Kofi won't be WWE Champion, because he is BLACK!!!

I don't think Kofi will be champ because of his personality for one, and because he can be a liability in the ring. How many times have you seen him screw up ROYALLY in the ring during MAIN EVENT moments? Its not a skin/ethnicity issue. I normally try to stay neutral during these types of things, but I am sick of seeing this go on. No one can say WWF/E/WCW was racist (McMahon/Bicschoff..etc)

If you look at the history of champs, everyone has a history behind them. Let's start with Tito Santana, Andre The Giant, Nikolai Volkoff, The Iron Sheik, and tag champs Tony Atlas and Rocky Johnson, How about Ron Simmons in WCW? Then Booker T, you have The Rock, Khali, Melina, Guerreros, Mysterio. It shouldn't matter if someone is 'playing' white or 'playing' a different ethnicity. They are from a different cultural background. It brings light to people and can show that everyone is good. Despite some of the stupid stories surrounding the champs, however, it shows that the certain someone has heart and that the company believes in them. :angry: And that's how it should be in my honest opinion. People can believe what they want, and I'm sure there are people in WWE that are the same way, but no matter what any of us say or do, or even what the corporate say, nothing will convince certain marks otherwise sadly.
While Litasrevenge has a point-that all sorts of ethnicities get the title-the point should be made that none of those people are African American. Samoan, Mexican, Indian, Native American, but no Africans. It is a bit strange that outside of Booker T there are no Africans holding major titles these days in the wwe. Sure, wcw gave the belt to blacks, but the wwe isnt wcw.
I think the reason for that is because wwe feels the need to give black people a gimmick, and it hasnt been since the wcw merge (at least) since we've had a wrestler with a gimmick become champion......at least that I can think of (I'm sure i'm wrong though) and to clarify, by gimmick, I mean someone who doesnt concentrate on the title at all...think of Khali. When he wanted the title, he got it, but now he has this "playboy" gimmick, and now he's nowhere near a title shot.
Also note that it only took Bobby Lashley about a year and a half to get a "major" title, and he didnt have a gimmick, plus he was huge, so it would've been a little odd to not give someone with that kind of strength a title. Of course, this brings to mind Mark Henry. Mark obviously is strong (WSM, duh) but he reached the height of his career long ago, and I think the wwe believes the fans would find it boring to have him win the title since it's been so long since he's had a spotlight on him (think NOD days). Note that race is never put into question there.
Someone mentioned that Kofi is like John Morrison as far as when they'll get a major title. I think this is probably true. If they both drop their gimmicks at the same time (Kofi drops the accent and Morrison stops being a pop star) then they'll probably reach the titles around the same time. Until then, I think Morrison and Kofi will have to settle for challenging for the gimmick titles for now (IC and US titles)
Bottom line, I think if Kofi drops the Jamaican gimmick and goes back to his badass attitude that he showed with Orton (and works on his in-ring skill a bit...cuz he does make more than his share of botches) then I'd say he gets the MITB next year and cashes it in for the win and the title around Summerslam time. Other than that, I can't see any other black stars (Shelton included...he's just doomed to be a mid-carder ever since the "big momma" gimmick) who are ready to take the strap...

...and to all those who are saying wwe wont do it cuz they think it wont appeal to the masses cuz black people are never on top in the media or whatever, gimme a break. We have a black person on top of the entire United States...isnt that enough?
I don't think WWE will push him to be WWE champion because :

1)He look small compare with other wrestlers, because of this he will not make a believeable champion

2)He don't really have mic skill, he got no hit phrases
Kofi Kingston wont be the wwe champion because he aint good enough nothing to do with him being black , i mean vince mcmahon is very proud of african american people in his company he's always showed that. the reason there hasnt been many african american champions is because there just hasnt been enough good wrestlers to be champion in the wwe, ron simmons came to the wwe , wit a bad character and by the time he got over in the wwe in the apa he was already passed his prime and couldnt compete in world title matches.
I think Kofi has all the parts set up to be a champion, he has the look, the wrestling ability, and he has decent mic work. I think the number one problem with him is that they need to change his always happy and smiley gimmick. They need to make him a more serious character like they had him with Orton when he destroyed his car. Now that's the Kofi that gets over with the crowd, and that's the Kofi we all want to see. I think it has nothing to do with race.
This is an interesting topic. Its my first time posting on here so bare with me. I think it is more about image than race. Alot of black wrestlers don't have that "it" factor the WWE is looking for. For example Shelton Benjamin. In 2005 he could have won the World Championship and no one would have complained he was extremely over back then. But he did not have the image factor the WWE was looking for. Its one of the same reasons why it took Chris Benoit years to become champion because he did not have the image the WWE was looking for. Sheamus who alot of people have been dissing, on a performance level and charsimatic level did not deserve to be champion but he has a look that has never been seen before. An extremely pasty Irishman! Its extremely cool looking and never been done before! Jeff Hardy another mediocre talent represents how alot of young people feel with his never say die rebellistic attitude so it works. If a black wrestler was to create an interesting character then they could succeed. Unfortunately WWE doesnt base their world champions on talent or else Umaga or Taka Mishinoku woud have been champs as well. If WWE would have kept Elijah Burke and used his pope gimmick he could have been a world champ. I dunno thats mytwo cents doesn't count for much, but do you agree?
Kofi has every tool to take home the big prize, it's just a matter of maturation. On the mic, in the ring and in the back. He's gotta lot of years ahead of him and they can definitely use Kofi as a corner stone if they play their cards right, which I'm sad to say they haven't as of late. They gave him a golden opportunity with the Orton run but once it ended he didn't have much to do. He's definitely the guy who needs the US Title right now. I think the US Title could be something the younger guys can rally around to get over. There's quite a pool of mid card talent on Raw; Kofi, Christian, Dibiase, MVP, Mark Henry, Evan Borne all of whom who can really run with a title reign. But Kofi's gotta find his voice and start letting more of himself shine through, He's gotta start having fun in the ring.
If they used MVP more, and put him in a decent feud on Smackdown, he could be John Cena's back up as the face of WWE. His life story is an inspiration for the kids(if you look at it the right way) and he already has his own 'don't try this' commercial.

Kofi could be a top notch champion too,he just needs a mean streak.If he got a little more fired up in the ring he could take it home at a PPV.

Shelton is...done for.That Gold Standard nonsense is whack,his hair is a wreck, and they only use him when it's time to throw a big spot-fest

Cryme Tyme should have had those titles a LONG time ago.I'm talkin pre-unification long ago.
I honestly think most of you people (and i use the term 'you people' to describe people replying to this tread, so dont start) won't be happy until there is a 'fully black', female, special needs, foreign world heavyweight champion, because until that happens, you're going to pick fault with their choices. I understand why you might have looked into this and seen how in your mind 2 + 2 = 5 but lets be honest, Kofi is good, but they were only testing his character abilities out against Randy Orton to see if he could be pushed and just because he isn't right now, it doesn't mean that they haven't seen potential in him to become the champion in the future. What they're actually doing is building him as a character which they NEVER do with new potentially great 'fully white' guys, (except maybe Cena, but same could argue his gimmick at the time was 'black' so maybe that's why) instead they launch them to the top and watch them burn out quickly never to be seen again, so maybe we could argue that they're racist against white guys? no, exactly! Fact is i think Kofi was being tested and soon i imagine they will do a heel turn much like they did with the Rock to launch his career where he turns on the fans and becomes a bit of a badass. But as for being racist i think the fact that you decided that The Rock is not 'fully black', that's pretty racist in itself isn't it?...stupid thread
Looking more often then not black wrestlers fall into the lazy and/or drug abusing stereotype. It is an inconvient truth but it is true. Look at JYD to 2 Cold Scorpio to Shelton those factors continue to exhibited
I''m surprised on of the moderators hasn't closed this thread down. I like Kofi but he's not ME for a reason: He's in Midcard hell. Not because he's black.
Booker was black and he was World Heavyweight Champion, but that doesn't count bc he was acting white? Umm.. it's good to know if I wanna go to an African American Private School, I'll just release a rap demo and play basketball. That portion of your post was ignorant. Booker was never WWE Champion, so if you would've supported your title you could have said he was whc, which isn't regarded as the face and name of WWE and literally isnt the WWE Champion.

It's been rumored that Vince McMahon is racist for years. Between telling Carlito to "Spick it up", and the stereotypical characters he's allowed over the years, its hard to tell. Kofi isn't WWE champion because he's not ready. Giving him a push to test the waters was probably a mistake on WWE's part bc now people wont shut the fuck up about it. His mic work is shit, and his character is 2-D. Fan support doesn't always make the final decision. It may be he wasn't made champ, yet Sheamus and Swagger were because they're white, or it could just be that Swagger and Sheamus are ready, just not utilized correctly. Sheamus did a good job, and is considered a hard worker. Swagger was IMO the second best ECW champ ECWWE had after Christian in regards to mic skill AND ringwork (not including RVD, since that was like 4 years ago). Kofi may be WWE Champ someday, he may not, but blaming it on race is unnecessary because all around the board pro wrestling is predominately white. Theres alot more white talent, and not to be racist, as a whole they seem to be better performers inside the ring and on the mic. I'm sorry they dropped Kofi's push, but suck it up. The IWC seems to strongly support Kofi, but you don't know the guy personally, and he hasn't had enough mic time to be judged accurately. This post isn't about race, it's about Kofi, and judging by grammar and ranting, it appears the poster is a little too young, or uneducated, to properly denounce the ethics of a global enterprise such as WWE. BTW R Truth is like 38 now, that's old in wrestling, not around 32 or 33 like he was when TNA gave him the title and he doesn't have the fan support most older guys in the title picture have. Judging by the year he disappeared into WWE developmental, he doesn't have all the in-ring skill down either. Think before you speak.
Why does Booker T not count? He may have had a British king gimmick, but his skin was still very black. A guy doesn't have to have a full-blown street thug gimmick to count as a black wrestler or champion.
if anyone doesn't think Vince and his buddies are just a little racist.....look at almost every character he gives ANY minority. Somba Simba, Funaki, Juvi and Super Crazy coming out on lawn mowers...I could go on about this for YEARS. Even the "strap" match that got added to extreme rules the other day seemed weird to me. A "STAP" match between two black guys? Shad WHIPPING the shit out of JTG on Smackdown....

I'm being serious too. No jokes. When have we ever seen them guys use a whip before this week? I can't think of once in the history of Cryme Tyme. I feel like the whole stipulation was added to the match because of their race. Why else?
I'm being serious too. No jokes. When have we ever seen them guys use a whip before this week? I can't think of once in the history of Cryme Tyme. I feel like the whole stipulation was added to the match because of their race. Why else?

Vince, and pro wrestling in general, has always used stereotypes for gimmicks. But he's not personally racist. He employs plenty of black people. He doesn't have to. Also, how is it racist in the slightest to have one black guy whipping another? Slave masters were white, not black. If you want to point out the obvious stereotype, just refer to Cryme Tyme's black criminal gimmick. But Shad and JTG were obviously ok with it or they wouldn't have done it.
This is a very interesting topic. There haven't been many and only The Rock has seen mega-success. JYD and Ron Simmons were champs back in the day but no one really remembers that. If not for the recent History of the WHC dvd, no one may have known about Ron Simmons.

I really can't speculate why there's a lack of black champions. R-Truth was NWA champion in TNA a few years ago but again, who knows about it? Is it lack of contenders? Uh...NO! It's about who you know. Is Kofi friends with Triple H they Sheamus reportedly is? Nope.
if anyone doesn't think Vince and his buddies are just a little racist.....look at almost every character he gives ANY minority. Somba Simba, Funaki, Juvi and Super Crazy coming out on lawn mowers...I could go on about this for YEARS. Even the "strap" match that got added to extreme rules the other day seemed weird to me. A "STAP" match between two black guys? Shad WHIPPING the shit out of JTG on Smackdown....

I'm being serious too. No jokes. When have we ever seen them guys use a whip before this week? I can't think of once in the history of Cryme Tyme. I feel like the whole stipulation was added to the match because of their race. Why else?

Well is not just about color of the skin but almost all characters comes from big stererotypes, even the white guys. Examples? JBL, Them Undertaker on his first encarnation, Steve Austin as a redneck, HHH as a pompoust snob and so on.

With the strap match you are becoming really paranoid because the same happened between Eddie and JBL, Punk and Umaga. also it was to give JTG a standing chance be cause blow for blow Shad would have beaten the living crap out of the smaller JTG.

I would give you something if it would have being a white guy whipping a Black guy and beating him but no that was not it.

And please, lets get real for a minute here, I am not saying he si completely someone who won't stereriotype someone but Vince goes more than anything for one color and that is GREEN, either you draw or you don't and that is the way it is.

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