WWE RAW & Tough Enough LD 5/30/2011 - Getting All Riled Up

CM Punk deserves a "Rated R Edge"-esque era where he just runs the entire goddamned show for months on end.
An ad break already? Jesus Christ, America, you got problems.

I just realised Rey is wearing Nexus colours. Coincidence? I think not.
does anyone else think that Mason Ryans "symbol" looks like crap? It looks like something somebody made on there pc using "Paint". Not Photoshop, but paint.
Punk puts on great matches period. Interesting fact about Durbin from Idol too, even though I hate Idol.
Cole constantly talks as if there's an ad break coming up. I suppose because there is constantly an ad break coming up.
I'm bitter about people holding up signs that have nothing to do with wrestling, just so they can say DERP MY SIGN WAS ON TV.

Because I had to sit behind one of those morons one time.

That "CONGRATULATIONS TO HERP AND DERPINA - JUST MARRIED" sign is catching my attention and getting me mad.

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