Kofi won't be WWE Champion, because he is BLACK!!!

ok if i remember correctly over the last few years black men have held wwe gold as in Major championships. Booker won the WWE World Title before leaving to go to TNA. Mark Henry held the ECW title. Came close to Winning the world title when Batista was injured and it came down to him and angle in a the battle royal. Lashley held the ECW title as well. now on to Kofi because hes black your saying he'll never be champion if i remember correctly he had a shot at winning but never made it to the chamber match because Edge took his spot. not trying to be off topic here. and Zeke may win the ECW title at Royal rumble. but dont go dissin on the blacks. Give kofi time he has one of the biggest fueds he is ever going to have in his career going on with Orton right now. im Pretty sure if Booker T was to ever come Back to WWE give him a real push he'd again win the WWE title. Enough Said. Again sorry if i went off topic
I find this utterly absurd considering that there aren't that many "black" wrestlers in WWE anyway. it's like saying WWE is racist towards asians because they haven't won a world title yet even I can understand that it's just 'cause there's not too much to pick from at the moment I mean there's three asian wrestlers and there's like eight "black" wrestlers out of a locker room of like a hundred it's like saying AJPW is racist towards everyone 'cause they have alot of Japanese champions
okay josefien, never said because they are black they have to win a title but they are capable of doing it, mvp should have won it last year, not boring batista.

He could have, maybe, but I don't think him not winning has anything to do with his skincolor. I don't even understand what makes you think so. Was there a certain incident which makes you think that the WWE bases their decisions on race?

There are other wrestlers who could have been champion, due to their potential or whatever, but aren't right now. Sometimes WWE tends to miss good opportunities.
(Although I don't think MVP should have won the championship last year, but that's your opinion, so I won't necessarily argue.)
slyfox, i have a lot of respect for you, i won't debate you or anything, but to say i'm racist is just stupid, my favourite wrestler is kurt angle and stone cold, and second i'm talking wwe champion not tna,ecw or wcw, just wwe, as for him ''acting as white'' i'm just saying that did he need to change to that gimmick to be champion, people can act and be how they want, this has been taken out of context completely. all you need to know is i'm not racist(and i'm a honest person), just debating something.

booker won king of the ring..so i could see why his whole 'king' gimmick was there, and are you really serious??? what about when john cena came in wwe and rapping with the 3 quarter jeans? and he still fronts as being black with the 'hustle, loyalty, respect'

and the reason kofi isnt champ is because as evry1 else said, he needs to improve his in ring ability, and his whole jamaican gimmick should be squashed bcuz he admitted he is from ghana.

and u really want to compare lesnar in this topic? LOL he deserves all the push he gets
lmfao..crazy thread here...peoples true colors sure come out when race is in discussion.

Honestly...i feel its 50/50 here. if vince wanted a black champion then poof it'll happen. mvp, kofi, shelton...have all been there for 2 or more years...sheamus comes in and wins the wwe title against wwe's biggest face...that's kinda funny to me. sheamus isnt a better wrestler then shelton. he isnt any "better" then mvp if you ask me...he isnt as entertaining as kofi imo.....so y is it that sheamus strolls in..not a year later he's champ when we have guys working there ass off for years to stay in the midcard? if vince wanted it to happen then it woulda happened already. NOW!!! r these wrestlers i've mentioned worthy to be world or wwe champion...nope they sure aint. maybe mvp WAS..when he was heel. point is, the black wrestlers in wwe arent ready to be champs. shelton needs mic work...mvp needs a fuckin heel turn and kofi well...THEGRANDSLAM said it all in about 1 short sentence about kofi. He is too small and he aint gon be champ...as much as i would like to see it..it aint happening. lets be honest randy orton has been making kofi look like a little fucking bitch. kofi cant get a win over him and orton just made kofi look EVER WORSE calling him stupid in the ring...poor poor little kofi. next time your having a bad day just think...poor poor kofi. that boy will never be champ. and its a shame cuz vince teases this big push like kofi kingston is going to be some huge face in the company and become a credible champ...lmao as soon as this fued with orton is over kofi will get pushed RIGHT THE FUCK BACK DOWN to the midcard, he'll be given a tag team partner and thats kofi will ever have to offer us.....is it cause he's black? NO its cause he isnt world champ material...dude needs about 75 more pounds and gimmick worth a shit.....smh
Yes i said it, and it is the truth!

When have you ever seen a full black person be wwe champion, booker t does not count because at the time his gimmick was impersonating a white king, and the rock is not full black(his samoan heritage was played up), i think if they had a black champion representing the wwe kofi or whoever, wwe could get negative feedback from it, and might not appeal to most of america, black wrestlers in the wwe always have the ''so close yet so far'' thing going on, bokker t as himself lost all matches there, mvp could have been champ(during a before his mini feud with orton last year), he never won it, r truth was tna champion and is over with wwe fans, he hasn't even had a sniff yet, and shelton, who is one of the better wrestlers in the wwe, has not won it neither,whereas green wrestlers like sheamus, and lesnar's first reign, have won it, of course not all black wrestlers can win it, as some are just not good enough, but kofi and others i have mentioned definatley could have been good champs if given a chance, especially kofi, but it won't happen.

thoughts on this, and PLEASE don't mention the ecw title because it is NOWHERE NEAR being As prestigious or important as the wwe or world heavyweight title, OPINIONS PLEASE!!!

This is aload of crap, and in itself is racist.
Of course Booker T counts, he is still black and it doesn't matter what character he is playing.

R Truth was TNA champion? So fucking what?! TNA is a bag of shite and me or you could become the champion there one day. Just because someone is champion on a completely inferior promotion doesn't mean that they are automatically world title material in WWE.

Shelton Benjamin is a quality athelete but lacks charisma and doesn't have that main event look IMO, but he does look like he should be doing more than he is at the minute.

And if Kofi never becomes WWE Champion it really has nothing to do with race, and to suggest it does is racist in itself. Many wrestlers have never won a world title while the IWC deems them good enough for it. Remember that backstage politics play a big role in this too, and the smallest of things can stop a superstars push.

And as or MVP, his face gimmick is awful and he will never be a World Champion like that. Maybe he could as a heel, but I HATE his face character, and his heel one isn't all that better IMO.
lmfao..crazy thread here...peoples true colors sure come out when race is in discussion.

Honestly...i feel its 50/50 here. if vince wanted a black champion then poof it'll happen. mvp, kofi, shelton...have all been there for 2 or more years...sheamus comes in and wins the wwe title against wwe's biggest face...that's kinda funny to me. sheamus isnt a better wrestler then shelton. he isnt any "better" then mvp if you ask me...he isnt as entertaining as kofi imo.....so y is it that sheamus strolls in..not a year later he's champ when we have guys working there ass off for years to stay in the midcard? if vince wanted it to happen then it woulda happened already. NOW!!! r these wrestlers i've mentioned worthy to be world or wwe champion...nope they sure aint. maybe mvp WAS..when he was heel. point is, the black wrestlers in wwe arent ready to be champs. shelton needs mic work...mvp needs a fuckin heel turn and kofi well...THEGRANDSLAM said it all in about 1 short sentence about kofi. He is too small and he aint gon be champ...as much as i would like to see it..it aint happening. lets be honest randy orton has been making kofi look like a little fucking bitch. kofi cant get a win over him and orton just made kofi look EVER WORSE calling him stupid in the ring...poor poor little kofi. next time your having a bad day just think...poor poor kofi. that boy will never be champ. and its a shame cuz vince teases this big push like kofi kingston is going to be some huge face in the company and become a credible champ...lmao as soon as this fued with orton is over kofi will get pushed RIGHT THE FUCK BACK DOWN to the midcard, he'll be given a tag team partner and thats kofi will ever have to offer us.....is it cause he's black? NO its cause he isnt world champ material...dude needs about 75 more pounds and gimmick worth a shit.....smh

Agree about Kofi. He is too small IMO to be a World Champion.
Regarding Sheamus, it looks like WWE wants to create a monster heel and they obviously thought Sheamus was the one. Was he ready? Maybe, maybe not. Has he been effective as Champion? Certainly IMO. People can't whinge and moan that MVP has been in WWE far longer so should be the top guy, it has nothing to do with the fact he is black that he is being held down, it's to do with his shit gimmick, average in ring skills and his very generic promos. WWE should play off the armed robber thing and make him a badass heel, not this shitty face.
slyfox, i have a lot of respect for you, i won't debate you or anything, but to say i'm racist is just stupid, my favourite wrestler is kurt angle and stone cold, and second i'm talking wwe champion not tna,ecw or wcw, just wwe, as for him ''acting as white'' i'm just saying that did he need to change to that gimmick to be champion, people can act and be how they want, this has been taken out of context completely. all you need to know is i'm not racist(and i'm a honest person), just debating something.

i also see how someone came to defend me, and then there post got deleted. trying to pick on me, i'm cool with that.

Yes you are racist. Did you know that Sheamus is the first Irish WWE Champion? Does that mean that WWE has been racist in the past to Irish people because they hadn't won a WWE title? What about English/Scottish/European/Asian etc. etc.

This is one of the most pointless threads I have ever read and one of the most racist too. You cannot call WWE racist because they haven't had as many black Champions as white, or because Sheamus is the Champion and not MVP. You also cannot just claim WWE is racist towards black people, but then leave out the fact that WWE has never(could be wrong, but face it, there haven't been many) had an asian WWE Champion, or before Sheamus Irish, etc. That in itself is racist and if you cannot see it then you aren't worth the debate because you haven't got enough braincells to engage in a proper one.
First of all u can't exclude booker t. Regardless of his gimmick he was champ. Can't exclude the rock because he comes off more black than samoan. When u first saw him u didn't say he was samoan u said he looks black. To me those two were good african american champs.Then u say america can't identify with a black champion. Its true that the majority of wrestling fans are white but hell this 2010 we got a black president. If u can handle that then accept the wwe with a black champion. You can't expect a black champion when most of the black wrestlers are still fresh in the game. They have to work their way up just like the rock and booker t did. Another reason there isn't a lot of black champions is because there are only a handful and not too many enter the business because they start off with ur type of thinking. The wwe is racist and a black person has no chance. That's the wrong type of thinking. As far as what black wrestlers are avaible right now I only see kofi and mvp as a champion and kofi is getting that push. It won't happen over night.kofi has a good look but needs alittle work on promos and in ring abilities. Shelton and r truth don't have the overall look. R truth and shelton don't do promos well and there in ring abilities are mediocre. Zeke will get a push maybe because of his size but I never heard the man speak and I'm not fan of wwecw. I've been watching wrestling since 93 it hasn't bothered me that there is not a black champion and that's because of the reasons I just explained.Racism isn't gone I know that for sure but think people are stepping outside the box we just need better black wrestlers. Oh and I'm not a racist but I am black. Note: why would you start your post off saying ur not racist makes u sound more suspicious. Just speak ur mind.
What a ridiculous sentiment. Booker T categorically proves that there is no aversion to having a black champion in the WWE, as does the meteoric push that was afforded to Kofi and Bobby Lashley in slightly less recent history. If the WWE didn't want to push black people, then they would all be languishing at the bottom of the roster, when guys like R-Truth etc. are being given their chance to shine on a regular basis.

If we don't include The Rock, then there has only been one black WWE World champion, but I think that is more to do with the fact that there aren't many black wrestlers at all. The ones that there are are usually pushed quite well as the WWE want to boost their demographic audience. Why would the WWE shoot themselves in the foot by alienating a significant proportion of their potential audience by never allowing a black man to succeed? It wouldn't. If the USA can elect a black president, I'm sure they'll be fine with a black champion in a fake sport.
You people are kinda crazy. WWE does not let anyone hold the WWE title. Punk, Khali, Rey, Henry, Matt Hardy, JoMo and others can get the ECW/WHC but will not touch the WWE title maybe never in their careers.

The WWE championship is the MAIN championship in pro wrestling. The Rock was the only person of black decent to hold it because he was on fire at the time and the biggest draw in WWF. Only a select few (37) can be WWE champion, Vince wants that title to have some sort of meaning and only a certain type of character can hold the WWE title.

With that being said, there will be a black WWE champion sooner or later. Shelton and R-Truth are the only ones I see that are credible enough to be WWE champion, however both characters need to evolve some to make the entire WWE Universe take notice and care about them. I believe R-Truth is there, he just needs a proper program to be elevated. (Plus, Vince is a R-Truth mark on record.)
i feel it is interesting that no black guy has been WWE CHAMP YET!

2002 undisputed WWE champion= The Rock. Oh but wait he's part Samoan so that doesn't count according to you. Black isn't actually a race (it's a color that get used as a blanket description for people with a dark complexion). African American on the other hand is and there have been African American champions in the WWE. So just stop all this crap and accept that you're wrong.
I have friends the same way u do and I've heard white people say the same things you have gully and I live in the south. I understand what u saying but it because they are black. The only way I can truly believe what u say is if u can prove to me that vince, the writers, and bookers are racist. I think the wwe has progress sinced the days of koko b ware and bad news brown. When michael hayes said his bullshit he got punished. They taking action. I would love to see black wrestler champion and representing my race proudly but we need better wrestlers. It would be good if we had a second or third generation black wrestler like the rock was.
Dont get me wrong i think gully is 100% wrong but i dont understand where the logic of kofi being too small to be champ is coming from.Jeff Hardy was fairly small hes been WWE & WHC Champ and probably the smallest wrestler in the WWE (excluding hornswoggle)is Rey Mysterio.He has already been WHC Champ once and is getting a title shot for the same title at the rumble.Kofi will be champ.
Man you people are crunk as hell on here. You guys wanna kill each other over something thats just entertainment. Well let me slide my two cents in. First I agree with what Gully was saying. Most of it. I do think Booker counts as a black champion. I mean hes a pretty dark guy. Dont matter if he was playing a white king. Which he was. But neither here nor there. Secondly Ive always wondered why they were always hesitant to put a world title on a black man. Ive been watching since the 80s and as a kid back then I always wanted to see somebody like me as champ. Hell they wouldnt even let a black man when a title at one time. When Rocky Johnson and Tony Atlas won the tag belts they never had a chance to defend them and had them took off them less than a month later. Junkyard Dog, Kamala, Abdullah the Butcher, Butch Reed... I could keep going if I wanted. But these men never even got IC title runs. WCW and NWA never gave em titles either. Right now I think MVP, Truth and Shelton all need to at least have some runs for the belt. But I dont think itll happen. So Kofi dont make room on your trophy case. You wont be getting that title anytime soon. Ill be rooting for you though. And will yall stop calling the ECW belt a world title. Its been dead for 9 years.
Well at least i have someone defending me thanks jb blazin, i feel it is interesting that no black guy has been WWE CHAMP YET!, and it is true peoples true colours sure do come out in race discussion, mvp definetley could have as could benjiman, but they have not, which is confusing to me, kofi won't win it, why are people defending wwe? they don't even work for them, and can't nobody tell me i'm racist cause no one knows me here, just because i bring up a racist discussion i'm racist?, oh i see where your comin from.

MVP and Shelton aren't even in the class of a Randy Orton, Undertaker, HHH, John Cena, etc. They're more similar to CM Punk and Jeff Hardy (and before you mention that they've held the WHC let me finish my argument). With how MVP and Shelton are being booked, I don't see them right now as having more potential than AT BEST a transitional champion (which let's face it, that's what Punk and Hardy have been). Shelton has as much charisma as the dust bunny that lives under my bed, and MVP as a face, bleh, doesn't do anything for me. He's perfectly set right now in the US Title picture.

How can you definitively say Kofi won't win one of the two world titles? Are you Vince McMahon? Are you on the booking team? Are you the second gunman on the grassy knoll that's going to take Kofi down? (Sorry, I lost my head there for a minute.) Without any definitive proof that Kofi will never win the WWE belt or the WHC, you can't say that he won't win it. The way that the E is pushing him right now is PERFECT. They built him up to main event status through what I believe has been the best feud of the last six to twelve months. Patience young grasshopper, Kofi will be champion.

And the argument that the ECW title doesn't have meaning because it's not one of the big two is dumb. If it has no meaning, then why is it currently the longest held title? Quite frankly, I think Christian holding it the last six months has done more for the ECW title than the frequent WWE title changes we've seen in that time (four WWE title changes since Christian won the ECW belt). But again I digress.

Kofi will win the title. Give him time.
Jeff Hardy may have taken a long time to get his title but he still got it and probably would have many more title reigns if i hadnt "taken time out" from wrestling.Rey was booed because edge was one of the most recognisable people in WWE he was so devious you had to like him.
Good grief, I think it's a bit early to tell if Kofi will be champ or not, he hasn't been in WWE for that long (one or two years I believe) so your jumping the gun a bit, not everyone wins their first world title in a year.

There's not that many black wrestlers on the roster to start with (Kofi, Mark Henry, R-Truth, Zeke, Shelton and Cryme Tyme are all of them I think) that's seven wrestlers, how can you say it's racist if they don't get shots when there's at least 30 other guys on the roster who are as talented or more talented than these guys. Wrestlers regardless of race have to show that they can be world champion and they have to stand out against the rest of them
Okay, from reading this forum topic and it's replies, I can tell that the vast majority of the people posting anything in this paritcular forum are just complete and total jackasses who do not know ANYTHING about African Americans OR our culture! Let me set you jackasses straight!


Gully Side, you are an imbecile! Just because a man is not "acting black" like the American media protrays African Amercians to the rest of the world, does not mean that man is no longer black. Also, define "acting black" for me please? Booker T was acting like an English Victorian era King because that was his gimmick. FYI there have been Black kings before in such African kingdoms as Kush. Chaka Zulu was king of Zulu Nation in Southern Africa. Booker Huffman could not have acted like an African King because it would not have gotten over! ( see Tony Atlas as Saba Simba) And lets face it, the WWE is a business and Vince is in it to make money. If you don't get over, Vince makes no money. Plain and simple. The Rock counts because he is a Black man and is proud of his Black and Samoan heritage. For the record I do not like John Cena and Cryme Tyme because their gimmicks further pushes the negative sterotypes of young African American males being thugs and fools and I would appreicate if the powers that be in the WWE change their gimmicks to something less offensive. Actually they need to release Shad Gaspard because he is just plain garbage in the ring and on the mic. I think JTG has the potential to be a future world champion if he seperated from Shad...


NorCal... Hey I am from NorCal too. I am proud resident of Oakland. Based off what you said about African Americans, I can tell that you would be afraid to even come to my neighborhood. I bet you don't even know one Black person outside of the ones that you work with don't you? Let me tell you something yes I like fried chicken, I love grape soda, but Sushi is my favorite food. What Black man can't like sushi too? We African Americans are not some uneducated, fried chicken devouring, rim buying, unprotected sex having fools that you and lot of you other posters on here think that we are! How about some of you get to know a person of African decent and stop forming your opinions on us from what you see on BET. You would be surprised to learn that we are hard working, very family oriented, very educated, very friendly people who have a rich heritage and a very influencial culture not just in America, but world wide.


It is not broken English idiots! It's called African American Vernacular English! It has the same rules and tendencies throughtout the entire US no matter where you go. May African Americans speak this way thanks to the old Jim Crow status quo that used to be in effect in the US. It developed because we were seperated from the White American society and we refused to assimilate like the White American socitey wanted us to. So as a result, we have our own dialect that we speak amongst each other. If I am not mistaken, Isn't this the same reason why American English, Austrailan English, Canadian English and South African English all differ from "Standard English"???? Yet, everyone recognizes those as different dialects yet just because we are Black and seen as inferior by the rest of the world, were seen as idiots who speak a broken language! Fuck all y'all!!!
Wow this thread is stupid. Kofi Kingston was pushed to the top in the first place because WWE wanted a black guy in the main event. They're having Kofi main event Raw with guys like Cena and Orton. I think that's a pretty decent push. I'm black myself, and I can safely say that the reason not many black guys have suceeded in the WWE is because most of them were shit. The Rock was the only guy who deserved his push. Shelton Benjamin is shit. Mark Henry is nothing more than a big man. MVP is decent, but he isn't over enough. R-Truth is over as fuck with the fans and entertaining in the ring, but he's too old to be pushed, although a US Title run wouldn't hurt. Lashley was and still is nothing more than a black Goldberg, and Booker T was average and pushed because there was no one else on Smackdown to hold the belt. Kofi is the first black guy in WWE to show main-event potential outside of The Rock. And that's coming from a black guy.
No, he's not WWE Champion yet because he's not ready. When Bobby Lashley was ECW Champion, it was still regarded as a World Title. And if The Rock.. err Dwayne Johnson, doesn't count as black, neither does Obama. They have the same amount of blackness in them (50%). Damnit man, this is 2010. You weren't a slave, I never owned slaves. You were never hosed down for looking at a white woman. Get over the past and move on or this kind of hatred will continue to exist. Shit.
Race will always be relevant in the world. That's just a plain reality. I easiest thing we can do is stick out heads in the sand and pretend it doesn't really matter. It's easier when you've never experienced it to pretend it's not there. As it relates to the corporate WWE product, i'm not sure Kofi's lack of championship push has anything to do with his color. Historically there has been many worthy black contenders who never reached the status of world champion due to their skin complexion. I could give you a list but it would take too much time. Like Hollywood the Wrestling industry is a business that thrives on stereotypes, hatred, and negativity. It always has been always will be. It was a white man's "sport" until Ron Simmons, The Rock, and Booker T broke the glass ceiling by becoming World Champions. They broke that barrier which makes it possible for a black man to be accepted and succeed as a World Champion if he's qualified to do so. Today's corporate WWE product is about the bottom line, supply and demand. If the audience demanded that Kofi carry the ball he would be world champion. There's no doubt in my mind that he's a future champion. Give him time. Forget about the instant gratification mentality of the day. Enjoy his rise. He has a great future ahead of him.

Whoever made this is a tad racist from the sounds of it.

Kofi will be champion as he is a great talent. But he will take it from an experienced wrestler. He isnt ready to star in one like if he went with Shemaus at The Rumble it would be boring as The new WWE champ still needs getting carried against Cena. I can see Kofi beating Undertaker or Orton for the belt.
{Moderation: off topic comments deleted}

And what the fuck does "Full Black" even mean? You want a fresh off the boat African to be champ? Killing Lions and shit? Cause that's about as close as full black as your going to get. I guess maybe I should start a thread and ask why hasn't there been a "Full White" champion.

Just because The Rock didn't talk ghetto, and didn't listen to 50 cent and wear his pants down his ass doesn't mean he wasn't full black. When you see the Rock, you don't think Samoan, or white, you think Black.

The problem is all these top black stars in the world that appeal to young Americans want people to think your not really black if you talk with some kind of education. That your not "real" if you don't have gold teeth, or call women bitches and ho's. That your not a down ass "*****" if you don't rob a store with them.

Fact is, the 50 cents, the Lil Waynes the Kayne West don't know shit. Being Black is just like being white, or mexican, or Italian, or whatever. It's about being proud of who you are and having self respect that you don't show your ass 24/7. It's about Providing for your family and treating people fair and equal.

And that, has NOTHING to do with race
I dont think it's fair to say. I mean you'll have racism wherever you go, but WWE to me has been fair. I see Kofi as someone who could be the next black WWE or World Champion. I'm hoping for MVP to get it first.

But I dont think it's fair not to count The Rock, since he's still black regardless of his Samoan heritage. We all are mixed with something at the end of the day. I'm not gonna go deep into that, but Rock, Booker T, Mark Henry, Bobby Lashley, (I also mentioned Mark because I dont believe just because it may not be being presented as it should be that it doesnt count. It's still a world title, you can make something look bad, but that title still has a prestigious history that means something.

So imo to the person who said WWE is racist, I disagree, ppl in it may be, some ppl, but not the company as a whole. The only person I could speak on being so is Michael Hayes.

Anyway it looks as if MVP, Ezekiel Jackson & Kofi Kingston will be the next black champions


and Wolvdog316 speaks the truth

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