ok if i remember correctly over the last few years black men have held wwe gold as in Major championships. Booker won the WWE World Title before leaving to go to TNA. Mark Henry held the ECW title. Came close to Winning the world title when Batista was injured and it came down to him and angle in a the battle royal. Lashley held the ECW title as well. now on to Kofi because hes black your saying he'll never be champion if i remember correctly he had a shot at winning but never made it to the chamber match because Edge took his spot. not trying to be off topic here. and Zeke may win the ECW title at Royal rumble. but dont go dissin on the blacks. Give kofi time he has one of the biggest fueds he is ever going to have in his career going on with Orton right now. im Pretty sure if Booker T was to ever come Back to WWE give him a real push he'd again win the WWE title. Enough Said. Again sorry if i went off topic