WWE Treatment of Black Wrestlers.....Thank You WWE

As I read more responses I get more upset at the "get over it" mentality.
I understand how the world works, I get it. If the average WWE fan can not connect to a black man then Vince won't see a need to give them the title.
But at the same time, how would Vince get the average WWE fan to connect to a black man? That's the question, the reason (or excuse) is a self fulfilling prophecy as it will justify the behavior.

And I am loving the mentality of main event matches, or mid-card titles are equal to the "Face of the Company" tag the BBB-holder gets. It's almost a, "you have a spot on the show boy, be happy and dance" mentality.

I am only talking in the range of the WWE/WHC Championship. I don't care how many Royal Rumble "moments" you have, how many mid-card titles you've won, I only care about whether or not the powers that be in WWE sat down at a conference table and said a black guy's name as the next "guy"...and everyone either agreed or shut up. AND THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN.

And for those who feel that Big E is only in a holding pattern and that one day he will get his chance, then the sun will come out when THAT tomorrow happens. Because they may also believe that Vince McMahon will be faced with a "Care Bear Stare" and change his mind/heart/practices all of a sudden.

Do you really expect people not to say "get over it?" Many people said the same thing about Donald Sterling for christ sake, which is absolutely mindboggling. Donald Sterling performed institutionalize racism by witholding renting of minorities and was sued, and yet somehow it's black people's fault for wanting him removed as owner of the clippers. If you are minority, you are expected to be crapped upon and take it. But one thing's for sure, I'm not. I was a huge fan of the wwe, but no way am I going to watch a product where they have every single black person lose, this is the exact same behavior that has cause black children to have low self esteem due to studies shown, but many of those who aren't black can't seem to understand.
So if there was a black guy that had the inborn charisma to just break through, Vince wouldn't take advantage of that? Bollocks!

Back in 1996 Vince McMahon had a massive hard-on for Ahmed Johnson...look at him from his arrival until Farooq injured him, it was clear Vince saw him as a main event star in the making but, completely Ahmeds own fault, he was too injury prone, dreadful on the mike (worse than warrior with a gob full of marbles) and never reached the level that he seemed destined for.
At the same time Steve Austin wasn't going to be given a chance, he was a back-up plan that took the opportunity handed to him and smashed it out of the park! If a black guy could do the same, then that's what would happen.

And saying that bollocks that studies show black people losing causes black children to have low self-esteem....complete tosh...As a British person, until the night after Wrestlemania, pretty much watching any wrestling show (or any American tv in general where Brits seem to always be the bad guys that lose) we should have a complex too...we don't, because we don't go looking for an agenda that isn't present.
Race has nothing to do with it. WWE drops the ball with everyone not named John Cena, Randy Orton, or Triple H.
What a whiny article. The Rock is a multiple WWE champion. Mark Henry is a multiple World Heavyweight champion. Booker T won the world Championship while in WWE. Big E was the US champion despite only being in the WWE for a short time. Shelton Benjamin was a tag team champion and beat Triple H two consecutive weeks in a row. I hate whenever a black person gets all pissy just because some black wrestler who has absolutely no charisma or talent and isn't considered popular with the crowd, doesn't get to be at the top of the card. Get over it and good riddance.
So if there was a black guy that had the inborn charisma to just break through, Vince wouldn't take advantage of that? Bollocks!

Back in 1996 Vince McMahon had a massive hard-on for Ahmed Johnson...look at him from his arrival until Farooq injured him, it was clear Vince saw him as a main event star in the making but, completely Ahmeds own fault, he was too injury prone, dreadful on the mike (worse than warrior with a gob full of marbles) and never reached the level that he seemed destined for.
At the same time Steve Austin wasn't going to be given a chance, he was a back-up plan that took the opportunity handed to him and smashed it out of the park! If a black guy could do the same, then that's what would happen.

And saying that bollocks that studies show black people losing causes black children to have low self-esteem....complete tosh...As a British person, until the night after Wrestlemania, pretty much watching any wrestling show (or any American tv in general where Brits seem to always be the bad guys that lose) we should have a complex too...we don't, because we don't go looking for an agenda that isn't present.

You can't claim bullocks if you don't know what you are talking about, a little research would do wonders on you, instead of making rash comments because of you denial on a prominent situation. But here, I'll make this one easy for you and post the article, you are welcome.

(CNN) -- We've heard it all: from the correlation between TV viewing and childhood obesity to the idea that excessive TV viewing can negatively affect children's grades.

But according to a new study, watching TV might actually boost your child's self-esteem -- that is, if he's a white male.

Parents of white girls and African-American children, however, might want to limit the amount of time their kids spend in front of the tube. The self-esteem of white girls, black girls and black boys decreases with TV consumption, says the study, published in Communication Research.

Over the course of one year, Kristen Harrison and Nicole Martins surveyed about 400 black and white Illinois students. All of the 7- to 12-year-olds are from lower-middle to upper-middle socioeconomic communities, said Harrison, a professor of communication studies at the University of Michigan. Black children surveyed, on average, spent an extra 10 hours watching TV each week.

With the definition of self-esteem being an overall feeling of self-worth, Harrison told CNN, kids were asked reverse-coded questions such as, "Are there a lot of things about yourself you would like to change?"
While the study focused solely on how the amount of time spent in front of the TV affects a child's self-esteem, the programs likely are what give white boys a confidence boost, said Amy Jordan, director of the Media and the Developing Child sector of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania.

Boys making the transition from elementary to middle school are probably exposed to superhero cartoons, Jordan said, adding, " 'Superman,' 'Batman,' X-Men.' The lead characters of these shows tend to be male."

But Jordan added, "In recent years, creators of children's programming have worked hard to improve diversity and include strong female characters."
For white boys, "regardless of what show you're watching ... things in life are pretty good for you," Martins, an assistant professor of telecommunications at Indiana University Bloomington, said in a statement. "(White males) tend to be in positions of power; you have prestigious occupations, high education, glamorous houses, a beautiful wife, with very little portrayals of how hard you worked to get there."

A similar 2010 study, which didn't put an emphasis on the race and gender of its participants, found that prolonged TV exposure could cause a child to perform poorly in the classroom, be victimized by classmates and increase body mass index. The study, conducted by Linda Pagani, a professor in the School of Psychoeducation at the University of Montreal in Quebec, followed more than 1,300 children from the time they were 29 months old.
And in 2009, Nielsen reported that TV viewing among kids was at an eight-year high, with 2- through 11-year-olds watching between 22 and 24 hours of TV each week. That's in addition to the amount of time they spent watching shows and movies on DVR, DVD, VCR and game consoles.

So while it's likely best for parents, regardless of their child's race or gender, to keep a mindful eye on TV consumption, Harrison and Martins' research suggests it's especially important for parents of girls and African-American boys.

Kids are impressionable, said Michael Brody, chair of the media committee of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. It affects them when they don't see themselves represented on TV, and it affects them when the young people who look like them are seen doing something wrong, he added.

"Just like, most of the time on TV when somebody is mentally ill, it's usually a young woman," Brody said. "In terms of my own profession, whenever there's a psychiatrist on a program he's usually some maniac. ... That affects my self-esteem."

To that end, Harrison suggests that parents make sure their kids "spend time cultivating the relationships and skills that make you feel like a valued person."
Harrison, whose 6-year-old daughter is only permitted to watch TV at home on Friday nights, said the rules would be the same regardless of the sex of her child. Despite the self-esteem boost reported for white boys, she added, there are too many other negatives associated with watching a lot of TV.

Immaturity and inability to see things from other points of view will derail this discussion, so I don't plan to follow up.

Well plans have changed, because I've been proven wrong. Immaturity and inability to see things from other points of view haven't derailed this discussion, they've defined it. Throw in ignorance as well. The 3 I's, if you will. Oh it's true. It's true.

As I said, I'm hesitant to make the racism accusations against WWE. Without hard proof of discriminatory practices, it's just one's perception based off of how things are booked. Perceptions are influenced by life experiences, however, and it's clear that many people here on both sides of the issue (mainly on the "no possibility of racism" side, though) have very heavily skewed perceptions. It's actually very interesting to get inside the heads of people who are clearly too uninformed and/or too far removed from racial issues to make an educated assessment on them. There are a lot of gross oversimplifications and vapid statements being made.

It's not as if I expected anything less, as evidenced by my above quote, but it's enlightening nonetheless. At times this thread has reminded me of Thunderbolt Patterson on The Morton Downey Jr. Show; at others it's reminded me of Faarooq accosting Vince McMahon about the lack of black WWF Champions. Both were more cartoonish bombast than actual productive discourse, and for the most part that's what we have here. This forum needs a kiddie table.
If I was black, I guess it would bother me that there weren't more black wrestlers, and that the current black wrestlers aren't in "big" spots.

But I don't think there is some ulterior motive for why this is the case. It's just how things are. They would never "hold down" someone because they're black. It would be counter-productive.
I can call bollocks because anyone can do a study into anything and find things that suit their needs. Case in point the following study that was done:

That was carried out by a university so it must have a basis in fact....or, more likely, these "scientific studies" are, as I called them, bollocks and irrelevant to this discussion, considering the study you're quoting is about all different ethnicities having lower self-esteem from TV shows and, shock horror, white girls too!

Now, find some way to continue saying how Big E is miles better than Cesaro, while ignoring the fact that Cesaro has the ability (and charisma) to come back from a frickin' yodeling gimmick to get a good reaction while Big E gets silence (and he has won matches on Raw since February, the results are out there to check, look them up before spouting again please)
I can call bollocks because anyone can do a study into anything and find things that suit their needs. Case in point the following study that was done:

That was carried out by a university so it must have a basis in fact....or, more likely, these "scientific studies" are, as I called them, bollocks and irrelevant to this discussion, considering the study you're quoting is about all different ethnicities having lower self-esteem from TV shows and, shock horror, white girls too!

Now, find some way to continue saying how Big E is miles better than Cesaro, while ignoring the fact that Cesaro has the ability (and charisma) to come back from a frickin' yodeling gimmick to get a good reaction while Big E gets silence (and he has won matches on Raw since February, the results are out there to check, look them up before spouting again please)

LMAO, You article does absolutely nothing to disapprove my article or point, until you can pinpoint an article that disproves the exact opposite the studies I illustrate says, stop pretending like you know what you are talking about.

They are relevant to the conversation because it clearly shows what lack of representation and lack of appearance of importance can due to children, having black wrestlers being constantly neglected to just jobber mode can be damaging to susceptible black children watching television, especially if the common idea set is that these are acceptable or even worse, expected display of behavior towards black wrestlers.

Ziggler jobbing = travesty

Sandow jobbing = travesty

Bray Wyatt losing one match to John Cena at wrestlemania= burying

Black people losing almost every single match since february = perfectly fine.

What in the blue hell kind of sense does that make.

And Big E had won one match on Raw in the beginning of March, which was a roll up pin fall because they were starting the beginning of the destruction of the real american tag team, other than that, no he hasn't won on raw since february. I have the link to prove it so I can say whatever I want. And I never said Big E is miles better than Cesaro, i stated they are on the same level, it's just that Cesaro is being pushed to high hell and Big E burial process started in end of February, early march.

And you aren't even an american, let alone black, so don't pretend like you understand or know what goes on in black culture or issues that exist within the black community because it's quite obvious you don't.
I was just pulling a random "study" off the internet because, as I said, studies can be used to prove anything and everything and, thus, aren't really relevant because of this fact.

I'll give you Xavier Woods though, he was dead in the water from the off because he was lumped in with R Truth who, if we're being honest, had his real career peak back in TNA (and it was clear then he couldn't carry the main event end of things behind the mike).

It's been said before that Henry is like Jericho. He might lose a lot more than he wins, but he's still seen as a big deal and thus, someone beating him/beating him up, means something. Surely that's a sign of the respect the WWE have for Henry if anything?

And I don't know anything about the issues of the black community because I'm not one of them? I'll admit I can't speak to how black people feel but, having a fair few black friends, and having seen some of the nastiest sides of racism involved in sports (recent examples being the pathetic UEFA fine for a banana being thrown at a Barcelona player and the shambles that is Eastern European racism in general) I'd say I've got quite a good handle on a major world organisation (that pisses over WWE in terms of size and scope) encouraging the mistreatment of minority groups.

Getting back on target though, can you really name a black wrestler that should be pushed towards the main event picture? Or even shows glimpses of signs they could ever reach there? It's slim pickings at best, but it's a helluva lot better than the Indian wrestlers have.
Disagree, Kofi Kingston has gone way worse than Ziggler. Ziggler just beat Swagger on Main Event, while Kofi has been the residential jobber since his miraculous win against randy orton. Ziggler has never fallen so far as to lose to 3mb.

And for black wrestlers not being as talented, I'm sorry but that's a complete insult. Big E is just as talented as Cesaro, both are impressively strong with incredible movesets, while I give Big E the slight advantage in terms of explosiveness. But Big E has been reduced to grade a jobber while Cesaro is getting pushed to high heaven. So I have to disagree, it's clearly showing up as a race issue, and it's even more noticeable when looking at the upcoming smackdown results.

You did not just say Big E is just as talented as Cesaro.... No it's just not that close. And honestly even so. I don't see where Big E has been reduced to a jobber. But if you want to cry racism every time a black guy isn't getting pushed I suppose you can.

Here's the thing, there isn't a black wrestler in WWE that is as over as Cena, Bryan, the Shield, Evolution, or most of the top level guys.
I was just pulling a random "study" off the internet because, as I said, studies can be used to prove anything and everything and, thus, aren't really relevant because of this fact.

I'll give you Xavier Woods though, he was dead in the water from the off because he was lumped in with R Truth who, if we're being honest, had his real career peak back in TNA (and it was clear then he couldn't carry the main event end of things behind the mike).

It's been said before that Henry is like Jericho. He might lose a lot more than he wins, but he's still seen as a big deal and thus, someone beating him/beating him up, means something. Surely that's a sign of the respect the WWE have for Henry if anything?

And I don't know anything about the issues of the black community because I'm not one of them? I'll admit I can't speak to how black people feel but, having a fair few black friends, and having seen some of the nastiest sides of racism involved in sports (recent examples being the pathetic UEFA fine for a banana being thrown at a Barcelona player and the shambles that is Eastern European racism in general) I'd say I've got quite a good handle on a major world organisation (that pisses over WWE in terms of size and scope) encouraging the mistreatment of minority groups.

Getting back on target though, can you really name a black wrestler that should be pushed towards the main event picture? Or even shows glimpses of signs they could ever reach there? It's slim pickings at best, but it's a helluva lot better than the Indian wrestlers have.

It depend on the studies, the article I posted was just one of the many studies illustrated by the lack of self confidence in the black community, primarily compounded by the media such as the WWE, another example would be the paper doll test.

(CNN) -- A white child looks at a picture of a black child and says she's bad because she's black. A black child says a white child is ugly because he's white. A white child says a black child is dumb because she has dark skin.
This isn't a schoolyard fight that takes a racial turn, not a vestige of the "Jim Crow" South; these are American schoolchildren in 2010.
Nearly 60 years after American schools were desegregated by the landmark Brown v. Board of Education ruling, and more than a year after the election of the country's first black president, white children have an overwhelming white bias, and black children also have a bias toward white, according to a new study commissioned by CNN.

Renowned child psychologist and University of Chicago professor Margaret Beale Spencer, a leading researcher in the field of child development, was hired as a consultant by CNN. She designed the pilot study and used a team of three psychologists to implement it: two testers to execute the study and a statistician to help analyze the results.
Her team tested 133 children from schools that met very specific economic and demographic requirements. In total, eight schools participated: four in the greater New York City area and four in Georgia.

Full coverage: Kids on Race
Video: 'Show me the dumb child' Video: 'Don't really care' about color
Racial Issues
Child Development
In each school, the psychologists tested children from two age groups: 4 to 5 and 9 to 10.
Since this is a pilot study and not a fully funded scientific study, the sample size and race selection were limited. But according to Spencer, it was satisfactory to yield conclusive results. A pilot study is normally the first step in creating a larger scientific study and often speaks to overall trends that require more research.

Full doll study results
Spencer's test aimed to re-create the landmark Doll Test from the 1940s. Those tests, conducted by psychologists Kenneth and Mamie Clark, were designed to measure how segregation affected African-American children.
The Clarks asked black children to choose between a white doll and -- because at the time, no brown dolls were available -- a white doll painted brown. They asked black children a series of questions and found they overwhelmingly preferred white over brown. The study and its conclusions were used in the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education case, which led to the desegregation of American schools.
1947 Doll Test results

In the new study, Spencer's researchers asked the younger children a series of questions and had them answer by pointing to one of five cartoon pictures that varied in skin color from light to dark. The older children were asked the same questions using the same cartoon pictures, and were then asked a series of questions about a color bar chart that showed light to dark skin tones.
The tests showed that white children, as a whole, responded with a high rate of what researchers call "white bias," identifying the color of their own skin with positive attributes and darker skin with negative attributes. Spencer said even black children, as a whole, have some bias toward whiteness, but far less than white children.

"All kids on the one hand are exposed to the stereotypes" she said. "What's really significant here is that white children are learning or maintaining those stereotypes much more strongly than the African-American children. Therefore, the white youngsters are even more stereotypic in their responses concerning attitudes, beliefs and attitudes and preferences than the African-American children."
Spencer says this may be happening because "parents of color in particular had the extra burden of helping to function as an interpretative wedge for their children. Parents have to reframe what children experience ... and the fact that white children and families don't have to engage in that level of parenting, I think, does suggest a level of entitlement. You can spend more time on spelling, math and reading, because you don't have that extra task of basically reframing messages that children get from society."
iReport: Where do we go from here?

Spencer was also surprised that children's ideas about race, for the most part, don't evolve as they get older. The study showed that children's ideas about race change little from age 5 to age 10.

"The fact that there were no differences between younger children, who are very spontaneous because of where they are developmentally, versus older children, who are more thoughtful, given where they are in their thinking, I was a little surprised that we did not find differences."
Spencer said the study points to major trends but is not the definitive word on children and race. It does lead her to conclude that even in 2010, "we are still living in a society where dark things are devalued and white things are valued."


I can post more videos, articles up the wazoo all explaining the exact same issue, the damagine of the black children due to either lack of representation of lack of importance seen within the media, which now the WWE can clearly be seen as guilty of. Lord knows if I had a child, there's no way I would allow him to watch the WWE now.

Now in regards to being pushed to the main event stage, the main two choices I would go with would be Big E and Kofi. They both have their flaws, (Kofi's horrible mic skills and Big E needing of varied move set) but they have the best chances to reaching the top, Big E more so than Kofi as Big E is much more comfortable behind the mike and is completely hilarious on instagram and twitter.

But my main concern isn't with someone being pushed to the main spot. That can happen in time. My primary gripe is that every black wrestler is currently being used as enhancement talent aka jobber, every single one. Almost no one is winning matches. Even worse, is the amount of acceptance that's going with these wrestlers being sent to jobberville.

I mean people were absolutely livid when bray loss against john cena, saying it's the beginning of the end of bray and he's being buried, and that's just losing one match. One match and he was going to magically become a jobber. People have complaining about the treatment ziggler is getting, as well as sandow, and rightfully so, they have been sent to jobberville sadly too and they are much better than that. But for some reason, that same outrage can't be express to any black wrestler, whose not only in the same boat as ziggler and sandow, but are just as talented. That's a secondary issue for me but still a issue. Hell, people are more upset about drew being a jobber than any black wrestler. I just wish that same empathy towards their white brethern could be showed towards black wrestlers. I can definitely say the treatment that ziggler and sandow is getting is atrocious, and I'm black.
I can post more videos, articles up the wazoo all explaining the exact same issue, the damagine of the black children due to either lack of representation of lack of importance seen within the media, which now the WWE can clearly be seen as guilty of.

How about the damaging of black children due to a lack of FATHER in the home. Where are those studies?

The percentage of single black women w/ children, w/ the father nowhere to be found, is a DISGRACE.

Maybe black children wouldn't be so negatively influenced by the "lack of representation in the media" if they had someone else to look up to other than fictional characters, rappers, and athletes. Like the man who fathered them.

It's not the WWE's job to make sure all black children feel better.
Again, all your points are very valid. However, again, i go back to what i was saying before. People were livid over Cena beating Wyatt at WM was because it was supercena all over aggain and the crowd is very much behiind Wyatt. Not many people are behind the black wrestlers. This is why people just dont really care about any match involving people like R-Truth because hes pretty boring.
I dontt care if some black wrestlers are going to be jobbers. if that is where they belong, then so be it. Ill make it very clear: I DONT CARE WHAT COLOR THEY ARE -HELL THEY CAN BE GREEN AND PURPLE FOR ALL I CARE- I CARE ABOUT THEIR TALENT IN THE RING!

This is not a race thing at all, its a metter of talent and crowd connectivity. PERIOD.
How about the damaging of black children due to a lack of FATHER in the home. Where are those studies?

The percentage of single black women w/ children, w/ the father nowhere to be found, is a DISGRACE.

Maybe black children wouldn't be so negatively influenced by the "lack of representation in the media" if they had someone else to look up to other than fictional characters, rappers, and athletes. Like the man who fathered them.

It's not the WWE's job to make sure all black children feel better.

Sounds like someone who knows nothing about the black community. Stop pretending like you know anything, true there are single black women with children, but the divorce rate within America to begin with is over 50%, so of course you are going to have people of all ethnicities having single mothers, and yes studies shows that the media influence families even WITH 2 party homes. The doll test on youtube had children who primarily came from 2 family member homes, and they still contain the exact same bias.

So again, stop pretending like you know what goes on with the black community, when you clearly don't.
Now in regards to being pushed to the main event stage, the main two choices I would go with would be Big E and Kofi. They both have their flaws, (Kofi's horrible mic skills and Big E needing of varied move set) but they have the best chances to reaching the top, Big E more so than Kofi as Big E is much more comfortable behind the mike and is completely hilarious on instagram and twitter.
So wait the WWE should go out of their way to push talent to the ME just because they are black? I think that's more racist than actually letting their talent decide who gets the push. But let's talk Cesaro for a moment, Cesaro got over in the "Real Americans" which was meant to be a joke gimmick about the tea party. He got over while basically being made into a jobber. It was hist talent that made people start cheering for him. Cesaro got over despite his gimmick unlike Big E who was pushed pretty heavy at first, he's managed to garner a following.

But my main concern isn't with someone being pushed to the main spot. That can happen in time. My primary gripe is that every black wrestler is currently being used as enhancement talent aka jobber, every single one. Almost no one is winning matches. Even worse, is the amount of acceptance that's going with these wrestlers being sent to jobberville.
Big E just dropped the IC title, it's not like the dude's a joke. Eventually he was going to have to lose the belt. It might lead to him getting a better push.

I mean people were absolutely livid when bray loss against john cena, saying it's the beginning of the end of bray and he's being buried, and that's just losing one match. One match and he was going to magically become a jobber. People have complaining about the treatment ziggler is getting, as well as sandow, and rightfully so,
Bray Wyatt might be the most charismatic guy in wrestling today. People cry about most of the wrestlers around, they just haven't got to Big E yet because it's been what less than week since losing the IC title.

they have been sent to jobberville sadly too and they are much better than that. But for some reason, that same outrage can't be express to any black wrestler, whose not only in the same boat as ziggler and sandow, but are just as talented. That's a secondary issue for me but still a issue. Hell, people are more upset about drew being a jobber than any black wrestler. I just wish that same empathy towards their white brethern could be showed towards black wrestlers. I can definitely say the treatment that ziggler and sandow is getting is atrocious, and I'm black.

I don't like Ziggler and I don't like Sandow, fact is that Big E isn't a jobber, he just lost the belt. And he's the only black wrestler I could see making it as a true star right now.
Again, all your points are very valid. However, again, i go back to what i was saying before. People were livid over Cena beating Wyatt at WM was because it was supercena all over aggain and the crowd is very much behiind Wyatt. Not many people are behind the black wrestlers. This is why people just dont really care about any match involving people like R-Truth because hes pretty boring.
I dontt care if some black wrestlers are going to be jobbers. if that is where they belong, then so be it. Ill make it very clear: I DONT CARE WHAT COLOR THEY ARE -HELL THEY CAN BE GREEN AND PURPLE FOR ALL I CARE- I CARE ABOUT THEIR TALENT IN THE RING!

This is not a race thing at all, its a metter of talent and crowd connectivity. PERIOD.

But c'mon now, one match though? That's the thing, I can understand a little bit of frustration if Wyatt was pulling off a Big E where he was stuck on main event and superstar almost every week and than loss. But he didn't, he was build creatively to holy hell, but one match and good lord all hell broke loose lmao, It was unbelievable. That's the mind boggling thing. Like I said, I don't mind if some of them become jobbers, that's inevitable and there should be a balance somewhat (even though technically I don't think anyone should be jobber, they should at least be somewhat competitive) my issue is when they turned everyone a jobber, including those that don't deserve to be there like Big E, Kofi, Mark Henry, and maybe Titus.
But c'mon now, one match though? That's the thing, I can understand a little bit of frustration if Wyatt was pulling off a Big E where he was stuck on main event and superstar almost every week and than loss. But he didn't, he was build creatively to holy hell, but one match and good lord all hell broke loose lmao, It was unbelievable. That's the mind boggling thing. Like I said, I don't mind if some of them become jobbers, that's inevitable and there should be a balance somewhat (even though technically I don't think anyone should be jobber, they should at least be somewhat competitive) my issue is when they turned everyone a jobber, including those that don't deserve to be there like Big E, Kofi, Mark Henry, and maybe Titus.

It wasn't like that, it was totally about Cena "burying" him. It was more about Cena than Bray. i remember people complaining when henry lost to Cena as well because of the build.
Angels, how do you feel about Asians in WWE then?

We've never even had an Asian Intercontinental Champion, let alone a world title.

I'm not attempting to derail your thread, just want to get a perspective on what you think of other non-black workers.
(I haven't read the other posts I'm just commenting raw on this). I'm African American and I've been watching wrestling since the 70's and the WWE product since the beginnings of Hulkamania in the 80's.

I think WWE's treatment of Black wrestlers has definitely improved over the years. Wrestling in general and the WWE specifically has had a history of stereotypical Black wrestlers. To name a few - Kimmala the Ugandan Giant and Abdullah the Butcher (neither were from Africa) as African savages, the Soul Man Rocky Johnson, the Godfather as a pimp caricature, Ron Simmons as Faroq Asaad, the Nation of Domination as angry Black men, and most recently R-truth as a rapper and even Camron/Naomi twerking while dancing and even Kofi Kingston as a West African (remember when HHH once asked him, where's your accent?). In my opinion, the bad stereotypes were extremely exaggerated and I think those stick out in people's minds.

On the other side you have the Rock who is one of their biggest stars of all time and used the WWE platform to catapult himself into true stardom. some will argue that his race was played down. I look at it as they didn't need to play it up, but I understand the argument. Mark Henry has also been on the better side of things, especially given his frequent injury absences.

Speaking on today's state, for the most part the WWE has stayed away from stereotypes although we still have a few things, more subtle now, that make me shake my head. Darren Young with an afro pick comes to mind (afros are still part of current African American culture but walking around with picks vanished in the early 80's). In terms of how they are treated career wise, all of the African Americans in today's roster Rock excluded are languishing in the mid card. Is that racist? Given that there are Whites and other nationalities also floundering in the mid card, I don't think so.

I think as African Americans we're always cautious and concerned given the history (and even current history, see Donald Sterling). But racist isn't the very first thing I think of for WWE. Things could be better but they aren't the worst.
Angels, how do you feel about Asians in WWE then?

We've never even had an Asian Intercontinental Champion, let alone a world title.

I'm not attempting to derail your thread, just want to get a perspective on what you think of other non-black workers.

I must ask the same thing. As so someone of asian ethnicity I find it strange that the only asian world champion in wwe history isn't officially recognized but am I mad? No! Because I know it's a personal hook to a wrestler and not just a racial one. Do I want yoshi tatsu to succeed? Yes. But not if he ruins the product. Also using your link provided earlier it shows that big e beat Titus just a few days ago.
But racist isn't the very first thing I think of for WWE. Things could be better but they aren't the worst.

That was my opinion when I initially jumped on this thread 7 pages ago. But unfortunately I was labeled as playing the "race card".
It is sad that the "they aren't the worst" part of that sentence is presented to me with the intent that THAT should be enough.
And not one person who has presented an opposing view to Angels is anyway EVER admitted the "things could be better" part.
It is a shame that even at the most basic of levels, non-blacks can admit that they would like to see things improve for black talent. Everyone's opinions are "you had your guy (Rock), now get over it..."

Personally I wish things could be slightly better, but since this topic only shows up once every 4 years or so...I know they can't be.

For those who say we (blacks) want WWE to megapush (Champion) someone who doesn't deserve it because they're black...no. We're saying if WWE can do it to non-black talent WHY CAN'T they do the same to black talent...that's all.
For my fellow Asians out there...I understand your plight also, and I would champion your cause in the same manner. But I can not raise your banner until mine is flying high.

And the stereotypical response: You should be happy that Yoshi Tatsu isn't spitting green mist and get over it!
Completely agree with the title of this thread. Thank you WWE for your treatment of black wrestlers. They are exactly where they should be. Not near any white mans Championship.
Everyone's opinions are "you had your guy (Rock), now get over it..."

For those who say we (blacks) want WWE to megapush (Champion) someone who doesn't deserve it because they're black...no. We're saying if WWE can do it to non-black talent WHY CAN'T they do the same to black talent...that's all.

That wasn't my opinion at all. My opinion is that blacks are lucky to have so many wrestlers to look up to when other races don't. Matter of fact I didn't say one damn thing about The Rock. Don't lump everyone together.

The nephew that lives with me is mixed and is at an age where he has become very aware of his skin color in a town full of white people. When we play video games he mentions that there are people his color in them. I'm glad he has plenty of wrestlers and athletes to look up to that are his color as he puts it.

Now think about Asian kids and other races who don't have the same number of their race to look up to. Asians have Yoshi Tatsu and when is the last time he has been on Raw?

That's the thing that bugs me so much about this thread. Because it's 9 times out of 10 a black person ripping on WWE for being racist. When in actuality black people do get pushed at times. There's black people in the WWE Hall of Fame.

For your second comment name on black person on the roster who is in a position to be the World Heavyweight champion right now.

Big E isn't there yet. Mark Henry got a run with the World title and is injury prone now. Titus O'Neil isn't over enough. JTG is a Superstars mainstay. Darren Young isn't over enough. R Truth is regressing in popularity. Xavier Woods hasn't established himself yet. David Otunga is still off I think and he's not good enough to put the belt on. Kofi is solid in the ring but not a main event player.

Then you have the Divas two of which have been on t.v. regularly chasing the title and one who just had a title shot.

Who do you want them to put the World Heavyweight Title on?

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