WWE RAW & Tough Enough LD 5/30/2011 - Getting All Riled Up

Despite his protestations, Patrick Doyle has to be crazy. A 3 topping pizza for $7.99? Get outta here!
He beat Kofi 2 weeks ago..

He did? I must have missed that. I knew every time I've saw him he's lost. For about 2 or 3 months now. I guess he can only go over on guys who are used to losing too. Kofi's been losing and so has Rey, so i guess if they keep facing each other then maybe they'll all have more wins.
Jeremiah is most likely gonna be on Raw next month. I wonder if TE is gonna try to do what Nexus did when they came in. Have the winner bring everyone else who lost with him.

Before you typed this, did you think about how stupid it would sound? Like that idea sucks. I swear, if I ever have to see half of those failure from Tough Enough again...like the Final 3, Martin, and maybe Iva and Christina are the only ones I'd want to see again.
I wonder if Truth will debut his new music tonight. Or are they waiting for a PPV.

I don't know how to spell this out any more. It is evidently part of his gimmick to not have music. It's something different ... to make the character more interesting. Get it?

Longer than any TNA match on the show where "Wrestling Matter's."

And they've all been like that. Even the divas tag match was given some time. I think WWE is making a statement for their critics
Be prepared to kiss "Monster Heel Kharma" goodbye. The character might just die tonight.
Her voice actually doesn't match her. But damn, she's actually pretty good on the stick!

And LULZ, JR say someone is too fat:lmao:
Before you typed this, did you think about how stupid it would sound? Like that idea sucks. I swear, if I ever have to see half of those failure from Tough Enough again...like the Final 3, Martin, and maybe Iva and Christina are the only ones I'd want to see again.

Yeah, but the same could be said for NXT. Now where are most of them? Being repackaged, or being crappy sidekicks.

Wow, Kharma is talking about being picked on for being fat? Is this not the WWE pushing the "no bullying" role that they are taking.
Isn't she a member of the "Voices Don't Match Appearances" club, along with Chyna, Anderson Silva, etc?

Bobby Lashley was the epitome of this.

Good promo by Kia Stevens, the person, not Kharma the character here. I like it. Say goodbye to her monster character, but it's still a good promo.

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