Kofi won't be WWE Champion, because he is BLACK!!!

Thank you AGLegend01:) I'm a black female, & I get sick of hearing "He won't world champion cause hes black" :wtf: So you guys think Kofi won't make a good champion because he's fully black, not half like The Rock, um no that's not cool at all:rolleyes:I watched the triple threat with Kofi vs Cena & Orton, & my 10 year old cousin called me mad as hell, about to cry so I asked what's wrong, he says "Why can't Kofi win & go to Atlanta to fight for the title?! I wanna black champion!! not stupid Orton & Cena!!" the little guy was livid about the match outcome. I told him it will be ok & Kofi will get his. The WWE is pushing Kofi to be their African American top superstar, so he's getting a slow push. Its called time & we got to be patient & wait and enough with the "Hes too small" crap, If Jericho & Jeff Hardy can get the WWE title, Kofi can too. When Kofi does win the big one everyone will be on the KOFI bandwagon.

Another thing if you wanna compare Kofi to a NBA player, he's like Dwayne Wade.
First of all, I love Norcal. Let that be established well before this post is read.

Yes i said it, and it is the truth!

Yeah, okay. That's why Ron Simmons was pushed to the viewers as a former champion.

Or, you know, the Rock? You can argue that "He's Samoan, not black! Lulzors." But he was definitely darker than Steve Austin or John Cena, and he got that title. If McMahon hated the black people of this great world, he wouldn't have let the Rock anywhere near his title.

Ever wonder why the Nation of Domination wasn't completely buried? It must be because McMahon hates black people. Yeah, that sounds about right.

When have you ever seen a full black person be wwe champion, booker t does not count because at the time his gimmick was impersonating a white king, and the rock is not full black(his samoan heritage was played up),

McMahon is racist, but you can sit here and try to pigeon hole people into racial barriers? Yeah, you're not racist at all. You're just finding a way to call anyone who would break your agrument in half a race other than black.

And what makes you think Booker T doesn't count as black? His gimmick? Then if John Cena were to completely embody the black stereotype, he'd be black? Or at least not count as White?

i think if they had a black champion representing the wwe kofi or whoever, wwe could get negative feedback from it, and might not appeal to most of america,

We have overwhelming voted for a Black President, but my god, don't you dare give me a black WWE champion. I will bomb the WWE offices. I swear.

black wrestlers in the wwe always have the ''so close yet so far'' thing going on,

So what, Jeff Hardy is black now?

bokker t as himself lost all matches there,

So if Booker T is under a gimmick he is no longer considered black? Better tell that to Kofi. I bet he thought that when he was under the Jamaican gimmick he was still black. Better go back and fix his census report where he listed himself as "African American."

mvp could have been champ(during a before his mini feud with orton last year),

Lulz. What told you that? The deafening silence when he got to the ring?

he never won it,

Because the crowd doesn't care about him, but carry on.

r truth was tna champion and is over with wwe fans, he hasn't even had a sniff yet,

It's called character development. Some people seem to like their wrestlers to give them a reason to care before they win the title under a rapper or stereotypical uneducated black man gimmick.

and shelton, who is one of the better wrestlers in the wwe,


I'm sorry, but this statement alone shows you how stupid this entire point is.

Shelton...better wrestler....:lmao::lmao:

has not won it neither,

Because he's shit and the crowd doesn't care about him. But, you know. Keep on with your racial conspiracies.

whereas green wrestlers like sheamus, and lesnar's first reign, have won it,

Yeah, because they showed the promise that Benjamin/MVP/Kofi didn't show when they first appeared. Or it's because Sheamus is ultra ginger.

of course not all black wrestlers can win it, as some are just not good enough, but kofi and others i have mentioned definatley could have been good champs if given a chance, especially kofi, but it won't happen.

You mentioned Benjamin. Therefore, this entire sentence is lost to the Gods of Horrible. Sorry, hate to be the bearer of bad news.

thoughts on this, and PLEASE don't mention the ecw title because it is NOWHERE NEAR being As prestigious or important as the wwe or world heavyweight title, OPINIONS PLEASE!!!

Oh, wait. So the ECW doesn't count because it would shoot down your entire theory? I'm going to make a thread saying "Vince hates white champions" and tell everyone to forget every wrestler other than the Rock who won the championship, because "They dont count." I'm right then, correct?
This is fucking ridiculous. How can you say that Booker T doesn't count? Because his character speaks with a lousy British accent? In case you didn't know, there are black people that live in England. Does Booker T not count because he wasn't portrayed in a negative light as the stereotypical black thug? He didn't come out to hip hop music during his entrance, so that means he's not black right? I wonder, if he doesn't eat fried chicken and watermelon three times a day, does that mean he doesn't count either? The WWE didn't portray him as a hustler from a Harlem street corner so he doesn't quality? So Booker T doesn't count even though he's a black man. Wow...that may well be the single stupidest thing I've read on any single subject in a long time.

Also, what about The Rock? His father is Rocky Johnson and Rocky Johnson is a black man. It's also true that The Rock is of Samoan heritage, or does that somehow negate his black heritage? Man, this is a stupid fucking thread.
Despite all this faux outrage from everyone in here, the thread starter was absolutely correct. Kofi Kingston will NOT hold the WWE Championship and IT IS because of his skin color.

Welcome to the Real World, people. Now, you can call it "Racism", or you can call it "Business reasons". Whatever it is, yes it is because of Kofi's race. And I can safely say that, as I am White, and I am from the outside looking in with this.

And yes, everyone can point to Booker T and Mark Henry, and such. However, they held the World Heavyweight Championship and the ECW Heavyweight Championship. None of them have ever held the big prize in the WWE, that being the "WWE Championship". And yes, it is because of their race. And on a side note, the only reason Henry received the title was to appease him so he didn't consider filing a lawsuit against WWE on the basis of Race. In all seriousness, Michael Hayes should have been FIRED and out the door a long time ago, and if I were Stephanie or Vince, he would've been canned over that incident.

Here's the problem. In order to understand the situation, you have to look at it from a business perspective. And yes, I run the risk of sounding like a "WWE Shareholder" here, however I want to make very clear that I am NOT SUPPORTING THIS mentality in any way, shape, or form. Rather, I can only say that this is clearly how WWE is looking at it.

I don't have statistics, but I can safely say that there are a more Caucasian fans of Professional Wrestling than there are Black fans. All you need to do is look around you whichever arena you are at, no matter what market you may be in. Plain and simply, there are more White fans then there are Black fans.

People always are obsessed with "getting behind those who they identify with". That is sadly the type of society we live in. Hell, we saw it with the Presidency all the way up until last year. However, people finally became so furious at Republicans, that they were going to vote out the Party, pretty much no matter who the nominee was going to be. But they finally did it. Nonetheless, there still was a lot of racism from both sides, undoubtedly. And yes, it does go both ways.

However, we're getting off track.

My point is that Race is still very much a factor in Marketing. And this is a "business" decision, because companies want to make the most revenue possible and capitalize the best they can. So they cater to their target markets. And being that the majority of wrestling fans are in fact White, they make a White wrestler the face of the company.

Now to all those criticizing his ring work and all this other bullshit, get off your high horse. Although to be fair, WWE has been so brainwashed listening to half of you idiots that scrutinize every single little detail of someone's technical ability, they probably still do make miniscule things like that an issue ... which the general public wouldn't even notice or care about.

Sheamus is in his spot because he's a "Monster Heel". He also wanted someone fresh in the Main Event instead of the regular boring Faces and Heels. So it was right place, right time for him. But at the same time, I doubt if WWE had a Black version of Sheamus, if he would be the WWE Champion. And I truly believe it comes down to Skin Color.

Now, does this mean that I think Kofi won't be World Champion? No. I think you will see Kofi Kingston as a World Champion at some point. But he is a little light, and that is another strike he has going against him.

However, at the end of the day, where as you may see Black wrestlers hold the World or ECW Championship, whatever championship is the dominant championship at any given time in the WWE, and right now it is the WWE Championship, no I doubt you will see a Black wrestler hold that honor and be considered the face of the company. And it has everything to do with business reasons and the race factor that is tied to it. WWE feels they can make more money off merchandise, attendance, and PPV buys by appealing to their current majority audience, whom of which are White, and giving them a White face of the company, as opposed to taking a big risk and giving it to a Black person.

And the sad part about it is let's say Vince would give Kofi Kingston the WWE Championship when he was at his peak and if he were ever ready to be the face of the company, you watch as buyrates go down, attendance go down, and merchandise go down. So in the end, you can call it racism, or you can call it "business" in catering to the majority of one's customers and who they are, to make the most profit. But it is what it is. But race is definitely a factor in one not becoming the "face" of the WWE and not holding the WWE Championship. No doubt about it in my mind, at all.
Despite all this faux outrage from everyone in here, the thread starter was absolutely correct. Kofi Kingston will NOT hold the WWE Championship and IT IS because of his skin color


Welcome to the Real World, people. Now, you can call it "Racism", or you can call it "Business reasons". Whatever it is, yes it is because of Kofi's race. And I can safely say that, as I am White, and I am from the outside looking in with this.
Yes, you are white. You are also a person who posts on a wrestling forum and although has watched wrestling before, is not a part of the WWE in any way shape or form. You are not privy to management or creative or the talent. You are just basing this on your experiences in the world. Ok, lets have a look.

And yes, everyone can point to Booker T and Mark Henry, and such. However, they held the World Heavyweight Championship and the ECW Heavyweight Championship.
Hey everyone, look, Booker T and Mark Henry held the WHC and ECW titles respectively!

None of them have ever held the big prize in the WWE, that being the "WWE Championship".
Well, thats a matter of opinion. One could say that at this point in time for say, King Bookers reign with the title, the WHC was the bigger prize. It would certainly explain why he was built up so strongly, going over both Cena and Big Show at Cyber Sunday and main eventing the Survivor Series of that year.

And yes, it is because of their race.
No. No it isn't.

Here's the problem. In order to understand the situation, you have to look at it from a business perspective. And yes, I run the risk of sounding like a "WWE Shareholder" here, however I want to make very clear that I am NOT SUPPORTING THIS mentality in any way, shape, or form. Rather, I can only say that this is clearly how WWE is looking at it.
Oh sorry. Did you just have a quick chat with Vince McMahon did you? You're old friends? Or was Stephanie just around your place for a quick game of Pool and you just happened to overhear?

I don't have statistics, but I can safely say that there are a more Caucasian fans of Professional Wrestling than there are Black fans. All you need to do is look around you whichever arena you are at, no matter what market you may be in. Plain and simply, there are more White fans then there are Black fans.
I don't have statistics, but I can safely say that there are a more Caucasian people in the USA than there are black people. Oh wait. Yes I do.


So yeah, there would be more white fans. Your point?

People always are obsessed with "getting behind those who they identify with". That is sadly the type of society we live in. Hell, we saw it with the Presidency all the way up until last year. However, people finally became so furious at Republicans, that they were going to vote out the Party, pretty much no matter who the nominee was going to be. But they finally did it. Nonetheless, there still was a lot of racism from both sides, undoubtedly. And yes, it does go both ways.
Yeah. I completely identified with a trash talking redneck that beat up his boss when I was 9. By this token, no one outside the US should like the WWE because they're mostly American wrestlers. Whoops, why am I cheering for John Morrison? I don't live in LA and I don't wear fancy clothes and live in The Palace of Wisdom. It's because of what he does in the ring that entertains me. As far as identifying with someone goes, you're refering to generic roles that have nothing to do with race. People didn't identify with Mick Foley because he was a white guy from New York, but because he was the underdog, because he had a dream of being champion. It wouldn't have made a difference if he was black or white or green for that matter, because his story was just as identifiable with the people.

Your opinion is flawed.

However, we're getting off track.

My point is that Race is still very much a factor in Marketing. And this is a "business" decision, because companies want to make the most revenue possible and capitalize the best they can. So they cater to their target markets. And being that the majority of wrestling fans are in fact White, they make a White wrestler the face of the company.
Bullshit. They make someone who is talented and has the crowd behind them the face of the company. There's only been about 4. Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold/The Rock and John Cena. There are the mega stars. One of them was the WWE and he was coloured. UH OH! Sidious' opinion migt be wrong!

Now to all those criticizing his ring work and all this other bullshit, get off your high horse. Although to be fair, WWE has been so brainwashed listening to half of you idiots that scrutinize every single little detail of someone's technical ability, they probably still do make miniscule things like that an issue ... which the general public wouldn't even notice or care about.
A miniscule thing like the colour of his skin, that the general public (i.e Not Lord Sidious) doesn't care about?

Sheamus is in his spot because he's a "Monster Heel". He also wanted someone fresh in the Main Event instead of the regular boring Faces and Heels. So it was right place, right time for him. But at the same time, I doubt if WWE had a Black version of Sheamus, if he would be the WWE Champion. And I truly believe it comes down to Skin Color.
If he worked out with HHH, Believe it.
Also, Big Zeke, ECW Champion. Believe it.

However, at the end of the day, where as you may see Black wrestlers hold the World or ECW Championship, whatever championship is the dominant championship at any given time in the WWE, and right now it is the WWE Championship, no I doubt you will see a Black wrestler hold that honor and be considered the face of the company. And it has everything to do with business reasons and the race factor that is tied to it. WWE feels they can make more money off merchandise, attendance, and PPV buys by appealing to their current majority audience, whom of which are White, and giving them a White face of the company, as opposed to taking a big risk and giving it to a Black person.
Sweet. More bullshit conjecture.

And the sad part about it is let's say Vince would give Kofi Kingston the WWE Championship when he was at his peak and if he were ever ready to be the face of the company, you watch as buyrates go down, attendance go down, and merchandise go down. So in the end, you can call it racism, or you can call it "business" in catering to the majority of one's customers and who they are, to make the most profit. But it is what it is. But race is definitely a factor in one not becoming the "face" of the WWE and not holding the WWE Championship. No doubt about it in my mind, at all.
It's people like you making such a big deal about race that are the problem. Shocking revelation, I know. But you're a bit of a twat. and you're a lot wrong.
Unfortunately Sid, I strongly have to disagree with you there. If we were just talking about what is best for marketing, then you really have missed the last couple of decades worth.

Right now, the most marketable personalities in the world are Sean Carter, LeBron James and Will Smith. All three are, last I checked, African-American. In the last decade, the athlete that has arguably drawn the most money on Pay-Per-View was Floyd Mayweather Jr, another African-American.

The United States has embraced African-American Culture more than any other culture in the last 30 years. That's why we have, tomorrow, Martin Luther King Jr Day. It's not because of everything he did for the Civil Rights Movement. Because if that was the case, we would also have Rosa Parks Day, Malcolm X Day, and John F Kennedy Day.

That is NOT the reason that guys like Kofi Kingston and MVP have not won WWE titles. On top of that, WWE treats the WWE Title and the World Heavyweight Titles as equal. At times the WWE Title is stronger, and at other times the World Heavyweight Title is stronger. You probably only view the WWE Title as being more prestigious due to the fact that it's actual lineage traces back to Rogers and Sammartino, where as the World Heavyweight Title's actual lineage only can be traced back to Triple H.

The reason that WWE hasn't put one of those two titles on a wrestler of African descent since King Booker is because there hasn't been a wrestler of African descent that has been a credible box office draw since The Rock.

Like you said, it is a business decision, but not for the reason that you state.

Typically, WWE Champions need to be among the top draws in the company. When they aren't, if they do manage to get a title, they don't keep them very long. Look at Chris Benoit, look at Rey Mysterio, look at Bob Backlund's last reign. They couldn't draw as a champion. That's why JBL held the title for nearly a year. That's why Cena held the title for over a year. That's why Orton, Edge, Triple H have all been near the top of the WWE mountain for years.

People paid either to see them walk out of the arena with the belt, or to see them lose the title. If WWE put a title on everyone that got over, the lineage for both belts wouldn't be worth the paper an issue of an Apter Mag is printed on.

There is a color that affects the mindset that Vince McMahon has for choosing his champions. It's not black, it's not white. It's green.
Unfortunately Sid, I strongly have to disagree with you there. If we were just talking about what is best for marketing, then you really have missed the last couple of decades worth.

Right now, the most marketable personalities in the world are Sean Carter, LeBron James and Will Smith. All three are, last I checked, African-American. In the last decade, the athlete that has arguably drawn the most money on Pay-Per-View was Floyd Mayweather Jr, another African-American.

The United States has embraced African-American Culture more than any other culture in the last 30 years. That's why we have, tomorrow, Martin Luther King Jr Day. It's not because of everything he did for the Civil Rights Movement. Because if that was the case, we would also have Rosa Parks Day, Malcolm X Day, and John F Kennedy Day.

That is NOT the reason that guys like Kofi Kingston and MVP have not won WWE titles. On top of that, WWE treats the WWE Title and the World Heavyweight Titles as equal. At times the WWE Title is stronger, and at other times the World Heavyweight Title is stronger. You probably only view the WWE Title as being more prestigious due to the fact that it's actual lineage traces back to Rogers and Sammartino, where as the World Heavyweight Title's actual lineage only can be traced back to Triple H.

The reason that WWE hasn't put one of those two titles on a wrestler of African descent since King Booker is because there hasn't been a wrestler of African descent that has been a credible box office draw since The Rock.

Like you said, it is a business decision, but not for the reason that you state.

Typically, WWE Champions need to be among the top draws in the company. When they aren't, if they do manage to get a title, they don't keep them very long. Look at Chris Benoit, look at Rey Mysterio, look at Bob Backlund's last reign. They couldn't draw as a champion. That's why JBL held the title for nearly a year. That's why Cena held the title for over a year. That's why Orton, Edge, Triple H have all been near the top of the WWE mountain for years.

People paid either to see them walk out of the arena with the belt, or to see them lose the title. If WWE put a title on everyone that got over, the lineage for both belts wouldn't be worth the paper an issue of an Apter Mag is printed on.

There is a color that affects the mindset that Vince McMahon has for choosing his champions. It's not black, it's not white. It's green.

First of all, I am just going to completely disregard MRC's lazy reply to my comments, because other than saying "You're wrong", "No, that isn't correct", etc. he doesn't have any argument. He also seems to miss the part about the ECW Championship and World Heavyweight Title not being the #1 Title in the company and the holder being the "face of the company" argument, which just seem to flew over his head.

But you are correct in that Vince sees the color "green". However, the color "green" leads to the majority color of his audience. And that color is White.

So it isn't really conscious racism on the part of WWE, color is looked at for business reasons, no doubt about it. And anyone that wishes to deny this is completely ignorant to the way the world works and the reality of the situation.

Again, I have no doubt that Kofi will receive a Heavyweight Championship run at some point. However, McMahon does want his wrestlers a little larger. I wouldn't be surprised if this occurs within time though. However, yes, Kofi will be given a Heavyweight title at some point.

However, the real question I would like to see is WHEN there is going to be a Black wrestler who is the FACE of the WWE, that holds the MOST prestigious championship in the company, the WWE Championship. Because that is the person, WWE routinely markets its entire company around, serving as the face of the entire WWE brand.

This case with Sheamus is not the norm, since he isn't established, but we already discussed why he's where he's at today, and there are multiple reasons. From a stale main event to being at the right place right time by being buddies with Triple H and Shawn Michaels ... to being a guy with a large physique who pulls of the monster role quite well. That is why he is holding the WWE Championship. However no, he most definitely is not the face of the company.

So if Sheamus were Black, would he still be where he's at today holding the title? My answer is No, he wouldn't be. If this occurred on Smackdown, he may have held the World Heavyweight Title, but not the WWE Championship.

So yes, it all boils down to race. But it's not in the manner that Vince thinks "you know what, I just don't like Black people so I don't want them as the face of my company."

It's not that at all.

But it is a business decision to cater to the largest portion of the WWE audience, which is White.
First of all, I am just going to completely disregard MRC's lazy reply to my comments, because other than saying "You're wrong", "No, that isn't correct", etc. he doesn't have any argument. He also seems to miss the part about the ECW Championship and World Heavyweight Title not being the #1 Title in the company and the holder being the "face of the company" argument, which just seem to flew over his head.

Well avoided. You dodged my comments about King Booker main eventing Survivor Series. You're opinion about the WWE title doesn't stand according to Booker's run.

So it isn't really conscious racism on the part of WWE, color is looked at for business reasons, no doubt about it. And anyone that wishes to deny this is completely ignorant to the way the world works and the reality of the situation.
I fail to understand your business plan. As soon as they put the belt on a black wrestler, the entire white audience are going to stop coming to the shows and stop watching? Are you mental? Not only is this accusatory of most WWE fans being bigots, you're also ignoring the fact that the WWE Champion has little bearing on the total products enjoyability. Sheamus isn't near as big a star as Cena or HHH or HBK, so he doesn't end RAW or dominate the show. No one is switching the channel because he's a rookie. Why? Because he's not the entire show. There is other stuff going on. Thus, even people who do not wish to see a black champion, who are a ridiculously large portion of the audience in your head but I'm not sure exist, they would not defer from the product because Cena, Orton and HHH and HBK are still there.

However, the real question I would like to see is WHEN there is going to be a Black wrestler who is the FACE of the WWE, that holds the MOST prestigious championship in the company, the WWE Championship. Because that is the person, WWE routinely markets its entire company around, serving as the face of the entire WWE brand.
There isn't just one face. I would say DX and the Undertaker and Cena are all faces of the WWE.

But it is a business decision to cater to the largest portion of the WWE audience, which is White.
Read the responses in this thread. we have a huge mix of WWE fans and TNA fans all melded together and most of them disagree with what you're putting forward. And since you don't work for the WWE, it's pretty much your opinion on things. I mean lets be honest here, you're just saying "this is how things are done at the WWE, thats it, I'm right and this is what they do". You don't know that at all. There are so many factors that go into becoming the face of a company, and you have just pinned it on one thing, colour. It's all your opinion. A wrong one at that.
Lord Sidious said:
But you are correct in that Vince sees the color "green". However, the color "green" leads to the majority color of his audience. And that color is White.

Sid, Sid, Sid......if that truly were the case, then the face of the NBA would be Steve Nash or Kirk Nowitski(sp). I hate to bring in another sport in what might seem off topic, but strangely enough, I think it might be appropriate. Take a look at NBA crowds. Now take a look at WWE crowds. These crowds DO NOT look the same. The NBA has a higher percentage of people of African descent as participants within it, yet has a higher percentage of WHITE....not BLACK fans. Yet, the face of the NBA is Kobe Bryant and LeBron James.

Look at the PGA, a professional sports circuit who's fan base is so predominantly white that for many years no one thought that a black man could become a star in the sport, let alone be the face of it. Tiger Woods became the face of the PGA almost overnight. Part of it was his race, I don't doubt that, but most of it was the fact that he was a dominant golfer.

Lord Sidious said:
However, the real question I would like to see is WHEN there is going to be a Black wrestler who is the FACE of the WWE, that holds the MOST prestigious championship in the company, the WWE Championship. Because that is the person, WWE routinely markets its entire company around, serving as the face of the entire WWE brand.

The answer to that is when there is another athlete of African descent that becomes that major draw. Like someone earlier said, there have only been a handful of wrestlers that were the Face of WWE. Sammartino, Hogan, Austin, The Rock and Cena. None of them were major draws when they first arrived, but they were built up, in many ways by things that they suggested that they do. Hogan, Austin, The Rock and Cena have transcended wrestling, they became crossover successes. Even when the Rock didn't have the belt, WWE marketed itself, and for some part to this day still does, around him.

John Cena is no longer WWE Champion, but in a couple short weeks, watch WWE market itself around a guest shot he's going to have on USA Network's Psych. They've already announced that Stone Cold Steve Austin is going to host Raw, 2 months prior to the fact. They were still marketing Hogan until not too long before the January 4th Monday Night events.

Lord Sidious said:
But it is a business decision to cater to the largest portion of the WWE audience, which is White.

I'm pretty sure that the white audience wouldn't care who they built the company around as long as they were able to entertain them. The largest portion of the WWE audience is the casual fan, not the IWC which you and I are a part of.
I've read this thread before.1st it was back in 2005, when it was title 'Why isnt Shelton Benjamin Champ", then in 2006 it was "Bobby Lashely would be champ right now if he was white" then in 2007 it was MVP who was the black person of discussion,can't remember who it was in 2008,but you guys get my point.This is a dead argument posted every year by closet racists.

Other than Kingston, there is no stand out Black wrestler.That's a fact.The same way that other than Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio, there had been no "SuperStar" Latino wrestlers in recent years. To say that Booker's reign doesnt count, is to say that Cena's didnt when he was still rapping( or "acting black") The only color Vince favors is GREEN, The color of money.If you can make him money, then you'll be champ e.g. everyone's favorite drugic fueled alcoholic:Jeff Hardy.
Well avoided. You dodged my comments about King Booker main eventing Survivor Series. You're opinion about the WWE title doesn't stand according to Booker's run.

You've seen me go against the best of posters on here. You think I have to dodge you, of all people, MRC? Give me a break.

The crux of my argument is that the champion who is on Raw is more often than not, the WWE Champion. There are times when they have swapped and the World Champion has been on Raw while the WWE Champion has been on Smackdown. However, again, MORE OFTEN than not, the WWE Champion is the one who is on Raw, and the person who is on Raw that holds that title, again more often than not, is the FACE of the WWE.

Booker T may have Main Evented Survivor Series against Batista, which I was in attendance for, however that is irrelevant with the point being made.

Booker T has NEVER held the WWE Title, and has never been at any point, the face of the WWE. When Booker T holds the WWE Title on Raw, then you can feel free to come and talk to me. Until then, Black wrestlers need to settle for holding the second most important title in the company-- The World Heavyweight Championship, on the "B Show"-- Smackdown!

I fail to understand your business plan. As soon as they put the belt on a black wrestler, the entire white audience are going to stop coming to the shows and stop watching? Are you mental?

Yep. That's exactly what I said. :rolleyes: Dramatic much?

I said the WWE would not be as profitable with a Black champion as the face of the company. And they wouldn't be. I guarantee you aren't going to see little White Kids buying merchandise for a babyface Black champion as much as they would for a babyface White champion. Welcome to the world in the year 2010, where sub-conscious racial preferences are still an issue.

They will still go to the shows because it's WWE, but no ... I guarantee a Black babyface "WWE Champion" that is the "star of the company" will not pull in the same revenues as a White babyface champion would. They wouldn't in terms of buyrates. They wouldn't in terms of attendance. And they most definitely would not in terms of merchandise revenues compared to other white talent.

It's like I said, WWE is simply catering to their pre-dominantly White audience.

Not only is this accusatory of most WWE fans being bigots,

It is what it is. It may not be "conscious" bigotry, because I do not believe that to be the case at all on the part of fans. But there are undoubtedly racial preferences that come into play with who fans want to see on top representing the face of the company, whether they realize it or not.

As a matter of fact, let's give Kofi Kingston the push to the moon like John Cena received. And in a year or two, he gets the WWE Championship, and they keep him as Champion and give him the exact same push Cena received. You mark my words, the numbers will dip. You mark my words.

you're also ignoring the fact that the WWE Champion has little bearing on the total products enjoyability.

I feel that should in theory be the case, but it isn't. Because as I said, if that weren't the case, you would have seen a Black WWE Champion as the face of the company by now. Vince McMahon had going on 25 years to make this happen since the original Wrestlemania that took place in 1985 in Madison Square Garden. And he has not once had a Black wrestler as the face of his company, holding the most prestigious title in his company.

You are telling me in that entire 25 years, McMahon couldn't have a Black WWE Champion hold the most prestigious title on Raw for even 2 or 3 months out of 25 Fucking years? And you think that out of those 25 years, the fact that Vince never had a Black face of the company, or a Mexican face of the company as an actual Babyface holding the WWE Championship ... that it has nothing to do with Race?

You are truly ignorant to how the world works.

I am not calling McMahon a "racist" so to speak. But his actions are no different than the actions of those in Hollywood who also do not feature many Blacks or Hispanics in starring roles for Films and TV. It's because of catering to White America, as Whites are the largest ethnic group in the country. And yes, people have certain preferences. That's just the way the world is. What Vince is doing is simply mirroring what Hollywood is doing, by catering to its customers.

Sheamus isn't near as big a star as Cena or HHH or HBK, so he doesn't end RAW or dominate the show. No one is switching the channel because he's a rookie. Why? Because he's not the entire show. There is other stuff going on.

Thus, even people who do not wish to see a black champion, who are a ridiculously large portion of the audience in your head but I'm not sure exist, they would not defer from the product because Cena, Orton and HHH and HBK are still there.

Blah, blah. Nothing worth responding to here.
There isn't just one face. I would say DX and the Undertaker and Cena are all faces of the WWE.

Yep. None of them Black, or Hispanic for that matter. Why is that, MRC?

Read the responses in this thread. we have a huge mix of WWE fans and TNA fans all melded together and most of them disagree with what you're putting forward.

Don't try this bandwagon bullshit with me. If I have an opinion contrary to the majority, do you honestly think that intimidates me? Frankly, I couldn't care less. I come on here to speak my mind and tell it like it is, and to me, that is far more important than being with the majority opinion.

In doing just that, I will take some tough positions that may not be popular. The only reason Whites are getting so upset is because nobody likes to label people "racist". I am White so I know how that goes. But I am not calling anyone a "racist", for the umteenth time. All I am saying is that the reason there hasn't been a Black WWE Champion as the face of the company is the same reason we haven't had a Hispanic WWE Champion as the face of the company, and the same reason we haven't had an Asian face of the company. It all comes down to "Racial Preferences" and "catering to the majority of customers with those preferences".

Take a Marketing course.

And since you don't work for the WWE, it's pretty much your opinion on things.

Sure it is. How does that make my opinion any less relevant than yours? It doesn't. You call it the way you see it, and I call it the way I see it, and base my opinions on what I know about Sales and Marketing.

I mean lets be honest here, you're just saying "this is how things are done at the WWE, thats it, I'm right and this is what they do".

That's right. Because actions speak louder than words. And it's my job as a heavily-involved member of the IWC to formulate educated opinions on those actions to discuss them here.

You don't know that at all. There are so many factors that go into becoming the face of a company, and you have just pinned it on one thing, colour. It's all your opinion. A wrong one at that.

And you can scream that I am "wrong" until I am red or blue in the face, and that doesn't mean you are correct.

WWE has had plenty of opportunity to put someone like R-Truth as the WWE Champion on Raw, as well. After all, he is the Black counterpart to John Cena, who I feel would make a phenomenal Face and is a true role model for Blacks. And where as his merchandise would increase amongst Blacks if this were to transpire, it would decrease amongst Whites, being the majority of WWE customers, and likely Hispanics, as well.

Attendance may dip slightly and in addition to PPV buyrates. But merchandise would definitely take a hit. No doubt about it.

In the end, why the Hell do you care anyway? Do you own stock in WWE? Why take it so personally that you feel the need to play Defense Attorney to the degree you are? Calm the Fuck down and have a simple conversation here without having this ridiculous emotional attachment to the company and quit getting all defensive.

Anytime you want to decipher why something isn't done ... sometimes the answer is right in front of your face. However, it's up to you in whether you can accept it, or not. Welcome to Business 101.
I feel as you see the underlying bias of the WWE Audience slowly slip farther and farther back, you will see black athletes given more and more of a chance.

With upper WWE management, it has nothing to do with The Color of yoru skin, just Money. If someone makes you money they will give you that title shot. IF someone can produce the greenbacks they could care less weather they are black, white, brown, orange , or polka dotted.

The fact is there IS Still underlying racial tension in many of the viewers that the WWE targets. The audience sub-consicsly wants a champion they can identify with. Someone they can "Be" like and, the fact is if you are targeting to young White Kids, its hard for a white kid to be black. They have a tougher time Identifying with a Black Superstar, making it much harder for them to relate to them, get behind them, and give them the fan support needed for it to be financially viable to put the Strap on them.

It has less to do with Racisim and more to do with the target audience.

EDIT: I do however think Kofi Kingston is someone that the viewers can and will get behind. I think he has the potential to be the future face of the WWE, and could be a great draw. I think the racial prejudice Is still very alive today, but is falling farther and farther back with the next generation of kids growing up. It's been a long time since Black's weren't able to vote, Didn't participate in sports, and had different rights then whites, and with every passign generation those racial sub-consious thoughts fall further and further to the wayside.

The WWE is targeting younger audience , so that helps even more because they , like every generation before them, they hold even fewer racial sub-consious thoughts then the current generation.
Sheamus is in his spot because he's a "Monster Heel". He also wanted someone fresh in the Main Event instead of the regular boring Faces and Heels. So it was right place, right time for him. But at the same time, I doubt if WWE had a Black version of Sheamus, if he would be the WWE Champion. And I truly believe it comes down to Skin Color.

So you think the audience can relate to Sheamus's look? Whiter than white with ginger hair??

IMO up until now there has not been any black wreslters in the WWE good enough to win the big titles. How many black wrestlers can you think of that should have been champ but never was? When I say this I mean in the same way a majority of us think that Owen Hart, Mr Perfect or Ted Dibase should have been champ.

I truely can't think of one. This is certainly not a racist opinion, I actually think Kofi is good enough to be champion one day.

I could understand peoples point if there was a big long list of black wrestler who should have won the title and never did.

At the end of the day, if a black man can become the President of the USA then a black man sure as hell could become the face of the WWE.
So you think the audience can relate to Sheamus's look? Whiter than white with ginger hair??

IMO up until now there has not been any black wreslters in the WWE good enough to win the big titles. How many black wrestlers can you think of that should have been champ but never was? When I say this I mean in the same way a majority of us think that Owen Hart, Mr Perfect or Ted Dibase should have been champ.

I truely can't think of one. This is certainly not a racist opinion, I actually think Kofi is good enough to be champion one day.

I could understand peoples point if there was a big long list of black wrestler who should have won the title and never did.

At the end of the day, if a black man can become the President of the USA then a black man sure as hell could become the face of the WWE.

People take politics a little more seriously than they do Entertainment.

As far as how I relate to Sheamus, Sheamus clearly and by all accounts is NOT the face of the company. And he is also a Heel. Just like Yokozuna was with having a Samoan champion (who supposedly represented Japan).

When you see the WWE Champion as a Black Babyface, who is the Champion on Raw, you will know that people are making strides in breaking down the racial barriers.

This excuse that there have been no Black wrestlers good enough, doesn't hold water and is unacceptable. There have been lousy White Champions that have held the title ... yet they still could hold the title.

Like I said, R-Truth is someone with amazing charisma and is good in the ring. Combined with the right push, which is Creative's decision, he easily could have been champion, even if only for a couple months. Same with Booker T when he was a Babyface challenging Triple H.

They could have easily groomed Shelton Benjamin as a top babyface as he is arguably the best pure wrestler in the company. But then there's his mic skills, isn't there? I guess people like Sheamus just blow the rest of them out of the water with his mic skills and his wrestling ability. Notice how there always is some excuse for why there can't be a Black Champion even if only for a month or two, as the face of the company.
People take politics a little more seriously than they do Entertainment.

As far as how I relate to Sheamus, Sheamus clearly and by all accounts is NOT the face of the company. And he is also a Heel. Just like Yokozuna was with having a Samoan champion (who supposedly represented Japan).

When you see the WWE Champion as a Black Babyface, who is the Champion on Raw, you will know that people are making strides in breaking down the racial barriers.

This excuse that there have been no Black wrestlers good enough, doesn't hold water and is unacceptable. There have been lousy White Champions that have held the title ... yet they still could hold the title.

Like I said, R-Truth is someone with amazing charisma and is good in the ring. Combined with the right push, which is Creative's decision, he easily could have been champion, even if only for a couple months. Same with Booker T when he was a Babyface challenging Triple H.

They could have easily groomed Shelton Benjamin as a top babyface as he is arguably the best pure wrestler in the company. But then there's his mic skills, isn't there? I guess people like Sheamus just blow the rest of them out of the water with his mic skills and his wrestling ability. Notice how there always is some excuse for why there can't be a Black Champion even if only for a month or two, as the face of the company.

No they could not have groomed Shelton as top babyface due to his lack of skills on the mic. And yes Sheamus is champ despite his lack of mic skills but as you rightly pointed out Sheamus "by all accounts is NOT the face of the company."

Tell me how my argument is unacceptable? I'm not saying there have been no good black wrestlers in the WWE. Of course there has. Shelton is great in the ring, I like MVP and like I said I think Kofi is good enough to eventually be champ. But how many is there that should have been champ but never were? or should have been the face of the company but were overlooked?

If you can give me some names then I am more than happy to take back my argument? Otherwise I think its a valid statement and certainly not unacceptable.
No they could not have groomed Shelton as top babyface due to his lack of skills on the mic. And yes Sheamus is champ despite his lack of mic skills but as you rightly pointed out Sheamus "by all accounts is NOT the face of the company."

Tell me how my argument is unacceptable? I'm not saying there have been no good black wrestlers in the WWE. Of course there has. Shelton is great in the ring, I like MVP and like I said I think Kofi is good enough to eventually be champ. But how many is there that should have been champ but never were? or should have been the face of the company but were overlooked?

If you can give me some names then I am more than happy to take back my argument? Otherwise I think its a valid statement and certainly not unacceptable.

WWE could easily have put Shelton Benjamin in there even if only for a month or two. That way, they could have at least said they had a Black babyface champion, but they did not.

However, they even had plenty of time to put R-Truth in there. R-Truth is extremely charismatic on the mic and his ring skills are absolutely fine.

They could have given it to Booker T as well ... or even have given it to Ron Simmons for a brief period when he was with the company.

Any one of these talents could have been given the WWE Championship, even if it was only for a short while, on the Main Brand.

WWE had 25 years to do this, and you mean to tell me that they couldn't award a Black babyface Champion the top prize in the company in 25 YEARS of BUSINESS?

Give me a break.

Ring skills isn't everything. Chris Benoit however got the World title (top title at the time on Raw) due to his ring skills, and he was absolutely awful on the mic. So what about Sheton Benjamin, then, who is on par with Benoit's ring skills, and in many cases even more impressive than Benoit?

There is no excuse. Frankly, I'm tired of the excuses that a company couldn't find one Black wrestler in 25 years of business to lead the company with the top title in the business.

It comes down to Target Audiences and Preferences, more so than it does prejudice, though. The customers want people they can identify with as their role models. And being that the majority of WWE customers are White, the answer is all-too-obvious.
WWE could easily have put Shelton Benjamin in there even if only for a month or two. That way, they could have at least said they had a Black babyface champion, but they did not.

However, they even had plenty of time to put R-Truth in there. R-Truth is extremely charismatic on the mic and his ring skills are absolutely fine.

They could have given it to Booker T as well ... or even have given it to Ron Simmons for a brief period when he was with the company.

Any one of these talents could have been given the WWE Championship, even if it was only for a short while, on the Main Brand.

WWE had 25 years to do this, and you mean to tell me that they couldn't award a Black babyface Champion the top prize in the company in 25 YEARS of BUSINESS?

Give me a break.

Ring skills isn't everything. Chris Benoit however got the World title (top title at the time on Raw) due to his ring skills, and he was absolutely awful on the mic. So what about Sheton Benjamin, then, who is on par with Benoit's ring skills, and in many cases even more impressive than Benoit?

There is no excuse. Frankly, I'm tired of the excuses that a company couldn't find one Black wrestler in 25 years of business to lead the company with the top title in the business.

It comes down to Target Audiences and Preferences, more so than it does prejudice, though. The customers want people they can identify with as their role models. And being that the majority of WWE customers are White, the answer is all-too-obvious.

Ok so as you've said the company has had 25 years to put the belt on a black wrestler. So out of 25 years the only 2 guys you can come up with is Booker T (who won the WHC) and Ron Simmons (Who should have held the title above Bret Hart, HBK, Taker, Austin, The Rock? dont think so)

I don't count Shelton and R-Truth as both of them could still win it.

As you said previously, People take politics more seriously than entertainment. I agree with this. Which is why I think if people can overlook their supposed subconscious prejudices when it comes to something as important as electing the President of their country then surely they would have no problem with accepting a black man as the face of WWE? It just has to be the right black man to do it, I certainly don't think they should be giving the title to someone just so they can say they have done it.
Ok so as you've said the company has had 25 years to put the belt on a black wrestler. So out of 25 years the only 2 guys you can come up with is Booker T (who won the WHC) and Ron Simmons (Who should have held the title above Bret Hart, HBK, Taker, Austin, The Rock? dont think so)

The WHC is NOT the WWE Title, so quit pretending like it is. I have made very clear that I am talking about a Black wrestler winning the WWE Championship, the top prize in the company, and being the face of the company.

Now you rattled off an impressive list of names. You mean to tell me that no where and at any point, could they have given the title to Booker T or Ron Simmons and given them even a 1 or 2 month run with the title? Give me a break.

Despite that, how about some of the less-impressive Babyface ring workers that have also held the WWE Title, who were White? People like:


What about Heels like:

Sgt. Slaughter
Mr. Bob Backlund (1994 run)

You think they were the best of workers, too?

So my point is they have had plenty of time in 25 years to put the top title of the company on either a Black Babyface OR even a Black Heel, and they have not done it. Never the top title of the company. And clearly, there have been worst workers then either Simmons, Booker T, R-Truth, and Shelton Benjamin that have held the title.

I don't count Shelton and R-Truth as both of them could still win it.

Right. We had to give it to someone new like Sheamus, first. :rolleyes:

As you said previously, People take politics more seriously than entertainment. I agree with this. Which is why I think if people can overlook their supposed subconscious prejudices when it comes to something as important as electing the President of their country then surely they would have no problem with accepting a black man as the face of WWE? It just has to be the right black man to do it, I certainly don't think they should be giving the title to someone just so they can say they have done it.

Well, I would agree as well, but fact of the matter is that the title has been given to several superstars in history when they weren't either the best talker or the best ring worker .... and not the total package you made all WWE Champions out to be. Just none of those workers happened to be Black, for some reason or another.
Slightly off topic, but why are we dismissing the significance of the WHC? I'm fairly certain that when we are listing off superstars and the number of major titles they have held, such as when we count the number of titles held by HHH and wonder if he'll catch Flair or not, the WHC is counted as significantly as the WWE belt. Granted it's not the belt which holds the company name, but it is still significant. Shouldn't we be examining which black wrestlers have held this title, or not, as having pretty much equal significance to the WWE title? If not, why not?

Because this belt has been held by some black WWE athletes, has it not? For a good while there, this belt was on RAW and the WWE belt was on SD!, and I think this belt was contested by and held by such guys as Booker T and Bobby Lashley (I stand to be corrected on this).
ok by your logic there has been a black wwe champion and he is the face of the company John Cena! yeah hes white but you said booker doesnt count cuz he was pretending to be white, well john cena used to act black so does that mean hes a black world champion?
The WHC is NOT the WWE Title, so quit pretending like it is. I have made very clear that I am talking about a Black wrestler winning the WWE Championship, the top prize in the company, and being the face of the company.

Now you rattled off an impressive list of names. You mean to tell me that no where and at any point, could they have given the title to Booker T or Ron Simmons and given them even a 1 or 2 month run with the title? Give me a break.

Despite that, how about some of the less-impressive ring workers that have also held the WWE Title, who were White? People like:


What about Heels like:

Sgt. Slaughter
Mr. Bob Backlund (1994 run)

You think they were the best of workers, too?

So my point is they have had plenty of time in 25 years to put the top title of the company of either a Black Babyface OR even a Black Heel, and they have not done it. Never the top title of the company. And clearly, there have been worst workers then either Simmons, Booker T, R-Truth, and Shelton Benjamin that have held the title.

Right. We had to give it to someone new like Sheamus, first. :rolleyes:

Well, I would agree as well, but fact of the matter is that the title has been given to several superstars in history when they weren't either the best talker or the best ring worker .... and not the total package you made all WWE Champions out to be. Just none of those workers happened to be Black, for some reason or another.

You're right the WHC is not the WWE title, in which case don't use Benoit as an example as why Shelton should have won it as Benoit never did, I KNOW he won WHC when he was on RAW but you have made it "very clear" that we are talking about the WWE title so lets stick to that instead of changing the rules to suit your argument.

I am not defending every shitty WWE champ there has ever been and I guess they could have put it on Booker or Simmons at some point but then they could have done the same with Owen, Perfect, Dibase. I'm pretty sure if you asked a majority of people who the best wrestlers (whether they be good on the mic, in the ring or both) never to have won the title, Simmons would not be high on many lists. And the fact that he is the best you can come up with says it all. You're argument is that they should have put the title on him just because he is black and not as shit as Sid in the ring??

Yes, Sheamus got the title before R Truth and Shelton, must be because they are black and he is such a good looking white guy :rolleyes:
You're right the WHC is not the WWE title, in which case don't use Benoit as an example as why Shelton should have won it as Benoit never did, I KNOW he won WHC when he was on RAW but you have made it "very clear" that we are talking about the WWE title so lets stick to that instead of changing the rules to suit your argument.

I am not defending every shitty WWE champ there has ever been and I guess they could have put it on Booker or Simmons at some point but then they could have done the same with Owen, Perfect, Dibase. I'm pretty sure if you asked a majority of people who the best wrestlers (whether they be good on the mic, in the ring or both) never to have won the title, Simmons would not be high on many lists. And the fact that he is the best you can come up with says it all. You're argument is that they should have put the title on him just because he is black and not as shit as Sid in the ring??

Yes, Sheamus got the title before R Truth and Shelton, must be because they are black and he is such a good looking white guy :rolleyes:

But as I said, at the time Benoit had the WHC, that title was the TOP title of the company, because it was on Raw. So he was the face of the company for a period of time holding the #1 title in the company.

I am talking about ever since the Brand Split, whatever title was on Raw, there has never been a Black Heavyweight Champion holding the top title in the company on that show. And I just find it very hard to believe after 25 years, WWE couldn't even have ONE Black Champion, even if it was only for a month or two, given some of the other ring workers the company has seen hold the top title.

And it could have either been in a Face or a Heel capacity.

The bottom line is that you have no defense here.

As far as Sheamus getting the title before workers like R Truth or Shelton Benjamin, that is rather peculiar isn't it? Why is that? Where is all the ring and mic skills we keep hearing about? Sheamus is okay in the ring, but nothing extraordinary. His mic skills are eh, whatever.

But you have someone like Shelton who is outstanding in the ring who also has "meh" mic skills.

Then, you have R-Truth who is outstanding on the mic, who has decent ring skills. But no title for him, either.

But Sheamus is the one who is Champion.

Clearly, WWE could come up with programs to make them either Top Heels or Top Babyfaces if they wanted to. But they don't. And they haven't.

So again it makes no sense why someone like Sheamus would get it before someone like them.
But as I said, at the time Benoit had the WHC, that title was the TOP title of the company, because it was on Raw. So he was the face of the company for a period of time holding the #1 title in the company.

I am talking about ever since the Brand Split, whatever title was on Raw, there has never been a Black Heavyweight Champion holding the top title in the company on that show. And I just find it very hard to believe after 25 years, WWE couldn't even have ONE Black Champion, even if it was only for a month or two, given some of the other ring workers the company has seen hold the top title.

And it could have either been in a Face or a Heel capacity.

The bottom line is that you have no defense here.

As far as Sheamus getting the title before workers like R Truth or Shelton Benjamin, that is rather peculiar isn't it? Why is that? Where is all the ring and mic skills we keep hearing about? Sheamus is okay in the ring, but nothing extraordinary. His mic skills are eh, whatever.

But you have someone like Shelton who is outstanding in the ring who also has "meh" mic skills.

Then, you have R-Truth who is outstanding on the mic, who has decent ring skills. But no title for him, either.

But Sheamus is the one who is Champion.

Clearly, WWE could come up with programs to make them either Top Heels or Top Babyfaces if they wanted to. But they don't. And they haven't.

So again it makes no sense why someone like Sheamus would get it before someone like them.

OHHH so its not just the WWE title that we're talking about, its whatever title is on RAW.... my your rules are hard to keep up with. I'm with you now :rolleyes:

They gave it to Sheamus because they wanted a monster heel to go up against Cena, not becasue he is white.

The bottom line is you have no valid argument here.You keep mentioning the 25 years the WWE have had to put the strap on a black wrestler and out of those 25 years the best you have come up with are 2 guys who are still in the WWE and could still win the strap, Booker T who was still a world champion (I KNOW NOT THE WWE CHAMP!!) King of the Ring and was in the RAW mainevent at a Wrestlemania (Not bad for a black guy in the WWE...) and Ron Simmons because he was better than people like Sid in the ring. How can you say I have no defence when your argument is that weak?

I think alot of people would be disturbed if the WWE just put the belt on a wrestler JUST so they can say to the world that they have had a black world champion.
Lord Sidious, you are grasping at straws. Claiming that it is whatever title happens to be on Raw is ridiculous. So, this week, the WHC is the most important title in the company? Sheamus is a more important champion than the Undertaker is? So, if Sheamus and Taker were traded, and Taker came to Raw, then the WHC would be the most important, and the WWE title would lose prestige, over the course of the few seconds it takes to announce a champions trade? Sorry. Try better, that is a really weak argument. The WHC and WWE titles are equals in EVERYTHING, to argue otherwise is nonsense. They are simply the top level belts for two different shows, and they are interchangeable. The WHC is not a second tier championship. In truth, a lot of people would argue that the "big gold belt" is the most prestigious belt, as it recalls the rich history of the NWA Flair belt. (even though technically it isn't the same belt, in the same way the Cleveland Browns aren't the real Cleveland Browns, the Baltimore Ravens are the real Cleveland Browns, but the Browns are still the Browns kind of way)

Lets go back in time though, shall we? Cyber Sunday, November 5, 2006. WWE Champion John Cena, ECW Champion The Big Show and World Heavyweight Champion King Booker fought each other. All three champions, one match, with Booker's WHC on the line. Well, the WWE is obviously racist, so clearly, they go with Cena here, right? WRONG. King Booker T pinned Cena to retain. The "inferior" World Heavyweight champion, who is black, beat the "superior" WWE champion, who is white. Oh, but, there was interference from Kevin Federline, so Booker's win is tainted!!!! Yeah, no. How many times have the "white" champions kept or won a title because of shenanigans? A lot. It happens. What matters is who leaves the ring with the title. And on that night, Booker T beat two white champions at the same time.
You've seen me go against the best of posters on here. You think I have to dodge you, of all people, MRC? Give me a break.

You're not as good as you think you are. Truly. I'm sure people like you because you can put sentences together coherently enough, but you really aren't that great. Certainly not better than me.

The crux of my argument is that the champion who is on Raw is more often than not, the WWE Champion. There are times when they have swapped and the World Champion has been on Raw while the WWE Champion has been on Smackdown. However, again, MORE OFTEN than not, the WWE Champion is the one who is on Raw, and the person who is on Raw that holds that title, again more often than not, is the FACE of the WWE.

You could look at the perspective that there are only a few faces of the WWE, true superstars in the business. In that case, we've had about 4 in the WWE. I would argue that The Rock is one of those people. He was the face of the WWF, and I guarantee you that most people outside of wrestling knew of him in some shape or form. And he is coloured.

Booker T may have Main Evented Survivor Series against Batista, which I was in attendance for, however that is irrelevant with the point being made.

Booker T has NEVER held the WWE Title, and has never been at any point, the face of the WWE. When Booker T holds the WWE Title on Raw, then you can feel free to come and talk to me. Until then, Black wrestlers need to settle for holding the second most important title in the company-- The World Heavyweight Championship, on the "B Show"-- Smackdown!

Who says that holding the WWE title immediately makes you the face of the company? Psycho Sid was never the face of the company, nor was RVD when he held the title, nor is Sheamus. Cena has remained firmly the face of the company for years, and this won't prevent Kofi becoming WWE champion. If your theory is correct, then McMahon will have nothing to fear, because the face of his company is still white.

Yep. That's exactly what I said. :rolleyes: Dramatic much?

I said the WWE would not be as profitable with a Black champion as the face of the company. And they wouldn't be. I guarantee you aren't going to see little White Kids buying merchandise for a babyface Black champion as much as they would for a babyface White champion. Welcome to the world in the year 2010, where sub-conscious racial preferences are still an issue.

Little white kids love Kofi. They also love Rey Mysterio. They sing "Whats Up?" with R-Truth. You are an idiot, and you should never have children.

They will still go to the shows because it's WWE, but no ... I guarantee a Black babyface "WWE Champion" that is the "star of the company" will not pull in the same revenues as a White babyface champion would. They wouldn't in terms of buyrates. They wouldn't in terms of attendance. And they most definitely would not in terms of merchandise revenues compared to other white talent.

Just based on...what you think is right? I'm not saying my opinion is correct or is the right one, I'm just saying you have no hard evidence to suggest your claims.

It's like I said, WWE is simply catering to their pre-dominantly White audience.

What don't you get? Just because you have some "sub-concious" racism going on deep down doesn't mean the same for everyone, especially not with a newer generation of kids who have been introduced to faces such as Kofi and R-Truth.

It is what it is. It may not be "conscious" bigotry, because I do not believe that to be the case at all on the part of fans. But there are undoubtedly racial preferences that come into play with who fans want to see on top representing the face of the company, whether they realize it or not.

Ok. I could just as easily say that everyone who watches wrestling has deep seated homo erotic tendencies, and thats why no one enjoys womens wrestling as much. See? I can talk out of my ass too.

I feel that should in theory be the case, but it isn't. Because as I said, if that weren't the case, you would have seen a Black WWE Champion as the face of the company by now. Vince McMahon had going on 25 years to make this happen since the original Wrestlemania that took place in 1985 in Madison Square Garden. And he has not once had a Black wrestler as the face of his company, holding the most prestigious title in his company.

You are telling me in that entire 25 years, McMahon couldn't have a Black WWE Champion hold the most prestigious title on Raw for even 2 or 3 months out of 25 Fucking years? And you think that out of those 25 years, the fact that Vince never had a Black face of the company, or a Mexican face of the company as an actual Babyface holding the WWE Championship ... that it has nothing to do with Race?

The Rock. 7 time WWE Champion. Coloured.

Eddie Guerrero. WWE Champion. Coloured.

Pedro Morales. WWWF Champion. Coloured.

You are truly ignorant to how the world works.

You are truly wrong.

Don't try this bandwagon bullshit with me. If I have an opinion contrary to the majority, do you honestly think that intimidates me? Frankly, I couldn't care less. I come on here to speak my mind and tell it like it is, and to me, that is far more important than being with the majority opinion.

But if nearly everyone you speak to disagrees with you and says that Kofi will win the title regardless of colour, then maybe your opinion isn't as right as you like to think.

And you can scream that I am "wrong" until I am red or blue in the face, and that doesn't mean you are correct.


WWE has had plenty of opportunity to put someone like R-Truth as the WWE Champion on Raw, as well. After all, he is the Black counterpart to John Cena, who I feel would make a phenomenal Face and is a true role model for Blacks. And where as his merchandise would increase amongst Blacks if this were to transpire, it would decrease amongst Whites, being the majority of WWE customers, and likely Hispanics, as well.

Hahahaha. Yes. They had plenty of opportunity to put the WWE title on him. Just like they had plenty of opportunity to put the WWE title on Mike Knox and the Womens Title on Michael Cole. R-Truth didn't get the belt because he wasn't good enough, and a comparison to John Cena is laughable.

In the end, why the Hell do you care anyway? Do you own stock in WWE? Why take it so personally that you feel the need to play Defense Attorney to the degree you are? Calm the Fuck down and have a simple conversation here without having this ridiculous emotional attachment to the company and quit getting all defensive.

In the end, why are you so negative and eager to pounce on the WWE? Do you own stock in TNA? Why take it so personally you feel the need to play the prosecutor to the degree you are in every single thread. Calm the fuck down and try to get your head out of the Attitude Era and your ass without having a ridiculous negative stance on every action the company makes.

Anytime you want to decipher why something isn't done ... sometimes the answer is right in front of your face. However, it's up to you in whether you can accept it, or not. Welcome to Business 101.

Kofi will become WWE Champion.

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