him and he didn't have anything to offer anymore. They low balled the hell out of him and offered him less money than he had ever made. He said they didn't think he was a draw, or needed, anymore because they had "rock stars" like Jeff Hardy and RVD. They only wanted to resign him when they thought up the new MEM angle, and they still offered him, and I quote, "less money than I will make off social security checks when I'm 65".

On to the contract. In the interview he clearly says that he signed a legends deal. He would be used in video games and toys, and serve as an ambassador for WWE if they asked him. He also said that he will probably have one more in ring run, but he certainly won't be working a full time schedule.

Yup. They offer him that low of money and say he can't draw anymore but they think Tommy Dreamer can draw LOL. Then he shows up at the Rumble and gets the biggest pop I've heard in WWE since Cena's Rumble's return in 2008. Nash let TNA off easy if ya ask me. I would have said alot more than he did.
Nash has legit credibility and star power, but I hope he is used well, and behaves like his former self and not like a new age PG douche bag. He looks amazing for 51, so I think he can still have a mini run, but hes not really needed in the ring, he would make a great leader of a rogue group or something.
Well it was really great seeing Nash back as Diesel in WWE in the Rumble, and the pop was awesome of course... but even though he still looks good for a 51 year old guy, you could also clearly tell that he just can't really carry a singles match anymore... or any match that would involve too much of him actually moving. Of course we all know he's been having knee problems for the longest time, and that sure is a big hindrance for him. I believe if they could pair him with someone, either a good tag team partner or a good opponent who can carry him, he could be worthwhile to keep around until 'Mania.

But especially with Kev returning as "Diesel", I think this is a big nod towards HBK's HoF induction... After all, it was as HBK's bodyguard Diesel that Nash originally debuted in WWE, just when Michaels was really starting to take off... And I think it would come full circle now if Kev is back as Diesel and were to induct him (maybe along with HHH) into the HoF... so I believe WWE will keep Nash around (even if they only sign him until after WM to whatever deal, just so he is not immediately involved with TNA - not that WWE care much about TNA, but they'll care that much still I think), just so he'll be available for HBK's induction - or at least I hope he will be around until then, and actually do it. Otherwise Triple H of course would seem the obvious choice for that; but I'd still like Nash to (also) be there.
What part of no spoilers allowed on these forums do you people not understand. Not everyone reads the spoilers so when they come into these forums they don't want to read something that hasn't happend yet. I'm talking about the TNA storyline going on right now I don't read the spoilers so I don't wanna hear who they are intill I watch Impact on thursday night so I and the others that don't read the spoilers would appreciate no more spoilers. Now onto the topic at hand I hope that Big Sexy has signed some kind of deal with the wwe whether it be a legends contract or a regular one. Like others have said Kevin can add a veteran presence to the locker room thats been missing since the likes of HBK and Chris Jericho leaving and Triple H being injured.
That was fun interview, signing a legends contract is a great move for Nash and I for one hope he gets a little run to finish his in ring career off. Personally I think Diesel and Show vs Corre at Mania could work fine, and I freely admit I wouldn't mind a short Cena vs Diesel program. :D

Also of note was the way he answered the question about Sting, something in his voice gives me hope that vignette last night was indeed for Sting.
Yup. They offer him that low of money and say he can't draw anymore but they think Tommy Dreamer can draw LOL. Then he shows up at the Rumble and gets the biggest pop I've heard in WWE since Cena's Rumble's return in 2008. Nash let TNA off easy if ya ask me. I would have said alot more than he did.

Don't get me wrong I prefer him being back as Diesel myself in WWE, but who really knows what goes behind the scenes in TNA. Personally speaking, I've always been a fan of WWF/E first before any other organizations, but when you think about things man who really knows what TNA is like as far as a place to work for. I have always been a fan of guys like Nash but who really knows what he's like backstage either? And despite how awesome I find Big Daddy Cool to be, who knows how much truth he's really telling. None of us here really know what the stars of TNA make for salaries, and anything financially related to the company for that matter is of a private matter.

I can understand where your sentiments towards TNA might lie and I can respect that opinion man, but at the same time, there's more than one side to stories like this.

Either way since I was a big Diesel fan back during the time where he won the Triple Crown Championship status within seven months and had an awesome World Title reign, I'm actually looking forward to his returning to WWE. I'd prefer seeing him there over TNA, but I'm looking more forward to what he's going to be doing on camera than what he says behind the scenes which could be about things that are greatly exaggerated.
I'm a Kevin Nash fan, but I think his comment about being in an arena with people as a direct shot at TNA is lame. TNA kept his career going...Congrats Nash, but no need to be a douche going back to WWE.

Given all of the potshots at the WWE that TNA takes every chance they can get, whining about Nash taking a shot at TNA seems a tad disingenuous to me. Almost hypocritical. It isn't as if just about every ex-WWE wrestler who goes to TNA acts like a douche and cuts a promo about how glad they are to be in TNA, and how horrible it was to work for Vince, etc.

Oh wait. That happens on a pretty regular basis, doesn't it?
its probably like what bret hart did

short term like 4 months or so frm wat i thnk

besides most of the old wrestlers who went to tna or other companies always agree on the fact tht vince treats his old wrestlers well.. pays for rehab is willing to give them perks and stuff.. except hogan i thnk

and besides hogan doesnt deserve it either... the guy just wont quit even when his body and the rest of the world is screaming for it

AMEN TO THAT MANN! hogan can u plzz just roll over and die? thank god nash came to WWE now he will finally be used right. DId anyone see Impact this week? i didnt obviously but i saw spoilers. I dun wana ruin it for anyone but the "they" angle!?!? are u serious? And why make Jeff Hardy shake hands with Anderson and show a honorable side? He is the Anti-Christ u morons. He suppose to be the Evil of all Evils. Even though he sneak attacked anderson it was still wack. And i mean i think in the past month the main event of impact has not had a clean finish. What a clusterfuck of waste.
- Kevin Nash appeared on ESPN Radio's Pro Wrestling Report, available at pwrshow.com, last night to talk about his return to WWE and more.

Nash noted that WWE flew him out of Daytona Beach, Florida so it would be easier on him. He said if TNA would have flown him out of the state, he would have to have driven from his home to Orlando, 90 miles, opposed to the few miles when traveling with WWE. Nash talked about how nice his accommodations were while staying in Boston.

The former World Champion noted that he signed paperwork and had a physical upon arriving to the arena. Nash said he spent about a half-hour with Triple H before shooting photos and video with WWE staff. He then met with Vince McMahon before hanging out with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon, where he went over plans for the Rumble with Triple H.

Nash also noted that he talked with people from THQ, makers of SmackDown vs. RAW and All Stars, while he was at the Rumble.

Nash said that he is signed to a Legends contract and will meet with WWE officials on Wednesday of this week to talk about what's next. Under the Legends deal, Nash will likely be involved with things like action figures and DVD's.

Source: http://www.twnpnews.com/messages2/32595.php

Well it looks like Big Daddy Cool will be sticking around for a bit longer than we thought. I really hope this leads to a feud or even a team up with The Big show. I don't really know why, but I guess for that one last nostalgia moment.

Your thoughts?
It's becoming clear that WWE has finally eased up on their "full time schedule for anyone who wants to work for us" stance. Logically, the only folks who will be granted a part-time schedule will be those who have paid their dues with years of hard work. In other words, if a youngster like Sheamus asked for an easier road schedule, management would either refuse..... or wish him well in his future endeavors. But part of the reason guys like Booker and Nash originally left the company was because they didn't want the grueling schedule once they were in their 40's. In the past, WWE allowed no exceptions. Now, they occasionally do. (ex.; Undertaker, HBK)

It brings WWE more in line with the times.....and I think the existence of TNA has something to do with it. After all, that's where Booker and Nash went as an alternative, right? If that company didn't exist, there would be nowhere else for a wrestler to turn; he'd just have to accept WWE's edict. This way is better.

Oh, and as to folks on this forum complaining that WWE is only signing Booker and Nash to hurt TNA, I say.........so what? What has TNA been doing the past few years except try to sign Vince's biggest names?

Actually, I'm surprised it's taken WWE this long. Yeah, they took back people like Christian and Gail Kim......but what they've done this time has a lot more impact. (no pun intended)
Nash has legit credibility and star power, but I hope he is used well, and behaves like his former self and not like a new age PG douche bag. He looks amazing for 51, so I think he can still have a mini run, but hes not really needed in the ring, he would make a great leader of a rogue group or something.

I hate to break it to you, assuming Diesel is back for a while, but he's coming back as a more PG-friendly Diesel. Which I agree will probably suck in comparison to the more Outlaw character Nash has played in the past, including his last run as Diesel in late '95 to early '96. Why else would they bring him back as Diesel? Sure, there is the nostalgic aspect, my favorite aspect, but at the height of the Diesel gimmick, Diesel was all about kicking "rear end" and taking names and being cool. Hell, yesterday when I read the Rumble results, I texted my mom to tell her because when I was a kid she would only watch matches Diesel was in.
thank goodness its only a legends contract, and not a full time talent contract. Kevin Nash was too old and too slowed down in TNA to be a true full time wrestler anymore, and that hasn't changed since rejoining the WWE. I don't want to see 50+ year olds wrestling every week. But see them make occasional appearances, be in the video games and that kind of stuff? Sure. Kevin Nash simply can't be a full time wrestler...by signing a legends deal, hopefully that means he won't be treated as such. I had issues with older wrestlers trying to pretend it was still ten+ years ago in TNA, and I have issues with them doing the same thing in the WWE. A legends deal eases my concerns somewhat.
This is just a thought, but wouldn't Nash make a great GM? As others have pointed out, though his appearance at the rumble was great, he can't go on a regular basis these days. However, Kevin Nash could always and can still talk, which is primarily what he'd be doing were he made GM. NASH FOR MYSTERY GM!!!!
Thats awesome for Nash, he's back where he belongs. I can easily see him be one of the guys in back helping out talent but I think Nash could really help elevate someone on screen. I've been thinking about Nash and Booker should do now that they are back. I suggested that Booker should be a manager/mentor figure for Kofi or help put someone like Cody or Drew over. For Nash I think he should be a manager for The Corre. Wade's character and Nash outsider character in his early WCW days have a couple similarities, and I think the with Nash he can help legitimize The Corre. He doesn't need to wrestle but be their guiding light like how he was Samoa Joe.
Well this is great news if you ask me. Even though I can't admit that I've ever been a big follower of Kevin, nor a big fan, I can't deny that I'm excited for this. Kevin will be able to bring a bit, but some good stuff to WWE.

I've been saying this ever since the Big Show / Nash stare-down that I would love to see them squaring off at Wrestlemania, and I can only hope that WWE will make it happen. They're both big guys, and both could probably be believable in beating the other one clean. So I think we could have a pretty good match for this.

I'm guessing since he wasn't on RAW, he's most likely gonna make an appearance on Smackdown, that is if WWE has him signed for the legends contract, or a contract in general already / will make him able to appear without a contract. Either way, I'm excited for what WWE plans on doing with Nash, and I just hope it means a few appearances, if not a some regular appearances in WWE programming.
Most likely he'll do DVD commentaries and be in SVR games in the future as voice over. Do I see him wrestling again? No. It's good to see that Kevin Nash and Booker T is not wrestling and using other tools to help WWE.
I marked out a tad bit for Diesel during the Rumble; but it was purely because of the nostalgia and the shock factor, nothing else. I could handle, and maybe even enjoy, one feud with Kevin Nash; but for the most I want him to stay off TV. I don't want to see Nash near: younger talent (unless he's putting them over), Wrestlemania, Raw, or twitter. I'm fine with a B Show feud (possibly with Big Show, but I'd rather he put a youngster over) but as soon as the novelty wears out he should be gone. At his age and with his lack of ability, Nash has little to offer.
This is just a thought, but wouldn't Nash make a great GM? As others have pointed out, though his appearance at the rumble was great, he can't go on a regular basis these days. However, Kevin Nash could always and can still talk, which is primarily what he'd be doing were he made GM. NASH FOR MYSTERY GM!!!!

Nash is still in too good shape to be just wearing a suit, it would be a waste. He should be the leader of a legit faction, and kick occasional ass, and I dont mean a bunch of clowns like nexus.

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