Well avoided. You dodged my comments about King Booker main eventing Survivor Series. You're opinion about the WWE title doesn't stand according to Booker's run.
You've seen me go against the best of posters on here. You think I have to dodge you, of all people, MRC? Give me a break.
The crux of my argument is that the champion who is on Raw is more often than not, the WWE Champion. There are times when they have swapped and the World Champion has been on Raw while the WWE Champion has been on Smackdown. However, again, MORE OFTEN than not, the WWE Champion is the one who is on Raw, and the person who is on Raw that holds that title, again more often than not, is the FACE of the WWE.
Booker T may have Main Evented Survivor Series against Batista, which I was in attendance for, however that is irrelevant with the point being made.
Booker T has NEVER held the WWE Title, and has never been at any point, the face of the WWE. When Booker T holds the WWE Title on Raw, then you can feel free to come and talk to me. Until then, Black wrestlers need to settle for holding the second most important title in the company-- The World Heavyweight Championship, on the "B Show"-- Smackdown!
I fail to understand your business plan. As soon as they put the belt on a black wrestler, the entire white audience are going to stop coming to the shows and stop watching? Are you mental?
Yep. That's exactly what I said.

Dramatic much?
I said the WWE would not be as profitable with a Black champion as the face of the company. And they wouldn't be. I guarantee you aren't going to see little White Kids buying merchandise for a babyface Black champion as much as they would for a babyface White champion. Welcome to the world in the year 2010, where sub-conscious racial preferences are still an issue.
They will still go to the shows because it's WWE, but no ... I guarantee a Black babyface "WWE Champion" that is the "star of the company" will not pull in the same revenues as a White babyface champion would. They wouldn't in terms of buyrates. They wouldn't in terms of attendance. And they most definitely would not in terms of merchandise revenues compared to other white talent.
It's like I said, WWE is simply catering to their pre-dominantly White audience.
Not only is this accusatory of most WWE fans being bigots,
It is what it is. It may not be "conscious" bigotry, because I do not believe that to be the case at all on the part of fans. But there are undoubtedly racial preferences that come into play with who fans want to see on top representing the face of the company, whether they realize it or not.
As a matter of fact, let's give Kofi Kingston the push to the moon like John Cena received. And in a year or two, he gets the WWE Championship, and they keep him as Champion and give him the exact same push Cena received. You mark my words, the numbers will dip. You mark my words.
you're also ignoring the fact that the WWE Champion has little bearing on the total products enjoyability.
I feel that should in theory be the case, but it isn't. Because as I said, if that weren't the case, you would have seen a Black WWE Champion as the face of the company by now. Vince McMahon had going on 25 years to make this happen since the original Wrestlemania that took place in 1985 in Madison Square Garden. And he has not once had a Black wrestler as the face of his company, holding the most prestigious title in his company.
You are telling me in that entire 25 years, McMahon couldn't have a Black WWE Champion hold the most prestigious title on Raw for even 2 or 3 months out of 25 Fucking years? And you think that out of those 25 years, the fact that Vince never had a Black face of the company, or a Mexican face of the company as an actual Babyface holding the WWE Championship ... that it has nothing to do with Race?
You are truly ignorant to how the world works.
I am not calling McMahon a "racist" so to speak. But his actions are no different than the actions of those in Hollywood who also do not feature many Blacks or Hispanics in starring roles for Films and TV. It's because of catering to White America, as Whites are the largest ethnic group in the country. And yes, people have certain preferences. That's just the way the world is. What Vince is doing is simply mirroring what Hollywood is doing, by catering to its customers.
Sheamus isn't near as big a star as Cena or HHH or HBK, so he doesn't end RAW or dominate the show. No one is switching the channel because he's a rookie. Why? Because he's not the entire show. There is other stuff going on.
Thus, even people who do not wish to see a black champion, who are a ridiculously large portion of the audience in your head but I'm not sure exist, they would not defer from the product because Cena, Orton and HHH and HBK are still there.
Blah, blah. Nothing worth responding to here.
There isn't just one face. I would say DX and the Undertaker and Cena are all faces of the WWE.
Yep. None of them Black, or Hispanic for that matter. Why is that, MRC?
Read the responses in this thread. we have a huge mix of WWE fans and TNA fans all melded together and most of them disagree with what you're putting forward.
Don't try this bandwagon bullshit with me. If I have an opinion contrary to the majority, do you honestly think that intimidates me? Frankly, I couldn't care less. I come on here to speak my mind and tell it like it is, and to me, that is far more important than being with the majority opinion.
In doing just that, I will take some tough positions that may not be popular. The only reason Whites are getting so upset is because nobody likes to label people "racist". I am White so I know how that goes. But I am not calling anyone a "racist", for the umteenth time. All I am saying is that the reason there hasn't been a Black WWE Champion as the face of the company is the same reason we haven't had a Hispanic WWE Champion as the face of the company, and the same reason we haven't had an Asian face of the company. It all comes down to "Racial Preferences" and "catering to the majority of customers with those preferences".
Take a Marketing course.
And since you don't work for the WWE, it's pretty much your opinion on things.
Sure it is. How does that make my opinion any less relevant than yours? It doesn't. You call it the way you see it, and I call it the way I see it, and base my opinions on what I know about Sales and Marketing.
I mean lets be honest here, you're just saying "this is how things are done at the WWE, thats it, I'm right and this is what they do".
That's right. Because actions speak louder than words. And it's my job as a heavily-involved member of the IWC to formulate educated opinions on those actions to discuss them here.
You don't know that at all. There are so many factors that go into becoming the face of a company, and you have just pinned it on one thing, colour. It's all your opinion. A wrong one at that.
And you can scream that I am "wrong" until I am red or blue in the face, and that doesn't mean you are correct.
WWE has had plenty of opportunity to put someone like R-Truth as the WWE Champion on Raw, as well. After all, he is the Black counterpart to John Cena, who I feel would make a phenomenal Face and is a true role model for Blacks. And where as his merchandise would increase amongst Blacks if this were to transpire, it would decrease amongst Whites, being the majority of WWE customers, and likely Hispanics, as well.
Attendance may dip slightly and in addition to PPV buyrates. But merchandise would definitely take a hit. No doubt about it.
In the end, why the Hell do you care anyway? Do you own stock in WWE? Why take it so personally that you feel the need to play Defense Attorney to the degree you are? Calm the Fuck down and have a simple conversation here without having this ridiculous emotional attachment to the company and quit getting all defensive.
Anytime you want to decipher why something isn't done ... sometimes the answer is right in front of your face. However, it's up to you in whether you can accept it, or not. Welcome to Business 101.