Kofi won't be WWE Champion, because he is BLACK!!!

"When have you ever seen a full black person be wwe champion, booker t does not count because at the time his gimmick was impersonating a white king, and the rock is not full black(his samoan heritage was played up), i think if they had a black champion representing the wwe kofi or whoever, wwe could get negative feedback from it, and might not appeal to most of america, black wrestlers in the wwe always have the ''so close yet so far'' thing going on, bokker t as himself lost all matches there, mvp could have been champ(during a before his mini feud with orton last year), he never won it, r truth was tna champion and is over with wwe fans, he hasn't even had a sniff yet, and shelton, who is one of the better wrestlers in the wwe, has not won it neither,whereas green wrestlers like sheamus, and lesnar's first reign, have won it, of course not all black wrestlers can win it, as some are just not good enough, but kofi and others i have mentioned definatley could have been good champs if given a chance, especially kofi, but it won't happen."

What a bullshit statement. If there were any black wrestlers who were over enough to be world champion they would have been. Who exactly in the history of WWF\WWE was a big enough star to be world champ? Yeah, no one. Booker T was. Oh, wait, he doesn't count because he was portraying a white king??? How the hell do you know he was acting as a white man? Thats just a stupid racist statement on your part. Kofi's time will come if he keeps doing what hes doing. Well maybe not cuz if he screws up like he did vs orton on raw he'll be gone sooner than later, ask ken andereson,thats a different subject though. But this bullshit about kofi isnt champ cuz he's black is ridiculous. He's not champ because he's not good enough to be champ yet. If he keeps improving he will be one day. Booker T counts too. Your reason for him not counting is asinine. Twisting facts to fit your fiction. Thats what you did there.

As some one else mentioned, if Booker T doesn't count because you believe he was acting white, then Cena counts as a black champion because he was acting black. I can't believe i just wasted my time with this stupid stupid post. One more thing, I'd be willing to be you anything that Vince would make a green or blue person champ if they could draw and make money. Kofi hasn't proven to be able to do that. Neither have any of your other boys that havent been given a world title. Shelton, Henry, Lashley, etc. They all were nothing more than mid carders. The one true main eventer was Booker and well, what do ya know, he was a world champion. But according to you he doesnt count.
Kingston being a champion? Well right now it won't work, he's still a bit 'new' in the company and I"m not sure he has enough star power within him or much of an attraction. Granted Shaemus himself is still quite new himself Kofi is a different breed. I don't want to say he's not 'big' enough since Mysterio, HBK, Hardy, Hart just to name a few were small champions compared to size. I doubt the racial car really has any effect upon the issue since Booker T, Lashely and Ron Simmons were champions prior. As much of a fan as I am of him, I don't see him a champion not because of the race card but because he doesn't have a shimmer just yet though I would give him two years or so, if he's still contending in the middle/upper card he has a shot though what really matters if A. He's a draw B. the fans like him enough and C. Dedication.
Yes i said it, and it is the truth!

When have you ever seen a full black person be wwe champion, booker t does not count because at the time his gimmick was impersonating a white king, and the rock is not full black(his samoan heritage was played up), i think if they had a black champion representing the wwe kofi or whoever, wwe could get negative feedback from it, and might not appeal to most of america, black wrestlers in the wwe always have the ''so close yet so far'' thing going on, bokker t as himself lost all matches there, mvp could have been champ(during a before his mini feud with orton last year), he never won it, r truth was tna champion and is over with wwe fans, he hasn't even had a sniff yet, and shelton, who is one of the better wrestlers in the wwe, has not won it neither,whereas green wrestlers like sheamus, and lesnar's first reign, have won it, of course not all black wrestlers can win it, as some are just not good enough, but kofi and others i have mentioned definatley could have been good champs if given a chance, especially kofi, but it won't happen.

thoughts on this, and PLEASE don't mention the ecw title because it is NOWHERE NEAR being As prestigious or important as the wwe or world heavyweight title, OPINIONS PLEASE!!!

Disagree, man.

When the right man comes along, he'll run things. I don't think they're holding anyone back; and I think Kofi will get his break eventually it's just not time yet.

Lashley left otherwise Vince would have pushed him as far as he could.

Honestly it's all about money; Vince is going to put the belt on whoever makes him the most money regardless of whether it's a white, black, Asian or Hispanic. That's just my opinion.
You're not as good as you think you are. Truly. I'm sure people like you because you can put sentences together coherently enough, but you really aren't that great. Certainly not better than me.

Don't make me Fucking laugh.

You could look at the perspective that there are only a few faces of the WWE, true superstars in the business. In that case, we've had about 4 in the WWE. I would argue that The Rock is one of those people. He was the face of the WWF, and I guarantee you that most people outside of wrestling knew of him in some shape or form. And he is coloured.

Rock is a mix. He is half Black and half White. Therefore no, I'm sorry, but he does not count. I am talking about a full 100% Black champion. Not someone who is half and half.

Who says that holding the WWE title immediately makes you the face of the company? Psycho Sid was never the face of the company, nor was RVD when he held the title, nor is Sheamus. Cena has remained firmly the face of the company for years, and this won't prevent Kofi becoming WWE champion. If your theory is correct, then McMahon will have nothing to fear, because the face of his company is still white.

Are you going to argue with me that more often than not the WWE Champion IS the face of the company? Sure they are.

However, regardless, when do you think there is going to be a Black face of the company and why has it taken so long?

Little white kids love Kofi. They also love Rey Mysterio. They sing "Whats Up?" with R-Truth. You are an idiot, and you should never have children.

Obviously, people like you are walking advertisements for abortions.

So you are telling me that little white kids love Kofi and Rey so much. That's great. Let's see it translate over with their parents who make the decision on whether or not to take them to the shows.

Just based on...what you think is right? I'm not saying my opinion is correct or is the right one, I'm just saying you have no hard evidence to suggest your claims.

LOL. What an asinine statement. Most people don't have hard evidence when citing their opinions. That is why we are on an opinion forum.

What don't you get? Just because you have some "sub-concious" racism going on deep down doesn't mean the same for everyone, especially not with a newer generation of kids who have been introduced to faces such as Kofi and R-Truth.

Oh, I'm the racist for suggesting that there are conscious racial preferences that go into marketing decisions by the WWE and just about everywhere else? Are you for fucking real?

Kids mean diddly squat like I said. The parents are the ones with the cash.

Ok. I could just as easily say that everyone who watches wrestling has deep seated homo erotic tendencies, and thats why no one enjoys womens wrestling as much. See? I can talk out of my ass too.

Go for it. Let's hear your theory.

The Rock. 7 time WWE Champion. Coloured.

Eddie Guerrero. WWE Champion. Coloured.

Pedro Morales. WWWF Champion. Coloured.

1. Half Black / Half White. Not 100% Black.

2. Was during a time when the WWE Championship was NOT the primary Championship of the company. The WWE Champion was on Smackdown. Besides that, Guerrero was Hispanic, not Black.

3. White Puerto Rican.

You are truly wrong.

Yep. So you keep claiming, and so you keep having nothing of substance to back it up.

But if nearly everyone you speak to disagrees with you and says that Kofi will win the title regardless of colour, then maybe your opinion isn't as right as you like to think.

No. My opinion is the correct one. There are simply apologists out there that feel the need to come in and play Defense Attorney because they have some obsession with defending the company they grew up on.

My loyalty to the company went out the window when Vince decided to move into the direction of The PG Era.

When we have a Black WWE Champion on Raw, then we will know that Racial Preferences are not a factor in WWE's overall strategy.

Now, are the majority of WWE's viewers Black?

Let's take a look.

* 61% are male
* 15% are ages 12-17
* 67% are ages 18-49
* 41% are males 18-34
* 33% are non-white
* 29% have a HHI of 75K or higher
* 15% have a HHI of 100K or higher

Just 33% of the viewing audience is Non-White. And you think that plays no factor in a staged production where winners and losers are predetermined?

WWE caters to the majority of their viewers. The evidence is as clear as day. You can deny it all you want, but you can not provide an acceptable explanation for why since the beginning, the WWE has never had a Full Black Heavyweight Champion on it's flagship show for even a month. Not even a month.

Hahahaha. Yes. They had plenty of opportunity to put the WWE title on him. Just like they had plenty of opportunity to put the WWE title on Mike Knox and the Womens Title on Michael Cole. R-Truth didn't get the belt because he wasn't good enough, and a comparison to John Cena is laughable.

How isn't R-Truth good enough, may I ask? I want you to deep dive into this one in explaining the in-ring capabilities and mic abilities of R-Truth and John Cena.

You get what WWE gives you. I guarantee you that if R-Truth was in Cena's place, and WWE decided to give him the monster Cena push ... while keeping Cena in R-Truth's place on Smackdown, you would be saying the exact opposite.

McMahon is so good at telling fans what to think. And people like you lap it up every time. He can even convince you to believe that wrestlers actually determine their own pushes now.

In the end, why are you so negative and eager to pounce on the WWE? Do you own stock in TNA? Why take it so personally you feel the need to play the prosecutor to the degree you are in every single thread. Calm the fuck down and try to get your head out of the Attitude Era and your ass without having a ridiculous negative stance on every action the company makes.

First, watch your mouth, MRC. You don't tell me what to do.

Secondly, not all of my opinions of WWE are negative, however a clear majority are. And I am not changing my opinions just because you ask me to. My opinions are my opinions and those opinions can only be changed by me. Staying true to my opinions, and giving my honest views is more important to me than coddling to posters on here who can't stand their favorite company being criticized for legitimate criticisms.

So my best advice -- deal with it.

Kofi will become WWE Champion.

Not in this lifetime. However, seeing is believing. Is this what you are going to be still saying 10 years from now, or are you going to look back and simply say "You know, Kofi just wasn't good enough because if he were, McMahon would have given him the title."

Mindless apologist fans that can't think for themselves. That's exactly the type of fan that Vince absolutely loves.
Don't make me Fucking laugh.

Rock is a mix. He is half Black and half White. Therefore no, I'm sorry, but he does not count. I am talking about a full 100% Black champion. Not someone who is half and half.

Are you going to argue with me that more often than not the WWE Champion IS the face of the company? Sure they are.

However, regardless, when do you think there is going to be a Black face of the company and why has it taken so long?

Obviously, people like you are walking advertisements for abortions.

So you are telling me that little white kids love Kofi and Rey so much. That's great. Let's see it translate over with their parents who make the decision on whether or not to take them to the shows.

LOL. What an asinine statement. Most people don't have hard evidence when citing their opinions. That is why we are on an opinion forum.

Oh, I'm the racist for suggesting that there are conscious racial preferences that go into marketing decisions by the WWE and just about everywhere else? Are you for fucking real?

Kids mean diddly squat like I said. The parents are the ones with the cash.

Go for it. Let's hear your theory.

1. Half Black / Half White. Not 100% Black.

2. Was during a time when the WWE Championship was NOT the primary Championship of the company. The WWE Champion was on Smackdown. Besides that, Guerrero was Hispanic, not Black.

3. White Puerto Rican.

Yep. So you keep claiming, and so you keep having nothing of substance to back it up.

No. My opinion is the correct one. There are simply apologists out there that feel the need to come in and play Defense Attorney because they have some obsession with defending the company they grew up on.

My loyalty to the company went out the window when Vince decided to move into the direction of The PG Era.

When we have a Black WWE Champion on Raw, then we will know that Racial Preferences are not a factor in WWE's overall strategy.

Now, are the majority of WWE's viewers Black?

Let's take a look.

Just 33% of the viewing audience is Non-White. And you think that plays no factor in a staged production where winners and losers are predetermined?

WWE caters to the majority of their viewers. The evidence is as clear as day. You can deny it all you want, but you can not provide an acceptable explanation for why since the beginning, the WWE has never had a Full Black Heavyweight Champion on it's flagship show for even a month. Not even a month.

How isn't R-Truth good enough, may I ask? I want you to deep dive into this one in explaining the in-ring capabilities and mic abilities of R-Truth and John Cena.

You get what WWE gives you. I guarantee you that if R-Truth was in Cena's place, and WWE decided to give him the monster Cena push ... while keeping Cena in R-Truth's place on Smackdown, you would be saying the exact opposite.

McMahon is so good at telling fans what to think. And people like you lap it up every time. He can even convince you to believe that wrestlers actually determine their own pushes now.

First, watch your mouth, MRC. You don't tell me what to do.

Secondly, not all of my opinions of WWE are negative, however a clear majority are. And I am not changing my opinions just because you ask me to. My opinions are my opinions and those opinions can only be changed by me. Staying true to my opinions, and giving my honest views is more important to me than coddling to posters on here who can't stand their favorite company being criticized for legitimate criticisms.

So my best advice -- deal with it.

Not in this lifetime. However, seeing is believing. Is this what you are going to be still saying 10 years from now, or are you going to look back and simply say "You know, Kofi just wasn't good enough because if he were, McMahon would have given him the title."

Mindless apologist fans that can't think for themselves. That's exactly the type of fan that Vince absolutely loves.

This has to be the most racist post I've ever read.The Rock was half black, half Samoan(not half white) This whole BookerT argument that he somehow didnt count is stupid.The last time I checked, he may have been 'King', but he was still BLACK! You mean to tell me that white viewers are so ******ed that when they see or hear an African-American with an english accent (or with a 'white' voice) they automatically forget the color of their skin? So I guess if JTG changes how he speaks, he's a shoe-in for world title gold?

I still don't get how the Rock doesnt count, because during his era, it wanst known by people that he was mixed race(heck, even MVP's got lighter complexion than Dwanye Johnson) Add to that the fact that he was in the Nation of Domination.But you seem to want to find a reason for tearing down any & every achievement made by a coloured athlete.
Rey Mysterio became champ because his gimmick &persona cut across color & age lines.And that's the reason why Kingston will make it as well.He's gimmick acknowledges part of his heritage, but it doesnt play on stereotypes.
The reason black athletes may seem to struggle is because 80% of the time they potrayed as "Boyz from straightoutta the ghetto". Eddie Guerrero's gimmick was toned down to more reflect his Latino heritage as opposed to blatant stereotypes(like the Mexi-cools on lawnmowers)

The last time I checked, white males havent shunned the NBA because of the number of Black people playing.What makes us assume that rating will bomb if Kingston were to become champ?
Are you going to argue with me that more often than not the WWE Champion IS the face of the company? Sure they are.

You are completely contradicting yourself. Earlier in this very thread you stated: "As far as how I relate to Sheamus, Sheamus clearly and by all accounts is NOT the face of the company." Sheamus is the WWE champ, Sheamus is on Raw, which argument are you going with here??

Now, are the majority of WWE's viewers Black?

Let's take a look.

Just 33% of the viewing audience is Non-White. And you think that plays no factor in a staged production where winners and losers are predetermined?

Hey I don't suppose you can find the statistics for how many of the WWE viewers are paper white, ginger, Irish guys??? Would be intersting to see....

WWE caters to the majority of their viewers. The evidence is as clear as day. You can deny it all you want, but you can not provide an acceptable explanation for why since the beginning, the WWE has never had a Full Black Heavyweight Champion on it's flagship show for even a month. Not even a month.

You still haven't provided an acceptable list of "100% Pure Black" candidates that should have won the title in this time? As I remember, you listed Shelton and R Truth (Who both could still win it) Booker T, who as I have said previosuly has still one the WHC (Not the WWE Title I know!) Was in a RAW mainevent for Wrestlemania and won King of the Ring (Some pretty good achievements for a "100% Pure Black" guy in the WWE.) Oh and Ron Simmons because he was better than the likes of Sid (Not a great argument as to why someone deserved a WWE title reign)

McMahon is so good at telling fans what to think. And people like you lap it up every time. He can even convince you to believe that wrestlers actually determine their own pushes now.

Okay, Okay, before you were saying how Black wrestlers don't get the WWE title because the predominantly White WWE audience wouldn't accept them. Now you are saying that it is Vince who is telling the audience what to think???

To quote your favorite little saying... GIVE ME A BREAK
The WWE Championship Isn't The Only Major World Title In The Entire World You Know, WCW Has Booker T,Ron Simmions As Their World Champions, ECW Had Tazz,Mark Henry And Lots More Black People As Champions, Kofi Has Won The U.S,World Tag And Intercontineal Championships, With In 2 Years He Has Accomplaisied This And Thats Not Good Enough For You? Hes Going Into The Main Event And When Hes Proven Himself He Will Become Champion.
If Kofi ever wins the title it would be due the fact he is black. Due to fact he is average in the ring and botches at least once a match. Crap on the mic. No charisma. Not over with the crowd.
Kofi does botch several times a month, and his mic skills still need some polishing, but he's a young guy still and he hasn't been in the WWE all that long. Sure he's done a lot in the time he's been here, but he shouldn't be considered a WWE or WHC yet. He's still got plenty of time to develop. If and when he gets the title, I'm sure he will have earned it, but his color will also play a factor, which is a shame. This is 2010 not 1910 or 1810 for that matter. I really hope that Kofi and other black superstars are being held back by Vince because of the color on their skin.
In my opinion, The WWE has stepped over quite a few Black Wrestlers regaurding a World Title Run. I will try not to fall too far off topic, but to Name two, I think Ahmed Johnson worked well enough to make a title run. There was a time when he was flaming hot and way over (mic skills were questionable). I also believe Ron Simmons (while in the Nation of Domination) could have made one run. As far as Kofi, I don't think it's a matter of color with him. I think it's his size and the IT factor.You dont' see alot of guys his size (lightweight) as champ. Vince has been known as a guy that is high on big men. The other thing Kofi has working against him is his mic skills. It's seems like The writers and Vince are more impressed with charisma and mic skills then work rate. No question Kofi is one of the most exciting wrestlers in the buisness but knowing the history of the WWE they will use him for MITB, and Intercontinetal matches wich usually turn out better then the heavyweight matches anyway. If you look at the titleholders, you usually see 240 and up for example. Booker T 250, Triple HHH 270, Cena 250, Undertaker,Lashley,Kane,Stone Cold, Rock,Hogan, Angle. etc. In these guys you see various mixtures of Charisam,Power,Technical, and Pop. You believe these guys can beat anyone every night. Even though there are son exceptions (Shawn Micheals,Rey Mestirio,Jeff Hardy, Eddie Guerrero, Beniot.) They Could play the role of giant Killers. Kofi is an amaizing highflyer but at this point in his career I dont think you can put him over guys like Batista, Triple HHH, or Undertaker on a consistent basis. Although as an African American I would love to see more Black Heavyweight champions ,but I don't think it's Kofi. I think MVP would make a credible world champion (only as heel) in either brand. Kingston would stand a better chance in Tna or Ring of Honor the WWE. I hope I was able to shed some kind of light on this topic.
Topic should be closed.

First, you made a topic saying Kofi isn't going to be champion because he is black, which is racist all on it's own, regardless of your intentions. Second, you contradicted your thread title with completely other points that everyone already understands.

The guy is small, who cares? Rey Mysterio is smaller than him, and in my opinion, even after being in the business for 20 years, doesn't have the mic skills Kofi does, who's only been in the business 5 years. Kofi's problem is he doesn't know how to take his scripts and make them work on screen. There's only so much a writer can do, but when a wrestler can't get himself over in a full capacity, it's his own fault.

It's not his size, it's not his mic skills, and it certainly IS NOT his skin color. Failed thread.
Kofi Kingston still has plenty of time to get to the top (shit, he's only 29 or 30 years old). That being said, him not being WWE champion has nothing to do with him being black; it has to do with the fact that he's not that good. He's not very good on the mic, and, right now, he's nothing more than an average wrestler. Furthermore, he doesn't seem that smart: why would he take as his own Madoka's Ranhei when he can't even perform it that well? Also, shouldn't he know that the move itself is stiff as shit, and thus not the kind of move someone should be using on wrestlers who perform in the ring about 3 times a week?

If Kingston's push has slowed down at all, it's probably because McMahon is so pissed he future endeavored the one African-American who's looking like he could be the real deal over in TNA.
Every 2.3 months, someone makes a post/thread similar to this, and I laugh a little inside. I die a little inside as well, but luckily I don't notice it over my general good feeling of calmness.

You know who was going to be the leader of what we now deem the Golden Age? The guy Vince was going to position his entire company around?

Tony Atlas. That's right, Tony Motherfucking Atlas. Hulk Hogan was going to be portrayed as a heel, mind you, and Vince was going to have Tony run with the WWF Title for a time period which, sadly, we can't calculate the length of. Mainly because, Vince decided to let Tony go. Vince didn't choose Hulk Hogan over Tony, Vince felt forced to let Tony go. Not because of race, and not over any prejudice of the crowd. Tony Atlas had the world in his hand, and fumbled it on Cocaine and Speed. If it weren't for that, the standard bearer for the WWF(E) would have been, yeah, a black man.

What's my point? Vince knows talent. And if he feels a talent has the chance to run with the title, he gives him that shot. It has never been a race issue for Vince, but clearly, a talent issue. Consider Ahmed Johnson. Vince was going to give the guy a shot, but unfortunately, his kidneys failed him. Vince has no problem making a black man the standard bearer of the company. To insinuate otherwise is purely comical.

Kingston? He may get his chance, but he better learn to cut a better promo. But if Vince feels he can make money off Kofi, he'll do it. Yes, regardless of race.

Just noticed this nugget:

In my opinion, The WWE has stepped over quite a few Black Wrestlers regaurding a World Title Run. I will try not to fall too far off topic, but to Name two, I think Ahmed Johnson worked well enough to make a title run.

Ahmed's push was halted not because Vince wanted it to stop, but because of his health. Only reason. If Ahmed held up, he may have been a champion. It's unfortunate, but that's how life goes some times
Firstly, Booker T *was* a champion, regardless of his gimmick. Granted, I didn't like the gimmick much, but you can't dismiss Booker T just because of the gimmick they gave him.

As for Kofi, he simply isn't ready. I feel that WWE gave him a chance when he had that feud with Orton, but the spark simply wasn't there. Maybe that's also the fault of the WWE creative team, but either way, Kofi wasn't ready, hence the fact that he didn't even get a win over Orton. Maybe in the future, Kofi will become a main-eventer and will challenge for a championship. He certainly has the in-ring ability, but his mic skills are not quite there yet. Also, he needs a far more serious "edge" and better entrance music, if he is to become a main eventer.

Black champions? Heck, I liked Bobby Lashley's run in WWE and I thought he'd be the next Brock Lesnar.....didn't work out that way though. Shelton Benjamin is definitely a great mid carder, but not quite a main eventer. Who else is there, seriously? R-Truth is a gimmick guy. Maybe JTG or Shad from Cryme Tyme might split up and be pushed as singles competitors?

Either way, I don't think that Kofi's skin color is the reason why he will or will not be champion. If he can improve, mature and refine his mic skills and become more "serious" (maybe a heel turn), he stands a damn good chance.
Jesus, this crap really pisses me off. We're heading down the road here of positive discrimination, which is the biggest crock of pc bullshit I've ever seen. People do understand what positive discrimination is? It is basically the idea of, for example, there's not enough black/asian/martian/ect. police officers, so what we'll do is we'll promote these cultural groups even if they aren't qualified enough to do the job, then our figures will look really good, and we won't be labeled as racist. This is the same ideas coming up in this post. Such and such isn't much good in the ring, isn't over with the fans, and can't cut a promo if there lives depended on it; But, lets make them WWE champ just to show we're not racist.
Oh and Sid, you're so right about one thing; If WWE ever DARE to have a black champion, I will stop watching that minute. (detect the sarcasm.)
Really enjoyed Tenta's post and agree with alot that he said about this topic. I saw Tony Atlas's interview a while back and he was due a big push and drugs got in the way. I also remember him saying that Vince's Father was very high on black wrestlers and really went balls out to push them. When the current Vince took over, he wanted to create more of a balance in the locker room. I do agree that Vince knows talent as well (what he did in the 80's alone is probably the main reason why we watch it today.) However Not all of Vince's picks have been good ones. I mean hell Shemaus and Drew are ok at best. Back to the subject, I still believe their are some black wrestler who were ignored. In Ahmed's case I remember the Kidney Problem he had and from what Ive read and heard from Ahmed that actually had broken ribs suffered during a fued with Ron Simmons.But in wrestling, most are dealing with series injuries and in a few cases steal hold onto the strap.(Kurt Angle,Shawn Micheals,Stone Cold to name a few.) It may have had something to do with race and it may not. We don't really know because there is alot that goes on and has gone on behind the scenes that we'll never know. But the question is a fair question all you have to do is look at the list of Champions in the last 20 years . Now ask yourself how many of those champions black? As far as major federations go I can name 6 black wrestlers in the last 20 years. So yes as an African American I can pose the question. But I also think there have been alot of white wrestlers that have been looked over (Ricky Steamboat,Ted Dibiase,Barry Windham,Terry Taylor, and Currently John Morrison.) I will say this again about Kofi, it's not a race issue with him, it's more of a it factor(but the sky is the limit for him). I truly believe todays wrestling product is very very diverse and I am enjoy tuning in to watch. But when you read and hear about incidents involving guys like Micheal Hayes or past incidents that involved Bill Watts , it leaves room for arguement.
Kofi won't be champion because he sucks. He would suck if he was white too. His "controlled frenzy" was cool in the beginning, but now it bores the hell out of me. I liked his character when he was serious about beating Orton. When he destroyed the race car, that was cool. Since then he's been on a kind of downward spiral in my mind.
Yes i said it, and it is the truth!

When have you ever seen a full black person be wwe champion, booker t does not count because at the time his gimmick was impersonating a white king, and the rock is not full black(his samoan heritage was played up), i think if they had a black champion representing the wwe kofi or whoever, wwe could get negative feedback from it, and might not appeal to most of america, black wrestlers in the wwe always have the ''so close yet so far'' thing going on, bokker t as himself lost all matches there, mvp could have been champ(during a before his mini feud with orton last year), he never won it, r truth was tna champion and is over with wwe fans, he hasn't even had a sniff yet, and shelton, who is one of the better wrestlers in the wwe, has not won it neither,whereas green wrestlers like sheamus, and lesnar's first reign, have won it, of course not all black wrestlers can win it, as some are just not good enough, but kofi and others i have mentioned definatley could have been good champs if given a chance, especially kofi, but it won't happen.

thoughts on this, and PLEASE don't mention the ecw title because it is NOWHERE NEAR being As prestigious or important as the wwe or world heavyweight title, OPINIONS PLEASE!!!

I think your wrong abotu BOoker, he does count, your just making an excuse for him not to. He won the title because he's a good worker they could market, the king gimmick was just a continuation of the old tradition of the king of the ring winner taking on a king gimmick, it had nothing to do with being "white". Your adding race where it isn't needed to be.

With that said, without a doubt the wwe has it's share of racism and racist gimmicks. BUt as mentioned, even though you don't count it, the ecw title has been held and it's last ever champion was, by a black person.

But Kofi hasn't gotten teh title yet because they havn't seriously pushed him. Guys such as Mat Hardy and John Morrison and The Miz who have about as much skill aren't world champions either so it's not because he's black.

And Rock might not be a full black, but if you check your family histories alot of people who call black are really mixed, even if it's a tiny percent. Thus Rock counts.

Plus, BOoker T won the wcw title on wwe programming without the king gimmick from kurt angle and held it for a few months before losing it to Rock at Summerslam, and he won it on the last nitro which techancly was a wwe show at the time since wcw was bought out at that time of the broadcast and he won it there as well.
I find it silly to discuss about something like that simply because as many of you said before me Booker T was black and was world champion(like somebody said if Booker T wasnt black because he portrayed white character then does that means that Cena is black!!!).Kofi could be world champion if he brush up his mic skills and they give him enough push.Besides, this threat is ridiculous because I read somewhere that Vince gave Kofi his initial push because he acctualy wanted to give huge push to somebody black who is over with the fans like Kofi or R-Truth so I dont know why we are talking about racism here?
None of the current black WWE superstars deserve it simply because they deliver poor poor promos. Shelton Benjamin whilst undoubtedly a terrific performer in the ring, is appalling on the mike. Kingston i see as an athletic superstar, but he doesn't blow me away. He's not technically great and he does mistime a lot of moves. That said though, he will improve with experience. He needs to improve his mike skills a lot though, he sounds like a bad soap actor. Does MVP count as black? I guess so. He is decent on the mike. I don't like his current gimmick, but he does what he's supposed to do well. I also think he's reasonable in the ring, he just needs a decent finisher.
I cannot believe that some of your are dismissing Booker T or his reign as champion. He WAS A champion and a great one at that. Ultimately, it has nothing to do with skin color. For me, Kofi just doesn't cut it. I felt like WWE gave him his chance against Orton, but he didn't really shine or seize the moment. Granted, he has all the athletic ability in the world, but for now, he just doesn't have the mic skills or presence to take it to the next level. As for Shelton Benjamin, I only wish his mic skills were better, because he could be the next Kurt Angle.
I think that's a ridiculous statement.

I'd rather have Kofi as champ then R-Truth.

I can't believe there's people out there who still thinks the WWE is racist. At least that's what I'm interpreting from this ridiculous thread.
To say kofi wont be champ cuz hes black is dumb. Its not the WWE's fault there are more white guys wrestling than black guys. Even if the black guys didnt win the title doesnt mean they werent pushed. The majority of black wrestlers in the wwe have been pushed but they always lack something to get themselves the title.

There are white wrestlers that havent won one of the two big titles yet either does that mean that WWE is racist against whites? No. People only notice black dont get it because there are less of them in wrestling.

What should WWE do go around the world and try to convince a bunch of black people to wrestle?
That just sounds really stupid, Kofi's race has nothing to do with him not being WWE champion. He is a great performer, over with the crowd, and depending on how he is used will determine his future success in WWE, as in championship runs and such. I honestly think he should be in the main event picture because he has done well with main eventers (ex: randy orton) and it would be nice to see a new person up there in the main event picture, and Kofi is only one guy who I think deserves it
I don't think being black has anything to do with it, people accept talent no matter what color. If you notice the two most popular leagues in the world are the NFL and NBA and a majority of the stars ar black. Also if notice most of the people in the stands are white so you can throw that america won't accept it shit out the window. If the wwe wants to elevate its black stars give them some freedom on the mic, I doubt the wwe creative writing team has many if any black on staff so how can they possible make the character seem grow. Nobody wants to see an ass kissing MVP they want that cocky sumbitch that acts like he's god's gift to wrestling.

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