WWE Raw Live Discussion Thread (3/11/13)

Ok, I'm glad they actually got around insulting Bearer and made it about Taker instead.

Agreed. They handled that well, I don't even think it was disrespectful really.

Oh come on WWE wouldn't it make more sense to put Reigns against Show 1 on 1? None the less looking forward to Seth's first 1 on 1 match hopefully it's not a squash match until Ambrose & Reigns cause a DQ like I think it'll be.
Anyone who complains about a storyline going to far when this is a scripted show should seriously consider stop watching then because I'm tired of hearing it. Don't watch it if you have a problem with it. Simple as that.
Last time we saw Alex Riley he got knocked out by Big Show, and now he gets thrown by Kane. Poor guy just can't catch a break.
I dont have any problem with it, but I can totally see how its a thing to complain about! More so than the Lawler deal anyway. But Bearers death has been used before!

Kanes gna need some major hugging tonight!
Taker looked legit sad. I'm sure he actually is.

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Bearer wasn't just his former manager, they were legit friends. He lost a long time friend. Sometimes that gets lost in the entertainment, that these wrestlers form friendships.
Nice to see a little bit of intensity back in Kane. Punk got some nice heat for that interruption... Not sure why anyone would get upset over him interrupting that, William Moody was a great performer, and would have probably appreciated it.
The first ten minutes went perfectly. Punk is gonna be remembered as one of the best heels when he's done. Taker got his tribute in, and nobody should be offended by it. It was a good ten minutes on an entertainment show.
The first ten minutes went perfectly. Punk is gonna be remembered as one of the best heels when he's done. Taker got his tribute in, and nobody should be offended by it. It was a good ten minutes on an entertainment show.

Amen to that

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