WWE Treatment of Black Wrestlers.....Thank You WWE

I am new to this forum, but I am not new to racism. I had just discussed that topic with my wife because I noticed that their is a lack of Oriental and Afro-American wrestlers.
There is now No African American wrestler who holds a title in WWE. Big E was the last title holder. I was wondering what people are saying about the Usos and Roman Reigns, who are The Rock's cousins! Or Los Matordores who are Puerto Rican.
I remember when the WWE was represented by each nationality and race. Since Stephanie and Triple H have taken over, it has become more like Vanilla Ice Cream.
There is Titus O'Neil, Darren Young, Big E, Kofi, R Truth, Mark, Otunga (who is a moron) and Xzavier . There are 3 black Divas. No Orientals at all. I really believe Mr. McMahon needs to look into this ASAP. African American and Oriental dollars are just as important as all the others.:disappointed:
That's the thing that bugs me so much about this thread. Because it's 9 times out of 10 a black person ripping on WWE for being racist. When in actuality black people do get pushed at times. There's black people in the WWE Hall of Fame.

I've never ripped WWE for being racist, I merely mention the lack of opportunities for black wrestlers to reach the pinnacle of the company. Whether by chance or happenstance the lack of black wrestlers in the WWE/WHC picture is there. All I wish for is that acknowledgement. And for the 14th or 15th time, I AM NOT TALKING "PUSHES" or mid-card runs. I AM TALKING THE TOP OF THE COMPANY, BIG BOY BELTS (or BBB for short)!!

For your second comment name on black person on the roster who is in a position to be the World Heavyweight champion right now.

Big E isn't there yet.

Jack Swagger won the World Heavyweight title (a BBB) approximately 18 months after his ECW debut. He won MITB at WrestleMania and "surprised" Jericho later that week for the title. It was a "hotshot" booking move to see if Swagger was ready or not to carry the load. It turned out to be a fail.

At this point Big E is far more skilled, personable, and talented than Swagger was at that point in his career. His (Langston's) 18th month on the main roster is June. Can you tell me that Big E will get "hotshotted" into the WWE/WHC title picture in the next month? I can almost guarantee no. You tell me why Langston isn't deserving of the same opportunity that Swagger had years ago, when he is at least equal if not better that Swagger was at the same point in their careers?

Who do you want them to put the World Heavyweight Title on?

For the reason stated above, Big E Langston. But if you ever read any of my posts before coming at me, you would see that I said that this may not be the best time to have that discussion. (Page 4, response #36)...oh and that was from 4 years ago. I think I am being caught up in the ire placed by the OP.

While the initial post on this thread was IMO a call to "torch & pitchfork" WWE for their complete lack of acknowledgement for black wrestlers...the overall response was negative. My addition to the thread was in support for the original opinion, but not to that degree. An acknowledgement that there is a disparity in the 'types' of Superstars WWE puts BBBs on.

I think that those who responded to me place me in the same category as the OP. And for now the umpteenth time I will say it...I am not calling WWE racist. I am just stating that there is a disparity, that's all.

I am not saying have Xavier Woods beat Daniel Bryan next Monday for the BBB after Percy Watson returns and unifies the mid-card titles. Or asking for the reformation of the Prime Time Playas to have them destroy the Usos while Cameron beats the crap out of Paige for her belt.

All I am asking from those of you in WZone...is an acknowledgement that things could be improved at the Big Boy Belt level for African Americans. While I am asking WWE to stop considering all the roadblocks that keep them from TRYING a black champion, while ignoring the same roadblocks when trying a white guy.
I can totally identify with the OP. How am I supposed to watch The Kardashians when every week they're banging another black dude? How can I teach my son to work hard and keep striving to be great when all he sees on TV is black cock filling fat socialite fame ****e asses?

The main event scene in WWE is certainly very white (with the exception of when John Cena tries to be street). At the same time, this is nothing new. It's odd to think someone is just figuring out that blacks are not consistently successful in professional wrestling. But also at the same time, Big E lost his title less than a week ago. But this is the internet so it should be expected for someone to overreact to something. Whether it is race, or Snowden comments, or 10,000 CM Punk theories.

WWE doesn't exactly have a glowing record on the topic of race. The importance is probably somewhere less than it's history with drug abuse but more than Pat Patterson's harassment issues If your approval of WWE depends on the success of black wrestlers so be it. It seems petty to me but I don't care that much since we are talking about something as trivial as pro wrestling.
I agree with Angels. It is a little suspicious that the bigger push when things are even seems to go the white wrestler. 2 examples are Koffi and Dolph and then Ryback and Titus O'neil. I have Dolph and Koffi about even. Both are lost in the shuffle now. However, Dolph was given both Vickie and AJ to help him get over, culminating in WHC. Koffi never had that. Ryback got the push and it went nowhere, they turned him heel and a bully and it went nowhere. They gave him Paul Heyman and t went nowhere. He is now in Rybaxl, we will see what happens. Neither he or Titus are great wrestlers, they both have the look, Titus was on the national championship Gator team and does a lot of work in the community. Titus also has charisma. WWe gave Ryback plenty of chances, but Titus couldn't even get one as a singles competitor? I'm not saying Ahmed Johnson was better then Stone cold or Mark Henry better then Cena that is of course crazy talk. However, there does seem to be a disparity when things are even. Every rule has an exception and good for the Rock for being that exception, but he is still the exception
Also why couldn't a guy like Xavier Woods be in the shield or since he is working toward a doctorate in child psych, why not use that in his gimmick rather then him dancing away with Rtruth and Brodus. Aren't we passed that already?
There's one big problem with people who like to bring up race and like to blame race for everything, people who seem to see racism in everything, let's call them race baiters for short.

The problem is race baiters act like anything bad happening to people of their race is racism. No. Racism is only if bad things happen to people of their race BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE. That's the key.

Mark Henry has had a job in the WWE for almost two decades. While he's had both incredibly dominant runs and other times was used to put other people over, he has always been treated like a threat. Like somebody who, even if they aren't doing particularly well at that time, could destroy anybody at any given time. When they're being used to put other people over, it's a big deal that they're putting that person over. Sounds a lot like...say, Kane. Or Big Show. So the people who cry racism about Mark Henry's treatment, there's two key questions: would you have a problem with Mark Henry's treatment if he was white? And would you have a problem with Kane or Big Show's treatment if they were black? I think we all know the answers to those questions are no and yes respectively, which is precisely the issue with race baiting.

Would Kofi Kingston be treated better by the WWE if he were white? I think John Morrison would say otherwise. Are R-Truth and Xavier Woods treated worse because they're black? Ask Mr. Kennedy and Zack Ryder. Big E didn't speak on a mic BECAUSE HE CAN'T TALK. He's a black hole(no pun intended) of charisma. Compare the way he was booked with the guy he beat for the title, Curtis Axel..oh, wait, Axel's white, so you won't care that he wasn't booked that strongly as champion. Or Axel's partner, Ryback, he's pretty comparable to Big E in style and talent.

Race baiters, like the OP, need to realize they're part of the problem. You're increasing the divide between black and white people. And I'm just going to call it like it is, you're racists. You want black people to be treated BETTER than they deserve, better than white people just like them, simply because they're black.

There's a legitimate discussion to be had about how WWE treats minorities, every minority not just blacks, but this sure isn't it. This is blatant racism, nothing more and nothing less. Disgusting.
As a white guy, have to agree that it is horrible the way they treat blacks and "minorities" in general(hate the term minorities as it strictly relates to skin color - not all "whites" are from the same place). Perfect example is Booker T - a 5 time champ who comes to wwe and pretty much has to start all over again. Hogan didn't, Nash didn't, Goldberg didn't. Not saying they won't push a black guy but it has to be a Big E or Bobby Lashley - huge guy who Vince can drool over. As for there just being less black guys in the business, would you want to get into an industry that acts like this?
Wow a lot of stupid crap went down since my last post.

Oh this make perfect sense to me, maybe not to you but seeing as the idea that race can't be a factor in any decision the wwe makes seems to be your prerogative, nothing I say will make sense to you.

Because you are wrong. You are making it your prerogative to show that black guys are being held down. Then you back that up with lies. Such as Big E getting jobbed out in February which is untrue.

When exactly has WWE tried pushing him up the card? I can't recall him having any matches for the number 1 contender ship.

They have tried multiple times. Given him big angles and big wins. Last time I remember him getting good airtime in a push was when they dubbed him the wildcat or wildcard (or something close to that). But you see the reason he never rose above midcard was he never changed. Kofi never did one special thing (excluding the Rumble moments, but you can't build a guy off a match that happens once a year). Kofi has horrid mic skills and has never connected with the crowd. That is why he will always stay where he is despite multiple pushes.

Definitely Disagree, The World Title was the main event of smackdown, now true the world title was always second place before the wwe title, but it wasn't in mid card status like the IC championship was, of course recently it was different as the brand distinguish became less and less

The world title was a midcard belt and had been for awhile. They might have said it was equal to the WWE title but it definitely wasn't. You could tell. They didn't have it end shows like the WWE title did. Didn't have as much emphasis placed on it. It basically was a title to give guys to see how they would do in a semi-main event place. It replaced the IC title as the stepping stone to the WWE title.

The brand split ended in 2011, again what is your definition of current?

When did I ever correlate being popular to being a draw, you are constantly trying to put words into my argument that I never stated. At least have the decency to stick to comments I actually talk about instead of placing comments on top of me that I never said.

You said it in the next quote.

Santino has always been popular, he's just not popular with the IWC because he's a comedy character. But he easily have some of the best mic skills in the game and charisma up the wazoo. Let me just post the video of Santino winning, literally they had a daniel bryan moment on their hands. Why they gave it up was because he didn't fit the bill that the WWE wanted.

Santino was popular. Not a draw. Meaning while the crowd would pop for Santino, if he won the world title around the time the ratings would crash.

Actually you don't have a clue on what you are talking about and are just making up numbers to attempt and provide and prove a point. To actually make a point, you need actual data such as this


As I stated in my last post, that is exactly what I used. You could even check it yourself to see that I did in fact post correct stats

So whose the one not know what they are talking about?


You really need to examine where you are getting you're data from, or maybe you are just making things up. In any case, here is a link to help prove my point once again.


Again, the exact site I used.

Definitely agree to disagree, both ziggler and kingston are absolutely horrid on the mic, I mean straight atrocious.

Well you have to at least concede this, Ziggler is very confident on the mic. Something Kofi never was. Ziggler talks with passion and has emotions in his promos. Kofi never has.

Well you obviously don't want Kofi's matches on youtube, otherwise you will see people actually do care.

As I stated before, Youtube comments are not a good way to judge a wrestler's popularity. Mostly because would you search for a wrestler you don't like on Youtube just to say he sucks? No of course not. That is why a lot of the comments will be positive about the guy.

At what? Showing you aren't subjective at looking at things? I don't need to try anything, you are already proving my point.

Try again. Or actually please stop trying, you are making my head hurt.

This doesn't strike me as true because as someone earlier pointed out, people like Jack Swagger, ADR, The Miz, and Dolph Ziggler have been given shots with either the previous WHC or WWE title. Those guys weren't exactly making waves during their reigns. The fact that the only black guy to hold the lower top-card title in the last 5 years was Mark Henry. And let's face it, at this point of his career that was clearly more of a "thank you" or "I'm sorry your career is pathetically undecorated" title reign (which he sure as hell took lemons to make lemonade with). There certainly does seem to be a racial bias in the WWE creative team. If we're willing to put the strap on guys like Ziggler and ADR to see what they're capable of, then there's no reason why someone like Kofi or R-Truth couldn't have been given a run at some point with at the now defunct WHC title or WWE title. Clearly these titles have not only been in the hands of well-received top-carders. I think ignoring the issue as coincidence is just plain ignorance and naivety.

Yes there is a big reason why Swagger, Miz, ADR and Ziggler where given shots at the title.

ADR - Huge in Mexico. He can draw there. That is why they pushed him to the moon.

Swagger - Great look. Very good in the ring. The look is what got him that push. Swagger had a huge upside with untapped potential. Unfortunately he never developed on the mic.

Miz - Was improving every single day. He was becoming great on the mic (I know people are very split on this but I think most people who were like that just couldn't get over his earlier work). So-so in the ring, but the mic work kept elevating him. That is why he was given such a huge shot. They thought he would be a star for years to come. He sadly fell off the face of the planet soon after as he couldn't sustain that momentum. His face turn killed him.

Ziggler - Great on the mic and in the ring. Sadly the concussion is what killed his momentum. Then he suffered another one. I assume WWE isn't as confident in Ziggler anymore due to his injury history.

Henry was given the title when he finally embrace being a monster. They tried to push him a bunch of times before but he never would get over. They gave him the Hall of Pain gimmick (which Brodus Clay came up with and had pitched the idea for himself) and that is when he took off. So that means WWE screwed a white guy over for a black guy.

Someone like Big E is no worse than Cesaro, in my opinion. Both are unimpressive on the mic, both can accomplish feats of strength, neither are booed, and both move well in the ring. Cesaro's only face-appeal is the Cesaro Swing. Outside of that, they are the perfect 2 guys to compare. If Cesaro makes it to the top of the card before Big E, then I wouldn't be surpised one bit. Two cardboard guys with the same level of talent...one looks white the other looks black...If one gets pushed instead of the other, I usually know which it will be. One can argue whether it's just a pesky coincidence but cannot argue the trend.

In your opinion means absolutely nothing. The crowd liked the swing. The crowd wanted to see Cesaro swing people. People popped for Cesaro. Big E hasn't done that. The crowd got Cesaro over because they liked that move and therefore he was given a chance because more and more people started to notice and like him.

@bxbigshow - I won't quote you as there would be a lot of stuff I have to quote. Instead I will try to give context to what you were talking about and why you are wrong. If I got the context wrong, please tell me.

You have no idea what you are talking about. None. Your post about Big E and he has to go threaten Vince to get a chance proves that. Big E is in the same damn holding pattern as all the other midcarders. They all will fall into that. If Big E is meant to be a main eventer, he will breakout of that rut when he proves he should.

Your comparisons are all over the place and really don't make sense. Benjamin made have been the least charismatic guy in history.

You stated that Rey and Khali shouldn't have been champion. Mexico and India (where they are both very popular) would disagree with you. Also Khali is over 7 feet tall, he can get all the shots he wants because he has a very impressive look.

Kofi, Benjamin, Truth. None of those guys deserved to be given a big shot as they never showed any reason to give them one.

Benjamin was not anywhere near Hardy when Hardy was a main eventer. Hardy was behind only Cena in merchandise sales when he finally made it there. Plus Hardy didn't need mic skills because of his insane style. He was willing to jump off of anything or do any move. Something that drew people to him and made him unique.

You also talked about Lashley. They guy who Vince put in the true main event of Wrestlemania 23. The guy who Vince personally made the ECW champion even though it was obvious people wanted Punk. A guy who Vince then personally feuded with and put over (which is something that very few people get). Lashley got injured after his big match with Cena and I believe was never brought back. Lahsley I think said it had to do with misunderstandings and that the problem never even got to Vince when he got fired/left.

But what it all boils down to is this. It will always be assumed that minorities & women have to fight 10 times harder to make it in America because there is evidence to back up this claim. I doubt the WWE is any different. Lets look at a black woman. Naomi / Trinity. A deserving African American woman who should have held the divas title by now but no they call up the whitest girl possible who is still a little green. & by no fault of her own, Paige is only 21 & I see a great future. But I can see the argument.

Or you know, Naomi was part of the long running Total Divas feud with AJ and the plan to call up Paige to finally end AJ's reign of terror had been in place for awhile. Plus it was more impressive to see a rookie defeat the longest reigning divas champion in history. Naomi isn't interesting anyways. If you watched her on NXT season 3, she has Benjamin level charisma. Plus she has huge exposure on Total Divas. That will maintain her popularity while Paige is not on that show and has to wrestle in order to remain relevant.

Being a black man, I think WWE is one of the last companies I would call racist. How ever, I would like to see the WWE try a little harder to get Black stars over with the crowd. For example, Jack Swagger's personality sucks but his in ring ability is great. So what does WWE do to cover his blandness? They give him a mouth piece in Zeb. Same for Cesaro. He's always had a good mouth piece to cover up the fact that he has no mic skills, making the crowd think he has more of a personality. Thus the crowd reacted to him more. They tried harder with Curtis Axel years ago. Again, they give him a mouth piece in Paul Heyman, now WWE has paired him up with Ryback and they're getting Tag Team title shots now. Hell Dolph Ziggler even had Vicki at one point so the crowd could give him some reaction. When was the last time that the WWE tried to help out a Black wrestler like that? To me its like they throw Black wrestlers to the wolves and if they get eaten alive then they just throw them away. If black wrestlers don't come with the total package then WWE doesn't give them a real chance to grow.

That's my Only real problem but like I said, WWE is one of the last companies I would call a racist company.

They gave the Prime Time Players AW until he made a rape joke. AW was going to expand eventually as well to other wrestlers. Anyways most people in WWE about two years ago didn't have managers. It was like that for years before this mini resurgence. I mean they only have two current managers right now, so it is not like they can just pick anyone to have a manager.

Stop playing victim here. You have no proof to back anything you said up.

But the point that's being made is that other non-black guys who have lacked in appeal, have been given opportunities with top-card belts (ADR got 2 chances, Ziggler and The Miz got 1).

They never "experiment" with black wrestlers. They are pretty much always eventually thrown in midcard or lower-midcard hell.

That is because they never showed any reason to get a shot. But no that can't possibly be the logical and sane reason. It must be that WWE is racist or Shelton Benjamin would totally be a 50 time world champion. Again, ADR is popular in Mexico. Ziggler and Miz excelled on the mic. Plus Miz was willing to go on any show and be an ambassador for WWE. He did more promo work than anyone else for a good period of time which really helped his case.

Do you really expect people not to say "get over it?" Many people said the same thing about Donald Sterling for christ sake, which is absolutely mindboggling. Donald Sterling performed institutionalize racism by witholding renting of minorities and was sued, and yet somehow it's black people's fault for wanting him removed as owner of the clippers. If you are minority, you are expected to be crapped upon and take it. But one thing's for sure, I'm not. I was a huge fan of the wwe, but no way am I going to watch a product where they have every single black person lose, this is the exact same behavior that has cause black children to have low self esteem due to studies shown, but many of those who aren't black can't seem to understand.

Yes that is because people are insane. People who believe Sterling shouldn't be severely punished need to be pushed off a tall cliff.

However, how is this connected in anyway to the WWE? It's not so stop trying to connect it. Big E actually has a winning record in the WWE, so it is not like WWE has had him lose every single time. When he does lose, it is not to show dominance of a white guy or anything. You can't win every single match.

You can't claim bullocks if you don't know what you are talking about, a little research would do wonders on you, instead of making rash comments because of you denial on a prominent situation. But here, I'll make this one easy for you and post the article, you are welcome.

Such as when you said I made facts up and I have to use a credible site...then linked to the exact site I used right?

Ziggler jobbing = travesty

Sandow jobbing = travesty

Bray Wyatt losing one match to John Cena at wrestlemania= burying

Black people losing almost every single match since february = perfectly fine.

What in the blue hell kind of sense does that make.

Didn't I prove you wrong on that already? Fine I'll do it again.

Big E went 7-2 in Februrary of 2014. Both loses were in tag team matches. He also won a handicap match during this time. Hardly jobbing.

And Big E had won one match on Raw in the beginning of March, which was a roll up pin fall because they were starting the beginning of the destruction of the real american tag team, other than that, no he hasn't won on raw since february. I have the link to prove it so I can say whatever I want. And I never said Big E is miles better than Cesaro, i stated they are on the same level, it's just that Cesaro is being pushed to high hell and Big E burial process started in end of February, early march.

Already proved you wrong on the point of Big E in February. Now to prove you wrong about Big E not winning on Raw after (I presume you mean) the March 10th match against Swagger. As Big E won in a tag match on March 17th on Raw.

Also the swing made Cesaro popular. Why can't you realize that? WWE was doing nothing with Cesaro until he did that.

And you aren't even an american, let alone black, so don't pretend like you understand or know what goes on in black culture or issues that exist within the black community because it's quite obvious you don't.

You can't even get basic facts right.

But c'mon now, one match though? That's the thing, I can understand a little bit of frustration if Wyatt was pulling off a Big E where he was stuck on main event and superstar almost every week and than loss. But he didn't, he was build creatively to holy hell, but one match and good lord all hell broke loose lmao, It was unbelievable. That's the mind boggling thing. Like I said, I don't mind if some of them become jobbers, that's inevitable and there should be a balance somewhat (even though technically I don't think anyone should be jobber, they should at least be somewhat competitive) my issue is when they turned everyone a jobber, including those that don't deserve to be there like Big E, Kofi, Mark Henry, and maybe Titus.

THEY DIDN'T FREAKING JOB OUT BIG E IN FEBRUARY. Stop talking about stuff that you have no idea about. You are pulling this out of your ass.

February records for Kofi, Big E, Henry and Titus.

Big E - 7 wins and 2 loses. Not buried.

Henry - 2 wins and 4 loses. One lose was in a title match. One was in a fatal four way. Henry should be putting people over at this stage in his career so his record is where it should be. Not buried at all.

Kofi - 1 win and 4 loses. Two of the loses were in tag matches against the Shield (who he should lose to). One lose was in a fatal four-way. Only one of his loses were in a singles match. Kofi is a midcard jobber and has been for years because he has shown he doesn't have what it takes to get to the next level. So he is right where he should be.

Titus O'neil - 2 wins and 2 loses. Again, not being buried.

My head hurts. Please stop with this stupidity.
That was my opinion when I initially jumped on this thread 7 pages ago. But unfortunately I was labeled as playing the "race card".
It is sad that the "they aren't the worst" part of that sentence is presented to me with the intent that THAT should be enough.
And not one person who has presented an opposing view to Angels is anyway EVER admitted the "things could be better" part.
It is a shame that even at the most basic of levels, non-blacks can admit that they would like to see things improve for black talent. Everyone's opinions are "you had your guy (Rock), now get over it..."

I didn't read the whole 7 pages but from what I did read nobody seemed to be saying "you had your guy, get over it" I think they were just pointing out that it's not like wwe has refused to utilize black talent that got over. I personally think Big E at this point in his career has never been over enough to qualify him for more than a mid card position.

Bobby Lashley was being groomed to be the next guy for the company, but he wasn't committed to wrestling... he wanted to do MMA.

Kofi is great and I believe could be featured more but the problem has been a lack of character development. I realize this isn't all Kofi's fault, but it's not like it is a problem exclusive to black superstars. what has Kofi done to keep himself fresh? oh... he dropped his Jamaican accent. switched from short trunks to long tights... he's exciting as hell in the ring, other than that... not so much.

the only thing I can see properly attributed to racism in wwe is some of the gimmicks... Cryme Tyme, Kofi's Jamaican thing, but again, this isn't exclusive to black people. look at Rusev... how many evil Russians have there been? tatanka?

When's the last time you saw a Native American win a championship in WWE? I don't know when it was, and the company is based out of their native land.

previous to the 1990's I would say there were black superstars that were held back because of their race. but those were the times.

Personally I wish things could be slightly better, but since this topic only shows up once every 4 years or so...I know they can't be.

try 4 months... really.... I see it all the time

For those who say we (blacks) want WWE to megapush (Champion) someone who doesn't deserve it because they're black...no. We're saying if WWE can do it to non-black talent WHY CAN'T they do the same to black talent...that's all.

Bobby Lashley, Ezekial Jackson, Ahmed Johnson
Angels, how do you feel about Asians in WWE then?

We've never even had an Asian Intercontinental Champion, let alone a world title.

I'm not attempting to derail your thread, just want to get a perspective on what you think of other non-black workers.

Oh I think Asians have it just as bad, if not worse. The thing is, I don't know if it's better to not appear at all (Asians), or to lose almost all the time (Blacks). At the same time, there's no alternative options for blacks to watch for blacks to be seen in prominent light, while other Asian based countries have wrestling organizations of their own, so they both have it very bad, just in different ways in my view.
Oh I think Asians have it just as bad, if not worse. The thing is, I don't know if it's better to not appear at all (Asians), or to lose almost all the time (Blacks). At the same time, there's no alternative options for blacks to watch for blacks to be seen in prominent light, while other Asian based countries have wrestling organizations of their own, so they both have it very bad, just in different ways in my view.

Care to show any proof? Refer back to my last post to see how I completely debunked that.

Again you have not posted one ounce of anything that has been true.
@bxbigshow - I won't quote you as there would be a lot of stuff I have to quote. Instead I will try to give context to what you were talking about and why you are wrong. If I got the context wrong, please tell me.

Pretty sure you do but let's have some fun...

You have no idea what you are talking about. None. Your post about Big E and he has to go threaten Vince to get a chance proves that. Big E is in the same damn holding pattern as all the other midcarders. They all will fall into that. If Big E is meant to be a main eventer, he will breakout of that rut when he proves he should.

Umm yeah dude I'm gonna need you to quote me here because I have no clue what you're talking about. I never said anything about Big E threatening Vince...

Your comparisons are all over the place and really don't make sense. Benjamin made have been the least charismatic guy in history.

While Jack Swagger was a fireball of personality sounding like Sylvester the Cat at the same time lighting it up with "high-spot" gutwrench suplexes.

You stated that Rey and Khali shouldn't have been champion. Mexico and India (where they are both very popular) would disagree with you. Also Khali is over 7 feet tall, he can get all the shots he wants because he has a very impressive look.

You know what...I will concede Mexico and India. But I doubt that that equals deserving of a main title.

You also talked about Lashley. They guy who Vince put in the true main event of Wrestlemania 23. The guy who Vince personally made the ECW champion even though it was obvious people wanted Punk. A guy who Vince then personally feuded with and put over (which is something that very few people get). Lashley got injured after his big match with Cena and I believe was never brought back. Lashley I think said it had to do with misunderstandings and that the problem never even got to Vince when he got fired/left.

It is always assumed that Vince was going to grant Bobby Lashley the WWE Title before he left...that's all I get hit back with.
With my Lashley point, it is conveniently ignored that Vince had NO HISTORY of giving black guys the MAIN BELT!!! Said for The Rock, because I know that's coming. So with no history, I cannot believe everyone's assumptions.

So in the end while not only do I feel taken out of context, I feel any context I had as completely ignored or disregarded. But I hope you had your fun.

And for shits and giggles I'll say you didn't quote me because I was black. But hey you'd probably ignore the context of "shits and giggles" to.
I am black and I absolutely HATE when black people blame their lack of success on their race. Pro wrestling as a whole is not very popular among African Americans. This means that there will obviously be less black wrestlers in the wwe. Because the majority of the wwe audience is WHITE, white wrestlers will get over with the crowd easier and therefore get pushed more. People cheer for wrestlers that are either talented or that they can relate too. For example, Stone Cold got over because so many wwe fans could relate to him, me being and African American couldn't relate to Austin at all and I personally didn't like him. I guarantee you that if the majority of the wwe audience was black than we wouldn't be having this discussion right now.

Also, you CHOOSE to watch a white dominated program!!! This is the equivalent of me watching Hockey and complaining that the MVP is never black or watching Nascar and complaining that black people never win the race. If you want to see black people dominate than TURN ON THE RADIO!!!! or watch the two biggest sports in America right now, the NBA and the NFL.

Maybe white people should complain about black people winning the NBA MVP every year...

IMO, this topic is nonsense. Big E freakin sucks, I dont care if he is black. The Rock is the only kinda black WWE champ ever and there is a simple reason why....because he is the only one that DESERVED IT!! I love Kofi, but he is exactly where he should be. Kofi is pretty much a black Tyson Kidd and they are both on the exact same level...actually Kidd may have it worse.
So let me see, Vince is a racist who wont let african-american guys to get to world title just because they are black(except for Rock, somehow he is just half-black so he doesnt count so Vince just overlooked that fact because The Rock is not "pure black") yet he personally(along with his son Shane and Umaga) puts over guy like Bobby Lashley? Mark Henry was World Champion why? Seems pretty legit, I mean, if I was a racist like Vincent Kennedy McMahon I would also hire african-american guys, train them, give them big paychecks and even put over and lost from one myself and give major Championship to other and minor Championships to other people who arent "white" because apparentlly "white" is the only flavor I like my employes to be and all others I would "bury" just because they are "black"( I am sorry, politiclly correct term is "Africa- American") . I mean, seems totally legit and realistic story lol :rolleyes:
Umm yeah dude I'm gonna need you to quote me here because I have no clue what you're talking about. I never said anything about Big E threatening Vince...

Actually you are right. I misread a previous thing you wrote. Sorry about that.

While Jack Swagger was a fireball of personality sounding like Sylvester the Cat at the same time lighting it up with "high-spot" gutwrench suplexes.

I would clump Swagger with Benjamin in charisma voids. But Swagger was young, unproven, great look and hadn't really tried a big program with him yet. The WWE was obviously high on him as they had him win the ECW title fairly quick after his debut. So they thought they had something with him.

You know what...I will concede Mexico and India. But I doubt that that equals deserving of a main title.

You have to look at Khali's win in context. At the time, Kane was feuding with Edge over the title. Edge got injured and had to vacate the title. So WWE probably thought instead of giving it to Kane, lets try to put it on this monster who is very over in India and can be a great ambassador for us over there.

Since Rey Mysterio is on the decline, they wanted to replace him with another guy that is over in Mexico. Which Del Rio was. Plus they thought he was going to be a huge star and it almost seemed like they didn't want to admit he was a failure.

It is always assumed that Vince was going to grant Bobby Lashley the WWE Title before he left...that's all I get hit back with.
With my Lashley point, it is conveniently ignored that Vince had NO HISTORY of giving black guys the MAIN BELT!!! Said for The Rock, because I know that's coming. So with no history, I cannot believe everyone's assumptions.

But taking into account of Vince's past booking of Lashley, you would have to think that Lashley was going to be a star for a long time to come. Vince obviously loved the guy.

So in the end while not only do I feel taken out of context, I feel any context I had as completely ignored or disregarded. But I hope you had your fun.

And for shits and giggles I'll say you didn't quote me because I was black. But hey you'd probably ignore the context of "shits and giggles" to.

I only took one thing out of context. So I'm not sure what else you though I took out of context.
So let me see, Vince is a racist who wont let african-american guys to get to world title just because they are black(except for Rock, somehow he is just half-black so he doesnt count so Vince just overlooked that fact because The Rock is not "pure black") yet he personally(along with his son Shane and Umaga) puts over guy like Bobby Lashley? Mark Henry was World Champion why? Seems pretty legit, I mean, if I was a racist like Vincent Kennedy McMahon I would also hire african-american guys, train them, give them big paychecks and even put over and lost from one myself and give major Championship to other and minor championships to other people who arent "white" because apparentlly thats the only flavor I like my employes to be . I mean, seems totally legit and realistic story lol

Your post was good for like the first few sentences but after that it sounded like you were describing Donald Sterling lol

To add to your list...the main event of the 1st Wrestlemania ever was centered around a black celebrity
Good lord, not this bullshit again....

Why is it that nobody says boo whenever it's someone of Caucasian or Asian heritage that doesn't wind up at the top of the mountain? Seriously, the number of white guys who haven't made it to that level FAR outnumbers that of any other ethnicity.

Vince McMahon is a businessman and if he doesn't think there's any money to be made or doesn't see any money that can be made, he's not gonna push a wrestler. Sometimes, when they are pushed, that push is continued over a long period of time. It's just that simple. Otherwise, why would any wrestlers of color have risen to any degree of prominence in WWE? I suppose The Rock doesn't count because he's not "100%" black or some garbage like that. Christ, do a little research on the various mixing of races and cultures over the course of thousands of years before trying to tell someone that they are or aren't "pure" this or that. People of various skin colors have been having children for millenia, so the odds of most people being 100% this or that are probably extremely slim. To me, it seems like the OP thinks that a wrestler should be pushed just because of the color of his skin. Personally, I don't care what color a guy is as long as he's got the talent and ability to warrant getting pushed. It's always easier to play the race card, however, than to acknowledge just the mere possibility that it all has to do with them not being a draw or not having the talent. There's no affirmative action in pro wrestling, never has been, nor should there be.
Oh I think Asians have it just as bad, if not worse. The thing is, I don't know if it's better to not appear at all (Asians), or to lose almost all the time (Blacks). At the same time, there's no alternative options for blacks to watch for blacks to be seen in prominent light, while other Asian based countries have wrestling organizations of their own, so they both have it very bad, just in different ways in my view.

I'm still not sure how you figure black wrestlers are almost always losing when, just looking at the Top 50 list based on Win/Lose ratio for this year...

Big E is +38

Darren Young is +18

Kofi + 4

Xavier + 3

R-Truth is +1

How is that "almost always losing"? Even a +0 (balanced record) isn't "almost always losing."

Damien Sandow is -54.
Care to show any proof? Refer back to my last post to see how I completely debunked that.

Again you have not posted one ounce of anything that has been true.

You didn't debunk, seeing as you are constantly making up numbers from the website instead of actually posting information, but hey, I might as well show how wrong you are.

Kofi Kingston Only victory, not some like you provided was against Titus O'neil, another black dude.

Alexander Rusev def. (sub) Kofi Kingston
WWE Monday Night Raw

May 5th 2014 Rusev def. (sub) Kofi Kingston
WWE Monday Night Raw

May 5th 2014 Sheamus def. Cody Rhodes, Curtis Axel, Damien Sandow, Dean Ambrose (c), Dolph Ziggler, Fandango, Goldust, Heath Slater, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, R-Truth, Ryback, Santino Marella, Sin Cara, The Big Show, Titus O'Neil, Xavier Woods, Zack Ryder battle royale WWE United States Championship

WWE Main Event

Apr 29th 2014 Bad News Barrett def. (pin) Kofi Kingston
WWE Superstars Taping

Apr 21st 2014 Kofi Kingston def. (pin) Titus O'Neil
WWE Smackdown! Taping

Apr 8th 2014 Bad News Barrett def. (pin) Kofi Kingston
WWE Superstars Taping

Apr 7th 2014 Titus O'Neil def. (pin) Kofi Kingston
WWE WrestleMania XXX

Apr 6th 2014 Cesaro def. Alberto Del Rio, Big E, Brad Maddox, Brodus Clay, Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow, Darren Young, David Otunga, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Fandango, Goldust, Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal, Justin Gabriel, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, R-Truth, Rey Mysterio, Santino Marella, Sheamus, Sin Cara, The Big Show, The Great Khali, The Miz, Titus O'Neil, Tyson Kidd,
Xavier Woods, Yoshi Tatsu, Zack Ryder battle royale
WWE Superstars Taping

Mar 31st 2014 Heath Slater def. (pin) Kofi Kingston
WWE Smackdown! Taping

Mar 18th 2014 The Big Show def. Alberto Del Rio, Big E, Cody Rhodes, Goldust, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, Sheamus, The Miz, Titus O'Neil Unsanctioned Battle Royal
WWE Monday Night Raw

Mar 17th 2014 Bray Wyatt def. (pin) Kofi Kingston
WWE Smackdown! Taping

Mar 11th 2014 Bray Wyatt def. (pin) Kofi Kingston

Kofi's only victory from the beginning of March was against Titus O'neil, Another black dude.

Titus O'Neil only win was against kofi kingston, another black dude, and Zack Ryder at the beginning of the March.

WWE Monday Night Raw
May 5th 2014 Sheamus def. Cody Rhodes, Curtis Axel, Damien Sandow, Dean Ambrose (c), Dolph Ziggler, Fandango, Goldust, Heath Slater, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, R-Truth, Ryback, Santino Marella, Sin Cara, The Big Show, Titus O'Neil, Xavier Woods, Zack Ryder battle royale WWE United States Championship

WWE Smackdown! Taping
Apr 29th 2014 Big E def. (DQ) Titus O'Neil

WWE Monday Night Raw
Apr 28th 2014 Sheamus def. (pin) Titus O'Neil

WWE Smackdown! Taping
Apr 22nd 2014 Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins def. (pin) Alberto Del Rio & Bad News Barrett & Damien Sandow & Ryback & Titus O'Neil handicap tag

WWE Main Event
Apr 22nd 2014 Sheamus def. (pin) Titus O'Neil

WWE Superstars Taping
Apr 21st 2014 Kofi Kingston def. (pin) Titus O'Neil

WWE Monday Night Raw
Apr 14th 2014 Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins draw (NC) Alberto Del Rio & Alexander Rusev & Bad News Barrett & Curtis Axel & Drew McIntyre & Fandango & Heath Slater & Jack Swagger & Jinder Mahal & Ryback & Titus O'Neil handicap tag

WWE Superstars Taping
Apr 14th 2014 Big E def. (pin) Titus O'Neil

WWE Superstars Taping
Apr 7th 2014 Titus O'Neil def. (pin) Kofi Kingston

WWE WrestleMania XXX
Apr 6th 2014 Cesaro def. Alberto Del Rio, Big E, Brad Maddox, Brodus Clay, Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow, Darren Young, David Otunga, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Fandango, Goldust, Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal, Justin Gabriel, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, R-Truth, Rey Mysterio, Santino Marella, Sheamus, Sin Cara, The Big Show, The Great Khali, The Miz, Titus O'Neil, Tyson Kidd, Xavier Woods, Yoshi Tatsu, Zack Ryder battle royale

WWE Smackdown! Taping
Mar 31st 2014 Dolph Ziggler def. (pin) Titus O'Neil

WWE Monday Night Raw
Mar 24th 2014 The Big Show def. (pin) Titus O'Neil

WWE Smackdown! Taping
Mar 18th 2014 The Big Show def. Alberto Del Rio, Big E, Cody Rhodes, Goldust, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, Sheamus, The Miz, Titus O'Neil Unsanctioned Battle Royal

WWE Main Event
Mar 18th 2014 The Big Show def. (pin) Titus O'Neil

WWE Monday Night Raw
Mar 17th 2014 Sheamus def. (pin) Titus O'Neil

WWE Superstars Taping
Mar 3rd 2014 Titus O'Neil def. (pin) Zack Ryder

Mark Henry has one full team win (which I don't normally count as multiple people are involved) and one win against the Miz, out of all his matches.

card/ date match match type title(s)

WWE Smackdown! Taping
May 6th 2014 Roman Reigns def. (pin) Mark Henry

WWE Monday Night Raw
May 5th 2014 Sheamus def. Cody Rhodes, Curtis Axel, Damien Sandow, Dean Ambrose (c), Dolph Ziggler, Fandango, Goldust, Heath Slater, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, R-Truth, Ryback, Santino Marella, Sin Cara, The Big Show, Titus O'Neil, Xavier Woods, Zack Ryder battle royale WWE United States Championship

Xavier Woods has one victory by himself, every other match solo wrestling has been a slot.

card/ date match match type title(s)

WWE Smackdown! Taping
May 6th 2014 Xavier Woods def. Damien Sandow dark

WWE Monday Night Raw
May 5th 2014 Sheamus def. Cody Rhodes, Curtis Axel, Damien Sandow, Dean Ambrose (c), Dolph Ziggler, Fandango, Goldust, Heath Slater, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, R-Truth, Ryback, Santino Marella, Sin Cara, The Big Show, Titus O'Neil, Xavier Woods, Zack Ryder battle royale WWE United States Championship

WWE Extreme Rules '14
May 4th 2014 Alexander Rusev def. (sub) R-Truth & Xavier Woods handicap tag

WWE Monday Night Raw
Apr 28th 2014 Alexander Rusev def. (DQ) Xavier Woods

NXT TV Taping #97
Apr 24th 2014 Sami Zayn, Tyler Breeze, Tyson Kidd def. Aiden English, Baron Corbin, Bo Dallas, Brodus Clay, Camacho, Colin Cassady, Curt Hawkins, Danny Burch, El Local, Jason Jordan, Kalisto, Marcus Louis, Mason Ryan, Mojo Rawley, Oliver Grey, Sylvester Lefort, Xavier Woods, Yoshi Tatsu Battle Royal

WWE Monday Night Raw
Apr 14th 2014 Alexander Rusev def. (sub) Xavier Woods

WWE WrestleMania XXX
Apr 6th 2014 Cesaro def. Alberto Del Rio, Big E, Brad Maddox, Brodus Clay, Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow, Darren Young, David Otunga, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Fandango, Goldust, Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal, Justin Gabriel, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, R-Truth, Rey Mysterio, Santino Marella, Sheamus, Sin Cara, The Big Show, The Great Khali, The Miz, Titus O'Neil, Tyson Kidd, Xavier Woods, Yoshi Tatsu, Zack Ryder battle royale

WWE Superstars Taping
Mar 24th 2014 R-Truth & Xavier Woods def. (pin) Drew McIntyre & Jinder Mahal

WWE Superstars Taping
Mar 17th 2014 R-Truth & Xavier Woods def. (pin) Drew McIntyre & Jinder Mahal

NXT TV Taping #92
Mar 13th 2014 Brodus Clay def. (pin) Xavier Woods

WWE Monday Night Raw
Apr 14th 2014 Cesaro def. (pin) Mark Henry

WWE WrestleMania XXX
Apr 6th 2014 Cesaro def. Alberto Del Rio, Big E, Brad Maddox, Brodus Clay, Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow, Darren Young, David Otunga, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Fandango, Goldust, Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal, Justin Gabriel, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, R-Truth, Rey Mysterio, Santino Marella, Sheamus, Sin Cara, The Big Show, The Great Khali, The Miz, Titus O'Neil, Tyson Kidd, Xavier Woods, Yoshi Tatsu, Zack Ryder battle royale

WWE Smackdown! Taping
Mar 25th 2014 Mark Henry def. (pin) The Miz

WWE Smackdown! Taping
Mar 18th 2014 The Big Show def. Alberto Del Rio, Big E, Cody Rhodes, Goldust, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, Sheamus, The Miz, Titus O'Neil Unsanctioned Battle Royal

WWE Monday Night Raw
Mar 17th 2014 Big E & Dolph Ziggler & Mark Henry & The Big Show def. (pin) Alberto Del Rio & Curtis Axel & Damien Sandow & Ryback 8-person tag

WWE Main Event
Mar 11th 2014 Dean Ambrose (c) def. (pin) Mark Henry

I can go on and on and on, but the point is stop trying to make up stuff. These folks are clearly jobbing, whether you wish to accept it or not.
I'm still not sure how you figure black wrestlers are almost always losing when, just looking at the Top 50 list based on Win/Lose ratio for this year...

Big E is +38

Darren Young is +18

Kofi + 4

Xavier + 3

R-Truth is +1

How is that "almost always losing"? Even a +0 (balanced record) isn't "almost always losing."

Damien Sandow is -54.

Much of their increase has been the beginning of the year. I've already posted the information in my last post as to how they were almost always losing. With that said, there must be something extremely off with that number as Damien hasn't even wrestled 54 times this year, let alone have 54 loses. Here is all the matches that Damien has had for this year.

WWE Smackdown! Taping
May 6th 2014 Xavier Woods def. Damien Sandow dark

WWE Monday Night Raw
May 5th 2014 Sheamus def. Cody Rhodes, Curtis Axel, Damien Sandow, Dean Ambrose (c), Dolph Ziggler, Fandango, Goldust, Heath Slater, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, R-Truth, Ryback, Santino Marella, Sin Cara, The Big Show, Titus O'Neil, Xavier Woods, Zack Ryder battle royale WWE United States Championship

WWE Smackdown! Taping
Apr 29th 2014 Dolph Ziggler def. (pin) Damien Sandow
WWE Superstars Taping
Apr 28th 2014 Damien Sandow def. (pin) Sin Cara
WWE Smackdown! Taping
Apr 22nd 2014 Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins def. (pin) Alberto Del Rio & Bad News Barrett & Damien Sandow & Ryback & Titus O'Neil handicap tag
WWE Superstars Taping
Apr 21st 2014 Big E def. (pin) Damien Sandow
WWE Smackdown! Taping
Apr 8th 2014 Rob Van Dam def. (pin) Damien Sandow
WWE Monday Night Raw
Apr 7th 2014 Rob Van Dam def. (pin) Damien Sandow
WWE WrestleMania XXX
Apr 6th 2014 Cesaro def. Alberto Del Rio, Big E, Brad Maddox, Brodus Clay, Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow, Darren Young, David Otunga, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Fandango, Goldust, Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal, Justin Gabriel, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, R-Truth, Rey Mysterio, Santino Marella, Sheamus, Sin Cara, The Big Show, The Great Khali, The Miz, Titus O'Neil, Tyson Kidd, Xavier Woods, Yoshi Tatsu, Zack Ryder battle royale
WWE Monday Night Raw
Mar 31st 2014 Cody Rhodes & Goldust def. (pin) Damien Sandow & Fandango
WWE Smackdown! Taping
Mar 25th 2014 Sin Cara def. (pin) Damien Sandow
WWE Monday Night Raw
Mar 24th 2014 Sin Cara def. (pin) Damien Sandow
WWE Smackdown! Taping
Mar 18th 2014 Dolph Ziggler def. (pin) Damien Sandow
WWE Monday Night Raw
Mar 17th 2014 Big E & Dolph Ziggler & Mark Henry & The Big Show def. (pin) Alberto Del Rio & Curtis Axel & Damien Sandow & Ryback 8-person tag
WWE Smackdown! Taping
Mar 11th 2014 Seth Rollins def. (pin) Damien Sandow
WWE Main Event Taping
Feb 25th 2014 Sin Cara def. (pin) Damien Sandow
WWE Superstars Taping
Feb 24th 2014 Kofi Kingston def. (pin) Damien Sandow
WWE Smackdown! Taping
Feb 11th 2014 Darren Young def. (pin) Damien Sandow
WWE Smackdown! Taping
Jan 28th 2014 Kofi Kingston def. (pin) Damien Sandow
WWE Royal Rumble '14
Jan 26th 2014 Batista def. Alberto Del Rio, Alexander Rusev, Antonio Cesaro, Big E. Langston, C. M. Punk, Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow, Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler, El Torito, Erick Rowan, Fandango, Goldust, Jack Swagger, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso, John Bradshaw Layfield, Kane, Kevin Nash, Kofi Kingston, Luke Harper, R-Truth, Rey Mysterio, Roman Reigns, Ryback, Seth Rollins, Sheamus, The Great Khali, The Miz 30-man Royal Rumble
WWE Main Event Taping
Jan 21st 2014 R-Truth def. (pin) Damien Sandow
WWE Main Event Taping
Jan 14th 2014 Damien Sandow def. (pin) Sin Cara
WWE Monday Night Raw
Jan 13th 2014 John Cena def. (pin) Damien Sandow
WWE Monday Night Raw
Jan 6th 2014 The Great Khali def. (pin) Damien Sandow

Damien has had roughly 25 matches just this year, and he has won a few. The only way he could be down -54 wins is if they are including all the way until May last year instead of the beginning of January.

Remember, my point was talking about the end of February forward, that's been my major criticique. From the end of February, it's just been all down hill for all black wrestlers which was what I posted in the previous post. As such, they been losing pretty much almost all the time.
You didn't debunk, seeing as you are constantly making up numbers from the website instead of actually posting information

But... there's this website that does kind of debunks you:

Win/Loss Differential

Remember, my point was talking about the end of February forward, that's been my major criticique. From the end of February, it's just been all down hill for all black wrestlers which was what I posted in the previous post. As such, they been losing pretty much almost all the time.

Why is your argument only starting at say... February?

As I posted (and probably others have well), for the year Big E is 50/12, that's a +38 difference between his wins and losses.

In May he's 2/3, a difference of -1, that's hardly "losing almost all the time."

Your numbers have gotta be way off, especially for Sandow.
I never comment on this site anymore but i saw this thread and well i couldn't help but join in. The amount of people who have this "deal with it or look white wrestlers job too" mentality is astounding! Of course white wrestlers do the job and get held back because 90% of the roster is white. That is bound to happen. But please look at it from a different point of view as a black wrestling fan almost all our wrestlers are lumped into a rapper/hoodlum/african gimmick which is insulting. Black wrestlers rarely get put into any angles that give them a chance to get over with a crowd. If Kofi is terrible on the mic but an excellent worker give him a mouth piece, if their is a new faction maybe try putting a black guy in it? Maybe give a black wrestler a non sterotypical gimmick that might get over for once. Not enough time is giving to not only black wrestlers but ethnic wrestlers in general and that's not whining that's a fact. TNA has had a black world champion, Dragon gate pushes Richocet, Rich Swann, Uhaa Nation, NJPW respects Shelton Benjamin and put the Intercontinental belt on MVP as soon as he arrived. The reason WWE gets flack because it has the most global audience so as a young black wrestling fan just seeing Kofi Kingston appear or Big E have a match is not good enough. I'm not saying push every black wrestler because their black but it just seems that they don't even get a fighting chance. I couldn't even imagine what it's like for Asian fans they have it far worse. Has an asian wrestler ever been given a tolerable gimmick in the WWE?
Wow I wasn't expecting 10 pages of thread when I clicked this from the news section.

Saying WWE is mistreating their black talent is a bit of bad wording. They're keeping them in the same place for way to long is better to say. Kofi is brought up a lot in what I've read, He beat the Champion of Champions CLEAN in the middle of the ring with his SIGNATURE move. Not trouble in Paradise, the S.O.S. It's common that beating a champion in a non-title match earns you a championship match. Kofi got nothing and had to watch an elimination chamber match. I wrote up a push where Kofi is backed by the authority as the underdog to Bryan (who just completed his own underdog run) where They'd play Kofi up as someone that got passed over, hell Bryan "wormed" his way into the main event after Kofi pinned Orton.

Onto Mark Henry. Big Show went on recor din an interview that Mark Henry was the most convincing Monster Heel in WWE during his Hall of Pain run because "No one didn't Believe Mark wouldn't rip out your spine" and to see him get squashed Three different times by Brock Lesnar was insulting to me when Mark could toss Lesnar's 266lbs ass around like it's nothing. That's light weight compared to the two 18 wheelers he pulled in 2013 before fighting Ryback at WM29.

Then there's the Primetime players. They were one of the more talented tag teams with a great chemistry between them because of how close Titus and Darren are and they got 1 tag titles shot and were broken up the same way another prominent Black tag team were Broken up, Cryme Tyme when Shad (this time played by Titus) beat up JTG (now played by Darren Young) because they were losers.

My main problem with Big E losing to Wade Barrett and not being champion is that Barrett was IC champ less than a year ago. Big E beat Curtis Axel who beat Barrett for it. Barrett would've been more suited to win that Battle Royal on Raw than beat Big E, especially since Big E was never given a FEUD for the title. They were all one month run offs to get a PPV title defense, or he was in something else like the Andre Battle Royal at Mania or the Royal Rumble (which he was in an out of in a flash)

The Divas division as a whole is a mess and Alicia Fox isn't anywhere near the top, but the Funkadactyls are. They need to get that whole thing fixed up before I can look at individual divas that are in line for their push, hell Midget wrestlers get more match time than the Divas champion.

WWE could use some more prominent and successful black talent with long and well written title reigns and storylines. Also redo Xavier Wood's debut because it fell so flat he was enhancement for someone elses debut. That's wrong no matter what ethnicity you are.
I'll yet again reiterate that the point being made is not that black men have never been given pushes, it's that black men have not been given the same opportunities with the title as unappealing non-black guys have.

It seems like everytime someone (like myself) tries to get you to either respond to this sentiment or state an opinion regarding why this idea is incorrect, you steer the subject to a different topic about whether or not money can be made off of the black wrestler or whether or not Bobby Lashley might have gotten a title if he stayed. Those arguments are paper thin seeing as how there has been 3 midcard singles wrestlers who got themselves over yet never got an experiment run with the top titles (MVP, R-Truth, Kofi Kingston) while other non-white, widely unappealing, wrestlers got experiment runs with top titles. (Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, ADR) So appeal (which = crowd response and $$$) is not the main factor when it comes to this decision.

Using Mark Henry is also disregarding the former statement because it took him at least 14 years with the company just to get the LOWER midcard title. Also it should be noted, his reign got more of a consistent crowd response than at least the 2 of the 3 non-black guys I mentioned who had top-title reigns. So once again, talent and appeal isn't the determining factor when dishing out the top titles. It's simply a conscious decision that is made based on a "gut feeling" or experimentation.

To look at all of the black wrestlers who have come and gone and not see the realistic possibility of a racial bias simply means you don't want to see it. When other less appealing un-entertaining reigns have taken place by non-white wrestlers (in the span of 5 years), it's not much of a stretch to assume that it's not a coincidence.

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